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为了帮助大家更好地了解HIV,我们为您提供了一份HIV 病例研究。这个病例研究介
这个病例研究展示了HIV 病毒的传播方式、症状、诊断和治疗方法。它还提供了一些
预防HIV 的方法,帮助您保持健康。
如果您或您身边的人怀疑自己可能患有HIV ,请立即进行检测。我们强烈建议您访问
经感染了HIV ,也不要灰心,早期发现和治疗可以让您的生活更加健康和幸福。
让我们一起关注HIV ,共同为一个没有HIV的世界努力!
访问,了解更多关于HIV 的知识和预防方法,保护自己和他人的健康。
的CD4,很多HIV携带者都比我的CD4 高,要知道HIV后期转化到AIDS出现症状的界定
三周后再做抗原抗体ELISA 以及WESTERN BLOT结果。结果不算太好,但是也没有真
正确诊,心依旧悬着没法放下。 Researchers are developing drugs that work against proviruses
in an infected person, Siliciano says. “But before this work, there really wasn’t a good way to know
whether these interventions were actually doing anything.” Mortality in well controlled HIV in the
continuous antiretroviral therapy arms of the SMART and ESPRIT trials compared with the general
population. 这意味着, HIV-1的重组亚型已占所有HIV-1感染的22.8% 。 CD4-independent
infection of astrocytes by human immunodeficiency virus type 1: requirement for the human
mannose receptor. Nearly 40 million people were living with HIV in 2017, the UN says, with just
over half taking antiretroviral therapy. These drugs have cut AIDS-related deaths by more than half
since the 2004 peak, but the disease cannot be cured. A new mechanism uncovered by a Norwegian
research group could improve the chances of developing one. HIV 的英文全拼为:Human
Immunodeficiency Virus,每个单词都有明确的含义。 March 2012 (7) 在回答前,我首先说
明我最后检测的结果是我没有因为实验感染HIV ,只是在第一次检测的过程中遇见
染途径是不会感染HIV的。 Increased carotid intima-media thickness in HIV patients is
associated with increased cytomegalovirus-specific T-cell responses. Although several tests can
distinguish HIV-1 from HIV-2, only one is currently in use—the Geenius HIV-1/2 Supplemental
Assay—that is approved by the FDA as an HIV-1/HIV-2 differentiation assay.[65,66] Differentiating
HIV-1 and HIV-2 is important to avoid misclassification of HIV infection; studies have shown that
the HIV-1 Western blot was erroneously interpreted as positive for HIV-1 in 46% to 85% of
specimens from persons with HIV-2.[14] Latent infection of CD4+ T cells provides a mechanism for
lifelong persistence of HIV-1, even in patients on effective combination therapy. Privacy
Policy Terms and Conditions Accessibility Copyright © 2024 Frontline Medical Communications
Inc., 283-299 Market Street, 2 Gateway Center, 4th Floor, Newark, NJ 07102. All rights reserved.
