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Turner's Frontier Thesis is a theory developed by historian Frederick Jackson Turner in 1893.

It states
that the existence of a frontier in the American West played a crucial role in shaping the unique
characteristics of American society and culture.

According to Turner, the frontier was a constantly moving boundary between civilization and the
untamed wilderness. As pioneers pushed westward, they encountered new challenges and
opportunities that shaped their way of life. This constant interaction with the frontier led to the
development of a distinct American identity, characterized by individualism, democracy, and a spirit
of innovation.

Today, Turner's Frontier Thesis continues to be a widely studied and debated topic in American
history. It offers valuable insights into the formation of the American nation and its impact on the

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Ms. Oing English 2. Unit 2: In the Name of Love. DOL Warmup. (SMART Notebook) No DOL
today; substitute. Agenda: 10/01/12. DOL Warmup Thematic Focus. Reminders. tomorrow INs this
week Vocabulary Definitions Thursday AoW 6 Friday next week RJ1 Monday. Ms. Oing English 2.
The Kellog-Briand Pact was signed after World War One. The treaty was signed by the United States
and other Powers to provide for the renunciation of war. Download Policy: Content on the Website
is provided to you AS IS for your information and personal use and may not be sold / licensed
/ shared on other websites without getting consent from its author. West Virginia Higher Education
Policy Commission. Profiles and Trends in West Virginia Higher Education: The Public Discourse
Presented to the Advisory Council of Faculty July 30, 2007. West Virginia Higher Education Policy
Commission. The 2007-12 Master Plan: Background. As long as free land exists, the chance for any
competency exists, and economic power safeguards political power. Government assistance • Timber
Culture Act (1873) • Desert Land Act (1877) • With these two acts, people could now get up to
1,280 acres of land Starting with John D. Rockefeller, a slew of high-profile, wealthy businessmen
quickly rose to become the most influential people of the time. These men came to be known as the
Titans of Industry. Showing 7 featured editions. View all 7 editions? Period: Oct 24, 1929 to Mar 4,
1933 The Spanish-American War • Newspapers swayed public opinion towards war by using
Yellow Journalism • Led by Joseph Pulitzer of the New York World and William Randolph Hearst of
the New York Journal The Frontier Thesis Frederick Jackson Turner • Full transcript. More
presentations by Katharina Stengaard Untitled Prezi. Isle of Skye. Classic by Frederick Jackson
Turner: The significance of the frontier in American History reprinted online. Copy of Frederick
Jackso n Turner' s "Frontier Thesis " Transcript of Copy of Frederick Jackso n Turner' s "Frontier
Thesis " But Full transcript. Wealthy should act as “trustees” for their “poorer brethren” – GOD-
GIVEN responsibility Economic Growth • Iron ore mines near Birmingham, AL helped fuel the
South’s third great industrial success story • Founded in 1871, Birmingham quickly became a major
industrial center and railroad hub • The city’s thriving iron and steel mills led proud boosters to call
their city “The Pittsburgh of the South” 0669810592 “The frontier is the line of most rapid and
effective Americanization," Turner declared. “American social development has been continually
beginning over again on the frontier. This perennial rebirth, this fluidity of American life, this
expansion westward with its new opportunities, its continuous touch with the simplicity of primitive
society, furnish the forces dominating American character.... The Wisconsin-born historian’s ideas
and writings, published in the newly-reprinted Wisconsin Historical Society Press classic Frederick
Jackson Turner: Wisconsin’s Historian of the Frontier, continue to have a profound impact upon the
way Americans view their past and their place in the world. 188 The Spanish-American War • U.S.
declares war -February 15, 1898 the Maine sinks and the United States declares war on Spain The
European Conquest and Colonization of the Americas. Five Nations started colonies in the New
World. Spain – in South, Central and North America Portugal – in Brazil France – In Canada Great
Britain – along the East Coast of North America The Dutch – On Long Island. Open Library is an
initiative of the Internet Archive, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, building a digital library of Internet sites
and other cultural artifacts in digital form. Other projects include the Wayback Machine,
and The New South. During and After Reconstruction America’s Journey: Chapter 2 .
