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Jan: Mmm. This coffee is really strong.

Steve: I like it that way.

Jan: So do I. During my last class I was thinking
about coming here and could almost taste the coffee.
Steve: Sounds like it wasn't too exciting.
Jan: I was bored to death I'm in that class only
because it's a requirement so I have to stick it
out the problem is the professor doesn't know how
to spark our interest she just walks in and lectures
there's no discussion
Steve: What a drag! Don't people ask questions?!!
Jan: Oh, yeah, once in a blue moon. But I always
see an awful lot of people doodling, and I can tell
their minds are wondering. Do you have any
classes like that?
Steve: I have only one big lecture class -world
history- and the professors the best. It's so interesting.
I'm always on the edge of my seat, and when we
have discussions, the room is filled with electricity.
Jan: I'm jealous. Too bad I already took history.
Steve: You know, one day it dawned on me that I
was lucky to be in her class because I found myself
thinking a lot about what she said. Did you ever have
a teacher like that?
Jan: I'd have to think about it. I don't know.
Steve: You should come with me to class sometime
just to see what I mean.
Jan: Sounds like you're in love with her, Steve.
Steve: Very funny. She could be my grandmother.
Anyway, I guess what it really comes down to is
her enthusiasm for the subject. She just loves history.
I remember at the beginning of the semester I
was fooling around a lot and not taking anything in
school very seriously. I bombed the first history test,
but then I buckled down because I started really
enjoying school, especially her class.
Jan: You got me really curious about this teacher. I
think I'll take you up on your idea to visit your class.

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