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剪力、轴力)。 如果你处在一个充满争议的问题上,那么你就需要写一篇论证性
论文,在进行Thesis Statement的时候就要明确表达自己的立场,可以向读者明示或者暗
示一些证据。 反之,如果考生简洁而富有条理地写自己理解的学校历史、校训校风、
过功课,态度诚恳、目标明确的感觉。 编译方式:xelatex 拟建场地位于涪江河观音湖圣
地貌,地形单一,地面标高275.7-282.753 米。 到的有用资料进行系统介绍。撰写此部分
时还应注意以下两点:其一、对已有成 如果是打印的话,也要注意排版格式打印出来
文参考论文摘要模板, 编号:k1n2m42nq1 , 格式为 docx, 大小1 MB, 本作品下载后,先
解压,解压之后用推荐软件 Word(2010) 打开, 然后进行编辑功能。 自荐信相当于一张
过关的坏印象。记住,规范的书面表达,是考生通过初审的必要前提。 建筑经济管理
归宿。应用设计(论文)就是工程。在毕业设计(论文)中,应该强化学生的工程意识。 狭
建建筑改良物(包括建筑物与工事)而获利的权利。沈守愚(1998) [1]较早从法学的角度
土地发展权是一种农地可转为建设用地进行开发利用的权利; 黄祖辉等(2002)[3] 深入分
析了农村集体土地转为城市国有土地对农村土地发展权的侵害及其补偿问题; 杨明洪
等(20022003)[4,5] 分析了中国农民集体所有土地发展权从法律和事实上受到压抑以及
定义为农( 耕) 地改为建设用地的权利。 When working as an auditor, the thing that interested
me most is the conversion between different GAAPs. My experience of serving publicly listed
companies in China, Hong Kong, and the US made me realize there are many theoretical differences
between PRC GAAP, IFRS, and US GAAP. The accounting principles adopted by different countries
not only show their stages of development, but also express their culture and social preferences. So is
it really possible that we eliminate the GAAP difference by implementing IFRS? I am not sure what
the right answer is but it is my opinion that the current IFRS employed in Hong Kong is vague and
can be the source of many discussable issues. US GAAP, on the other hand, provides a much more
advanced and structured approach to accounting. Maybe the US will adopt the IFRS eventually, but
I believe that the US GAAP will still provide helpful guidance in the future. Learning more about the
US GAAP is one of the main reasons I want to pursue an Education in the United States and I hope
to obtain the AICPA license prior to my graduation. 研究能力上,我除了有比较扎实的基础
和理论体系分析相关的课题和研究问题。在 大三一年多的专业课程学习中,我课上
和研究,所有的专业课成绩争取都保持在 90分左右。除此之外,自己学习研究了《竞
书籍,努力完善自身的知识结构。 本作品内容为毕业论文答辩自我陈述, 格式为
docx, 大小1 MB, 页数为3, 请使用软件Word(2010)打开, 作品中主体文字及图片可替
迎使用熊猫办公。 如认为平台内容涉嫌侵权,可通过邮件:tousu@tukuppt.com提出书面
通知,我们将及时处理。 缩写词请给出全称, 如: 世界贸易组织(WTO) 中图分类号: 查
阅《中国图书馆分类法》 引言 引言中应简要回顾本文所涉及的科学问题的研究历史, 尤
其是近三年的研究... 究基础及尚存的研究空间,它既可以给研究者在充分借鉴前人
已有成果的基础上 本模版基于之前的湖南师范大学本科毕业设计模板修改而来,欢
迎测试和反馈 注:自荐信的撰写,简言之,就是对高校提出的招生要求的一个圆满
Applicant for Computer Science Program from Tsinghua University Through this experiment, I
became lover finance major than before, because it not only brought me model and data but also
interest on (in) connecting knowledge with practices to make data and model vivid. Even each new
idea produced different result. Finance is not a material concept but is social science, which contains
a wider scope. I am very glad to involving discovering unknown things in this field. Just like
discussion, many members’ thoughts inspired me and we got satisfied results. Finance is a social
science which embodied human being is the essential. We could cultivate our academic taste during
the learning symposia and academic discussion process. In the practices we could cultivate intuition
added combination with academic background and mathematic theory; we could understand finance
better. 我们整理了19年在江苏省综评招生高校的招生简章有关自荐信方面的信息,发
secret.doc,分享出来,供大家下载参考。 一般来说,申请材料中存在虚假内容或者隐匿
政部门做进一步处理;已经入学的,按教育部和学校相关规定处理。 I know that I belong
to the kind of people who are able to better realize the life values and meaningfulness while doing
certain interesting things, who enjoy challenges and thinking and who are always in pursuit of
creative ideas. However, the work I was taking up now is almost always repetition of what has
already existed. That’s why I gave up the achievement without hesitation. I know that I will be able
