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Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business

Unit number and title Unit 49: Sales Management (5131)

Submission date 11/08/2023 Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name Nguyen Van Tai Student ID GBD210030

Class GBD1008A Assessor name Vo Cong Nghia

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
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6/8/2023 Sale Management

Assigment 1

Nguyen Van Tai

Table of Contents
1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 5
2. Overview of the Organization ................................................................................................................. 5
2.1. Company profile ................................................................................................................................ 5
2.2. Sales Performance Overview............................................................................................................ 5
2.3. Sales Figures by Product Categories, Brands, Regions, or Selling Methods ............................... 6
3. Key Aspects of Sales Management .......................................................................................................... 7
3.1. Planing ................................................................................................................................................ 7
3.2. Selling Techniques ............................................................................................................................. 8
3.2.1. Sales Methods and Approaches ................................................................................................ 8
3.2.2. Sales Force Training and Development ................................................................................... 8
3.3. Reporting............................................................................................................................................ 8
4. Modes of Selling: B2B and B2C .............................................................................................................. 9
4.1. Understanding B2B Selling .............................................................................................................. 9
4.2. Understanding B2C Selling .............................................................................................................. 9
4.3. Differences in Sales Management based on Consumer and Business Buying Behavior .......... 10
5. Analysis of Sales Structure .................................................................................................................... 10
5.1. Sale structure overview ................................................................................................................... 10
5.2. Sales chanel ...................................................................................................................................... 11
5.3. Role of ‘Selling through’ other ....................................................................................................... 11
5.4. Evaluation of Different Sales Structure Types ............................................................................. 12
6. Sales Proposal for a New Product ......................................................................................................... 13
6.1. Introduction to a New bottle of Beer 333 ...................................................................................... 13
6.2. Sales Strategy for the New Product ............................................................................................... 13
6.3. Successful Selling Techniques ........................................................................................................ 14
6.4. Sale chanel........................................................................................................................................ 15
6.5. Relationship selling ......................................................................................................................... 15
7. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................... 15
8. Appendix.................................................................................................................................................. 18
Table of Figure
Figure 1: Sabeco's company.............................................................................................................................................. 5
Figure 2: Sabeco Financial Industry ................................................................................................................................. 6
Figure 3: Distribution system of Sabeco ........................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 4: Sabeco Business Locations................................................................................................................................ 7
Figure 5: Sabeco Sale chanel .......................................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 6: New product of Sabeco ................................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 7: Sabeco’s SWOT analysis ................................................................................................................................ 13
Figure 8: The personal selling process ............................................................................................................................ 14
1. Introduction

Understanding and adeptly navigating the concepts

that drive success is critical in the dynamic world
of sales management. This paper goes into the
complex world of sales management in the context
of a multinational corporation operating in
Vietnam. This paper attempts to provide insights
into efficient sales tactics by a detailed review of
sales performance, selling techniques, and
organizational structures. This study provides light
on the varied nature of sales management by
studying the nuances of both B2B and B2C selling
modes, as well as critically evaluating the
company's sales structure. This study also includes
a strategy proposal for a new product, emphasizing
the talents and traits required for effective customer
Figure 1: Sabeco's company
connections. Finally, this investigation reveals the
(Sabeco, 2023).
critical importance of sales management in
building enduring customer connections and 2.2. Sales Performance Overview
driving organizational growth.
Sabeco's sales performance demonstrates the
2. Overview of the Organization company's strong presence in the competitive
beverage market. With a legacy spanning a decade,
2.1. Company profile
the company has established a powerful sales
Sabeco, or the Saigon Beer Alcohol Beverage trajectory that demonstrates its market prominence.
Corporation, is a well-known and respected name
Sabeco's sales results indicate its ability to connect
in Vietnam's beverage business. Sabeco is well-
with a wide range of customers. Vietnamese
known for its remarkable brewing legacy, and its
culturebeer brands, which are profoundly
major beer brands, such as Saigon Beer and 333
embedded in Vietnamese culture, translates into
Beer, have garnered a recognized reputation. With
sustained sales growth. Despite changing consumer
a long heritage anchored in exceptional
preferences, the company's unwavering dedication
craftsmanship, the company has remained a driving
to quality and innovation has allowed it to maintain
force in developing Vietnam's drinking culture...
a high market share.
(Sabeco, 2023). In conclusion, the post-COVID-19
and Alcohol Law 100/2019 era presented both
challenges and opportunities for Sabeco's sales

Figure 2: Sabeco Financial Industry

(Sabeco, 2023).

The COVID-19 pandemic and the implementation

of Alcohol Law 100/2019 in Vietnam significantly
impacted Sabeco's sales performance (VIOIT,
2023; Sabeco, 2023). The pandemic caused
disruptions in distribution and consumption of
alcoholic beverages, affecting consumer spending
patterns. The Alcohol Law 100/2019 introduced
stricter regulations on advertising, labeling, and
selling hours for alcoholic products, promoting
responsible alcohol consumption and curbing Figure 3: Distribution system of Sabeco
social issues (Thuy, 2020). Sabeco had to adjust its (Sabeco, 2023).
marketing and distribution strategies to align with
2.3. Sales Figures by Product
the new legal framework (Sabeco, 2023). Despite
Categories, Brands, Regions, or
initial setbacks, Sabeco managed to navigate the
evolving landscape by leveraging its strong brand
Selling Methods
presence, distribution network, and production Sabeco's sales data give a vivid picture of its
capabilities. As consumer behaviors stabilized, strategic navigation across multiple dimensions,
sales performance began to show signs of recovery, highlighting its market supremacy and customer
prompting the company to rethink its sales attraction (Sabeco, 2023).
approach, emphasize consumption messaging, and
innovate in response to new market dynamics
Product Categories: Sabeco's varied portfolio in orchestrating a successful sales strategy within
includes a variety of beer and alcoholic beverages. this framework (Haas, et al., 2012).
The sales numbers within these categories show
3.1. Planing
consumer preferences, indicating the popularity of
distinct product versions. This knowledge supports The systematic process of creating objectives,

Sabeco's product innovation and development, strategies, and tactics to guide the allocation of

assuring alignment with changing tastes (Sabeco, resources and activities that drive sales

2023). performance is referred to as sales planning (Jobber

& Lancaster, 2019). It includes short-term and
Sabeco's iconic beer brands, most notably Saigon
long-term goals, market analysis, and resource
Beer and 333 Beer, have a sizable market share.
optimization to achieve alignment with the overall
These businesses' sales figures reflect their
objectives of the firm (Loe & Inks, 2014).
popularity with consumers and the enduring
heritage they represent. This data demonstrates Sabeco's approach to sales planning demonstrates

Sabeco's brand equity and the enduring loyalty it its strategic savvy. The organization realizes the

has developed throughout the years (Sabeco, critical need of preparing in navigating a volatile

2023). environment (Habeco, 2023). Sabeco unifies its

resources, streamlines operations, and anticipates
market disruptions by setting defined goals. This
proactive approach enables the organization to
enhance its manufacturing, distribution, and
marketing operations (Sabeco, 2023).