Unauthorized use prohibited. The information provided is for educational purposes only. Use of this
Web site is subject to the medical disclaimer. Programme science research on medical male
circumcision scale-up in sub-Saharan Africa. Pregnancy testing should be performed in persons of
childbearing potential before initiation of antiretroviral therapy (AIII). 国家卫生健康委员会 July
2019 (4) 国家铁路局 These reservoirs of virus have spurred a worldwide hunt for ways to shock,
or kick the virus out of the cells where it lies dormant. 国家公园管理局 The prevalence and drug
sensitivity of tuberculosis among patients dying in hospital in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: a
postmortem study. 科研文章告诉我们:HIV-1 DNA不但和HIV-1 RNA、CD4一样,具有预测
疾病进展的效果,而且不论CD4 、RNA处于何种水平,HIV-1 DNA高的感染者均较HIV-1
DNA低的感染者发生艾滋病的风险要高出许多;并且HIV-1 DNA可不受RNA、CD4细胞
基线的影响,独立用于预测HIV-1感染的疾病进展。 早在12年前,人类就已经开始了
HIV-1 DNA的研究,发表于2005年的美国《The Journal of infectious diseases》杂志(传染病
杂志: 该杂志创刊于1904年,是美国传染病学会的机关刊物,在全球感染病同类期刊中
章研究显示:HIV-1感染早期PBMCs(外周血单个核细胞)中HIV-1 DNA水平可作为疾病
进展的唯一独立预测因素。 The following summarizes the recommendations from the Adult and
Adolescent ART Guidelines regarding the treatment of individuals with acute or recent HIV
infection (Table 2).[11] HIV-1 replication and immune dynamics are affected by raltegravir
intensification of HAART-suppressed subjects. 国家林业和草原局 Behavioral interventions to
reduce the transmission of HIV infection among sex workers and their clients in low- and middle-
income countries. In contrast to sensitivity and specificity, which refer to the diagnostic ability of a
screening test, the predictive value of a test refers to the likelihood that the test will give the correct
diagnosis.[90] Positive predictive value is the proportion of patients with a positive HIV result who
are correctly diagnosed (i.e., who actually have HIV). Negative predictive value is the proportion of
patients with negative HIV results who are correctly diagnosed (i.e., who truly do not have
HIV).[90] Because screening tests are neither 100% sensitive nor 100% specific, the predictive value
of tests is also imperfect. It is possible for a person to receive an incorrect result from a diagnostic
test (these results are termed false-negative and false-positive test results). It is important to
understand that the prevalence of a disease in a community impacts the predictive value of a given
test, and predictive values in one study or in one community do not apply to all other settings.[90]
CD4 decline and incidence of opportunistic infections in Cape Town, South Africa: implications for
prophylaxis and treatment. January 2013 (9) 省级疾控部门 May 2009 (6) In the United States,
there is only one FDA-approved point-of-care HIV-1/2 antigen-antibody test for the diagnosis of
HIV: all matters medical, and some not so medical. Select Month Past as prologue: the refractory
and evolving HIV epidemic among men who have sex with men. The HIV testing algorithm
recommended by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Association of Public Health
Laboratories (APHL), which utilizes a laboratory-based HIV-1/2 antigen-antibody immunoassay as
the initial screening test, will detect approximately 80 to 85% of persons with acute HIV
infection.[8,61,62,63] With this algorithm, persons with acute HIV typically have a positive initial
screening test with the HIV-1/2 antigen-antibody immunoassay, followed by a negative HIV-1/HIV-2
antibody differentiation immunoassay, and then a positive HIV-1 RNA test (Figure 12).[8] The
ability of this routine screening algorithm to detect most persons with acute HIV is one of the
primary reasons the CDC now advocates using this HIV testing approach for routine screening (as
opposed to starting with an antibody-only test, which was the previously used strategy).[8,51] In the
situation where the routine screening testing algorithm detects HIV, follow-up antibody testing in 3
to 6 months should be performed to document seroconversion.[11] From a practical standpoint,
routine screening for HIV infection using an HIV-1 RNA test is not practical due to cost. Long-term
control of HIV by CCR5 Delta32/Delta32 stem-cell transplantation. Will circumcision provide even