to master the most advanced technology and thoughts in the xxx program. In such a bright and
promising field, I believe I will be able to inspire all my ability in facing challenges, and finally
become a top talent to make contributions to the development in the field. Any question, please feel
free contact me at anytime (E-mail: 采用安全的加密传输和存储方式。完
成排版后,可彻底粉碎文件( 快捷版3天后自动粉碎),不留一丝痕迹。 3、转载请注明出
处!本文地址: 第一章 绪论 第一节 工程概况 第二章 结构选型
和结构布置 第一节 结构设计 第三章 荷载计算 第一节 板的荷载计算 你的规划一定是
相关图集,选择合理的建筑方案和结构方案。 本作品内容为本科毕业论文答辩自述
稿范文答辩稿自述范文, 格式为 docx, 大小1 MB, 页数为9, 请使用软件Word(2010)
打开, 作品中主体文字及图片可替换修改,文字修改可直接点击文本框进行编辑,图
品中的内容, 源文件无水印,欢迎使用熊猫办公。 如认为平台内容涉嫌侵权,可通过
邮件:tousu@tukuppt.com提出书面通知,我们将及时处理。 料库(如中国期刊网全文数
据库、学位论文全文数据库等)、并以怎样的方式进 陈述报告尊敬的各位领导、各位
校党委及各级领导给我这样… PersonalStatement-
Sample1OneofmycareerobjectivesistobecomealeadingInvestment/FinancialAdviserwithgreatint… 【
现状分析 Applicant for Computer Science Program from Tsinghua University First, I reviewed the
main countries’ currency globalization process in the world, and found that currency globalization
must have two basic conditions. The first was rich economy strength; the second was to keep valuta
long stabilization. Second, I pointed out RMB globalization was the necessity choice of our national
economy persisting development and the benefit of currency globalization according to the
impersonality requirement of economical globalization development, and RMB globalization would
more enlarge the degree for opening to foreign. 文献综述是为撰写毕业论文做选题分析、资
进行评述。 保研个人陈述环境类一学术背景20xx年夏天我以优异的成绩从武汉江夏
© 2020-2022 北京艾枫图强信息技术有限公司 京ICP备17070026号 论文摘要定义:论文
目的、研究方法和最终结论等,重点是结论。 第一章 绪论 第一节 工程概况 第二章 结
构选型和结构布置 第一节 结构设计 第三章 荷载计算 第一节 板的荷载计算 In 2009,
when everyone in China was saving money for real estate investments, I was putting money away so
that I could come to the United States and study. This was not a popular decision among my family
and friends. Why would I give up a great job and life to travel half way across the earth and become
a poor college student again? I don’t know how many times I tried to explain to them that I thought
it would be a good investment and that in the end it would benefit my life and my career
tremendously. The second reason (and maybe the most important) is that I truly enjoy learning and
obtaining knowledge; it makes me feel I am growing as a person and gives me a great sense of self-
satisfaction. 版权所有 © 2019 《生物学教学》编辑部 说明结构选型和结构布置理由及设
计依据,列出结构计算的各个主要工程及全部计算结果,并附有必要的图表。 行搜
索(如通过输入“ 关键词”或“作者名”或“文章名”进行搜索,一般用精土地发展权(Land
Development Rights)是从20世纪50年代初开始,在英、美、法等国相继设置的一项重要土
地发展权的研究主要集中在其概念、归属、流转、可行性与必要性等问题上。 © 2020-
2022 北京艾枫图强信息技术有限公司 京ICP备17070026号 注:自荐信的撰写,简言之,
×××省×××市×××中学高三理科\… 本工程总建筑面积为585.74平方米,砖混结构,建筑总
高度为9.86米。抗震设防烈度六度,建筑耐火等级四级,正常使用年限50年。 My work
there not only confirmed my competence in the accounting field, but also trained me into a diligent
and persevering professional. More than 50% of my clients were new clients, meaning we had no
records in our database to refer to. The challenge of starting from the very beginning is stressful and
exciting at the same time. I found myself extremely motivated when I had the authority to design
procedures and make decisions. The feeling of success and confidence I gained from serving new
clients is the main reason why I stayed with the (company name) team for 20 months. My work
there gave me a great sense of self-satisfaction and was recognized by my peers and supervisors. I
was rewarded for my hard work by being one of the top paid employees at my level during my last
three years of employment. 更新时间:2021-02-05 21:47:36 详细的计算过程,包括热冷水,
Q616763928 Besides, I can even get enlightened when facing failures. My experience in taking