3. Key Aspects of Sales Management

Sales management is a comprehensive set of

procedures aimed at managing a company's sales
operations in order to increase revenue, market
share, and customer satisfaction (Jobber &
Figure 4: Sabeco Business Locations
Lancaster, 2019). Three fundamental parts -
planning, selling, and reporting - play critical roles (Sabeco, 2023).
3.2. Selling Techniques 3.2.2. Sales Force Training and

Selling is the process of engaging with potential Development

clients, identifying their needs, providing products Sales force training and development is a
or services, and persuading them to make a systematic and planned method to provide sales
purchase (Jobber & Lancaster, 2019). It is typically professionals with the tools, information, and
regarded as the front line of sales management. It abilities they need to succeed in their professions
includes a variety of strategies, channels, and (Jap, 2001). It consists of a combination of
interactions designed to convert prospects into educational efforts, skill-building exercises, and
loyal consumers (Loe & Inks, 2014). experiential learning designed to help sales

3.2.1. Sales Methods and Approaches professionals adapt to changing market conditions,
connect with consumers, and meet sales targets
Selling strategies and approaches serve as a direct
(Haas, et al., 2012; Sabeco, 2023).
relationship between a company and its clients. It
Sabeco understands that having an educated and
entails developing relationships, addressing
professional sales force is critical to its success
concerns, and delivering value propositions that are
(Sabeco, 2023). This comprehensive strategy
relevant to the needs of the consumer (Jobber &
enables the sales staff to engage customers, answer
Lancaster, 2019). Effective selling strategies
questions, and promote seamless transactions
improve client pleasure, create brand loyalty, and
(Sabeco, 2023; Jap, 2001). Furthermore, Sabeco's
contribute to revenue generation, making them an
thorough attention to sales strategies and robust
essential component of sales management (Loe &
sales force training demonstrates the company's
Inks, 2014).
commitment to providing great customer
Sabeco's sales strategies and approaches work as a
dynamic compass, guiding its interactions with
customers and partners, facilitating frictionless 3.3. Reporting
transactions, and cultivating long-term Sales reporting entails gathering, analyzing, and
relationships (Sabeco, 2023). The organization interpreting data on sales activities, performance
takes a multifaceted approach to sales, mixing indicators, and market trends. It includes
conventional and innovative tactics. Furthermore, monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs),
Sabeco's consumer-centric approach is supported analyzing sales results, and creating insights to help
by intelligent product placement and enticing with decision-making and plan building (Jobber &
marketing initiatives (Sabeco, 2023). Lancaster, 2019).

While Sabeco's reporting systems are excellent, the

company's forecasting powers might be improved
(Sabeco, 2023). Predictive analytics can provide Sabeco navigates the intricacies of catering to
forward-looking insights, allowing Sabeco to corporate purchasers, such as distributors,
proactively detect trends, forecast demand, and merchants, and hospitality institutions, in the arena
fine-tune sales strategies in response to changing of B2B selling (Sabeco, 2023). Within this
market dynamics. framework, the concepts of sales management are
profoundly founded on developing long-term
4. Modes of Selling: B2B and B2C
partnerships and delivering value-driven offers.
Sales management is divided into two categories:
Sales Management Principles: Relationship
business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-
cultivation is important to B2B sales management.
consumer (B2C). Each mode has its own set of
Sales teams concentrate on developing long-term
characteristics, demanding customized techniques
relationships, addressing complicated issues, and
to properly engage consumer and business
providing tailored solutions (Jobber & Lancaster,
purchasing behavior.
2019). Lead nurturing takes time and requires in-
Sabeco, a major participant in the beverage sector, depth product knowledge as well as consultative
sells through the complex interaction of Business- selling strategies. Negotiations are strategic in
to-Business (B2B) and Business-to-Consumer nature, with a focus on long-term mutual gain
(B2C) channels. Sales management tactics at the (Ehret, 2004).
organization are fine-tuned to cater to the varied
Sabeco's B2B sales management prioritizes
purchasing behaviors of both corporate clients and
relationship building. Its sales staff excel in
individual consumers.
building long-term relationships, tailoring product
4.1. Understanding B2B Selling offers to client needs, and providing

Business-to-business (B2B) markets are comprehensive solutions. (Jobber & Lancaster,

characterized by large and powerful buyers who 2019) Negotiations are strategic, with a focus on

buy primarily to further organizational objectives mutual growth and long-term business ties.

and use skilled/professional buyers in an 4.2. Understanding B2C Selling

organizational context (Jobber & Lancaster, 2019).
Consumer markets are defined by the fact that the
Customers in B2B markets are often
customer is purchasing products and services for
geographically concentrated, and negotiation is the
their own or their family's use. As a result, the
order of the day in dealings between marketer and
primary purchasing motivations are personal in
customer (Jobber & Lancaster, 2019; Neuhaus, et
nature (Jobber & Lancaster, 2019; Sabeco, 2023).
al., 2022).
B2C sales are transactions between businesses and
individual customers. Here, sales management
strategies revolve around emotional involvement, effectiveness, functionality, and long-term
brand loyalty, and catering to individual tastes partnerships. Businesses desire value, scalability,
(Neuhaus, et al., 2022). and solutions that are in line with their operational
requirements and strategic objectives (Jobber &
Sabeco's sales management focuses its attention in
Lancaster, 2019).
the B2C realm on emotional involvement, brand
loyalty, and connecting with individual consumers Sabeco understands that B2B purchasing behavior
(Sabeco, 2023). This technique of selling entails is based on rational decision-making (Jobber &
interacting with end users via numerous Lancaster, 2019). Corporate clients want cost-
touchpoints. effective solutions, continuous supply, and goods
that meet their specific business needs and
Sales Management Principles: Emotional ties are
customer expectations.
important in B2C sales management. Sales teams
use persuasion, storytelling, and brand loyalty Consumer and Business Purchasing Behavior:
strategies. Engagement is guided by customer path B2C purchasing behavior is frequently influenced
mapping, which focuses on frictionless interactions by emotional impulses such as personal
and individualized experiences. Speed, preferences, brand affinity, and perceived value. In
convenience, and emotional triggers all play their purchases, consumers seek experiences,
important roles in completing purchases (Jobber & convenience, and emotional relevance (Jobber &
Lancaster, 2019; Neuhaus, et al., 2022). Lancaster, 2019).

