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It's encouraging to see an openness to alternative pathways in Quantity Surveying (QS) that don't

necessarily require a formal professional qualification. While obtaining a professional qualification

certainly has its merits, there are valid reasons to consider other routes into the field as well.

1. Diverse Perspectives: Embracing individuals who have gained expertise through non-
traditional means can bring fresh perspectives and innovative approaches to QS. Their
diverse backgrounds and experiences can enrich the profession and contribute to creative
problem-solving in a rapidly evolving industry.
2. Practical Experience: Practical experience gained through internships, apprenticeships,
or on-the-job training can be invaluable in developing the skills necessary for success in
QS. Hands-on experience provides a deep understanding of real-world challenges and
fosters the ability to adapt and thrive in dynamic environments.
3. Accessibility and Inclusivity: Opening up QS to individuals without formal qualifications
can promote accessibility and inclusivity within the profession. It allows talented
individuals from diverse backgrounds, including those who may not have had the
opportunity to pursue higher education, to contribute their skills and talents to the field.
4. Continuous Learning: While formal education is valuable, learning is a lifelong journey.
Individuals entering QS without a professional qualification can still engage in continuous
learning and professional development to enhance their skills and stay up-to-date with
industry trends and best practices.
5. Merit-Based Recognition: Ultimately, what matters most is competence and proficiency
in the role. Employers may prioritize candidates based on their skills, experience, and
demonstrated ability to deliver results, regardless of whether they hold a formal
professional qualification.

In conclusion, while professional qualifications have their place in QS, there are valid arguments
for embracing individuals who pursue alternative pathways into the field. By recognizing the
value of practical experience, diversity of perspectives, and ongoing learning, the QS profession
can continue to evolve and thrive in a dynamic and inclusive manner.

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