charge of the GCM—Grandsoft Cost Management project can be cited here as an example. In this
project, we adopted C/S structure using COM+/Web Service as the communication method, and
SQL Server 2000 as the database. Although the SQL was optimized and different DB engines and
components were tried, the querying efficiency was not improved obviously when dealing with mass
data and complex business logics. However, I learned in the course how to improve the efficiency of
database query for huge amount of data, how to conduct efficiency test and experiment and how to
use the simplest query to realize the huge business logics. In trial use of the Qlikview software of a
professional data query company, although I was not able to solve the problem, I learned the BI
thoughts to cache data into the memory to improve the application efficiency. 测试平台:texlive 开
When working as an auditor, the thing that interested me most is the conversion between different
GAAPs. My experience of serving publicly listed companies in China, Hong Kong, and the US made
me realize there are many theoretical differences between PRC GAAP, IFRS, and US GAAP. The
accounting principles adopted by different countries not only show their stages of development, but
also express their culture and social preferences. So is it really possible that we eliminate the GAAP
difference by implementing IFRS? I am not sure what the right answer is but it is my opinion that the
current IFRS employed in Hong Kong is vague and can be the source of many discussable issues.
US GAAP, on the other hand, provides a much more advanced and structured approach to
accounting. Maybe the US will adopt the IFRS eventually, but I believe that the US GAAP will still
provide helpful guidance in the future. Learning more about the US GAAP is one of the main
reasons I want to pursue an Education in the United States and I hope to obtain the AICPA license
prior to my graduation. 湖南师范大学硕士毕业论文LaTeX模板 作为你的整篇论文的基础
及核心,Thesis Statement一般情况下由简单的一两句话构成。这一两句话包括了你的论
句。Thesis Statement出现的位置一般位于论文第一段末尾。本科学校,对论文摘要的写
出了什么结论的方式去写。关于摘要的写法,接下来,主页君会进行详细阐述。 综合
评价招生的申请材料必须真实、准确,各大高校对于申请材料造假问题十分重视。 I
began to realize that finance in fact was the different (difference) between microcosmic and
microeconomic and macroeconomic knowledge through my 自我介绍只能说是个人陈述中的
有限公司设计开发 第一章 绪论 第一节 工程概况 第二章 结构选型和结构布置 第一节
结构设计 第三章 荷载计算 第一节 板的荷载计算 标准学术论文格式模板_工学_高等
教育_教育专区。本科生毕业论文格式模板,标准学术...1 1.5 本课题研究范围 本课题因
为已经确定了数字家庭的终端产品,并且将时间定位... © 2020-2022 北京艾枫图强信息
技术有限公司 京ICP备17070026号 Moreover, my studying and working experiences make me
very confident in myself to believe that I have got the ability and potential to realize my pursuit. I
became interested in computer science in Chongqing Nankai Middle School, a school emphasizing
cultivating personal interests. But my unusual performance in the National Entrance Examination
failed me for entering the Department of Computer Science of Tsinghua University. Being clear of
my interest and goal, I spent quite a lot of time in computer science besides the basic courses required
by the university. Although I didn’t gain an extraordinary GPA, I succeeded in transferring to the
School of Software. Afterwards, my GPA continued increasing and my foundation in the major was
consolidated. 注:自荐信的撰写,简言之,就是对高校提出的招生要求的一个圆满答复。
招生办领导、老师们:您们好!我叫,是×××省×××市×××中学高三理科\… 编译方
式:xelatex 内容主要包括编制说明,施工组织设计,主要分部工程施工方案,工程进度
计划,资源需要量计划,工程施工平面图,项目质量与安全保证计划等。 Although many
of my family and friends may not think that coming to the US to study is the best decision, I believe
it will broaden my knowledge of accounting to an extent that I could never find in my home country.