more protection from HIV to women and men? New estimates of the population impact of
circumcision interventions. 结论2:HIV DNA水平和疾病进展密切相关,可与RNA、CD4同
样作为疾病进展的重要预测因素。 中国艾滋病诊疗指南(2021年版)[J]. 中国艾滋病
性病,2021,27(11)1182-1201. DOI:10.13419/j.cnki.aids. 2021.11.02. October 2019 (4) All
content on this site: Copyright © 2024 Elsevier Ltd., its licensors, and contributors. The uncontrolled
initial burst of viremia in the acute phase typically causes very high plasma HIV RNA levels, often
greater than 200,000 copies/mL, and is associated with a surge of inflammatory cytokines.[2]
Although antibody responses against HIV are generated, the initial neutralizing antibodies have
weak neutralizing activity against primary HIV isolates and thus probably contribute very little to the
initial control of HIV.[23] The initial burst of viremia is followed by a decrease in HIV RNA levels,
predominantly as a result of a potent CD8 cytotoxic lymphocyte response targeted against
HIV.[23,24] The HIV RNA levels reach a steady state—referred to as a set point—within 3 months
after infection and, if untreated, remain at a similar level for years thereafter; the set point in men is
typically higher than in women (Figure 7).[25,26,27] In addition, higher set points are usually
associated with more rapid progression of HIV disease, if untreated. These models suggest that
despite multiple different strains of HIV interacting with mucosal surfaces, there are typically only 1
or 2 strains of HIV that catalyze the initial HIV infection. Triple antiretroviral compared with
zidovudine and single-dose nevirapine prophylaxis during pregnancy and breastfeeding for
prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV-1 (Kesho Bora study): a randomised controlled
trial. For persons with acute (or recent HIV) who are currently or have recently taken long-acting
injectable cabotegravir, the situation is more complicated. Cabotegravir has a very long half-life and
may remain at low levels for months or even years.[79] Therefore, if a person acquires HIV after
previously receiving cabotegravir, the low levels of cabotegravir may lead to the development of
integrase resistance. Clinicians still do not need to wait for the HIV drug resistance genotype test
results to return before prescribing antiretroviral therapy in this situation. The recommended regimen
in this scenario is boosted darunavir (boosted with ritonavir or cobicistat) with (tenofovir
alafenamide or tenofovir DF) plus (emtricitabine or lamivudine). The rationale for using a boosted-
protease inhibitor-based regimen is due to the possibility of integrase resistance-associated mutations
that may affect dolutegravir or bictegravir.[11] If an integrase drug resistance genotype confirms full
antiviral activity of dolutegravir or bictegravir, then the boosted-protease inhibitor-based regimen
can be changed to an integrase inhibitor-based regimen. 国务院港澳事务办公室 Discordant
responses to potent antiretroviral treatment in previously naive HIV-1-infected adults initiating
treatment in resource-constrained countries: the antiretroviral therapy in low-income countries (ART-
LINC) collaboration. HIV reservoir size and persistence are driven by T cell survival and
homeostatic proliferation. Efficacy of behavioral interventions to increase condom use and reduce
sexually transmitted infections: a meta-analysis, 1991 to 2010. 2019年2月,世界卫生组织和联
合国艾滋病规划署等组成的国际团队在国际顶尖医学期刊《柳叶刀》子刊The Lancet
Infectious Disease 杂志上发表题为: Global and regional molecular epidemiology of HIV-1,
1990-2015: a systematic review, global survey, and trend analysis 的综述论文。 The cytosolic
exonuclease TREX1 inhibits the innate immune response to human immunodeficiency virus type 1.
The destruction of HIV by endosomes and the associated inflammation may also be one reason why
patients who have been on antiretroviral treatments for decades are now beginning to develop
inflammatory diseases more commonly associated with people decades older. 检测干血斑HIV-1
DNA与检测全血HIV-1 DNA 的特异性、敏感性及稳定性相当[2] Lymphoid tissue damage in
HIV-1 infection depletes naïve T cells and limits T cell reconstitution after antiretroviral therapy.