Sabeco's B2C sales methods are focused on Sabeco recognizes that B2C purchasing behavior is
establishing emotional relationships (Sabeco, frequently influenced by emotional impulses,
2023). To engage customers, its sales teams use which are influenced by elements such as brand
narrative, immersive marketing, and personalized loyalty, perceived value, and personal preferences.
techniques. The customer journey is methodically Customers want memorable experiences and
planned to provide seamless interactions, products that fit their lifestyle (Sabeco, 2023).
convenience, and memorable experiences that are
5. Analysis of Sales Structure
personalized to the customer's preferences (Sabeco,
2023). 5.1. Sale structure overview

4.3. Differences in Sales Management Sabeco's implementation Hybrid sales structure

which have customer-based, Geography and
based on Consumer and Business
product sales structure, Sabeco employs a hybrid
Buying Behavior
sales structure that combines customer-focused,
B2B buying behavior is defined by logical geographic, and product-focused approaches. This
decision-making influenced by criteria such as cost strategic combination improves customer focus,
optimizes regional coverage, and tailors offerings, Sabeco works with a network of distributors and
thereby increasing sales effectiveness (Thaichon, et agents to distribute its products to retail locations
al., 2018). But Sabeco was concentrate on across the country (Sabeco, 2023). Sabeco is able
customer-based sale structure which entails to enhance its distribution process and ensure
segmenting sales teams based on distinct customer product availability as a result of this.
categories such as retail, entertainment, and Sabeco also engages in export activities,
restaurants, offers a strategic strategy with several delivering its products to overseas markets through
significant benefits (Sabeco, 2023). Sabeco
collaboration with foreign partners and distributors
maximizes customer-centricity, reactivity, and in order to reach international customers (Sabeco,
long-term value development with this structure. 2023).
Appendix (Appendix 1) contains a thorough
Sabeco's Direct Approach to Key Customers:
examination of this structure's intricate workings
Sabeco implements a direct selling technique to
and benefits.
large customers such as hotel chains,
5.2. Sales chanel restaurants, and major events (Sabeco, 2023).


Sabeco items can be found at a variety of retail

outlets, supermarkets, and convenience stores
across the country (Sabeco, 2023). Customers may
simply acquire their products in a conventional
retail atmosphere as a result of this.

Sabeco frequently supplies its products to

restaurants, pubs, and entertainment venues
(Sabeco, 2023). This opens up options to directly
approach consumers in an environment centered on
enjoyment and entertainment.

Sabeco maintains an online presence through its

website and e-commerce platforms (Sabeco,
Figure 5: Sabeco Sale chanel 2023). Customers can place orders and receive
promotional information, boosting shoppers'
accessibility and convenience.

Wholesale: 5.3. Role of ‘Selling through’ other

The concept of'selling via' others, sometimes 5.4. Evaluation of Different Sales
known as indirect selling, is very important and Structure Types
beneficial to firms like Sabeco:
Some Sabeco rivals are listed below to evaluate the
Market Reach: Sabeco can swiftly increase its
differences between different types of sale
market presence by tapping into established
structures: Heineken and Habeco.
networks of distributors and agents (Sabeco, 2023).
Product-Based Structure of Habeco: The use of
These middlemen enable faster market entry by
a product-based structure by Habeco demonstrates
providing access to new geographies and customer
a focus on specialization and product innovation
segments (Loe & Inks, 2014).
(Habeco, 2023). Habeco guarantees that each
Resource Efficiency: Sabeco can focus on its core
product line receives targeted attention and unique
skills, such as product creation and brand
strategies by arranging sales teams around distinct
promotion, by leveraging distributors (Jobber &
product categories (Habeco, 2023). Through
Lancaster, 2019). Distributors handle warehousing
tailored marketing efforts, this approach promotes
and delivery while maximizing resource allocation.
specialized expertise (Mansoori, et al., 2023),
Risk Reduction: By diversifying Sabeco's sales efficient product creation, and market penetration
channels, the company's reliance on a single (Habeco, 2023; Jobber & Lancaster, 2019).
approach is reduced (Jobber & Lancaster, 2019;
The geography-Based Structure of Heineken:
Sabeco, 2023). This reduces the risk of market
The geography-based structure of Heineken
fluctuations or changes in consumer behavior.
highlights the necessity of local market adaptation
Local understanding: Distributors have in-depth (Heineken, 2022). Heineken may handle cultural
understanding of local markets, allowing Sabeco to subtleties, tastes, and market dynamics peculiar to
tailor strategies to particular nuances (Sabeco, each country by dividing operations based on
2023; Jobber & Lancaster, 2019). This geographical location (Heineken, 2022). This
personalized strategy boosts consumer happiness framework allows for customized marketing
and brand recall. efforts, cultural sensitivity, and efficient resource

Building connections: Working with distributors allocation across multiple markets (Jobber &

develops mutually beneficial connections. Lancaster, 2019; Liuska, 2023).

Distributors serve as brand ambassadors, Sabeco's concentrate on customer-based structure,

promoting Sabeco's products by using their Habeco's product-based structure, and Heineken's
geography-based structure are all evaluated,
skills and knowledge (Sabeco, 2023; Jobber &
highlighting the diversity of sales management
Lancaster, 2019).
tactics. These methods emphasize the significance
of aligning with business goals, customer demands,
and market subtleties (Ramos, et al., 2023). While
each structure is unique, each has the ability to
drive growth, innovation, and client loyalty. The
decision between these structures necessitates
thorough analysis of the industry, target audience,
and strategic aims of the business (Jobber &
Lancaster, 2019; Thaichon, et al., 2018). Finally, a
good sales structure improves client involvement,
maximizes resource use, and aids in the fulfillment
of long-term business goals (Jobber & Lancaster,

6. Sales Proposal for a New Product Figure 6: New product of Sabeco

(Sabeco, 2023).
6.1. Introduction to a New bottle of
Beer 333 6.2. Sales Strategy for the New
Sabeco's dedication to producing high-quality
products resulted in the successful development of
6.2.1. SWOT analysis
333, their premium beer. This beer exemplifies
Sabeco's commitment to provide customers with
the greatest possible experience. Sabeco has
created a beer that embodies sophistication,
quality, and cultural complexity via painstaking
research and craftsmanship. Appendix 2 contains
more information on this new product.