Also it will allow me to follow my own passion and learn from another culture which will be an
invaluable asset for the rest of my life After graduate school, I plan to go back to China and consider
a career in a new developing industry. The ability to see my accounting and financial management
knowledge evolve into a hopeful, healthy, developing business is my motivation for this choice. 麻
务,而不需要任何新的训练数据。 Copyright © 2021 SicoSola 蜀ICP备 20012233 复试个人
学城市生态学保护生物学地理信息系统生态林业工程生态经济学等... 工业物联网
(IIoT)正在成熟和发展,企业正在寻求通过数字化转型进行扩张。 My work there not only
confirmed my competence in the accounting field, but also trained me into a diligent and persevering
professional. More than 50% of my clients were new clients, meaning we had no records in our
database to refer to. The challenge of starting from the very beginning is stressful and exciting at the
same time. I found myself extremely motivated when I had the authority to design procedures and
make decisions. The feeling of success and confidence I gained from serving new clients is the main
reason why I stayed with the (company name) team for 20 months. My work there gave me a great
sense of self-satisfaction and was recognized by my peers and supervisors. I was rewarded for my
hard work by being one of the top paid employees at my level during my last three years of
employment. 复试个人陈述范文本人为应届本科毕业生本科期间就读于河北农业大学
... 确匹配),共搜索到的相关论文的篇目数量多少,对自己有直接参考价值的论文 论
Applicant for Computer Science Program from Tsinghua University 建议考生最好根据我们以
清楚,逻辑一定要清晰。 1.作品格式( 学术论文全文模版)_ 文学_高等教育_教育专区。论
文格式大全学术论文全文模版 题 1 目 2 作者姓名 ,作者姓名 (1. 作者单位正式对外
名称,省份 城市 邮...
Finance is very important in all fields and no other field can exist with breaking away from finance,
so the requirements for financer should be improved in the future. Above all, in the future society,
the requirement for financer was higher than before, the talent only mastered profession will unfit the
future society. Because in China there are limit resources for me and I am impressed by your
esteemed university, so I decided to go abroad for my future education 论文摘要写作步骤:先明
项研究结果取得的正确观点、理论意义或实用价值、推广前景。 To prove my accounting
sense and financial management capability I postponed my graduate education and accepted a
position as an auditor at (accounting firm name) Beijing Branch. During my 4-year employment
there I had the opportunity to experience the full range of planning, auditing, and reporting. Among
my duties there were: (1) the designing of suitable audit methods for clients, (2) using procedures to
exam and analyze accounts, (3) evaluating the fairness of financial statements and reports, (4) and
providing recommendations regarding improving operations and financial positions of clients. 因为
当考生参与面试时,考官提问的问题往往都是基于自荐信/ 个人陈述中描写的情况
往往露马脚。 For example, I began to research “RMB Globalization problem” and its aim was to
review substantial economy and non-substantial economy how to influence currency international
globalization from demonstration and theory angle to help us understand the experiences and lessons
happened on the process of each national currency globalization and offered some feasible references
for RMB international globalization. I connected the fact of our national economy development,
especially, the base fact of RMB used by some nations around China, through researching the
general rule of currency internationalization globalization, to discuss the problem on RMB
international globalization process. 3、转载请注明出处!本文地址:
/ Applicant for Computer Science Program from Tsinghua University 首页 > Word模板 > 工作范
文 > 演讲/发言稿 > 本科毕业论文答辩自述稿范文答辩稿自述范文 研究能力上,我除
于灵活运用各种模型和理论体系分析相关的课题和研究问题。在 大三一年多的专业
的每个课题的讨论和研究,所有的专业课成绩争取都保持在 90分左右。除此之外,自
相关专业课的书籍,努力完善自身的知识结构。 Although many of my family and friends
may not think that coming to the US to study is the best decision, I believe it will broaden my
knowledge of accounting to an extent that I could never find in my home country. Also it will allow
me to follow my own passion and learn from another culture which will be an invaluable asset for
the rest of my life 本资料为暖通空调毕业设计开题报告,本设计旨在为该酒店设计一套
得参考下载。 注:自荐信的撰写,简言之,就是对高校提出的招生要求的一个圆满
尊敬的招生办领导、老师们:您们好!我叫,是×××省×××市×××中学高三理科… 包括撰
文: 工业物联网(IIoT)正在成熟和发展,企业正在寻求通过数字化转型进行扩张。 (2) 现
xx年代以来,随着信息技术在教学中的应用,得到迅速发展。它的优点是... ...,它的缺
陷是... ... 本站资源均为网友上传分享,本站仅负责收集和整理,有任何疑问请联系我
们 Applicant for Computer Science Program from Tsinghua University 居住小区是城市的基本
先取决于规划方案的好坏。浙ICP备2020033727号 浙公网安备3310902000919号
LaTeX Online Code Snippets-Copyright©2019版权所有 毕业论文指之 “ 国内外研究现状”的
撰写 一、 写国内外研究现状的意义 通过写国内外研究现状,考察学生对自己课题目
前研究范围和深度的理 解与把握,间接考察学生是否阅读了一定的参考文献。这不
仅是毕业论文 撰写不可缺少的组成部分,而而且是为了让学生了解相关领域理论研
究前 沿,从而开拓思路,在他人成果的基础上展开更加深入的研究,避免不必要的
重复劳动或避免研究重复。二、 国内外研究现状写法 在撰写之前,要先把从网络上
和图书馆收集和阅读过的与所写毕业论文 选题有关的专著和论文中的主要观点归类
整理,找出课题的研究开始、发 展和现在研究的主要方向,并从中选择最具有代表性
的作者。 1. 在写毕业论文时,简写课题的研究开始、发展和现在研究的主要方向,最
发表观点的年份。 2. 再者简单撰写国内外研究现状评述研究的不足之处,可分技术
不足和研 究不足。即还有哪方面没有涉及,是否有研究空白;或者研究不深入;还有
哪些理论或技术问题没有解决;或者在研究方法上还有什么缺陷等 等。 3. 最后简略介
绍发展趋势。 三、 写国内外研究现状应注意的问题 1.注意写的是把研究现状,而不是
写课题物本身现状,重要体现研究。例如, 写算法的可视化研究现状,应该写有哪些
哪些交易品种、如何演变,此只需一笔带过,也是对研究的一种把握。 2.要写最新研究
一般2-3 页A4 纸即可。 4.如果没有与毕业论文选题直接相关的文献,就选择一些与毕
业论文选题比 2) 更进一步的了解如何建模、数据挖掘等理论研究方法,学会更多的
理论工具用于指导以后的实践和工作。 果要分类介绍,各类之间用小标题区分。以下
国内研究现状);按本课题所涉 究基础及尚存的研究空间,它既可以给研究者在充分
借鉴前人已有成果的基础上 第一章 绪论 第一节 工程概况 第二章 结构选型和结构布
置 第一节 结构设计 第三章 荷载计算 第一节 板的荷载计算 © 2020-2022 北京艾枫图强
信息技术有限公司 京ICP备17070026号 进入研究生阶段后,我计划把更多的时间放到
时间多跟导师探讨学习,配合导师 从事相关方向的研究,积极参与到实践环节中去,
习和生活中更加的努力,争取做的更好! 很多考生觉得语言辞藻写得华美更能让考
官有好感,甚至一味堆砌辞藻,殊不知却是弄巧成拙!其 实比起语言华丽,真诚朴实
的描述、清晰明了的结构和真实客观的内容才是更重要的。I began to realize that finance
in fact was the different (difference) between microcosmic and microeconomic and macroeconomic
knowledge through my 高地公园路3010号310套房 唐纳斯格罗夫,伊利诺伊州60515 (630)
571 - 4070 版权2023
写的话字迹要清晰。 一般学术期刊小论文和本科毕业论文的摘要字数控制在300字以
内,硕士和博士的毕业论文摘要控制在1000字以内。 资料范围及资料来源,其中要讲
清查阅了哪些主要著作、在网络中查询了哪些资 学术论文标准格式的规范范本_机
示例如下: 1. 专著 [序号] 主要责任者. 文献题... 自荐信相当于一张你的名片,考官未见
记住,规范的书面表达,是考生通过初审的必要前提。 Finance is very important in all fields
and no other field can exist with breaking away from finance, so the requirements for financer
should be improved in the future. Above all, in the future society, the requirement for financer was
higher than before, the talent only mastered profession will unfit the future society. Because in China
there are limit resources for me and I am impressed by your esteemed university, so I decided to go
abroad for my future education © 2020-2022 北京艾枫图强信息技术有限公司 京ICP
备17070026号 测试的版本是[Texlive2019/2020] 拟建场地位于涪江河观音湖圣莲岛
地形单一,地面标高275.7-282.753米。 更新时间:2021-03-27 16:24:38
场营销专业。 When working as an auditor, the thing that interested me most is the conversion
between different GAAPs. My experience of serving publicly listed companies in China, Hong
Kong, and the US made me realize there are many theoretical differences between PRC GAAP,
IFRS, and US GAAP. The accounting principles adopted by different countries not only show their
stages of development, but also express their culture and social preferences. So is it really possible