I. The Economy. A. Rail road boom improves transportation around the South and across the nation
B. Factories produce variety of goods and employ 1000’s of people but at lower wages than in the
North The dominant theme in Turner’s thesis is that of social evolution. Turner believes that
civilization has an orderly evolutionary cycle that starts in the savage state, moves to pastoralism, and
ends with cities and industry. Europeans had long been trapped in the suffocating confines of the
final stage, which had caused corruption and staleness both in Europe and in the eastern United
States, where European traditions had continued to reign. However, the availability of free,
undeveloped land in the West had enabled Americans to go through a kind of rebirthing process.
Individualism was king on the frontier. Men were able to start anew, almost at the savage stage, but
what separated these men from the Native Americans was that they brought the best of the European
practices with them. Those European characteristics and institutions that were sullied were quickly
rooted out for they had no place on the even playing field of the West, which enabled pure,
unadulterated democracy to blossom into fruition. Thomas Nast cartoon 1) identify people and items
2) identify symbols 3) message of the cartoon 4) point of view of the cartoonist Chapter 17:
Transformation of theTrans-Mississippi West, 1860-1900 Chapter Essential Questions:1.How was
Indian life on the Great Plains transformed in the 2nd half of the 19th Century?2.What roles did the
federal government, the army, and the railroads play in the settlement of the West?3. [Truman's]
( Fair Deal policies aimed to further
FDR's democratic ideals. He campaigned for a democratic Congress, increasing the number of
democratic seats. Truman's doctrine of containment tried to contain communism. Truman sent aid to
Turkey and Greece to contain Communism. The Berlin Airlift sent aid to the people cut off by the
Soviet Union. The Korean War erupted as the US supported south Korea against the Communist
North. Boom and Bust • News of gold or silver strike would start a stampede • Comstock Lode •
Black Hills • Surface mining • Corporations took over with quartz or lode mining Key Quote –
Booker T. Washington’s “Separate as the Fingers” Speech • Importance Within a short time, the
speech made Washington into the leading spokesperson for AA • As a result, he gained access to
wealthy northern philanthropists who generously supported the Tuskegee Institute • Younger,
educated blacks led by W.E.B. Du Bois strongly criticized Washington’s commitment to gradual
progress • Du Bois scornfully called Washington’s speech “the Atlanta Compromise” and advocated
an alternate program of “ceaseless agitation” to challenge Jim Crow segregation and demand full
economic, social, and political equality
Previewing 1 of 4 pages Upload your study docs or become a member. Turn your PDF publications
into a flip-book with our unique Google optimized e-Paper software. Key Quote – Booker T.
Washington’s “Separate as the Fingers” Speech • The quote • “In all things that are purely social, we
can be as separate as the fingers, yet as one hand in all things essential to mutual progress…The
wisest among my race understand that the agitation of questions of social equality is the extremist
folly, and that progress in the enjoyment of all the privileges that will come to us must be the result
of severe and constant struggle rather than of artificial forcing.” What is the most important
consideration when applying OBM to groups? Why? Open Library is an initiative of the Internet
Archive, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts
in digital form. Other projects include the Wayback Machine, and In the
late 19th century, the concept of Social Darwinism came to describe the idea that natural selection
chose the better humans. This was used to justify the racism of whites against blacks. It also was
used to justify the idea that the rich are supposed to be rich while the poor are supposed to be poor.
The Kellog-Briand Pact was signed after World War One. The treaty was signed by the United States
and other Powers to provide for the renunciation of war. No more boring flashcards learning!
Wilderness to Turner is an entity that is commendable only in its role in furthering man’s
development. Wilderness is swell, but it is even better during and after the conquering process. It is
the challenges that wilderness throws the frontiersman’s way that allow the frontiersmen to shed the
over embellished skin of European civilization, and to step forward a new, improved, self-reliant, and
rugged individual ready to turn the western wilderness into an superior Mecca of democracy.
Despite the wilderness’s key role in this process, man’s duty, according to Turner, is still to subdue
and improve wilderness with the onslaught of culture and society. Until 1890, there was always
more wilderness available beyond the frontier line in which for further generations to undergo the
rebirthing process and to ensure that the United States did not begin to brew in the morose of
decayed civilization, a predicament that had despoiled the nations of Europe. Period: Oct 16, 1962 to
Oct 28, 1962 Men like Rockefeller (Standard Oil Co., Carnegie (Carnegie Steel Company), and J. P.
