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Case Report of Midwifery Care at Mrs.

E P1A0 Post Partum Day 6 with

Engorment at PMB Halida Asao

Elsya Octaviany Moita1,* Siti Istiana 2

Student of the Midwife Profession Education Department, Muhammadiyah Semarang University
Lecturer of Midwifery Department , Muhammadiyah Semarang University

During the puerperium there are changes and adaptations to the reproductive system, breasts, and others. These
changes aim to restore the organ as it was before pregnancy. In the breast is related to the process of lactation and
In the course of the puerperium, complications or complications may occur during breastfeeding. One of the problems
or complicates breastfeeding that can occur is engorment. conducting midwifery care for Mrs. E with engagement
according to applicable standards using a midwifery management approach. The case study used in this data collection
is a descriptive observation located at PMB Halida Asao using the 7-step format of varney midwifery care with data
collection using primary data and secondary data. After obstetric care is done, the mother already understands the
cause of engorment, the mother is willing to do breast care (breast massage, warm compresses, cold comres), willing
to breastfeed on demand and exclusive breastfeeding. After assessment, interpretation of data, potential diagnosis,
anticipation of immediate action, planning, implementation and evaluation on Mrs. E with engagement there is no gap
between theory and case study implementation.

Keywords: engorment, postpartum

1. INTRODUCTION the Infant Mortality Rate (AKB) is lower than 12/1000

live deliveries [3]
The puerperium period is the period after labor is
completed to 6 weeks or 42 days. During the Postpartum danger signs (puerperium) are abnormal
puerperium, the reproductive organs will slowly undergo signs that indicate a danger or complication that can
changes like the state before pregnancy.changes in occur during the puerperium, if not reported or
reproductive organs are called involution. Care during undetected can cause maternal death. Postpartum danger
the puerperium period needs attention because about signs are postpartum hemorrhage, infection in the
60% of maternal mortality occurs in this period [1] postpartum period, foul-smelling lochea (smell from the
vagina), uterine sub-involution (disturbed uterine
Postpartum care is needed in this period because it is reduction), abdominal and pelvic pain, excessive
a critical period for both mother and baby. An estimated dizziness and weakness, headache, epigastric pain,
60% of maternal deaths from pregnancy occur after vision blurred, mother's body temperature more than 37
delivery and 50% of puerperal deaths occur within the degrees Celsius, red and painful breasts, loss of appetite
first 24 hours [2] for a long time, swelling of the face and extremities
According to the World Health Organization (Marni, 2014)
(WHO), every day worldwide about 730 women die The occurrence of breast milk dams caused by the
from complications during pregnancy or childbirth. In release of milk is not smooth, because babies do not
2015 MMR reached 303,000 during pregnancy and breastfeed often enough to their mothers. This disorder
childbirth. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have can be more severe if the mother rarely breastfeeds her
targets, namely the Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) is baby, as a result the baby does not get exclusive milk
targeted to be lower than 70/100,000 live deliveries and and if not treated immediately it will cause breast milk
dam in the breast, breast milk damming can occur due to
narrowing of the lacteferi duct or by the glands not midwife by obtaining BBL: 3200 grams, body length:
emptied completely or due to abnormalities in the nipple 50 cm normal condition.
so that swelling of the breast due to increased venous
and lymph flow causes damming of breast milk and pain
accompanied by an increase in body temperature.
Based on this background, the authors were
interested in taking the case of Obstetric Care at Mrs. E
P1A0 Postpartum Day 6 with Engorment at PMB General condition is quite good, Compostmentic
Halida Asao. consciousness, Blood pressure: 115/77 mmHg,
Respiration: 22 times/min, Pulse: 70 times/min,
Temperature: 39.2 oC, Weight: 69 kg. Height 157 cm, lila
26 cm. In the physical examination, results are obtained
2. PATIEN IDENTITY within normal limits. In obstetric status, it is found in
the breast palpable hard or there is a dam of breast milk.
Patient named Patient named Mrs. E, age 19 years. Supporting examinations are not carried out.
His last education was high school. He works privately,
address Asao Village. The main complaint is that the
mother said her breasts were swollen, and painful. In the
past medical history, current health and family health
have never experienced declining diseases such as
hypertension, diabetes militus, infectious diseases such
as HIV / AIDS, TUBERCULOSIS, and degenerative
diseases such as tumors, cancer in the reproductive
organs. In the history of childbirth, the mother said that
the normal delivery on July 5, 2023 was helped by the