that we eliminate the GAAP difference by implementing IFRS? I am not sure what the right answer
is but it is my opinion that the current IFRS employed in Hong Kong is vague and can be the source
of many discussable issues. US GAAP, on the other hand, provides a much more advanced and
structured approach to accounting. Maybe the US will adopt the IFRS eventually, but I believe that
the US GAAP will still provide helpful guidance in the future. Learning more about the US GAAP is
one of the main reasons I want to pursue an Education in the United States and I hope to obtain the
AICPA license prior to my graduation. Applicant for Computer Science Program from Tsinghua
University learning in the university, and it owned strong practice and was not abstract knowledge.
For instance, currency banking, investment and international finance etc. all offered many cases and
made me realize the meaning of finance. Then I knew that finance covered a wider scope and
researcher needed strong academic background and ability on macro-control by practices and
analysis of cases. For example, I acted as a leader of group, each group represents an enterprise and
discussed whether open new produces instead of old produces, I told every member to answer for a
part and consult materials, then we talked about them together and found some materials had
superposition and didn’t have close logic, even each member had different emphasis and expressions
which made me know cooperation was very important in a enterprise. So I held the second meeting
to talk about these questions. I asked all members to look for materials relevant to this case
respectively and then analyzed them together. During the process, we thought about them deeply and
fully, finally we got a best scheme. 土地发展权(Land Development Rights)是从20世纪50年代
其概念、归属、流转、可行性与必要性等问题上。 My largest client when I was with
(accounting firm name) was (company name). I worked as an auditor of their IPO program and on
the first annual audit after that. One of the things I am most proud of is the Revenue and Cost
recognition model I created while I was there. It was based on the percentage-of-completion method
and could check for inconsistencies within the data, calculate the revenue of projects, and exam
clients’ combination results when there are inter-subcontracts. This model was adopted as the major
tool for the entire team of auditors (approximately 100) and to my knowledge is still used in
(company name’s) audit team today. 包括撰写文献综述的原因、意义、文献的范围、正文的
标题及基本内容提要;文献综述的正文: 3、转载请注明出处!本文地址:https:/
/ At the same time I thought that stable, quickly developmental national economy
and larger economical scope made RMB of our country globalization strengthens and higher ability
against risk, the last part emphasized the process of RMB globalization and the research on keeping
away from risk. The process of RMB internationalization was: first implement RMB regional
strategy on the basis of East Asia currency cooperation and East Asian free trade, then implement
RMB globalization stratagem under many perfect factors influence. 作 者:感知+认知+智能
关注 Any question, please feel free contact me at anytime (E-mail: 大以论文
繁琐的论文排版操作交给大以, 所有的排版工作由机器自动完成。准确,高效。缩写
词请给出全称, 如: 世界贸易组织(WTO) 中图分类号: 查阅《中国图书馆分类法》 引言 引
言中应简要回顾本文所涉及的科学问题的研究历史, 尤其是近三年的研究... 自我介绍
上二至五层为宿舍区局部设办公室。 注意,对家庭背景和家庭成员的信息不必要透
露过多,一是没有必要,二是为了促进公平。 3、转载请注明出处!本文地址:https:/
/ 随着人们生活水平的提高 人们对环境的要求越来越高,城市环境建
广场、公园及其它公共场所 早些的喷泉都是固定不可调的显得有些单调随

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