Morgan (banker). (1) What was life like in West Africa before the age of European exploration?.
Keep in mind: Objectives. Describe the development and cultural characteristics of West Africa in the
fifteenth century. Summarize the events that led to contact between Europeans and West Africans. *
He didn't consider the perspective of anyone not crossing Cumberland Gap; anyone for whom the
west was actually the east (as it was for Asians) or the north (as it was for Mexicans) or the south (as
it was for Canadians and some Russians), or just home (as it was for Native Americans). All Warmup
: What do the following word stems mean?. If you don’t know, guess. Paleo – Like paleo ntology
Neo – Like neo natal nurse. Egalitarian. Forager. Domesticated Animal. Patriarchy. Pater – father -
archy – rule by Mater - mother Sinistrabrevirosmarchy. Pastoralism. The Disfranchisement of Black
Voters • The end of Reconstruction left political control in the S in the hands of white Dem Party
leaders known collectively as “Redeemers” • Their supporters referred to these postwar leaders as
Redeemers because they “redeemed” or saved the S from Rep rule • The Redeemers included
merchants, financiers, and politicians who promoted economic growth based upon industrialization
and railroad expansion • At the same time, they cut taxes and reduced state spending • As a result,
the Redeemers reversed the gains in public education made during the years of Rep rule • The
Redeemers were committed to economic development and to white supremacy • Poor whites did not
see impoverished blacks as fellow victims of economic forces they could not control • Instead, they
supported the Redeemers policy of disenfranchising AA voters : How did new inventions and
technologies aid in the Industrial Revolution and the development of BIG BUSINESS?Slide4 Two
court cases played massive roles in civil rights. In Plessy v. Ferguson, Fuller ruled that racial
segregation was allowed under the 14th amendment because of the doctirne "separate but equal." In
Brown v. Board of Education, Warren overturned Plessy v. Ferguson by stating that separation of
educational facilities is inherently unequal and abolished segregation in schools (but did no spell out
any method for ending racial segregation. Turner’s thesis has many holes in it. Firstly, his rendition
of the western story revolves solely around white, anglo men. Women and minorities are not a part
of his pretty picture. Secondly, his story only accounts for those that chose an agrarian occupation,
ignoring other industries such as mining. Thirdly, he ignores the fact that Eastern corporations,
particularly railroad companies, had a large hand in making the western expansion process possible.
However, despite these shortcomings the Frontier thesis and its message provided the United States
with an origin myth that they could cling to in an uneasy time during which countries were
feverishly clawing for any piece of exceptionality that would provide them with a superior sense of
nationalism. According to Henry Nash Smith, despite the fact that Turner’s thesis confounds
common sense and is full of contradictions and falsities, the powerful impact that it had on the
American imagination and collective identity gives it intellectual credence. Of course it was not
viewed as myth by individuals at the time, and is still pulsing through the American conscious,
though weakened, today. Aside from allowing for the birth of American exceptionalism, Turner’s
theory also heavily influenced the historical profession, and was considered the account of Western
History for many generations. Historians are still working under its shadow, even though many have
been fighting for decades to dissolve its potency. The United States. INTERIOR. NORTHEAST.
WEST. MIDWEST. SOUTHWEST. SOUTHEAST. Facts and figures. 50 states, 50 capitals Federal
constitutional republic Population > 300 million Capital: Washington, D.C Largest city: NYC, pop. >
8 million. Northeast. Did you find mistakes in interface or texts? Or do you know how to improve
StudyLib UI? Feel free to send suggestions. Its very important for us! The Chinese • 1869 –
Transcontinental railroad completed. Many Chinese now find themselves out of work • Agricultural
laborers • Tenant farmers • Most went to cities Dear Elaine, Here are the returns on two stocks.