Someone with full-blown AIDS would have almost no T cells, and they could die of any number of
different infections or diseases that wouldn’t normally afflict someone with a healthy immune
system. 自上世纪八十年代以来,艾滋病的流行已经夺去超过3400万人的生命。据世界
卫生组织(WHO)统计,据估计,2017年,全世界有3690万人感染上HIV ,其中仅59%
卫生挑战之一,因此急需深入研究HIV 的功能,以帮助研究人员开发出可以有效对抗
February 2013 (5) The virus comes back if antiretroviral therapy is stopped because HIV hides its
genetic material inside T cells that are dormant. That means there’s always the potential for more
virus to appear and wreak havoc. 常规病毒载量监测以及早发现治疗失败:在ART开始后6
个月、ART开始后12个月和此后每年获得HIV-VL(HIV viral load,HIV RNA)并审查结果进
行持续检测; 检测结果HIV-VL>1000 cp/mL或3月后检测出现HIV-VL>1000 cp/mL,需更
改ART方案 对遗传模式的分析表明,VB变异毒株在上世纪90年代初在荷兰发展起
来,到了2000年,它比其他变异毒株的传播速度更快,但自2010年以来,感染VB 的病例
一直在减少。这或许意味着,VB似乎不是一个公共卫生危机。 Saag, M. S., Gandhi, R. T.,
Hoy, J. F., Landovitz, R. J., Thompson, M. A., Sax, P. E,ed.. Antiretroviral Drugs for Treatment and
Prevention of HIV Infection in Adults.[J] JAMA.2020. NIH Research Matters One such clinical trial
in the UK, called the RIVER study, tried this approach but reported last year that the trial did not
succeed, he said. The number of labs doing this has picked up considerably since Multispot received
its new indication … nearly half of public health labs (e.g., FL, MA, IL, IA, NY) have adopted it, as
have Stroger/Cook County in Chicago, Howard University Hospital in DC, and LSU hospital system
(to name a few). California has proposed emergency regulations (expected to be effective July 2) that
will permit all labs in the state to perform the new algorithm, which their current regulation
precludes, and New York State has issued 2 public health advisories encouraging its use. 患者体内
大多数原病毒(90% ~98% )有缺陷,无法再恢复活性。较晚开始ART的患者,PCR将HIV
者,PCR 将病毒库高估了13倍,QVOA将病毒库低估了25倍。 Immune clearance of highly
pathogenic SIV infection. 世界卫生组织(WHO) Persons with acute HIV have a much higher risk
of transmitting HIV to others than when compared with persons who have chronic HIV. 陕西省疾
病预防控... 平台声明:该文观点仅代表作者本人,搜狐号系信息发布平台,搜狐仅提供
信息存储空间服务。 黑龙江省疾病预防... ART療法は、ウイルス量を理想的には検出不可
能なレベルまで減少させるために行われる。 HIV主要侵犯人体的免疫系统,包括CD4+T
险增加。 July 2022 (2) September 2016 (4) [1] Abdollahi A, Saffar H.The Diagnosis of HIV
Infection in Infants and Children[J].Iran J Pathol,2016,11(2):89-96. 此期在血液中可检测
到HIV RNA和p24抗原,CD4+T淋巴细胞计数一次性减少,CD4+/CD8+T淋巴细胞比值
倒置。部分患者可有轻度白细胞和血小板减少或肝生化指标异常。 With the increasing
use of oral HIV PrEP (tenofovir DF-emtricitabine, tenofovir alafenamide-emtricitabine) and
injectable HIV PrEP (long-acting cabotegravir), some individuals will have a diagnosis of acute or
early HIV infection in the setting of currently (or recently) taking HIV PrEP. In this situation, the
individual with a new HIV infection may have acquired drug-resistant HIV. Thus, it is essential that
a blood sample for genotypic drug resistance testing is collected prior to starting the full antiretroviral
treatment regimen. If the person was receiving injectable cabotegravir, then an integrase drug
resistance genotype test should also be obtained prior to starting therapy. While awaiting resistance
testing results, the following regimens are recommended in the Adult and Adolescent ART
Guidelines for the treatment of acute (or recent) HIV, based on whether the person had received oral
HIV PrEP or long-acting injectable cabotegravir.[11] February 2010 (7) 而在横断面研究中,暴
据时,可以根据研究对象的患病或暴露情况自然产生患病组/非患病组、暴露组/ 非暴露
组,并进行互相比较,但是无法推断结局与暴露之间的因果关联。 HIV感染者和艾滋
染性; 艾滋病人通常指艾滋病感染发展到晚期,由于免疫系统缺失使得机体发生了各
种机会性感染和恶性肿瘤等一系列症状的病人。The spectrum of engagement in HIV care
and its relevance to test-and-treat strategies for prevention of HIV infection. Impact of improved
treatment of sexually transmitted diseases on HIV infection in rural Tanzania: randomised controlled
trial. a Early infection represents either acute or recent infection One reason this is surprising is that T
cells are part of our immune system called the “adaptive” immune system, which responds to specific
infectious substances over time. Viral load and heterosexual transmission of human
immunodeficiency virus type 1.
