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Name: Emma Knaub

Professor: Adrienna Viramontes

Class: Senior Seminar

Date: 04/03/2024

Roles Learning Goal:

How can we define what roles are? Well, the communications program, defines it

as “adapting and performing his/her oral, written, and/or nonverbal behavior in

consideration of multiple contexts”. For my definition what comes to mind is that it’s a

way of how he/she uses the way to communicate either through oral, written, or

nonverbal behavior in any context. It’s setting what “roles” you want to do to complete

anything or interact with anything.

While at UW-Parkside in the Communications program, I wrote about this

learning goal in a sophomore seminar. Since then, I have gained more knowledge and

understanding of this learning goal in my final year here at the university. One way I

have used this throughout my time here is that being a student is classified as a “role”. I

go to class every day ready to learn and put my skills to the test. I also am not just a

student, I’m a college student, a graphic designer student, and a communication

student, and all of these are classified as a “role”. One other role that I have had while

being here at the university is that I took the job as a project manager in my Design

Portfolio class. What a project manager entails are making a schedule for your

classmates (if it’s at a company your employers) and letting them know what they are

expected to do. A project manager is also in charge of getting in contact with their
clients to get all the information and requirements they need and then pass it along to

their team.

Now when it comes to my personal and professional life, I’d say I have used this

learning goal in both my personal and professional life. When it comes to my personal

life, I can indeed say I have used this learning goal: roles in the past and now. One

example of this is I have the role of being a daughter to my mom and my dad. I am also

a girlfriend to my boyfriend which is a completely different role than being a daughter

and there are so many other roles that I play daily. As for my professional life, I have

also used this as well. One example of this is that I take the role of a guest services

worker at my job and that entails helping guests around the store, at the register,

stocking items so it's full for guests, cleaning, etc.

With all of that, I can say that I will be using this learning goal more in the future.

If you think about it there's no way you can’t use this learning goal in any part of your

day-to-day life. There will always be a chance for you to use this goal in anything you do

and there will be times when your role will change because of an event that takes place

and that is completely okay.

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