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Mail birth certificate to Trustee and Notice Court of Fraud Thank you canada judge bows to Sovereign” video document and information herein, edit by Captain jade today PRIVATE July 7, 2012 As sent, the fraud stops NOW, as is my ffee will choice. Those who make their laws, shall obey their laws as swam to in Mary Smith, [Chief Deputy Clerk! Administrator], Gary Holder [Judge}, Janice M. Wade, [Attorney], oaths to the CROWN/HOLY ROMAN EMPIREEOLY SkE/ and any and all fraudulent claimants called’named god/hatalyahwehijehovah/satan ete et al under whatever title that is Mary Simith, [Chief Depuly Clerk! Adininistator], Gary Holder, [Judge], Janice M. Wade, [Attorney], ownerand master, not mine or those in compact with, for, of'and by the Nation of Marikind and our compacts with our Sree will chosen alliances with other 1 true mations versus fictional CORPORATE ACTORS und thus, daceivers. Mary Smith, [Chiel Deputy Clerk’ Administraior], Gary Holder, [Judge], Janice M. Wade, [Auomey], have a sworn duty via your Mary Smith, [Chief Deputy Clerk? Administrator], Gary Holder. [ludge] Janice M. Wade, [Auorney], own cath and free willed choice to do s0 in ignorance or defiance of the truth und real Source Creation Laws and by commission or omission of this truth Mary Smith, [Chief Deputy Clerk’ Administrator], Gary Helder, [Tudge}, Janice M. Wade, [Atiorn . stand in complete and full dishonour whereupon it is you, not |/We. that shall judge onesel? that light of truth to make rite where forgiveness is paramount only once, real in VAM/One do not recognise fictional CORPORATE eatilies that are ACTS of FRAUD only and who or what shall TRESPASS upon fice will choice of the souree Creator law. LAM/One do not have a LEGAL NAME where all peovious and prior assumptions atid presumptions it ignorance and in fraudulent deceptios and intention are mull and void, ab indtio, af inftniturn, mune pra tune, VAM'One do not ex-eyst in Mary Sniith, [Chief Deputy Clerk’ Administrator], Gary Holder, Ludge], Janice M. Wade. [Attorney), jutis-fietion, only in /AM/our‘One jurisdiction and those which we resognise as ex-eysting there which is separate ane distinet from yours Mary Smith, [Chief Deputy Clerk’ Administraor), Gary Holder, [Judge), Janice M. Wade, [Atiorcy], by virlue of our own oaths and allegiances proclaimed to your masters and rulers by Mary Sunith, [Chief Deputy Clerk’ Administrator), Gary Holder, [Judge|, Janice M. Wade, [Atiomey), fee will choive. All TRESPASSERS PIRATES shall be noted und evidenced and passed lo your ollices Mary Smith, [Chief Deputy Clerk’ Administrator], Gary Holder, [Judge). Janice M. Wade, [Attomey]. where your rules apply to these in Mary Sunith, [Chief Deputy Clezk Administrator], Gary Holdes, [Judge], Janive M. Wade. [Attorney], realins of juris-ficiion for your various entities to make sure honour is upheld absuluic, TWe have no quarrel wit \y man or woman of, by, int and Lor my/our tree will choice aad shall not judge. Mary Smith, [Chief Deputy Clerk! Administrator]. Gary Holder, [ludge]. Janies M. Wade, [Atomey], are resigned to your cals to be. not act, in honour obey your lawe'masters/rulers until and when those oaths are Ireely changed which is the tite of all ah intiic, ead infinite. The Sovereign Ambassador BIBERUHIG, Nation of One, Office af Man, in allegiance and in compact with only that and these in a chord in our own free will oaths to be. I/We recognise only the living flesh and blood wherein the self ex-cysts with equal station with, for, of and by the Source Creator and the laws that all sball ca-cyst under For YOUR "LEGAL" REFERENCE ONLY as it selates to the former BOND NAME of and any and all variations ever created thereof with false pretence, assumption, presumption and deception is hereby null and void as the fraud it was and is, All those proclaiming alliance with A M/One, the live sentient being. are also under WAMiOne"s full protection and shall all be treated as Sovereign Ambassadors equally as is my compact within and without the live sentient being’s flesh and spiritual realms of consciousness ab initio. cad infinitum. Fiat Justitia Rect Caetum Denique Ultimatum Revereor