Figure 7: Sabeco’s SWOT analysis

Sabeco's dominance in the Vietnamese beer 6.3. Successful Selling Techniques
market, diverse product line, and strong
distribution network are its key assets. However,
challenges include competition, quality perception,
and a limited global presence. Craft beer
expansion, export growth, premium offerings, and
digital marketing all present opportunities.
Regulatory obstacles, health trends, economic
fluctuations, and increased competition are all
threats. Sabeco can achieve long-term success by
capitalizing on its strengths and opportunities while
addressing its weaknesses and threats. Appendix 3
contains a more in-depth analysis of Sabeco's

6.2.2. PESTEL analysis

Sabeco's PESTEL analysis in the Vietnamese
market identifies significant external forces
shaping its operations. Politically, the company
must deal with strict alcohol regulations, while
fiscal policies, such as taxation rates on alcoholic
beverages, have an impact on pricing and demand.
Economically, Sabeco's performance is linked to
Vietnam's growth and income levels, which
Figure 8: The personal selling process
influence consumer beer spending. Consumer
preferences are influenced by societal dynamics (Jobber & Lancaster, 2019).

such as cultural norms and health consciousness. Integrate a holistic plan to revitalize Sabeco's sales
Technologically, embracing automation and digital approach: initiate discussions with finesse,
marketing can increase output and reach. These empathetically discover needs, present solutions
factors, taken together, highlight the intricate effectively, adeptly address objections, negotiate
interplay between Sabeco's operations and the jointly, seal agreements confidently, and nurture
larger Vietnamese environment. This analysis is post-sales ties passionately (Jobber & Lancaster,
continually expanded in Appendix 4. 2019; Sabeco, 2023). Increase conversions, build
long-term client relationships, and exemplify
Sabeco's continuous dedication to value delivery. context of Sabeco. Sabeco can differentiate itself in
Appendix 5 will provide a detailed explanation of the competitive beer industry and generate a
this technique. durable competitive advantage by prioritizing the
establishment of genuine connections with both
6.4. Sale chanel
individual consumers and business clients. This
It is critical for Sabeco to connect distribution provides a more detailed description of Appendix
techniques with the different demands and 7.
preferences of Sabeco target market when
7. Conclusion
developing an efficient sales channel plan. Sabeco
can assure global product availability, improve Finally, this assignment looked at the practical
consumer convenience, and drive sales growth by application of sales management principles in the
proactively selecting and managing distribution context of Sabeco, a major player in Vietnam's beer
channels. To increase market penetration and client market. The assignment provided valuable insights
involvement, Sabeco recommended sales channel into effective sales planning, customer relationship
plan incorporates both old and innovative ways. It management, and strategic communication through
is explained in detail in Appendix 6. an analysis of Sabeco's sales performance,
exploration of different modes of selling, critical
6.5. Relationship selling
evaluation of its sales structure, and the proposal of
Relationship selling is a sales strategy that
a sales strategy for a new product. The assignment
emphasizes the establishment and maintenance of
improved Sabeco understanding of how sales
long-term connections with clients. It extends
techniques can be tailored to meet specific market
beyond transactional contacts to understand the
demands and leverage the company's strengths by
requirements, preferences, and challenges of
delving into Sabeco's operations. Overall, the
customers (Jobber & Lancaster, 2019).
assignment provided a thorough examination of
Relationship selling seeks to develop value and
sales management principles in Sabeco's dynamic
trust over time, which results in recurring business,
and competitive operating environment.
client loyalty, and favorable word-of-mouth
referrals (Haas, et al., 2012).

Sabeco application:

A relationship selling technique has the potential to

significantly improve customer engagement, brand
loyalty, and overall sales performance in the
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8. Appendix

Appendix 1:

1. Targeted Customer Interactions: Sabeco planning and co-creation over time, providing
ensures highly tailored interactions by aligning significant value to both parties.
sales teams with distinct customer segments. A 4. Industry Insights and Innovation: Sales teams
sales team dedicated to a specific industry, such as that specialize in a specific customer segment gain
restaurants, has in-depth knowledge of the sector's valuable insights into industry trends, challenges,
unique challenges, preferences, and demands. This and emerging opportunities. Sabeco can use these
knowledge translates into personalized interactions insights to improve its product offerings, introduce
in which sales representatives can empathize with innovations that directly address industry pain
customers, address their specific needs, and offer points, and maintain a competitive advantage.
relevant solutions (Loe & Inks, 2014; Jobber & Sabeco's reputation as an industry leader is
Lancaster, 2019). strengthened by its agility and industry-focused
2. Personalized Solutions: Sabeco's customer- innovation.
centric structure enables sales teams to create 5. Long-Term Loyalty: Sabeco fosters long-term
personalized solutions. A sales team focused on loyalty through its customer-focused structure.
entertainment venues, for example, can work Sales teams dedicated to specific customer
closely with these establishments to create segments gain a thorough understanding of
beverage offerings that appeal to their clientele. customer preferences, allowing them to anticipate
This customized approach not only improves needs and provide proactive solutions. This not
customer satisfaction but also strengthens Sabeco's only improves customer retention but also fosters
position as a strategic partner, contributing to its
advocacy, as satisfied customers become vocal
customers' success (Jobber & Lancaster, 2019). advocates for Sabeco's products in their respective
3. Relationship Building and Partnership: industries.
Relationship building is at the heart of Sabeco's Finally, Sabeco's customer-based sales structure
customer-centric approach. A dedicated sales team serves as a strategic pillar that propels the company
for each customer segment can devote time and beyond transactional interactions. It represents a
energy to cultivating strong, long-lasting commitment to understanding, engaging, and
relationships. These connections go beyond enriching customer relationships in a variety of
transactional exchanges, evolving into partnerships
industries. Sabeco positions itself as a trusted ally
marked by mutual trust, shared goals, and ongoing in its customers' growth journeys while driving its
collaboration. This facilitates joint business own success in the competitive beverage market by
fostering tailored interactions, custom solutions, consumers, it has also successfully established a
and long-term partnerships (Jobber & Lancaster, quality reputation on the international stage. 333
2019). Beer has gained global recognition after being
exported to more than 17 countries, including
Appendix 2:
discerning markets such as Japan, Australia,
Impressive Design and Craftsmanship: The
Germany, and the United States (Sabeco, 2023).
premium 333 beer comes in an enticing amber
Conclusion: Sabeco's premium 333 beer
bottle with a refined silver label. Its design exudes
exemplifies the company's commitment to
elegance and is enhanced by the use of luxurious
producing exceptional products. Sabeco has
materials. This visual appeal reflects the
created a beer that not only captivates the taste buds
meticulous attention to detail and commitment to
but also embodies the essence of quality and
providing a premium product (Sabeco, 2023).
cultural richness through meticulous
The exquisite taste of 333 premium beer is a
craftsmanship, cultural appreciation, and a
harmonious blend of ingredients sourced from all
commitment to meeting diverse preferences. As
over the world. The use of German Hallertau hops,
333 Premium Beer continues to make a name for
a century-old French recipe, and Vietnamese
itself at social gatherings and events, it represents
artisans' expertise result in a flavor profile that
elegance, sophistication, and camaraderie, making
tantalizes the senses. This marriage of ingredients
it a treasured companion for any occasion.
and craftsmanship results in a beer that is not only
Appendix 3:
delicious but also a testament to Sabeco's
dedication to quality (Sabeco, 2023). Sabeco's SWOT Analysis in the Vietnamese
Meeting a Variety of Preferences: Sabeco's
premium 333 beer caters to a variety of tastes. With Strengths:
a slim and sturdy bottle, its innovative design Sabeco is a dominant player in the Vietnamese beer
ensures a comfortable grip and a convenient market, with a long history and widespread brand
drinking experience. The brand's use of elegant recognition.
white, strong silver, and delicate gold and red
Sabeco has a diverse portfolio of beer products that
accents pays homage to traditional Asian aesthetics
cater to various consumer preferences and
while also appealing to modern sensibilities
(Sabeco, 2023).
Sabeco has robust production facilities and
Market Presence and Recognition: Sabeco's 333
capabilities, allowing it to meet the demands of the
brand is the market leader in Vietnam. With a long
local market.
history and enduring popularity among domestic
Distribution Network: The company has a large Digital marketing can help Sabeco reach and
distribution network that reaches many different engage a younger demographic while also
regions and ensures that its products are widely increasing brand visibility.
available. Threats:
Weaknesses: Regulatory Issues: The beer industry is subject to
Sabeco faces stiff competition in the Vietnamese stringent regulations that can have an impact on
market from both domestic and international beer production, marketing, and distribution.
brands. Health Concerns: As people become more
While Sabeco has made strides in quality concerned about their health, beer consumption
improvement, there may still be lingering may decline, affecting sales.
perceptions of quality issues affecting its Economic fluctuations can have an impact on
reputation. consumer spending on discretionary items such as
Sabeco's international presence is limited in alcoholic beverages.
comparison to some global beer giants. Increasing Competition: The entry of new players,
Dependence on the Domestic Market: Sabeco's as well as the expansion of existing competitors,
revenue is heavily reliant on the domestic market, may increase competition and impact market share.
making it vulnerable to changes in local consumer Sabeco's strong market presence, diverse portfolio,
preferences and economic conditions. and distribution network are valuable assets.
Opportunities: Addressing quality perception and capitalizing on
opportunities such as premiumization and export
Expanding the Craft Beer Segment: Sabeco can
growth can help the company navigate the
diversify its product portfolio and attract a niche
challenges of the Vietnamese beer market, such as
segment by expanding its craft beer segment.
competition, regulation, and changing consumer
Sabeco has the potential to expand its international
footprint by exporting its products to new markets,
Appendix 4:
capitalizing on the popularity of Vietnamese
culture and cuisine. Sabeco's PESTEL analysis in the context of the
Vietnamese market reveals several external factors
Premiumization Trend: Consumer preferences for
influencing its operations:
premium and high-quality products provide
opportunities for Sabeco to develop and market Factors of Politics:
premium beer offerings.
growing environmental consciousness (Virac,
Government Regulations: Sabeco's business
strategies are influenced by stringent regulations Water Scarcity: It is critical for responsible
governing alcohol production, marketing, and brewing to ensure sustainable water usage.
distribution (Sabeco, 2023). Legal Considerations:
Fiscal Policies: Alcoholic beverage tax rates can Regulatory Compliance: It is critical to adhere to
have an impact on pricing and consumer demand legal requirements for labeling, advertising, and
(Sabeco, 2023). quality standards (VIOIT, 2023).
Economic Considerations: Licensing and Permits: It is critical to obtain and
Economic growth in Vietnam drives consumer renew the necessary licenses for production and
spending, which affects beer sales (Virac, 2023). distribution (Sabeco, 2023).

Income Levels: Affordability and consumption Understanding these external factors enables
patterns are influenced by disposable income levels Sabeco to modify its strategies in order to navigate
(Virac, 2023). challenges and capitalize on opportunities in the
Vietnamese beer market.
Social Aspects:
Appendix 5:
Cultural norms regarding alcohol consumption
influence market preferences and behaviors Sabeco Sales Techniques Improvement Proposal
(Sabeco, 2023). Introduction: The propose a comprehensive
Growing health consciousness may shift consumer approach that aligns with the key stages of
preferences toward healthier alternatives. successful selling techniques in our pursuit of
improving Sabeco's sales performance. Sabeco can
Factors Technological:
improve customer interactions, drive conversions,
Automation and innovative brewing techniques
and foster long-term relationships by integrating a
can improve production efficiency.
strategic blend of skills and attributes across these
Digital Marketing: Using technology to market can stages. This proposal outlines how these techniques
help you reach a larger audience and engage will be used within Sabeco's sales framework.
younger customers.
Opening: To effectively engage potential clients,
Environmental Aspects: Sabeco sales team will focus on impeccable

Concerns about sustainability: Eco-friendly communication skills at the initial point of contact.