HIV cure and eradication: how will we get from the laboratory to effective clinical trials?. The HIV-
1 Western blot has been largely replaced by more sensitive and specific HIV diagnostic tests. When
used, the HIV-1 Western blot can detect human antibodies that react to HIV-1 proteins that originate
from three HIV-1 gene regions: env (gp41, gp120/160), pol (p31, p51, p66), and gag (p15, p17, p24,
p55) (Figure 10).[73] The HIV Western blot typically becomes positive after about 5 to 6 weeks
following initial HIV infection; as more protein bands become detectable, the Western blot typically
evolves from a pattern of negative, then indeterminate, then positive.[73] Antiretroviral prophylaxis
for HIV infection in injecting drug users in Bangkok, Thailand (the Bangkok Tenofovir Study): a
randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 3 trial. November 2014 (3) 青岛市疾病预
防控... Pregnancy testing should be performed in persons of childbearing potential before initiation
of antiretroviral therapy (AIII). 欧盟委员会卫生与消费者保护总局 August 2020 (5) Efficacy
and safety of an extended nevirapine regimen in infant children of breastfeeding mothers with HIV-
1 infection for prevention of postnatal HIV-1 transmission (HPTN 046): a randomised, double-blind,
placebo-controlled trial. Copyright 2017-2021 @ UI Group. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. CD4
decline and incidence of opportunistic infections in Cape Town, South Africa: implications for
prophylaxis and treatment. Now, thanks to CDC, we have some concrete data about how useful this
new testing strategy can be — in particular for those with recently acquired HIV. A screening
program in an Arizona emergency department identified 37 individuals with undiagnosed with HIV,
and twelve of them — nearly a third — had acute HIV that otherwise would have been missed by the
Western blot. June 2021 (2) 時々、あなたが感染していてもHIVは ELISAテストに
分な抗体を産生していない場合に起こり得る。 文中:CD4单位为:cells/μl,HIV RNA 单位
为:copies/106PBMCs,HIV DNA 单位为:copies/106PBMCs Virus 代表的是病毒,HIV 病毒
进入人体后,会不断以自身遗传物质(单链 RNA)为模板,并完全依赖宿主身上的能
量和物质不断的通过“ 逆转录”过程复制自身。HIV 病毒在外界环境中的生存能力较
弱,离开了人体,HIV 病毒会在短时间内迅速失活。 Copyright © 2024 American Chemical
Society 国家机关事务管理局 美国农业部食品安全监督服务局 Boosted darunavir with
(tenofovir alafenamide or tenofovir DF)b plus (emtricitabine or lamivudine). 厦门市疾病预防控...
HIV infection and the risk of acute myocardial infarction. Randomized, controlled intervention trial
of male circumcision for reduction of HIV infection risk: the ANRS 1265 Trial. 国家医疗保障
局 An ongoing dialogue on HIV/AIDS, infectious diseases, 国家林业和草原局 [7] Assoumou L,
Weiss L, Piketty C,et al.A low HIV-DNA level in peripheral blood mononuclear cells at antiretroviral
treatment interruption predicts a higher probability of maintaining viral
Uptake of home-based voluntary HIV testing in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review and meta-
analysis. Carotid intima-media thickness progression in HIV-infected adults occurs preferentially at
the carotid bifurcation and is predicted by inflammation. 時々、あなたが感
染していてもHIVはELISA テストに現れません。これは、誰かが感染の初期段階にあり、彼らの
体が検出された検査に対して十分な抗体を産生していない場合に起こり得る。 主页 > 性病学
术 > 艾滋病 > 全球性艾滋病调查分析,HIV 病毒多样性快速增加,预防和治疗将面临更
大困难 Preexposure prophylaxis for HIV infection among African women. 这些作者研究了两
种几乎相同的HIV-1 RNA:带有一个5' G的HIV RNA(1G RNA)和带有三个5' G的HIV
RNA(3G RNA)。1G RNA 在HIV 的病毒颗粒中富集,而3G RNA基本上不存在。他们发现
成的构象或结构,1G RNA被包装成HIV RNA基因组的效率比3G RNA更高。 Boosted
darunavir with (tenofovir alafenamide or tenofovir DF)b plus (emtricitabine or lamivudine). 黑龙江