Verum * All words/vhirreds(null) that follow:fall low(nall) shall be of common‘calm man use only and where “spellings”? “sounds"/ “inal-inteats” are null and void ab initia, ard infimiturn, neene pro fun Court and Atomey General Notice Re. Notice of Fraud And Intent to Commit Fraud Via Any and All Means, Third Party Interloping ete. et al. By Omission and/or Commission Retuin of the Legal Title 1o the CROWN'ROMAN PROPERTY in the fom of the Apostille Certilied Copy of the BIRTH CERTIFICATE in the NAME: ALL CAP NAME. a BOND ior Set off aad Discharge of matter CV19002322, hereinalter (the “matter”) That in the light of day First day of Tuly, bvo thous and twelve, commonly known as the Gregorian calendar Today, VAM/One retums the Legal Titles andor PROPERTY (ies) BIRTH CERTIFICATE in the NAME: ALLCAP NAMIE a BOND, in lieu of the subrogated surety, to set off and discharge the matter CV19002322, said ond is deliver to the Attorney General State of California and Attomey General CITY QF LONDON, hereinafier (“Trustee”) of the birth trast NAM: AUDGABINARIE, Teste in for ort the jure-Retion and CORPORATE: paper fictional, illusion and delusional realms of VATICAN CITY, STATE (HOLY SEL), THE CPTY OF LONRON, STATE (CROWN) and DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, STATE commonly known as but nat limited fo THLS such as AGENT. EMPLOY, BAR MEMBER, JUDGE, TUSTICT:, QUEEN, POPR, PRESIDENT, PRIME MINISTAR, FMPLOVER, OCCUPANT. RESIDENT, CITIZEN, CITIZEN OF ROME, CITIZEN, CITY OF LONDON, STATE, OFFICER, CHIEF, ete. ct al, PARTIFS!PIRATES and all things assumed and presume to be real which are, in fact. pure fiction that violate the Natural, Universal and Source Creatar Law be it NOW proclaim as tian and deceptions reveal here and now ann Today, under my hand, seal and done by any fice will ancl iatent, allegiance (o, of, lor and by VAM/Oae, a Nation of Oac under Almighty God, {rom the Office of Man, « Soverciga ‘Anibassador, Your First Name do hereby and herein proclaim in peace, honour, wuth and love 10 the Universe Auention the Acting Attomey General Cs: Attorney General's Office, California Department of Tustive, P.O. Box 944255, Sacramento, CA 94244-2850, appointed as (“Trustee”) the ALL CAP NAME Carbon Copy to: the Acting Atiomey General C appointed as (CITY OF LONDON “I rustee”) to the | Victoria Street, London SWIIIONP, Carbon Copy to: the Count Administraiorfs), Judge(s), Attorney(s), appointed as (*Tzustee’ under this matter, whomever! whatever i{ may concern, de they an Actor in the PERSONA of a CROWN REGISTERED NAME the ALL CAP NAMB, Court CRIS and CUSIP accounts Be now advise, in the light of day and in the light of truth that Mary Smith, [Chief Deputy Clerk? Administrator], Gary Holder, [ludge], Janice M. Wade, [Attomey], are being duly noted by Mary Smith's, Gary Holder's, Janice M. Wade’s, * aetions and intentions either though sheer ignorance of the Universel laws or by a willful act 1 39 in dishonor with the alosemeniion Universal and Natural Laws all live senticnt beings shal! remain under howour Whereas ALL creation matters upon all where the espa fee will consentand agreements therein ace paramount S upon such is 4 high crime Whereas all things “Legal” are. in fact, not Lawdil and ave purely of a juris-lietioual realm created by those who would control the tree will consent via ignorance, ignorance of the true laws is not a defense from those Laws wherein Truth is/are paramount and mandatory Whereas an agreement created with intent of one andor more parties 19 commit fraud andor other crimes, also be it known that by virtue of Mary Smith, [Chief Deputy Clerk: Administrator], Gary Holder, [Judge}, Janice M. Wade, [Attorney], your own ROMAN MAXIMS that a “fioud reveal” is null and void ature pro tune Whereas any intent/altempt to commit fraud knowingly andior willingly andior by Mary Smith, [Chief Deputy Clerk) Administrator], Gary Holder, Judge), Janice M. Wade, [Atorney], own ignorance vie commission/omission of that knowledys andor ignorance, Mary Smith, [Chief Deputy Clerk’ Administralor], Gary Holder, [Judge], Janice M. Wade, [Atiomey], are, in fact guilty of the crimes with that intent oF ignorant Whereas any and all imtents‘attempts