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Ivan Zacky Nugraha

2b2 / 1607079

Writing For General Communication 2

Bill’s Mind War

One day there was a man named Bill. Working as an ordinary worker in one

of Design Company in his town, Bill didn’t like to communicate with other people.

He loved the solitude, he loved being alone and thought about everything, and even

his hobby was to sit in the middle of his room with a cup of coffee and listen to some

folk music in the evening. He didn’t like to talk very much; he only spoke when he

thought it was necessary.

Bill didn’t have many friends; he only had some friends in his life. Bill never

talked to his co-workers except when it was about working matters in the office.

Bill’s life was so monotonic; he always did the same thing every day. His routine

activity was only going to work and to come home. But deep in his heart, Bill wanted

someone who could listen to him, someone who could discuss about everything in the

world with him. Until one day Bill had new co-worker in his office, she was a fresh

graduate from local university and her name is Jasmine.

At first, Bill didn’t care about the new employee in his office because he

didn’t like to communicate with his co-workers. But one day Jasmine came to Bill’s

table and asked his opinion about a design that she already made. After that situation

Bill started to talk with Jasmine and they got closer every day, until one day Bill

realized that maybe he was falling quite hard for Jasmine.

Bill started to think about Jasmine every day, and the only reason why Bill

could be falling quite hard for Jasmine was because Jasmine is the only girl who

could make Bill felt comfortable every time Bill talked to her. Bill’s life was so

different after he met Jasmine right now, Bill is friendlier to his co-workers and it’s

good for him and right now Bill had looked at his phone much longer than he used to.

After few weeks of getting closer to each other, Jasmine made an implication

that she wanted to go on a date with Bill. So suddenly, there was a war in Bill’s head

between the right brain and the left brain. The right brain said that Bill needed to

respond to Jasmine’s implication about that but his left brain said ignore that because

Bill had a report that had to be done by noon or he would get fired from the office.

And the war of the brain began.

“Why do you always have decide everything?” Ask the right brain.

“Because I think of cause and effect while you always think about games,” the

left brain replied.

“But I saw you playing games too.” said the right brain

“Chess is not a game, chess helps me improve my problem solving skills,” the

left brain said.

During the debate, Bill suddenly went to Jasmine table and said to her.

“How about we go for a little chat and some coffee?” Bill asked her.

Jasmine replied it with a smile and stood up from her chair. But then, the left

brain and the right brain got confused after they knew what happened and suddenly

Bill’s heart talked and tried to explain what happened just now to the left and right


“It can happen because when the brain overthinks I am silently doing my job” said

Bill’s heart.



Bismi : you need improvement on your grammar

Achmad Rizky : So Many irrelevant words, good story tho

Gibran : Focus on your work, good story to read

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