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Escuela Vocacional Benjamin Harrison

Cayey, Puerto Rico

Lost point

Jeviel Cartagena López

English class
Title: Lost point

Why does trouble always follow me around? Do I have a “kick me” sign on my back or

something? I can’t seem to get anything right! Sometimes being alone is the only thing that

helps me feel normal. As I walk down the path that takes you to the woods I ask myself why did

I agree to come to this summer camp! I knew from the beginning that it would not go so well.

But deep down I knew that I wanted it to go different from everything else. I’m not the popular

kid, well I may be popular but only for one thing; messing everything up! The kids at my school

never saw me as one of them and they certainly didn’t treat me like one. I was so tired of being

the weird kid, I need to go for a bike ride to get things of my mind. When my school counselor

told me I could bring my bike I was surprised, even though I know that maybe he asked because

he knew that it would convince me to come. As I battled with my thoughts I got on my bike and

headed towards the woods. My head was spinning because of how my thoughts just took over

me and as soon as I realized that I was going to fast that I needed to slow down something hit me

from the side. All I remember was the spinning sensation from my head actually taking over my

whole body.

As I slowly opened my eyes I felt as if my head wanted to explode now. A purple and black

sky was all I could see, when I jerked my head to the side seeing purple and black trees I felt my

head spinning once again. “Where am I?” i asked myself out loud, “Well it’s called lost point” I

heard someone say. When I jerked my head towards the other side I got up so fast and debated on

wether I should run or not. “I’m guessing your not from here” the girl with white hair and red
eyes says. A girl with white hair and red eyes, “why am I not running” I asked myself. “Lost

point?” I asked out loud “how did I get here” i blurted out quickly. “Well kid it sounds to me as if

your lost which is kind of funny because of the name of the place but if I were you I would

follow me because since you seem to not be from here I’m pretty sure your not ready for what’s

headed our way” she says. “What’s headed our way” I say looking around when I suddenly spot

a huge brown spider heading our way. My head starts spinning again and I’m stuck where I’m

standing, “RUNNNN” she says as she pulls me by my arm. As I’m running I notice the mud is

black and this girl that I’m running after has a huge sword on her back. “I must be dreaming” I

tell myself or so I thought I did because she responds and says “ well I wish I was dreaming right

about now but this is the biggest one I’ve seen, I should have never petted her baby.” “ I’m

guessing she can now follow my scent because it’s impossible how fast she found me” I stare at

her astonished as we stop to catch our breath, if I’m dreaming this is the most strange and cutest

girl I’ve ever seen. “We must head to uncle bens home, he can help me figure out how to loose it

and I’m guessing he can help you out too” she says interrupting my thoughts. “Okay yeah sure” I

answer still in my shocked state, “What’s your name?”I asked. “I was wondering if you had any

kind of manners she said as she laughed when she saw my face turn red. “My name is Lilith,

what’s your name red cheeks?”. “My names Adrian actually and I live in Florida” I say threating

to punch myself internally for saying where I live as if this was a first day of school class

introduction. “Oh that’s nice I’m actually from sea side lost point, I know where Florida is your a

long way from home. How did you get here? This place is kind of picky with who it lets in” she

says. “Let’s in? Okay I must really be dreaming for sure because there is no way this place is real

or even you, I mean look at your eyes. I’m not saying there’s something wrong but that’s not

normal, why are they that color!” I say catching my breath. “I’ll try to not get offended by what
you just said but im not suprised you earthers are all the same I don’t get why this place lets

other people in” she says as we walk up to a white fence, I don’t see a house or anything like it

but as soon as she opens the fence the house suddenly appears. It looks like a normal house

windows a big door plants on the porch, “How come this house looks so normal” I say ignoring

what she had just said. “Now you know why it lets people in Lilith, they have a pure heart and a

hidden talent” a man with a black suit and red hair says as he walks up to us. “Hello my name is

Ben, I’ve been waiting for you Adrian” he says “for me sir? and how do you know my name?” I

ask confused. “ I know many things, here darling drink this it will help you loose beck but next

time keep your hands to yourself Lilith! And this is for you” he says handing me a compass. “It

will lead you home but it will also teach you who you really are Adrian, keep an open mind!”.