to engage in such actions as to deceive knowingly or uninowingly, it is the duty of that individual or party to mend their criminal activities having this knowledge brought into the light Hor all to sce and the Uespass upou the fice will cousent of all others shall end Whereas Mary Sinith, [Chief Deputy Clerk’ Administrator), Gary Holder, [Judge), Janice M. Wade, [Attorney], are now given the ruth ofall matters via this notice as follows. it is now and finthermore incumbent upon Mary Smith, [Chicl Deputy Clerk! Administeator], Gary Holder, [Judge], Janice M. Wade, [Auorney], to be in accordance with Natural’ Universal and Creator laws with Mary Smith, [Chief Deputy Clerk’ Adminisuater), Gary Holder, [Judge], Janice M. Wade, [Atorney]. knowledge and ignoranee’s Whereas Mary Smith, [Chief Deputy Clerk’ Administrator’, Gary Holder, [Judge], Janice M, Wade, [Attorney], ROMAN MAXIM of “those who ercate the laws, shall obey the laws” and with Mary Smith, [Chief Deputy Clerk! Administrator], Gary Holder, [Judge], Janice M. ‘Wade, [Aulomey], own oaths, allegiances. vows, promises ele. ct al. Mary Smith, [Chief Deputy Clerk? Administrator], Gary Holder, [Judge], Janice M. Wade, [Auomey], have freely consented by surrendering Mary Smith's, Gary Holder's, Tanies M. Wade's, own five will choice to ynother Master, Mary Smith, Gary Holder, Jamice M. Wade, are obligate by thal free will choice to be in uccordance with those thai Mary Smith, Gary Holder, Janice M, Wade, have chosen to rule over Mary Smith, Gary Holder, Janice M. Wade, until such a time where all previous oaths, vows, ullegianecs, promises cle et zl are nullified by Mary Smith, Gary Holder, Janice M. Wade, own choice and Mary Smith, Gary Holder, Janice M. Wade, may do so freely since Maty Smith, Gary Holder, Janice M. Wade, also were deecive where fraudulent intent and ignorance is concerned or continue now in the knowledge of the lauds Mary Suith, Gary Holder, Janice M. Wace, commit in commission whee omission has been vanquished Whereas any and all assumptions and presumptions of the legal juris-fiction are all based in fraudulent intent end‘or ignorance of these assumptions and presumptions where free will consent and all man made and universal compacts and agreements are concerned and are hereby nulled smd voided ab inito, ad infinitun, nunc pro tne, Maty Smith, Gary Holder, Janice M. Wade, and those who are Mary Smith, Gary Holder, Janice M. Wade. Master of universal frou. © guilty, by commission andior omission By Mary Smith, Gary Holder, Janiee Ml. Wade, actions of atterpring ta re-ereate this fraud via deceptios attempts of joinder of the living flesh aud soul, to an inanimate NAME that is not owned by myself and would be a criminal set to do se, be it duly noted that all atermpts thus far haye also been duly aoted aud will be forwarded as evidence of Mary Smith, Gary Holdes, Janice M. Wade, criminal activitics and intentions to Mary Smith, Gary Holder, Janice M. Wade, own authorities (o whieh Macy Smith, Gary Holder, Janice M. Wade, owe Mary Smith's, Gazy Holder's, Janice M. Wade’s, * sworn allegianee where TAM/One have anne but to oneself the source Creator. ‘and Auention: Any and all Criminaly/Colonisers/Citicens*Ftaudulent Beings! Aliens of the Foreign STATES offin for and by THE CITY OF LONDON, STATE! VATICAN CLLY, STATE! DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, STATE and any and all juris-fictions Mary Smith, Gary Holder, fanice M. Wade, represent be advise in the light of day, today here and NOW Whereas, through deceit and fraud NOW inthe light of this day, today, any and all foreign citizens of these Jietioval realms being Leccign to humanity aad vvality as a whole since Mary Smith, Gary Holder, Janice M. Wade, is/are in fact, an illusion and thus delusional reality in which enly corporate fictions can ACT legelly where live flesh cannot Whereas UNUM SANCTUM of 1302 has beea challenge and acquiesce, and hereby also is, the fraudulent claim that the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE/HOLY SEE makes uponsio any and all fictitious deities‘gods of their own creation by virtue of fraudulent, deceitful pretenes and perpetrated through the same taud