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Cassini ovals

 Oval

Definition: A convex closed algebraic curve taken on a flatness is

called an oval.
Oval means egg-shaped in Greek. The simplest example of an oval is a
circle and an ellipse.

The oval has at least four points, at which the radius of curvature
takes the largest or smallest value.
If the distance between all the parallel tangents of the oval is equal
to a constant number, then the length of the oval is equal to the
product of this number and π. For example, the length of the circle
equal to the product of π and its diameter.

 Cassini ovals

Definition: The geometric place of points whose distance from two

given points on a flatness is equal to a fixed number is called Cassini
This curve was first studied by the French mathematician Dominic
Cassini (1625-1712). That's why it's called the Cassini oval.
Equation with rectangular coordinates:

( x 2 + y 2 ) −2 c 2 ( x 2− y2 ) + c 4−a4 =0 ,(a , c >0)
Polar equation:

p2=c2 cos 2 φ ± √ c 4 cos2 2 φ+a 4−c 4

Elements and properties:
 If we denote the given points by F1 and F2 it is half the distance
between these points.
 Take the arbitrary point M (x;y) on the curve and the number a is
the number that satisfies the condition F1M∙F2M=a2.
 It is symmetrical with respect to the curved coordinate axes.
 The Cassini oval is a 4-layered circle curve.
 The shape of the curve varies depending on the ratio c .

We look at these cases separately

 a> c √2 In this case A convex curve which the vertices are A(
√ a2 +b 2 ; 0 ¿, B(-√ a2 +b 2 ; 0 ¿,
C(0;√ a2−c 2), D(0;-√ a2−c 2) is obtained.

 c <a< c √2 In this case, a closed curve with four vertices and four
turning points is obtained.

 a<c In this case, the curve is a curve consisting of two ovals.

 a=c In this case, Bernoulli lemniscate is obtained.

Figure 1
Figure 2

Figure 3

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