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Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to the honourable judges.

Today, on this
fine day, I would like to present a story entitled “HEALTH IS WEALTH”.

Long time ago, there was a young man who was healthy and strong. He always
grumbled and complained to his friends that he was too poor.

“Ai! If I have alot of money, how nice it will be! Then , I can lead a happy and
comfortable life!” said the young man to himself.

The young man always dreamt that if he becomes a rich man, he would travel around
the world and taste the most delicious food.

Although the young man was strong and healthy, he was lazy to do any work.
Everyday he would only day dream.

His friends and relatives tried to avoid him because when he met any friend, he would
grumble to them that he was a poor man.

One day, there was an old man passed by his house and overheard what he had said,
so the old man stopped for a while.

“Why are you grumbling? In fact, you own a lot of wealth with you that you do not
realize,” said the old man to young man.

“I own a lot of wealth?” asked the young man in surprise. “Where is my wealth
then?” the young man did not believe what the old man had said.

“Your pair of eyes is your wealth. Are you willing to sell your eyes? Even if one eye
is enough. How much do you want to sell?” asked the old man.

“What? No matter with what precious thing to exchange my eyes, I will not agree!”
said the young man in surprise.

“Ok, then you chop off both your hands, you can exchange both of your hands with a
lot of money!” suggested the old man.

“Oh! No! How can you ask me to exchange my hands for money? You must be
crazy!” yelled the young man.

“Now, do you understand why I say you are a wealthy man? You must stop
grumbling that you do not have enough wealth,” advised the old man.

“Believe in what I say, the greatest wealth of a person is his health and his physical
strength,” said the old man. Then, the old man continued his journey.

The moral of the story, be thankful with what we have.

That’s all thank you.

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