and deceit upon all of humanity that has brought immeasurable pain and suffering, death and genocide, fear and hate upon the whole of humanity and by virtue of the laws ofereation and Universal Law, ate guilty of such and more than. aforementioned crimes and; Whereas only through the free willed consent and ignorance of the masses have Mary Smith, Gay Holder, Fanice M. Wade, and any/all of Mary Smith, Gary Holder, Janice M. Wade, minions been able to stay in Universal Honour where Mary Smith, Gary Holder, Janice M. ‘Wade, have thus far remained blameless but n0 longer with the frauds and deceptions Mary Smith, Gary Holder, Janiee M. Wade, have thrust upon humanity now in the light of truth and honour absolute for ALL to see and: Whereas, if but only one is awakened, the whele of humanity shall stand as one conseiousness forthe one is of the all and the all is ofthe one and many are now awakened and; Whereas all shings “legal” are, in fact, ofa pure fictional nature and are abhorrent to natural and Universal Laws where all laws created Ltoin the hand of man are irrelevant in, of and to the Laws of the Universe and of no force or effect NOW and forever and; Whereas ANY and ALL claims, proclamations, PAPAL BULLS, ACTS ete, ct al. made from this fraudulent and éeecitiul position are henceforth and forever null and void ab initia, add infinitum, mune pro tne end; Whereas the hidden knowledge and thus, truth, belongs to. ALL humanity and thee will-cd beings and where the true histories of this world have been hidden, delete, aller, destroy etc. et al the truth shall Lake its rightful place in the heurts of all beings om, of and in this universe and; Whereas ALL alleged “LIVING DOCUMENTS" ak.a. PAPAL BULLS cease forever in their intone and power of existence where the bload of the innocents spilled-to create thom is again purity in this wuih and: Whereas all blood spilled from the original evil intent shall henceforta be pure again in the unveiling of this crime agains! all sentient live beings of this world and in the universe and; Whereas all sentient live beings that have been deceive into slavery by means of trickery, frond, force or anything of a less than hononr fall intent, be hereby freed of this intent by virtue of the frauds herein unveiled whereby no lawéstatnte ‘rom the hand of man be of any foros or effect any longer, Therelore, be it now and forever knowa thal any and all frauds placed upon Lunanity were of evil intent, of evil ineamate and are hereby in the light where only atonement of the guilty may bring them solace and ultimately forgiveness, such is the fice will choice of all and: Therefore, be it now and forever known that all are qual in that free will choiee where by one's actions and allegiances, one shall be known and; Therefore ANY and ALI. contracts/compacis, allegiances, agreements, intercourse, man made laws ete. et al that areAvere'will be made with a malicious. malevolent, fraudulent, deceptive and/or fictional illusion intent outside of the laws of the universe and truth, are hereby reudered null and void ah initio, «el infinitum, rune pro sane ands Therefore, ALL guilty partios of, for, in and by these aforementioned CORPORATE STATE'S aud its” afliliatc CORPORATIONS ete, de they living i illusion or are inanimate are, in fact, FOREIGN and ALIEN INTERLOPERS upon humanity by. of, for and in their tee will choice to do so. By their ACT-IONS and INTENT and their vow sworn allegiance knowingly or unknowingly by and of their owa freewill choice and ignorance, agreements, oaths, vows, pledges, intercourse, ete. ot al. to said STATES and fictional realms, that shall be known as the (MURIS-FICTIONAL”), are Lully re-spawas-able for their ACT-IONS and INTENT by omission or commission of erimes against the whole or any part of humanity. Only they who imake the “laws” shall obey the “laws” as shown in Mary Smith, Gary Holder, Janice M. Wade, TURIS-FICTIONAL realms via oaths made. Mary Smith, Gary Holder, Janice M. Wade, deceptions and frauds are laid bare before the alter of the Universe where all shall be seen in their own lightness or darkness, by and of their own free will choice which is the re-spawns-ability of the self and no other. Mary