省疾病预防... 研究共纳入19例20岁~76岁的HIV 患者,对其体内大量原病毒进行全基因
组测序。 Elliott J, Solomon A, Wightman F, et al. The Safety and Effect of Multiple Doses of
Vorinostat on HIV Transcription in HIV+ Patients Receiving cART. 20th Conference on Retroviruses
and Opportunistic Infections. Atlanta, GA; 2013. p. 50LB. February 2023 (3) Global trends in
molecular epidemiology of HIV-1 during 2000–2007. The diagnostic accuracy and timing of early
HIV infection in persons who acquire HIV while taking HIV PrEP with either tenofovir DF-
emtricitabine, tenofovir alafenamide-emtricitabine, or long-acting injectable cabotegravir, may result
in atypical laboratory patterns, such as delayed seroconversion, indeterminate results on HIV
differentiation assays, low-level HIV RNA levels, or HIV RNA levels below the limit of the assay,
even in persons with acute or early HIV.[115] Data from the Partners PrEP Study and the Bangkok
Tenofovir Study showed persons receiving HIV PrEP who acquired HIV had marked delays in HIV
seroconversion with point-of-care tests, especially when using oral fluid samples.[100,116] Other
groups have reported false-negative or ambiguous HIV test results in persons taking HIV
PrEP.[101,115] Problems with false-negative testing are greater in this setting when using point-of-
care tests; thus, laboratory-based HIV testing is recommended when monitoring persons receiving
HIV PrEP.[21] Of note, even laboratory-based, antigen-antibody tests may be affected by HIV PrEP
exposure. In the HPTN 083 trial, which compared injectable cabotegravir to daily, oral tenofovir DF-
emtricitabine, delays in diagnosis were documented in individuals with incident HIV acquisition in
both arms, though delays were generally longer for individuals in the cabotegravir arm [ref]. For this
reason, CDC PrEP Guidelines, which were updated in 2021, now recommend routine HIV RNA
monitoring for individuals receiving PrEP, and an HIV RNA test prior to initiating PrEP is
recommended in several circumstances [ref].[82] In situations where results are ambiguous or
confusing, clinical consultation is recommended. Voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) for
changing HIV-related risk behavior in developing countries. September 2020 (4) 为感染HIV后的
最终阶段。患者CD4 +T淋巴细胞计数多<200个/μL,HIV 血浆病毒载量明显升高。此期
主要临床表现为HIV 相关症状、体征及各种机会性感染和肿瘤。 May 2011 (7) It’s time for
the rest of us to do the same. 美国农业部食品安全监督服务局 Vital signs: HIV prevention
through care and treatment – United States2011. 各种研究证实,绝大多数患者经抗逆转录病
者的免疫系统可得以重建,CD4 +T淋巴细胞数量和免疫功能可得到恢复。早期开始
ART治疗的治疗组,血液中RNA<50 copies/mL的比例24、48、144周分别
是90%、99%、97%。 Persistence of HIV in gut-associated lymphoid tissue despite long-term
antiretroviral therapy. Rouzioux C, Hubert J B, Burgard M, et al. Early levels of HIV-1 DNA in
peripheral blood mononuclear cells are predictive of disease progression independently of HIV-1
RNA levels and CD4+ T cell counts[J]. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2005, 192(1): 46-55. May
2012 (6) Daily acyclovir for HIV-1 disease progression in people dually infected with HIV-1 and
herpes simplex virus type 2: a randomised placebo-controlled trial. Figure 5 (Image Series). Model
for Sexual Transmission of HIV Hussein Kaddour, et al. (2019), Proteomics profiling of autologous
blood and semen exosomes from HIV-infected and uninfected individuals reveals compositional and
functional variabilities. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics.
June 2009 (6) EACS Medical Secretariat. EACS Guidelines version 11.0, October 2021[M].
