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Task 1 W7: "User Flows

By: Made Astrawan from Class A
Task requirements:
1. Make a themed project in Figma.
2. Based on the project you made, create the initial sketches
(wireframe) of the app by using shapes and text.
3. Create some user flows about that app.
4. Analyze the user flows by using the pros and cons of it.
5. Made a recommendation or evaluation of the user flow
according to the deisgn principle.
background theme!
Background Theme
I choose the theme for this task is a mobile app for reading
Bhagavad Gita. Bhagavad Gita is one of the bible for
Hinduism. I choose the theme because it’s quite simple and
help me to look for an anti-mainstream flow.

Furthermore, the user flows that I planned to create is a sign

in and sign up feature, read the article feature, and share an
article feature.
initial sketches
Initial Wireframe

Activation Screen

Sign in Page

Sign up Page

LINK for the file

Initial Wireframe

Main Timeline

Reading Space

Sharing an Article

LINK for the file

the user flows
LINK for the file
Analyzing the User Flow
The user flow for my initial app is quite simple. The first flow is making an account, the
second flow is reading an article, and the third flow is sharing an article. Based on those
flows, I tried to adapt the basic principle of simplicity. The simplicity aspect can be found in
the straight to the point function of the app by providing the lists of articles on the timeline.
I also adapt the simplicity principle by giving the user a form of option to read an article
without making an account first.

I also maintain the consistency of the wireframe by sticking the design with the layout grid
strictly. So, the proximity in between of the elements will be balance. Furthermore, for the
easy accessibility aspect, I provide the back and next button when a user is reading an
Recommendation and Evaluation
The recommendation for my initial wireframe and user flow is to provide another feature for
the app. I know the main intention of the app is to read a bible in a mobile phone, so user
doesn’t need to bring a gigantic book everywhere. Furthermore, that additional feature
might be a reminder clock for praying time, reminder day for the feast.

The evaluation for my initial wireframe and user flow is to make the app design more
interactive or playful. So the user won’t be bored if they read too much articles at the time.

good bye!
sampai jumpa!
au revoir!

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