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The Purpose of this questionnaire is for Research only.

The data collected through this interview schedule shall be used only for academic
purpose and shall remain confidential.
•The questions which have options as Yes or No, is to be marked either Yes or No.
•The question that has options as Always, Often, Sometimes and Never are to be marked according to the frequency
of that event occurring.
The questions with Completely, Neutral and Not at all; are to be marked accordingly.
There are several open-ended questions whose responses will be collected by the
Section- A ( General Particulars)
1. Name of the school -
2. Name of the respondent-
3. Age-
4. Sex-
5. Village-
6. Block-
7. Social Category/ Caste/ Background-
8. Religion-
9. Type of family (Joint/Nuclear/Extended)-
Section- B (Socio- Economic Status)-
Sl. No.
1. Annual Income of the family
Below Rs. 70000 Rs. 70000 - 150000 Rs. 150000 - 500000 Above Rs. 500000

2. Poverty Situation
BPL APL None Others
Questions related to each objective to be asked:
1) Objective 1: To find the reason why parents are not ready to send their children to
Multiple Choice Questions:
1. When considering sending your child to an institution, what is your primary concern?
a) Safety
b) Quality of education
c) Cost
d) Other (please specify) _______
2. What factor would most likely influence your decision to send your child to an institution?
a) Reputation of the institution
b) Proximity to home
c) Extracurricular activities offered
d) Flexible scheduling options
3. Have recent events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, impacted your willingness to send
your child to an institution?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Unsure
4.What do you perceive as the biggest drawback of institutional education for your child?
a) Lack of individualized attention
b) Exposure to negative influences
c) Rigidity of curriculum
d) Other (please specify) _______
5. How do you rate the level of trust you have in institutions to prioritize your child's well-
a) High
b) Moderate
c) Low
6. How do you perceive the long-term benefits of institutional education for your child?
a) Highly beneficial
b) Somewhat beneficial
c) Neutral
d) Not beneficial
7. Are you satisfied with the quality of education provided in your local public schools?
8. Is the cost of tuition and fees the primary reason you have not enrolled your child in aninstitution?
9.Do you believe that homeschooling or private tutoring can provide a more personalized
learning experience? (True/False)
10. Are you confident that institutions can provide a positive social environment for your
child? (True/False)
11. Do you have concerns about the potential negative influence of peer groups in
institutional settings? (True/False)
Objective 2: To Critically analyze the connection between child marriage and its
impact on the higher education of girl students
1. What do you perceive as the primary barrier preventing girls who experience child
marriage from pursuing higher education?
a) Lack of financial resources
b) Societal stigma attached to married girls pursuing education
c) Lack of familial support
d) Other (please specify) _______
2. How do you think child marriage affects the academic performance of girls in higher
a) Decreases motivation to pursue education
b) Disrupts continuity in education due to family responsibilities
c) Increases stress and mental health issues
d) Other (please specify) _______
3. How do cultural and religious norms contribute to the prevalence of child marriage and its
impact on girls' education?
a) They perpetuate gender inequalities that prioritize marriage over education for girls
b) They provide protective measures for married girls to continue their education
c) They have no significant influence on the connection between child marriage and girls'
d) Other (please specify) _______
4. What strategies do you think educational institutions can adopt to address the educational
needs of married girls?
a) Providing childcare facilities on campus
b) Offering flexible class schedules and online learning options
c) Implementing awareness campaigns to challenge societal norms surrounding child
d) Other (please specify) _______
5. How do economic factors contribute to the prevalence of child marriage and its impact on
girls' higher education?
a) Poverty often leads families to prioritize marriage over education for their daughters
b) Economic independence of girls reduces the likelihood of early marriage
c) Economic factors have no significant influence on child marriage and girls' education
d) Other (please specify) _______
True/False (Yes/No) Questions:
1. Is societal stigma a major factor preventing married girls from pursuing higher education?
2. Are educational institutions adequately equipped to address the specific needs of married
girls? (Yes/No)
3. Is early marriage a leading cause of discontinuity in girls' higher education? (Yes/No)
4. Are there sufficient resources and support systems available for married girls to pursue
higher education? (Yes/No)
5. Do you believe that education is an effective tool for empowering married girls and
breaking the cycle of poverty? (Yes/No)
Objective 3 : To find the quality of education in government schools and private
1. How would you rate the overall quality of education in government schools in your area?
a) Excellent
b) Good
c) Average
d) Poor
2. Which of the following factors do you believe contributes the most to the quality of
