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The last night of the world

The story begins one evening with a husband asking his wife what she would do
if she knew this was the last night of the world. He then reveals as they drink
coffee that the world will indeed end later that night as they talk, their two
daughters are playing nearly.
The wife wanted to know how the world would end. War? no, a nuclear bomb?
also no. Germ warfare? Also no. Instead, the husband says he bases his belief
that the world will end that night on a feeling based on a dream he first
experienced four nights before. When they woke up after the dream, he thought
nothing more of it until he got talking to other people at work and learned that
they had had the same dream. Indeed everyone seemed to have had exactly. In
some dreams accepting this new, the wife asks whether they deserve this fate.
The husband says deserve hasn't got anything to do with it. The wife seems to
take the news more seriously because she and the other women in the
neighborhood have also the same dream.
The wife says she isn't afraid because the end of the world seems the logical
conclusion given the way they have lived their lives. The husband says the only
things she will miss about life his her and their daughters. They reflect that people
will live their last evening on parth like any other doing normal things.
The husband wonders why tonight of all night has been chosen as the last night
of the world, but the wife suggests it doesn't have to make sense the wash up the
dishes and take her daughter to bed before sitting and reading the papers
listening the radio together, They go to bed wishing each other good nights for
the last time.

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