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The Indian way: Strategy for an uncertain world written by

S. Jaishankar, the current Union Minister of external affairs is a book that
covers the emerging global orders, the rise of China, US-China relations,
aftermath of corona pandemic, and the challenges, opportunities and
evolution of Indian foreign policy in an ever evolving global order.

It highlights how sharper competitiveness should be expected as

the driving force of today’s world and therefore it is important for India to
handle it adroitly when approaching it from the perspective of our own

India’s rise has been slower and will now have to navigate difficult waters.
We have entered a turbulent phase where a new kind of politics is being
fashioned. The issue is not whether India will continue rising; that vector is
reasonably assured. The question is how to do so optimally in an era of
greater uncertainty. Developing the mindset to not only respond but
actually leverage that is what could define the new India.


The emerging global order, the shifting priorities of the US, the rise of
China and its attendant consequences, the Indo-Pacific dynamic,
nationalism and its discontents, the Mahabharata as a prism to evaluate
Indian strategy and the post covid-19 international realities are the
highlights of the book. A few themes that are salient across various sections
are an important indicator of changing Indian foreign policy.

Nevertheless, he has a strong belief that India will continue to rise.

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