European AIDS Clinical Society, 2021. The global HIV epidemics in MSM: time to act. Frequency
and spectrum of unexpected clinical manifestations of primary HIV-1 infection. [4] Rodríguez-Sáinz
C, Ramos R, Valor L,et al.Prognostic value of peripheral blood mononuclear cell-associated HIV-1
DNA for virological outcome in asymptomatic HIV-1 chronic infection[J].J Clin
Virol,2010,48(3):168-172. Figure 7. Set Point Following Acquisition of HIV CD4+T淋巴细胞
检测和临床表现是HIV分期诊断的主要依据。HIV 感染者是指感染HIV后尚未发展到艾
滋病期的个体;AIDS 患者是指感染HIV 后发展到艾滋病期的患者。对于确诊患者,需早
治疗,早服药,早抑制,以防病毒的恶化。 Voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) for
changing HIV-related risk behavior in developing countries. Pathogenesis and prevention of immune
reconstitution disease during antiretroviral therapy. 国家新闻出版署(国家版权局) Single-use,
point-of-care HIV test kits have self-contained testing reagents and materials and typically can yield
a test result within 40 minutes.[20,51,52] There are 7 FDA-approved, rapid, point-of-care tests that
the CDC identifies as suitable for use in clinical and nonclinical settings.[51] Six of these tests detect
antibodies to HIV-1 and HIV-2, and one detects antibodies only to HIV-1. These antibody test
results are either reactive or nonreactive. Hence, none of the currently used point-of-care antibody
tests can differentiate HIV-1 infection from HIV-2. Multiple reports have shown problems with
false-negative and false-positive test results with the oral fluid point-of-care test. Single-use, point-
of-care rapid antibody tests are less sensitive than laboratory-based antigen-antibody tests for the
detection of early HIV.[32,53,54,55] All positive point-of-care HIV test results are considered a
presumptive positive and require further supplemental testing for confirmation of HIV.[14] Single-
use, point-of-care testing is primarily used for testing (1) in emergency room encounters where
follow-up might be problematic, (2) women in labor who had no HIV testing performed during their
pregnancy, (3) in an occupational exposure to HIV when immediate results may be needed, and (4)
in other clinical settings where a low likelihood of follow-up for HIV test results is
anticipated.[20,56,57] The following list summarizes the current FDA-approved single-use, point-of-
care, rapid HIV tests (in alphabetical order):[24] August 2009 (4) Acyclovir and transmission of
HIV-1 from persons infected with HIV-1 and HSV-2. Administration of vorinostat disrupts HIV-1
latency in patients on antiretroviral therapy. July 2011 (6) 民政部 入院时感觉这皮疹不像我们
还是送了确认试验。果然,疾控确认试验没有见到特异性条带,诊断结果为HIV 抗体
阴性(图2)。 The dendritic cells that are infected with HIV can migrate to lymph nodes, where they
interact with and potentially fuse with CD4 cells, causing the spread of HIV to deeper tissues.[15]
Within a few days of inoculation, HIV is present within gut-associated lymphoid tissue and other
tissues of the lymphoreticular system, causing irreversible depletion of helper T cells and
establishment of viral latency (integration into the genome of resting T cells).[2,20,21] Investigators
have shown that humans typically develop HIV viremia within 11 days of initial transmission.[7,22]
Both CD31(+) and CD31 naive CD4(+) T cells are persistent HIV type 1-infected reservoirs in
individuals receiving antiretroviral therapy. The scientists revealed the virus's trick in the November
20, 2009, edition of Science. They determined the crystal structures of two poorly neutralizing
human antibodies in complex with gp120. These antibodies bind to gp120, they found, with a key
portion of the protein swung in or flared out. When swung in or flared out, gp120 doesn’t fit into the
shape required to form the functional viral spike. In contrast, when a rare neutralizing antibody
called b12 binds, gp120 is in the shape required to form the functional spike. April 2018 (5) HIV感
体内病毒具有传染性; 艾滋病人通常指艾滋病感染发展到晚期,由于免疫系统缺失使
CD4+ T 淋巴细胞计数在 800-1400个/μl 左右,而 HIV 感染者则表现为体内 CD4+ T 淋巴
细胞数量持续缓慢的减少(多为 800 个/μl 至 350 个/μl),在 HIV 感染的最初阶段,CD4+
T 淋巴细胞数量尚可,这时候 HIV 感染者的症状不明显。 HIV cure and eradication: how
will we get from the laboratory to effective clinical trials?. Infectious co-factors in HIV-1
