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Date 2023-03-20

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The Time Machine, by H.G. Wells is a science fiction novel that dwells into themes of societal differences, utopia and
dystopia, love and intelligence , evolution, and human nature. The novel follows the story of a man referred to as the time
traveler who upon his curiosity for science develops a machine that allows him to travel through time and space. Traveling
to the future, he encounters a world completely poles apart from his own, leading him to ponder upon the meaning of
human existence. The novel continues to be relevant today for it eternal themes along with its ability to capture
imaginations of readers while serving as a vigilant caution about potential pitfalls of scientific advancement to humans and
The most evident theme of The Time Machine is the idea of differences in class . The time-travelled society is described as
highly hierarchical in two, with the Eloi being an upper soft yet stupid, childlike species living lazily on the surface, while the
under-the-land living race of the over-worked, invisible, uneducated Morlocks are put down to work in the dark and
provide goods for production. The time traveler first sees the Eloi as the ultimate evolution of humanity, but soon realizes
that they live in a kind of paradise, while the Morlocks are forced to work endlessly. The novel highlights the dangers of
extreme social inequality with both the Eloi and Morlocks never having a direct conversation with each other with one
feeding on the other for survival.The Time Traveler's Moral Dilemma is a critique of the capitalist system, highlighting the
inherent exploitation of labor and the dangers of unfettered class privilege. Even today as we see that globally one percent
of entire population owns fifty four percent of total wealth. That minor segment of the population is deemed as superior
and power rests with them to the extent of controlling the life’s of the remaining ninety nine percent of population.
The upper class tend to be lazy, indecisive, soft because of the experiences they have encountered in earlier phases of their
life’s with living life of luxury and ravishment . On the other hand majority of people have to earn their right and fight for
the survival , better future and full-filling their bellies to the extent they sometimes are invisible to be seen in context of the
upper class. Major control for the propaganda of society and future lies with the wealthy and prosper upper class who see
the majority as violent coming-to-snatch their life kind of people thus terming them as negative and low lying different

We often associate the word evolution as something positive and afresh. Something progressing.As the time traveler
travels deeper into the future, he is astounded and disturbed to see what the human and natural world have become .
Evolution is not necessarily a linear or gradual process. There are inherent dangers in the pursuit of perfection. For
example, the Eloi were made weak by their laziness and lack of intellectual yearning, while the Morlocks were made brutal
by their poor living conditions they had to sustain themselves in. One must change with time. The only constant in the
world is but change itself. The present living class must not let the search for betterment of their own life’s lead to
unintended repercussions for the downfall of humanity. The time traveller finds that advancement of civilisations weakened
the creatures named Eloi. The Eloi lived where there was privilege and no harm, fear and risk. This lead to them being soft,
frail and ignorant though they have perfect deemed life to live. On the other hand the ones who hunted for their life the
Morlocks tend to become white because of them living continuously under the land avoiding sun. They are over worked

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and struggle for their visibility on land and attack anyone who comes in their territory. Ape-like they eat Eloi as their food,
though Eloi do not risk as if they do so they fear they might be captured and taken.
Life’s most persistent question is what are you doing for others . This is what we dwell with as per this moment and time
being . To help and serve others is one the traits which makes us humans. The time traveler contemplates the future, he
begins to wonder what it means to be human. He realizes that the differences between Eloi and Morlock are not only
based on physicality , but also cultural and psychological aspects are highlighted. For example, Eloi loses the ability of logic
and to reason and think critically due to them being idle, while Morlocks lose compassion and empathy in pursuit of their
grind. This poles apart nature is what create this divide and attitude for life in minding only for oneself.The novel implies
that human nature is not a fixed concept, but is constantly evolving and changing. The time traveler's journey through time
is a metaphor for this process, highlighting the fragility and transience of human existence. The ideas of equality, fixed
working hours from none to five are some of the ideas from communism which are adapted today but put in jeopardy
when the big fish tries to eat or capture a smaller fish. Another important theme of the novel
is time itself. We often refer to time as a 4th dimension ; length ,breadth and width being the first three. The time traveler's
machine allows him to travel through time and space, witnessing the evolution of humanity into two classes of Eloi and
Morlocks, but also highlights the limits of human perception. With the lever being forward, one can reach the future while
putting the lever backward one goes in the past.The novel highlights that time is a relative concept, and our understanding
of it depends on our experiences and perspectives from which part of time and place we belong to. The time travellers
conclusions are based on the understanding of early industrial revolution period of England.

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