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EM203 – Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineering

Lab Class 02: Revision Exercise of Python/ Matlab© Software

1. A batch furnace is used for heating up scrap and small ingots, which can be heated up to
1200°C. The maximum capacity of the furnace is 15 tonnes. The specific fuel consumption
varies from 180 to 280 kg according to the input of the material. The fuel consumption can
be found using the following equation

Fuel Consumption (kg) =
η × CV

• Q - Heat required by material (MJ) = mingot × CP,ingot × ΔT

• η - Efficiency of the furnace (usually given as a percentage)
• CV - Calorific value of fuel (Energy released per unit mass of fuel (MJ/kg)
• mingot - Mass of material (MT)
• CP,ingot - Specific heat capacity of material (kJ/kg/K)
• ΔT - Temperature rise (K)

Write a Python program to Calculate the fuel consumption of the furnace. The program
should ask the user to enter the quantity of material (ingot) to fill up and the temperature
needs to be heated. Calculate the fuel consumption and display it in the format (kg per 1
tonnes of material).
If the quantity is below 1 tonne or exceeds 15 tonnes, display an appropriate error message
and ask the user to re-enter an acceptable value. Similarly, if the temperature is below
800°C or exceeds 1200°C, do the same. Implement this code to heat 15 tonnes of material
to 1200°C. Verify the accuracy of the code.

Additional data:
• Cp - 2.7 kJ/kg/K
• η - 92 %
• CV -33 MJ/kg

2. Write a mathematical program to generate this expression and evaluate the value for f (5)
𝑓(𝑥) = 1 + (12 + 22 ) + (13 + 23 + 33 ) + ⋯ + (1𝑥 + 2𝑥 + 3𝑥 + 4𝑥 + ⋯ + 𝑥 𝑥 )

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