Smith, Gary Holder, Janice M. Wace, measure of worth is that which Mary Smith, Gary Holder, Tice M. Wade, have taken in liew of truth, peace, love and honour absolute upon which, no price can be levy or even postulate. Justice be serve though the heavens may fall, so mote it be ah initio, add inglaitum. Mary Smith, Gary Holder, Janice M. Wade, stand NOW in ABSOLUTE DISHONOUR. By Omission o Commission. Mary Smith. Gary Holder, Janice M. Wade, are Guilty; Whereas, if Actors use a REGISTERED NAME, Mary Sinith, Gary Holder, Janice M. Wade, ave a FOREIGN COLONIZERINVADER and guilty of crinies by Omission or Commission for, of and by THE CITY OF LONDON, STATE which by virtue of OWNERSHIP by THE HOLY SEE’ VATICAN CITY.STATE) THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE, STATE and are guilty as follows 1. By sweuring, attesting, agreeing, affirming, recognising, aligning or allying with, via oath or ignorant acquiescence 1o any andor all aforementioned CORPORA TIONS INSTITUTIONS. Mary Smith, Gary Holder, Janice M. Wade, are hereby guilty by association with all associated criminal activities including but not limited to GENOCIDE, WARS OF AGGRESSION, MURDER, SLAVERY, FRAUD, THEFT AND ALL CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY ete. et al 2. With any and all use ofa NAME thot is in BOND FORM and REGISTERED with the CROWN Mary Smith, Gary Holder. Janice M. Wade, are, in fact committing FRAUD singe BIRT via the BIRTL CERTIFICATE and are in Jaci, a slave to the alorementioned entities 3. Any use of GOVERNMENT IDENTIFICATION is, in fact, fraud since a BIRTH CERTIFICATE cannot be used for identification purposes as stated clearly en the original or copied document. ALL GOVERNMENT IDENTIFICATION is created from the BOND INSTRUMENT COPY. Macy Suith, Gary Holder, Janice M. Wade, do not have, nor will Mary Smith, [Chief Deputy Clerk: Administrator], Gary Holder, [Judge), Janice M. Wade, [Auoriey], ever see the ORIGINAL because it was sold and the copy ACTS merely as the proof of sale and is, in faot,a receipt only for the sale of the INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY of the legal title NAME YOUR ALL CAP NAME belougs to the CROWN CORPORATION and; 4. Any attempt to ask, foree, cocree, threaten ete. etal anyene who knows this truth is, in Jae, aiding and abetting 2 fraudulent action aad is guilty of crime upon that aet and furthermore hy IDENTIFYING themselves with this fictional CROWN CORPORATION OWNED NAME vie GOVERNMENT IDENTIFICATION of any kind, they ate ACTING in. fraud ab initio and: 5. The Bull " Unam Sanctum” of Boniface V.LU. (1302) fraudulently claimed all TITLE and PROPERTY on, over amd under the Earth with the fraud being only in the fictional realms of “Legal” where real laws are known and never written by the hands of'muan, THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE has claimed only TITLE and PROPERTY which includes but is not with limit wo anything and all things in the illusion of fictional CORPORATE realms or JURIS-FICTION which is inferior to the live sentient beings truc jurisdiction. A puppet eanmot speak without a willing puppeteer attach und is hereby exorcise 6, ALL. CONTRACTS create in the illusion of the CORPORATE veils are, in fact, FRAUD absolute be they knowingly or unknowingly eater into with the pretease to defiaucl @ live seatient being by means ofa CORPORATE: TITLEUNAME/STOCK or any and all such fashions of JOINDER, assume o¢ presume by the offending party through a willful or ignorant ACT. 7. AILCITY OF LONDON(CROWN)VATICAN CITY(HOLY SEEYDISTRICT OF COLUMBIA AGENTS/OFFICIALS/OFFICERS/BAR MEMBERS ete, ot al are. in fact, ALTEN FOREIGN/COLONIZERS with no righ's upon the lands beyond their own fetional borders and as such have NO FOREIGN IMMUNITY as the invaders they ace upon the rest of this world inasmuch as they have cither SWORN/VOW-ED/OATH-ED/AFFIRMCED/A TTEST- ED cio, ot al their allegiatice with one of all aforemontion-ed CORPORATE FICTIONAL REALMS, 8. By virtue of the original fraud and deceptive claims made by any and all affiliated. entily(ies) past, present and Juture as their being “god /god's cepresentative Adcity,” on Earth are hereby exposed for this manifest