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Erica Cassandra S.



1. How would you differentiate the 3 sacred texts of Judaism?

- The Torah includes the first five books of the Hebrew Bible. It lays
the foundation for Judaism, showing important narratives,
including the 613 commandments. It is considered Judaism's most
important text, expressing God's revelation to Moses on Mount
Sinai. The Tanakh is a more comprehensive collection of Jewish
texts. It is Judaism's primary text, including an even broader
range of religious views than the Torah. It also consists of the
Nevi'im, Ketuvim, and Torah. The Talmud is the most important
book of Rabbinic Judaism. It provides thorough discussions on
Jewish law, customs, and ethics, as well as an in-depth religious
practice, in addition to the Torah. It also has two parts: the
Mishnah outlines Jewish oral law, whereas the Gemara is like the
Mishnah's analysis.

2. The code of Judaism is the written Torah consisting of 613 rules or

commandments, far more than the usual commandments that we
follow as 'Christians' or as members of any belief system. As a follower
of any religion or belief system, how do you take or correlate with your
experience the concept of "following rules"?

- The "Following rules" implies adhering to the Catholic Church's

teachings and practices, which include doctrines, laws, and
rituals. These principles are based on the Sacred Scripture,
Tradition, the Magisterium, and the Church's teaching influence,
consisting of the Pope and bishops. The Ten Commandments, as
well as Jesus Christ's and the Apostles' teachings, are found
within the New Testament. Furthermore, Catholics are called to
follow the teachings of the Church, participate in sacraments,
observe holy days, and perform acts of charity and justice.

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