production and packaging practices can align with A welcoming and friendly demeanor will set the
tone, ensuring a positive first impression that
captures attention and opens the door to meaningful Closing the Sale: Our closing strategy will be
conversations. defined by confidence and persuasive
communication. Our sales representatives will
Identification of Needs and Problems: Empathy
review the value proposition, address any
will be at the heart of our approach. Our sales
remaining concerns, and assist clients in making
representatives will actively listen, demonstrating a
informed decisions. Sabeco are committed to
genuine interest in understanding the needs and
fostering trust and facilitating a smooth transition.
challenges of their clients. This will uncover
specific pain points and tailor our solutions by Follow-up: Our dedication goes beyond the sale.
asking insightful questions and engaging in Our sales team will excel at follow-up practices,
empathetic discussions. maintaining consistent communication with clients
to ensure their continued satisfaction. Sabeco hope
Presentation and Demonstration: Sabeco sales
to solidify Sabeco's reputation as a dependable
team will be well-versed in product knowledge,
partner by providing timely support, responding to
allowing them to present Sabeco's diverse portfolio
any post-purchase inquiries, and nurturing
convincingly. Our presentations will highlight
Sabeco's products' unique value proposition, with a
focus on how our offerings directly address clients' Incorporating these improved sales techniques into
identified needs. Sabeco's operations can produce remarkable
results. Sabeco are confident in our ability to
Managing Objections: Our approach to
increase conversions while also establishing long-
objections will be based on effective problem-
term relationships with clients by strategically
solving techniques. Our sales representatives will
address concerns head on, providing well-thought- deploying a mix of communication, empathy,
negotiation, and problem-solving throughout the
out solutions and instilling trust in Sabeco's
sales journey. Sabeco's dedication to excellence
offerings. Sabeco are dedicated to overcoming
will be evident at every stage of the sales process,
reservations and transforming potential challenges
emphasizing our commitment to providing
into opportunities.
exceptional value to our esteemed clientele.
Negotiation: This will be a collaborative effort.
Appendix 6:
Sabeco sales team will actively listen to the needs
of our clients and work to reach mutually beneficial Retailers and Supermarkets: Sabeco's products
agreements. This will ensure that both parties feel will be strategically placed in a large network of
valued and satisfied by fostering an environment of retailers and supermarkets, ensuring easy consumer
cooperation and creative problem-solving. access. This traditional sales channel provides a
platform for product visibility and promotion as experiences. These events help to increase brand
well as direct customer interaction (Sabeco, 2023). recognition and recall (Sabeco, 2023).

Collaboration with restaurants, bars, and Sabeco can optimize market reach, engage
entertainment venues provides Sabeco with an customers through multiple touchpoints, and adapt
opportunity to showcase its products in a social and to changing consumer preferences by
convivial setting. Sabeco can tap into their existing implementing this diversified sales channel
customer base and provide a unique experience for strategy. The convergence of traditional and
customers by forming partnerships with these modern channels will strengthen Sabeco's brand
businesses. presence and drive long-term sales growth in the
dynamic Vietnamese market.
E-Commerce and Online Platforms: An online
presence is essential in today's digital era. Sabeco Sabeco's new beer brand, 333, may successfully
will broaden its reach by utilizing e-commerce employ a Customer-Based Sales Structure in its
platforms that provide the convenience of online sales strategy (Sabeco, 2023). Sabeco may
ordering and doorstep delivery. This channel maximize client centricity, responsiveness, and
serves a growing segment of tech-savvy consumers long-term value generation by arranging sales
who prefer the convenience of online shopping teams based on distinct customer categories, such
(Sabeco, 2023). as retail, entertainment venues, and restaurants.
This framework enables sales representatives to
Sabeco will collaborate with wholesalers and
have a thorough understanding of each customer
distributors to ensure efficient product flow to
group's specific needs and preferences, resulting in
various retail points. This channel simplifies
distribution and broadens market coverage, stronger connections and specialized strategies.
Furthermore, management can deploy resources
attracting bulk buyers and business clients (Sabeco,
and efforts to distinct market segments
strategically, optimizing sales efforts and market
Direct-to-Customer Sales: Targeted marketing
penetration. However, due diligence is required to
campaigns will promote direct-to-customer sales
minimize potential higher expenses and avoid
by leveraging Sabeco's existing customer database.
geographical duplication of efforts, providing a
This approach encourages personalized
streamlined and efficient sales operation for the
interactions and enables Sabeco to provide
new 333 beer brand.
exclusive deals and promotions (Sabeco, 2023).
Participation in local events and festivals allows
Improved Customer Understanding:
Sabeco to engage directly with consumers, offer
Salespeople in each customer group learn about
product samples, and create memorable brand
their individual wants, preferences, and issues. As Coordination Issues: Managing several customer-
a result, conversations become more tailored and based sales teams can be difficult, necessitating
effective, resulting in stronger customer excellent coordination, communication, and
relationships (Haas, et al., 2012). strategy alignment across teams (Payne & Frow,
Marketing efforts can be highly focused with
specific sales teams for different consumer Potential for Conflict: Different sales teams
segments, ensuring that promotional methods focusing on the same customer group may result in
resonate with each group's qualities and internal competitiveness and conflicts, affecting
preferences. collaboration and overall sales success (Beatty, et
al., 1996).
Improved client Satisfaction: Because products
and services are better aligned with specific client Limited Cross-Selling possibilities: By focusing
demands, tailored sales methods result in higher on certain customer segments, possibilities for
customer satisfaction (Payne & Frow, 2016). cross-selling or upselling to customers who might
benefit from a larger range of products or services
Sales teams might specialize in serving a certain
may be lost (Dugan, et al., 2023).
customer segment, allowing them to gain expertise
and a deeper understanding of the industry or Appendix 7:
market. Prioritizing exceptional customer care is a
Strategic Resource Allocation: Management can cornerstone of relationship selling, as it fosters
deploy resources strategically depending on the trust, loyalty, and repeat business. Sales
potential and significance of each client segment professionals build long-term relationships by
(Beatty, et al., 1996). understanding their customers' needs and concerns.