fraud upon all of humanity whereby anyone believing in or accepting “their god” made them subject to their “god"s” laws and commandments as were written by them to accept che punishments as dictate by those that perpetrated this heinous concept of “icligion” lo enslave, foment genocide, create wars end thus murder countless innocents on this Ezrth in the NAME of their “god” and are bereby guilty of these crimes under Universal Law whore ALL stand under, and 9, Once a FRAUD is reveal, it is NULL end VOID, nune pro hae as pee their own dictuan’s and “LEGAL MAXIMS/ACTS/STATLTES/CONSTITUTIONS ” ete, etal, and that they must abide by their owa ROMAN LAW MAXIM of “those who make the laws, obey the laws” lest they be in complete |2ISIIONOUR gb initio, ed infinitum. By commission or omission of acting in a crime. Mary Sinith, [Chief Deputy Clerk’ Administrator], Gary Folder, [Judge], Janie M. Wade, [Attorney], are party(ies) to that erime for it’s commission and aic as guilty as if Mary Smid, [Chief Deputy Clerks’ Aduinistator), Gary Holder, [Iudge], Fanice M. Wade, [Auomey], commit the crime yoursel! Mary Smith, [Chief Deputy Clerk’ Administrator], Gary Holder, [Judge]. Janice M. Wade, [Attomey], if Mary Smith, [Chic Deputy Clerk’ Administrator], Gary Holder, [Judge], Janice M. Wade, [Attorney], does nothing to stop it. 1’ Mary Smith, [Chief Deputy Clerk’ Administrator], Gary Holder, [Judge], Janice M. Wade, |Aviomey), know ofa efime and do not avt upon the truth to bring the guilty to the light, Mary Smith, [Chief Deputy Clerk? Administrator], Gary Holder, Lludge], Janice M. Wade, [Attorney|, are siding ond abetting in any crimes Mary Smith, [Chief Deputy Clerk’ Administrator], Gary Holder, [Judge], Tanice M. Wade, [Attomey], are aware of and do aot take actions (o thwart or bring to the light of truth. By virtue of this knowledge it is now ineumbent upon Mary Smith, Gary Helder, Janice M. Wade, the Actors to make a free will choice and choose Mary Smnith’s, Gary Holder's, Janice M. Wade's, path heneeforth Upon Mary Smith, [Chief Deputy Clerk! Administrator], Gary Holder, [Judge], Tanies M. Wade, [Attorney], NOW lies the full weight of truth in all Mary Smith M. Wade's, “actions towards your fellow mankind on every land upon this Earth, Where Mary Smith, Gary Holder, Janice Vi Wade, have chosen, the unseen forces of this Universe have also. chosen by virtue of the most precious of all laws being FREE WILL where NONE may FRESPASS. May Mary Smith, Gary Holder, Janice M. Wade, , be wise and free in your choice where the Universe shall gifi Mary Smith, Gary Holder, Janice M. Wade, accordingly for whichever path Mary Smith, Gary Holder, laniee M. Wade, , choose dary Holder’s, Janice Note: All past, present and future evidence will be given to Mary Smith's, Gary older’s, Janice M. Wade’s, authoritylies) 10 pass judgment whereas in VAM/One’s Live sentient jurisdiction VAM/One the judge not lest I/AM/One to be judge. Lot it henceforth aad Lorover be known that all prior assumptions andor presumptions of any and all allegiances, oaths, vows, compacts, pledges cic cl al are hereby null and void with ‘regards 10 all things in the legal jutis-Lietiou sueh as; CITIZENSHIP, EMPLOYEE, EMPLOYER, AGENT, REGISTERED NAME cic. ct al. Any snd all presumptions and/or agsuimptions of the use of any and all GOVERNMENT IDENTIFICATION, which is ereated in fraud via the BIRTH CERTIFICATE with any and all use since by andlor of this individual is also, in lact, an unknowingly frauduleat ACT. WHEREBY using the INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY of a’ the REGISTERED NAME that was duly sold upon REGISTRATION, was and is no longer nar ever was or will be this live seationt being’s inelividual property or right to logal title use, is, in fact an act of fraud, and shall end henceforth af inéio ad infinitum, nuene pro tune. Any and all attempts to force, coerce, deceive ete, ct al., into VAMOne’s use or claim to the NAME, MULSGAIBINAGA isin fat wo force intercourse, to aand abet kan act of fraud govern yourselves accordingly Fiat Justitia Ruat Caehin Let justice he done though the heavens fall first name, Office of Man

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