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Project =>

Add Category ->Category name

Category Icon
re ,profile Summary ,About Me,Highest Qualification

Course Purchase =>one time payment
Payment gateway ->Third party service provider.
(Paytm,Phonepay,RazorPay,Bankwise ,Payumoney...)
Course purchasing -Anybody can purchase the course by
paid a perticular amount and be enrolled.Can have all
and live lecture uploaded .
Free Courses ->Anybody can enrolled directly just via
registration with admin approval.
Every Course will hava a limited time period,user can
access that course for only that period.
Admin will also have authority to provide discount to
perticluar user for any course.
User =>Be enrolled in
course,registration ,login ,portfolio ,about
us ,Home ,Student feedback
Google Drive ,Vimeo,Youtube .
//Types of parameter of UDF-Input
1.Input parameter :to collect values ,from external source
,that can be used as local variable in in UDF.
To take inputs from caller .
2.Reference Parameter:
ref keyword is used to get memory address of a
variable .If a function wants to share memory address of
to other function ,reference type parameters are used.
To achieve call by reference concept in c# ref keyword is
used .
3.Out parameter :
when a UDF ,wants to return more than one output to
it's caller ,output parameter are used.
Out keyword is used to define a output parameter.
· Course =>Add course ,Select Category(Dynamic
bind),Course Title,Course Thubnail,Select
tutor(dynamic bind),
· course fee,Discounted fee,course duration,
· Course Detail,button
ADD Ckeditor textBox
Add CDN :
add cdn library
MailMessage->used to create the email ,compose
Smptclient use to send the mail over one server to
Mail Message=>
message box
SMTPClient=>network credentials
create a forgot password form first feild is enter your
email ID =>check the email from database
if email not exist then show a error message & return =>
if email exists
=>generate a six digit random number
Random r=new Random();
int otp=r.nextInt(000001,999999);
and send this otp over the email and save this otp into
session & open a new page where user can
input .
step 2:enter otp=>input
Note:we have sent a otp over the email valid till next 20
verify otp=>button
onclick verify=.>
If(Session[otp]==user inputed otp){
open a change password page
else {
show a error message & return}
change password
new password=>input
confirm password=>input
update now=>button
onclick =>update now
if confirm password &new password matched =>update
the password over the email stored in the session
&return the login page
Select course=>dynamic bind
Add Video title =>
Add Video Links=>text box
Add details=>ck editor
Add duration =>float(in minutes)
Add =>button
select * from tbl_video where course=@course(int);
Construction of cookie=>
HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("codehelper");

cookie["name"] = "techpile";

cookie.Expires= DateTime.Now.AddDays(5);


//how to get cookie value saved on browser

string name = Request.Cookies["codehelper"].Value;

string name1 = Request.Cookies["codehelper"].Name;


Request.Cookies["name"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);


API has only backend.It provides intraction between 2

Cursor has reference.
Cursor are of two types one is implicit cursor ,second is
explicit cursor.
In mssql there are only one trigger.that is
// //HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("codehelper");

//// cookie["name"] = "techpile";

//// cookie.Expires= DateTime.Now.AddDays(5);

//// Response.Cookies.Add(cookie);

// //how to get cookie value saved on browser

// //string name = Request.Cookies["codehelper"].Value;

// //string name1 = Request.Cookies["codehelper"].Name;

// //Response.Write(name);

// // Request.Cookies.Clear();

// // Request.Cookies["name"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);

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