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To run LWT, you'll need:

(1) A modern web browser.

I recommend (in this order)
Safari, or
Microsoft Edge.

(2) A local web server.

An easy way to install a local web server are preconfigured packages like
EasyPHP or XAMPP (Windows), or
MAMP (macOS), or
a LAMP (Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP) server (Linux).

(3) The LWT Application.

The ZIP Archive can be downloaded here.
The installation is explained here.
▶ Features - [↑]
You define languages you want to learn.
You define the web dictionaries you want to use.
You define how sentences and words in the language will be split up.
You upload texts, and they are automatically split into sentences and words! Later re-parsing is possible.
Optional: Assign the URL of an mp3 audio file of the text (Dropbox, local server, ...) in order to listen while
reading the text.
You read the text while listening to the audio, and you see immediately the status of every word
(unknown, learning, learned, well-known, ignored).
You click on words, and you use the external dictionaries to find out their meanings.
You save words or expressions (2..9 words) with optional romanization (for asiatic languages), translations
and example sentence, you change its status, you edit them whenever needed (like in LingQ).
You test your understanding of words and expressions within or without sentence context.
MCD (Massive-Context Cloze Deletion) testing, as proposed by Khatzumoto @ AJATT, built-in!
See your progress on the statistics page.
You may export the words and expressions and use them in Anki or other programs.
You may upload words and expressions into LWT (from LingQ or other sources, CSV/TSV) - they are
immediately available in all texts!
New since Version 1.5.0: Create and edit an improved annotated text version (a hyperliteral translation as
interlinear text) for online or offline learning. Read more here.
The application is 100 % free, open source, and in the Public Domain. Do with it what you like!
Prerequisites: a local webserver (Apache, PHP, mySQL), e.g. EasyPHP or XAMPP (Windows), MAMP
(macOS), or a LAMP server (Linux).
Enjoy your language learning!

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