Disadvantages From JIT to Relationship Marketing:

Relationship selling emphasizes ongoing
additional expenditures: Running numerous
engagement rather than "just-in-time" delivery.
specialized sales teams might result in additional
Building rapport and understanding the changing
expenditures such as salary, training, and
needs of customers leads to long-term partnerships.
administrative fees (Jobber & Lancaster, 2019).
Reverse marketing is a strategic inversion that
Geographic Duplication: When client groups are
prioritizes understanding customer needs.
geographically distributed, there may be an overlap
Tailoring offerings in this manner generates mutual
in effort or resources as many sales teams pursue
value, strengthens relationships, and drives sales
comparable customers in various regions (Dugan,
et al., 2023).
Relationship Marketing to Relationship Selling: Beer 333 by understanding their inventory cycles
Relationship marketing lays the groundwork for and collaborating on demand forecasting.
relationship selling, which adds personalization. Reverse Marketing: Sabeco works with
Active listening, tailored solutions, and proactive distributors to understand their market dynamics,
problem-solving strengthen relationships and allowing them to tailor marketing materials and
increase sales. promotions to local preferences. This partnership
Relationship selling tactics include personalized expands Beer 333's appeal and market penetration.
communication, consistent follow-ups, Sabeco's sales team goes beyond offering Beer 333
anticipatory service, and value-driven to providing value-added support, moving from
relationships. relationship marketing to relationship selling.
Sabeco's sales representatives will engage They help with promotional events, provide
customers in personalized conversations, taking the training, and provide marketing materials, all of
time to understand their preferences, consumption which help to strengthen the partnership.
patterns, and events. Sabeco can tailor product Relationship selling tactics: Sabeco's sales
recommendations and offers to each customer's
representatives communicate regularly and
specific needs thanks to this approach. respond to distributor concerns promptly. They
Relationship selling entails educating customers on provide incentives for meeting sales targets,
Sabeco's products, brewing processes, and the art collaborate on marketing strategies, and respond
of beer appreciation. Sabeco can position itself as quickly to any challenges, strengthening the
an expert and create a deeper connection with beer distributor-Sabeco relationship and increasing Beer
enthusiasts by sharing insights and knowledge. 333 sales.

Apply to Sabeco proposal: Advantage of relationship selling:

Customer Service: Sabeco's sales team provides Consistent Communication: Communicating

personalized attention to each distributor, with customers on a regular basis strengthens the
addressing their specific Beer 333 needs and relationship (Haas, et al., 2012). Sabeco can
preferences. Regular check-ins and prompt provide updates, exclusive offers, and relevant
responses foster rapport and trust. content through a variety of channels, including
social media, email newsletters, and loyalty
From JIT to Relationship Marketing: Sabeco is
transitioning from a transactional approach to
cultivating long-term relationships with Solving Issues: When customers have questions or
distributors. Sabeco ensures a consistent supply of concerns, Sabeco's sales team will respond quickly
and effectively. This approach demonstrates
Sabeco's commitment to customer satisfaction
while also reinforcing trust (Sabeco, 2023; Jobber
& Lancaster, 2019).

Sabeco can provide value-added services to

business clients such as beer pairing
recommendations, event sponsorships, and custom
branding. These initiatives demonstrate Sabeco's
commitment to meeting the diverse needs of its

Sabeco will actively solicit customer feedback and

input, demonstrating a genuine interest in
continuous improvement. This feedback loop
ensures that Sabeco remains responsive to
changing preferences and can adjust its offerings as

Long-Term Partnerships: Relationship selling

encourages the development of long-term
relationships with key clients such as restaurants,
bars, and entertainment venues (Dugan, et al.,
2023). Sabeco can become an integral part of their
success by understanding their business goals and
aligning Sabeco's offerings (Loe & Inks, 2014).

Sabeco can transform its customers into loyal

advocates who not only continue to buy Sabeco's
products but also recommend them to others by
embracing relationship selling. This approach
perfectly aligns with Sabeco's mission of providing
high-quality beer experiences and cements the
company's position as a reliable and preferred
choice in the Vietnamese beer market.
Saigon Beer - Alcohol - Beverage Corporation (SABECO)

145-year history and 43 years of brand evolution by 2020

Represents richness of southern Vietnam and spirit of Saigon


Two initial beer types, now 10 product lines

Market leaders in Vietnam, entering markets like Germany, USA,

and Japan (Sabeco, 2023)

Recognized as Vietnam's
premier beverage group
Extend prominence to
regional and global markets
(Sabeco, 2022)
Propel Vietnam's beverage sector to global standards
Promote culinary heritage of Vietnam
Committed to quality, safety, and health in products
Inclusive success and intangible benefits for stakeholders
Business transparency and fulfillment of obligations
Active community participation, international integration
Meet international standards for food safety, hygiene, environmental protection
(Sabeco, 2023)
SABECO (Sabeco, 2023)
2022 net revenue: VND 34,979 billion; post-tax
profit: VND 5,500 billion
Growth of 32% in revenue and 40% in profit
compared to 2021
Highest profit levels ever achieved
Strong recovery trajectory and resilient business
Achievements and Recognitions (SABECO, 2023)
Accolades at the Asia Pacific Enterprise Awards
(APEA) 2022
Categories: "Corporate Excellence 2022" and
"Inspirational Brand Awards 2022"
Second consecutive year of recognition for
business achievements and sustainable value
(SABECO, 2023)
Geographic Structure: Sabeco has concentrated its distribution
system in the southern region while expanding to the north. Known for
resonating with Southern consumers, Sabeco leverages this strong
presence to tailor products and marketing to local tastes. The
expansion into the northern market also aligns with distinct regional
preferences, opportunities for growth, diversification, and building
robust connections with consumers throughout Vietnam (Capital
Youth Online, 2021)
Product Specialization Structure: Sabeco's
product-based sales structure offers a diverse
range of beer, alcoholic, and non-alcoholic drinks,
along with a focus on innovation (SABECO, 2022)
This broad portfolio caters to various tastes,
enhancing revenue streams and reducing reliance
on a single product line. The balance across
categories allows Sabeco to attract and retain
consumers, and also serves as a risk mitigation
strategy, potentially offsetting losses in one
category with gains in another (Zoltners et al.,
Wholesales Retailer



Restaurant, etc.