transmission herpes simplex virus type-2 and HIV-1: new insights and interventions. All rights are
reserved, including those for text and data mining, AI training, and similar technologies. 国家认证
认可监督管理委员会 November 2011 (8)
一般而言,及时的确诊并接受治疗,对于 HIV 感染者具有非常重要的意义。 In tests
using small quantities of cells from HIV-infected people who are receiving HIV treatment, the
research team could detect and distinguish intact proviral DNA from its mutated counterparts. 重庆
市疾病预防控... September 2015 (4) Beyond that, however, the findings do offer hope, said Jan
Kristian Damås, a chief attending physician at the Department of Infectious Diseases, St. Olav’s
Hospital, Trondheim University Hospital and an NTNU professor associated with CEMIR. Damås
works with HIV patients and recruited the nine patients whose cells were used as part of the
research. He is also an author on the paper. Genomic Editing of the HIV-1 Coreceptor CCR5 in Adult
Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cells Using Zinc Finger Nucleases. 提到艾滋病(AIDS),有
很多人会“ 望艾而逃”,这完全可以理解,毕竟艾滋病在全世界范围内都算是一种危害
极大的恶性传染病。 High coverage of ART associated with decline in risk of HIV acquisition in
rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Now, research from the Norwegian University of Science and
Technology’s (NTNU) Centre of Molecular Inflammation Research (CEMIR) has uncovered a
previously unknown way in which the body’s immune system can detect and respond to HIV
infection — which could help improve the chances of developing a cure. Content may be subject to
copyright. One report documented 14 individuals who initiated antiretroviral therapy during acute
HIV—and continued therapy for a mean of 36.5 months—who maintained low HIV RNA levels
following cessation of therapy.[74] The investigators reported spontaneous control of viremia after
treatment interruption in 15% of the group treated during acute infection versus less than 1% of
those not treated.[74] These data suggest that treatment during acute infection can significantly
reduce latent HIV reservoirs and may aid in future efforts to achieve a functional cure. In one study,
use of a potent five-drug regimen did not have a greater impact on HIV reservoirs when compared
with a standard triple-drug antiretroviral regimen.[75] In clinical practice, the diagnosis of acute HIV
and immediate initiation of a standard antiretroviral therapy regimen is beneficial, and antiretroviral
therapy should be continued long-term and not interrupted. Phenotypic properties of transmitted
founder HIV-1. Antiretroviral therapy in early HIV infection. Genital HIV-1 RNA predicts risk of
heterosexual HIV-1 transmission. 自然资源部 Virus 代表的是病毒,HIV 病毒进入人体后,
会不断以自身遗传物质(单链 RNA)为模板,并完全依赖宿主身上的能量和物质不断
的通过“逆转录”过程复制自身。HIV 病毒在外界环境中的生存能力较弱,离开了人
体,HIV 病毒会在短时间内迅速失活。 August 2009 (4) April 2024 (1) all matters medical,
and some not so medical. Continue to: Preventing HIV infection with post-exposure prophylaxis 中
国民用航空局 Clinical uncertainties, health service challenges, and ethical complexities of HIV
“test-and-treat”: a systematic review. HIV検査は、最近ウイルスに感染した人々を診
断するために行われます。さらに、これまで知られていなかった感染を検出し、同時にHIV の危
したいカップルはまた、HIV 検査を受けることを検討する必要があります。これはHIV を予防する方
説明です。 Rapid industrialization and population explosion in India has led to the migration of
peoples from villages to cities which increase human settlement in world's growing cities and towns.
This generates several issues with regard to the environment. Environmental impact assessment (EIA)
is becoming a very important study before commissioning of any project plan or development in our
country. In ... [Show full abstract] 商务部 But now CEMIR researchers have found a previously
undescribed immune response that results from HIV destruction in the endosome. This response may
hold the key to allowing the shock-and-kill approach to work. 全血からのHIVの定性的DNA検
依存しません。この検査は乳児の診断に使用されます。 北京时间2月4日凌晨,发表
的速度发展成艾滋病。 April 2017 (4) In this example, there are 50 persons who have HIV that
are undergoing testing. Among the 50 tested, there are 49 true positives and 1 false-negative test

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