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Research and Writing Skills for Dissertations and Projects: An Introduction

Managing your time

Managing yourself: energy levels

Energy level chart

Are you a 'morning person' or a 'night owl'?

Throughout the day, we all have peaks and dips in our energy levels and these can have a serious
impact on our ability to work. Reflecting on your daily energy levels can therefore be very useful in
helping you manage yourself.

Energy level chart template

For guidance on how to use the chart, see 'Managing yourself: energy levels', in the course on
'Managing your time'.

Use the chart below to record your energy level at two-hour intervals throughout the day.


Energy level










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University Press 2017. All rights reserved.
Research and Writing Skills for Dissertations and Projects: An Introduction
Managing your time

Using your energy level chart

Can you see a recurring pattern in the energy level charts you have kept?

If you have a good understanding of how your energy levels rise and fall throughout the day you can
timetable different types of activities for different times of the day.

Categorise the types of activities you do in terms of whether you need high, normal or low levels of
energy to complete them. You can use information from the completed activity log (see the
'Application' screen called 'Activity log').

When my energy levels are high I should:

When my energy levels are normal I should:

When my energy levels are low I should:

It is not always possible to set times for different types of tasks that coincide with your energy levels.
The good news is, your energy levels are not set and you can modify them by changing your eating
and exercise habits. For example, missing breakfast does not save time if your energy levels are too

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University Press 2017. All rights reserved.
Research and Writing Skills for Dissertations and Projects: An Introduction
Managing your time

low for you to concentrate by mid-morning. Also, if your energy levels are low, taking a break and
doing some exercise can bring them back up.

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University Press 2017. All rights reserved.

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