education in government schools?
a) Qualified and dedicated teachers
b) Availability of resources and facilities
c) Curriculum and teaching methods
d) All of the above
3. Do you think the class sizes in government schools are conducive to effective learning?
a) Yes, the class sizes are manageable
b) No, the class sizes are too large
c) It varies across different government schools
d) I'm not sure
4. How would you compare the extracurricular activities and opportunities available in
government schools versus private schools?
a) Government schools offer better extracurricular activities
b) Private schools offer better extracurricular activities
c) There is not much difference
d) I don't have enough information to compare
5. In your opinion, which type of school (government or private) better prepares students for
higher education and future careers?
a) Government schools
b) Private schools
c) Both are equally effective
d) It depends on the specific school
6. In your opinion, how do the learning outcomes (e.g., academic performance, exam results)
of students in government schools compare to those in private schools?
a) Better in government schools
b) Better in private schools
c) Comparable
d) It varies across different schools
7. I am satisfied with the quality of infrastructure in government schools. (True/False)
8. Parental involvement and engagement are higher in private schools compared to
government schools. (True/False)
9. The learning outcomes of students in government schools are better than those in private
schools. (True/False)
10. My overall impression of the quality of education provided in government schools in my
area is positive. (True/False)
Objective 4 :To evaluate the Role and Effectiveness of NEP to increase the quality of
education in rural areas.
1. Do you believe the NEP's emphasis on vocational and skill-based education has been
beneficial for students in rural communities?
a) Yes, it has been very beneficial
b) It has been somewhat beneficial
c) No, it has not been beneficial
d) I'm not sure about the impact
2. How would you rate the improvements in teacher training and professional development
under the NEP in rural areas?
a) Significant improvements
b) Moderate improvements
c) No significant changes
d) I don't have enough information
3. Has the NEP led to better access to educational resources and infrastructure in rural
a) Yes, there has been a significant improvement
b) There has been some improvement, but more is needed
c) No, there has been no notable change
d) I'm not aware of any changes
4. To what extent has the NEP's promotion of regional languages and mother tongue-based
education benefited students in rural areas?
a) Highly beneficial
b) Moderately beneficial
c) Not very beneficial
d) I'm not familiar with this aspect of the NEP
5. How effective has the NEP been in leveraging technology to enhance learning outcomes in
rural schools?
a) Highly effective
b) Moderately effective
c) Not very effective
d) I'm not aware of this aspect of the NEP
6. Overall, how would you rate the effectiveness of the NEP in improving the quality of
education in rural areas?
a) Highly effective
b) Moderately effective
c) Not very effective
d) I don't have enough information to evaluate
7. The NEP has led to better access to educational resources and infrastructure in rural
schools. (True/False)
8. The NEP's promotion of regional languages and mother tongue-based education has
benefited students in rural areas. (True/False)
9. The NEP has been effective in leveraging technology to enhance learning outcomes in
rural schools. (True/False)
10. Do you believe the NEP has been highly effective in improving the quality of education in
rural areas?
Objective 5 : To assess the Awareness of students and parents towards the
government schemes that promote rural education.
1. How familiar are you with the government schemes that aim to promote rural education?
a) Very familiar
b) Somewhat familiar
c) Not very familiar
d) I'm not aware of any such schemes
2. Which of the following government schemes focused on rural education are you most
aware of?
a) Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA)
b) Mid-Day Meal Scheme
c) Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya (KGBV)
d) All of the above
3. How effective have these schemes been in promoting the enrollment and retention of girls
in rural schools?
a) Highly effective
b) Moderately effective
c) Not very effective
d) I'm not aware of their impact on girls' education
4.How well do you believe these government schemes have integrated technology and digital
learning tools in rural education?
a) Very well
b) Moderately well
c) Not very well
d) I'm not aware of this aspect of the schemes
d) I don't have enough information to evaluate
5. These schemes have successfully addressed the issue of dropout rates among students in
rural schools. (True/False)
6. The government schemes have provided adequate infrastructure and resources to rural
schools. (True/False)
7. The schemes have been highly effective in promoting the enrollment and retention of girls
in rural schools. (True/False)
8. These schemes have effectively addressed the issue of teacher availability and quality in
rural schools. (True/False)
9. The government schemes have successfully integrated technology and digital learning
tools in rural education. (True/False)
10. Overall, the government schemes have been highly effective in promoting the quality of
education in rural areas. (True/False)

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