After Lilith had a private conversation whit her uncle she made her way towards me

fumigating me with her eyes. I guess it was because she had to make sure I found my way home,

“ I can find my way home myself” I say. “Oh no you don’t” she says standing I front of me,” if

something happens to you uncle will take aways my ground investigation privileges and I know

you don’t understand that but just bare with me and let me help you!”. “ Fine but can we move

fast they must be looking for me already” I say knowing that they probably hadn’t even figured

out that I was gone yet. It had been almost 5 hours walking in total silence and all I could do was

stare at her, she knew where to go and what to not do. I was actually stating to admire her and

every time I looked at her red eyes it was as if they protected me. We came up a giant water fall

and when she looked at me I already knew what I had to do. “Is there no other way” I asked

“I’ve never jumped into something like this”. “It’s the only way we get through to lost points

city” she says. “ what do you mean city? There is actually more people living here?” I asked.

“Let’s gooo” she yelled as she grabbed my arm and pulled me with her, jumping into this dark
blue water about 15 to 16 feet of height. “ are you crazy” I yelled catching my breath as I swam

to the nearest rock. “You could have killed me you know” I say “ oh come on you can survive

that and many more things Adrian why are you setting up obstacles on yourself” she yells back.

“Let’s keep going and no more water falls please” I said giving up. As we head into the city I’m

suprised to see buildings and sidewalks, “this place really suprises you out of nowhere” I say.

“Are you starting to like lost point Adrian” Lilith asks with a grin on her face. “I never said that,

I’m just suprised to see modern things in such a place”. “Here you go ruining things when you

are least expected to, you really are unpredictable” she says. I ignore her and walk into a corner

store, I have not eaten and I’m pretty hungry. “No let’s go there’s no time for this we have to get

going” she says pulling me away. I get a little courage and say “how come you like grabbing me

so much” I say and suddenly I can see her blush. I don’t know why that made me smile so much,

“Oh you actually meant it” she says laughing trying to cover up the fact that I caught her. “Look

the compass is spinning” I say. When I look up I hadn’t realized that we had reached a place that

looked like a beach but had black sand, red water and a purple sky. “When did we get here?” I

asked, “ just now if you had actually paid attention you would have noticed” she says. “WATCH

OUT” I yell when I notice a huge dog like horse heading straight towards her, as soon as it’s

about to reach her it throws itself on the floor and waits for her to pet him. I’m aware my mouth

is opened but when I notice the animals eyes are actually red too my mind is blown. “How come

it has red eyes like yours?” I ask. “It’s a long story but when something is meant to belong to me

there comes a time where the eyes just turn red, that’s what I wanted to see with the spider but

not everything is meant to be mine and sometimes I forget that” she says shrugging her

shoulders. “Sometimes the things that are meant to be will find it’s way towards you, which

means that you don’t have to look for it” I say and she actually smiles. Lilith hands me a yellow
crystal, “ what’s this for?” I ask her, “We must take it inside the bright cave in order to get you


“Where is this bright cave?” I ask her, “ just this way” she says heading towards some trees. As

we pass several trees I spot a light and as we get closer I see the cave. “You must go in yourself

Adrian so I’m afraid this is as far as I go” she says looking kind of sad. “Well thank you very

much Lilith, remember they always find their way towards you” I say without even knowing

why I’m saying it. As I walk in the cave there’s a flower with a missing pedestal that looks very

much like the crystal Lilith gave me. It was amazing how all the crystals inside the cave shined.

As soon as I placed the crystal a black portal like in the movies appeared in front of me, but it

was like mirror and in the mirror I could se my eyes and the most incredible thing was that one

of my eyes was yellow but the other one was red. I could not believe what I was seeing and I

realized what Liliths uncle had said “ it will take you home Adrian but it will also teach you who

you really are” and now I understood what it meant well half of it but I was willing to stay here

forever to find out and to be near Lilith. When I walked out the cave Lilith was still standing

where I had seen her but facing the other way as soon as I saw that she took a step took a step to

leave I called her name. When she turned around I saw that same smile that had made me feel at

home earlier, when I walked up to her she hugged me and said “For the first time I thought uncle

had been wrong” she says. “I’m starting to believe he does know everything” I say smiling.

“Now let’s go see what hidden talent uncle says you have or maybe he was wrong in that” she

says laughing. “We will see about that” I say trusting that there is something special in me. “Now

what do you say we get something to eat” she smiles and I know that I will no longer want to be

going home.
Plot line synopsis

The story tells the adventure of Adrian and Lilith, two young teenagers that meet one night after

an accident. Both from two diff ent World’s and different personalities. As teenagers they both

have faced many problems, Adrian’s problems were caused by his school mates and camp mates

and Liliths were caused by mythical crataures.Throught the story they both help each other

evolve and become who they were really meant to be, Lilith helps Adrian really find who he’s

meant to be and Adrian helps Lilith understand that what is meant to be wil be. All while running

away from giant spiders and following a compass along the way of trying to find Adrians way


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