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This week in Unit 5 I learnt quite a lot from all of the activities for this week which included

first of all
the reading assignment, discussion assignment, programming assignment, I watched several videos
that were included in the module and several other videos, but some of the concepts were quite
evasive I had to ask around and glean information from fellow classmates and also from doing a lot
of googling and using stackoverflow.

From what I read this week I got to learn quite a lot of new information on particularly generic
programming, namely Sections 10.2: Lists and Sets, 10.3: Maps, and Section 10.4: Java Collection
Framework Programming. ArrayList and LinkedList both represent object types of the kind.

ArrayList. In addition, ArrayList uses random access as necessary. The LinkedList is a representation
of a LinkedList, which means that it concerns items that are frequently added or withdrawn from the
beginning. In addition, it will be near the top or at the beginning of the list. The method class for
sorting is java.util.Collections. When using the command Collection.sort(List), ascending order
sorting is used. Implement into a similar asan interface, too. The collection.sort's second argument is
the comparator (List.comparator). The comparator is going to evaluate the item in relation to the list
of items. A Java class that implements arraysorting is java.util.Arrays. The term "Array sort(A);" or
"an array of objects to implement into the comparable into the interface of it," refers to a type of A.
Additionally, it may sort the array onto the array to it. Ascending sorted order of it is set in the tree
set. The meaning of the term "Hash Set" is "to store an element into a hash table." is put into
practice by adding, discovering, and removing from the hash table. Enum Set is the name of the class
java.util.EnumSet. A generating enumerated type of it is meaning. Java.util.Map is the name of the
Map interface. The key in the map and the value in the map are the two forms of parameterized.
This map's interface has two classes. The keys of the treemap, also known as TreeMap, can be used
to sort it. It is not necessary for it to be comparable to The Hash Map - HashMap. The Set's items are
quick and simple to add or remove, but they shouldn't be duplicated. Additionally, the order is not
always upheld. It works wonders for getting rid of duplicates. Unlike lists like no particular list, there
is no index. Checking to see if an object exists is also quite quick.

The elements in the LinkedHashSet continue to be in the order they were introduced. I learn how to
use the IDE and various Java environments (net beans), how to run codes without making either a
syntactic or semantic error, and most importantly, how to debug. While executing my routines, I also
learn programming concepts and what to expect as a programmer. This served as my guide when
completing my programming homework. I started by making a file, then a class, and then my inputs.

The entire procedure was unexpected, but it was also difficult because I ran into problems while
writing my code for my programming assignment. This unit is difficult to comprehend. I do my best
to fix the code because running it does not make it work. I enlist the help of a few of my co-workers
to help me understand the task. The fact that my co-workers helped me with the homework is a
plus. In this kind of circumstance, you need to be more patient and, if necessary, ask for assistance. I
gain a lot of knowledge about this Unit 5's fascinating subject.

I can state that I'm learning and gaining from the course syllabus and the structure established in the
class because I discover new information in each unit. The world of programming is incredibly
enigmatic and intriguing, and deciphering each code is like solving a puzzle. It functions similarly to a
code or software in personal life. They each have a unique character or skill. To be able to
comprehend the code quickly and to practice it more, I need to study more about these topics. The
fifth unit was the most difficult in this entire one, but it was also excellent and highly engaging.

Eck, D. J. (2019). Introduction to programming using Java, version 8.1. Retrieved

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