Mart, etc.
Channel Focus: B2B, specifically in the distribution of alcoholic beverages.
Market Leader: Sabeco's preeminence in this area.
Clientele: Includes wholesalers, retail chains (supermarkets, hypermarkets), major retail
outlets, bars, and restaurants.
Sales Cycle: Often longer; customized to suit complex needs like bulk purchases, contracts,
legal compliance, and special packaging/branding.
Relationship Building: Crucial in B2B channel.
Sabeco's Approach: Offers volume discounts, and detailed information about product
quality, manufacturing processes, and unique selling propositions (SABECO, 2022)
Channel Focus: B2C, targeting individual customers for personal consumption, parties, and
Sales Cycle: Relatively shorter compared to B2B.
Availability: Products accessible through supermarkets, local stores, and online platforms.
Marketing Approach: Emphasizes the experience of enjoying Sabeco's beverages and
connects them to Vietnamese culture and lifestyle.
Emotion-Driven Strategies: Utilizes visuals, stories, and local celebrities to create an
emotional connection.
Social Media & Influencers: Leveraged to reach a wider audience (SABECO, 2022).
Bia Saigon has introduced Beer Saigon Coffee Infused Beer, blending Vietnam's renowned
coffee beans from the Central Highlands with local beer. Supported by Sabeco's expertise,
this innovative product honors the nation's cultural roots and contemporary tastes. More
than a novel experience for enthusiasts, this fusion represents a thoughtful move to
celebrate local culture and extend the legacy of a top Vietnamese beer brand.
Large Market Share: SABECO is the leading beer brand in its industry, holding
nearly 40% of the market share.
Longstanding Brand: With over 145 years of history, SABECO has built deep
trust and a superior reputation as a pioneering brand in Vietnam's beverage
High-Quality Standards: Continuously improving products, demonstrating
stable pricing, and reducing stock are vital for maintaining its top position.
Modern Technology: Applying the latest technologies, SABECO produces
quality products and practices social responsibility, especially in minimizing
negative impacts on the environment (SABECO, 2022).

High Input Material Prices: Relying on foreign suppliers for quality materials

from Europe, Australia, and America results in higher costs, reducing profits

(SABECO, 2022).

Profit Outstripped by Competitors: Despite market leadership, SABECO's profit

after tax lags behind some competitors, like Heineken, whose profit was 40%

higher in 2019 (CafeF, 2021)

Potential Domestic Market: Vietnam ranks highly in beer consumption in Southeast Asia,
offering vast market potential for SABECO (Thanh Nien Magazine, 2023).
Potential for Export Market: With ASEAN and China as strong export markets and
agreements like the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), export opportunities are
increasing (European Commission, 2019).
Alcohol Prevention Laws: Decree No. 100/2019/ND-CP, which fines road users
for drinking alcohol, had an immediate negative effect on Vietnam's beer
industry (General Statistics Office, 2023).
Fierce Competition: The entry strategic's competitors has maintained
SABECO market share, requiring planning to its leading position (CafeBiz,
High Taxation: With three types of taxes on alcoholic beverages, including a
sharp increase in special consumption tax, maintaining competitive pricing is a
significant challenge for SABECO (Labor Newspaper, 2022).
Taxation: Changes in excise taxes or import tariffs can directly impact Sabeco's
profitability (Labor Newspaper, 2022).
Licensing and Compliance: Adhering to various legal requirements related to
alcohol distribution, and advertising (The Library of Law, 2022).
Trade Agreements: Vietnam's participation in regional and global trade
agreements can influence Sabeco's export opportunities opportunities (European
Commission, 2019).
Economic Factors:

Economic Growth: Vietnam's rapid economic growth can lead to increased

disposable income and, consequently, higher demand for Sabeco's products

(Government Online Newspaper, 2022).

Currency Fluctuation: Changes in the value of the Vietnamese Dong can impact

Sabeco's import costs and export competition costs (Thanh Nien Magazine,


Inflation and Interest Rates: These can affect consumer purchasing power and

Sabeco's borrowing costs costs (Online Portal of The Ministry of Finance, 2023).
Social Factor

Health Consciousness: An increasing focus on health and wellness may decrease alcohol
consumption (Ngoc and Rieng, 2018).
Cultural Factors: Vietnam has a rich culture of beer consumption, especially among the
younger population, favoring Sabeco's market position (Thanh Nien Magazine, 2023).
Technological Factors:

Innovation in Production: New technologies can help Sabeco improve production

efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance product quality (SABECO, 2022).
Digital Marketing: The use of social media and other digital platforms for marketing can
create new opportunities for Sabeco to reach customers (SABECO, 2022).
The strengths for this new product, as determined by PEST and SWOT
analyses, are multifaceted:
Innovation and Cultural Appeal
Large Market Share and Brand Heritage
Quality Assurance
Alignment with Local Preferences
Export Opportunities
Digital Marketing Opportunities
The Opening:
Introducing the Beer Saigon Coffee Infused Beer is the initial stage. This
innovative fusion of coffee and beer, which celebrates Vietnam's cultural
heritage, will be highlighted. Both the modern tastes and traditional values
it caters to are emphasized, with visuals or narratives that align the product
with local customs and lifestyles.
Need and Problem Identification:
The seller engages the customer in a conversation to discover their
preferences, tastes, and any dissatisfaction with current beverage options.
By focusing on the lack of variety and monotonous flavors in existing
offerings, the seller presents the Beer Saigon Coffee Infused Beer as a
unique and refreshing solution that fulfills the unmet needs.
Presentation and Demonstration:
In this stage, the uniqueness of Beer Saigon Coffee Infused Beer is
described in detail, emphasizing the quality of local ingredients and the
masterful blending process. The seller may offer a live demonstration
through a tasting session, where the customers can personally experience
the distinct flavor, further enhancing their interest in the product.
Need and Problem Identification:
The seller engages the customer in a conversation to discover their
preferences, tastes, and any dissatisfaction with current beverage options.
By focusing on the lack of variety and monotonous flavors in existing
offerings, the seller presents the Beer Saigon Coffee Infused Beer as a
unique and refreshing solution that fulfills the unmet needs.
Dealing with Objects:
Dealing with objections is a nuanced stage that includes four critical steps.
First, the seller supports and questions the customer to fully understand their
concerns. Next, the seller confirmed understanding by summarizing the issue
to ensure clarity. The third step is to address the concern directly, providing
reassurances about quality, taste, and the cultural alignment of the product.
Finally, the seller checks if there are any remaining objections, demonstrating
the customer is satisfied with the explanations given.
During the negotiation phase, the seller discusses various pricing options,
bundles, or promotions that may be available, attempting to find the best fit for
the customer's needs. By negotiating terms that are significant to the
customer and aligning with their interests, the seller ensures a win-win
agreement, creating a positive and trusting relationship.
Closing the Sale:
This critical stage involves summarizing the unique selling points and value
proposition of Beer Saigon Coffee Infused Beer. The seller then confidently, yet
politely, asks for the sale directly, making sure the customer is satisfied with
both the terms and the product. This closure sets the stage for an ongoing
customer relationship.
After the purchase, the seller reaches out to the customer to express gratitude
and inquire about their experience with the product. By suggestive related
products or upcoming promotions and offering continued support, the seller
fosters a long-term relationship, demonstrates that the customer feels valued
and cared for even after the sale.
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