Time Subjective Obyektive Assesment Planning

11 . 07. 2023 Mom said her General condition is Mrs. E age 19 1. Explain the results of the examination to
07.00 WIB breasts were quite good, years P1A0 Post the mother that she has a breast milk dam
swollen, and Compostmentic Partum day 6 with Evaluation: the mother has understood the
painful consciousness, engorment results of the examination
Blood pressure: 2. Explain to the mother that breast swelling
115/77 mmHg, occurs because breast milk is not in milk
adequately, so that the rest of the milk
Respiration: 22
collects in the ductal system which results
times/min, Pulse:
in swelling. In addition, because the use of
70 times/min, tight B.H is also common to cause
Temperature: 39.2 segmental engorgement, as well as unclean
Weight: 69 kg. putting can cause blockage of the ducts.
Height 157 cm, lila Evaluation: the mother has understood
26 cm. In the what is explained by the midwife
physical 3. Explain to the mother about doing breast
examination, results care
are obtained within Evaluation: the mother has understood
normal limits. In about breast care described by the midwife
obstetric status, it is 4. Recommend to the mother to do cold
found in the breast compresses to reduce static veins and
reduce pain. When done intermittently
palpable hard or
with hot compresses, to smooth breast
there is a dam of
blood flow
breast milk. Evaluation: the mother has understood and
Supporting is willing to be advised by the midwife
examinations are 5. Encourage mothers to breastfeed on
not carried out demand
Evaluation: the mother has understood and
is willing to be explained by the midwife
6. Encourage mothers to breastfeed
Evaluation: the mother has understood and
is willing
7. Giving paracetamol drug therapy 500 mg
taken 3x1
Evaluation: the mother has understood and
is willing according to the advice of the
8. Tell the mother that the midwife will make
another visit after 3 days to evaluate the
condition of the mother and baby.
Evaluation: the mother has understood and
is willing

5. DISCUSSION complaints that the patient thinks are most important.

The subjective data review on Mrs. E was carried Anamnesis complaints should be recorded and

out on July 11, 2023 at 07.00 WITA at the PMB Halida presented according to the patient's own words and

Asao. In the subjective data, the patient's identity should not be disguised with medical words. When

contains name, age, religion, education, occupation, and conducting the study, the authors recorded what patients

address. The patient's name needs to be studied to create said without adding medical terms that led to a

trust between the caregiver and the patient and diagnosis. Mrs. E said that swelling in the breast became

distinguish if there are similarities in name with other an obstacle in providing exclusive breastfeeding.

patients; Age is studied to determine the risk associated One of the things that can cause obstacles in
with age, because if the mother's age is less than 20 exclusive breastfeeding is the presence of breast
years or more than 35 years is included in the risk factor problems. One of the problems in the breast that often
in the puerperium. Mrs.E is 19 years old, this is occurs is breast milk dam or breast swelling. Breast
obviously that age is not a high risk. This is because at milk dams are dams of milk due to narrowing of the
the age of the mother is not mature enough so that there active ducts or glands that are not emptied completely.
is a lack of knowledge about how to breastfeed, Breast swelling often occurs on the second to tenth day
breastfeeding techniques and lactation management is postpartum. Most patients feel swollen, red, hard,
inadequate. painful and hot breasts. The causes of breast milk dams

According to [5] The main complaint history will include ineffective frequency of milk discharge, this can

provide important information to determine the be caused by several things, including the non-

differential diagnosis and provide an overview of the implementation of hospitalization so that there is
separation of mother and child, and the existence of Subjective data on July 11, 2023 on Mrs. E said
improper and effective breastfeeding techniques [6] her breasts were swollen, and painful. Mrs. F is 19 years
old. The objective data obtained are general condition is
quite good, Compostmentic awareness, Blood pressure:
Strategies that can be done to prevent breast
115/77 mmHg, Respiration: 22 times/min, Pulse: 70
swelling pharmacologically can be given symptomatic times/min, Temperature: 39.2 oC, Weight: 69 kg. Height
therapy as analgesics such as paracetamol and mother 157 cm, lila 26 cm. In the physical examination, results
are obtained within normal limits. In obstetric status, it
profen to reduce breast swelling pain [4]. Non-
is found in the breast palpable hard or there is a dam of
pharmacologically, including acupuncture, breast care, breast milk. Supporting examinations are not carried
alternating hot and cold compresses, breast care can out.

help facilitate breast milk expenditure and prevent and The needs given are explaining the causes of
maternal complaints, providing breast care,
treat breast problems. However, breast care requires
recommending breastfeeding on demand, and providing
preparation and equipment and requires a long time for paracetamol drug therapy, recommending exclusive
compressing and massaging each stage, so cabbage leaf breastfeeding and advising mothers to warm compresses
and cold compresses on the breasts.
compresses can be used as a comfortable breast swelling
Dihopefully, postpartum mothers and their
treatment and can be used alone by mothers. Besides
families will increase their insight so that they can
being practical and applicable, preparation requires little detect early if there are complications and can minimize
time and money [7] the risks. For the University of Muhammadiyah
Semarang Can develop the material that has been given
Based on previous research [6] that breast mass both in lectures and field practices and also add
references so that they can be used as an evaluation in
intervention for 3 days with a duration of 15 minutes.
providing midwifery care to postpartum in accordance
Before the breast masase of 16 postpartum mothers with minimum service standards. For PMB Halida
there were 71.3% or 13 postpartum mothers who were Asao, healthy can be an input in handling cases or
carrying out obstetric care, especially for postpartum
categorized as having breast milk dams and after mothers in handling engagement problems.
lactation there was a decrease in breast milk dams from
71.3% to 17.7%. Conclusion There is an effect of
lactation period on breast milk dam with a p-value of REFERENCES
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