Digital Cheese Executive Fruit January +17 +9 February 2 +1 March +4 +5 April +6 +15 May 3 +2
June +2 +5 July 1 2 August 7 1 Required: a-1. Calculate the variance a An Image/Link below is
provided (as is) to download presentation
CHAPTER 8. The United States. Section 1: History and Culture Section 2: Regions of the United
States Section 3: Geographic Issues. Section 1 History and Culture. Objectives:. What are some
important events in the history of the United States? Economic Growth • The beginning of a new
industrial base • Long history with tobacco in the S • Still the region’s 2nd most important cash crop,
tobacco helped launch one of the South’s great industrial success stories • James Buchanan Duke
took over his father’s small but successful tobacco company in the early 1880s • In 1885, Duke
acquired a license to use the first automated cigarette making machine • Duke’s shrewd investment
soon paid spectacular dividends • Within 20 years, Duke’s American Tobacco Company produced
80% of the cigarettes manufactured in the U.S. Dear Elaine, With the rise of the Titans of Industry,
production saw an increase as did the general economy of the United States. Yet beneath the surface,
there was an up and down cycle of boom and bust. Long Depression (Panic of 1873) was a massive
depression for the public. Then later in the 1880s the economy boomed again, only to suffer periods
of contraction from 1883-1885 and the panics of 1893 and 1896 hit the economy. The freedmen of
the south (former slaves) continued to experience oppression. The formation of the KKK, the
ineffective 14th and 15th amendments (which were effectively countered by literacy tests and poll
taxes), and the Jim Crow laws kept African Americans from truly being integrated into society. The
United States. 1870-1914. Reconstruction ended in the last state in 1877 Compromise of 1877
Expansion into the plains created conflict with the Native peoples Dawes Act 1877 proposed to
divide tribal land into 160 acre parcels between families. Post Civil War. Gaining Foothold in the
Pacific • Hawaii • U.S. saw Hawaii as a military outpost in Pacific • 1893 American planters and 50
U.S. Marines overthrew Queen Liliuokalani. • President Grover Cleveland refused to annex Hawaii
because the revolt had been illegal • on July 7, 1898 Hawaii became a territory of U.S. when it was
annexed by President William McKinley Download presentation by click this link. While
downloading, if for some reason you are not able to download a presentation, the publisher may have
deleted the file from their server. Turner was especially famous for this paper because it created
westward expansion, Westward expansion gave the United States its character of rugged
independence. The expansion had shaped the nation's values. Frederick Jackson Turner’s Frontier
Thesis (1893) [The League of Nations] (
instituted) was created by Wilson as an attempt to create an international organization that was
responsible for keeping global peace. He proposed it as a part of his 14 points plan, but was unable
to get it passed in Congress, because they wanted to avoid US involvement in further warfare.
Without the US as a major superpower and the lack of a large military force, the League of Nations
quickly failed. The internet is like the American frontier in that it’s attracted malcontents and rejects.
However, unlike the American frontier, the internet cannot offer these malcontents a living. What it
offers instead is a place for their anger and resentment to fester communally. Instead of siphoning off
society’s rejects and giving them a second change, it amplifies their discontent — think white
nationalists and incels on 4chan. Looking to the West (1860-1900). Moving West. Push Factors
Crowding back East Displaced farmers Former slaves Eastern farmland expensive Ethnic and
religious repression in Europe Haven for outlaws. Pull Factors Government incentives Pacific
Railway Act Morrill Land-Grant Act LCCN The significance of the frontier in American history, by
F. J. Turner. This week's reading is Frederick Jackson Turner's "Frontier Thesis" (1893). Warmup : 9
/26. When you hear the term, “The Wild West”, list 3 ideas that come to mind. 1. 2. 3. WRITE:
Westward HO! In your spiral notebooks. Read : The Donner Party Diary & answer the following
questions in your spirals. Write Heading: WestwardHO ! The Donner Party. [Lyndon Johnson]
( had a policy of the Great Society. He
supported and passed some of JFK's policies, such as civil rights. He also supported the education
and the arts. His "War on Poverty" decreased the poverty line and reformed healthcare. He also
helped initiate Medicare as well as Medicaid. His dealings with Vietnam, however, lost him approval
with the public, especially with the Tet Offensive. Moving West. Westward Expansion. What effect
did Westward Expansion have on the United States?. Push-Pull Factors. Led people to push (forced)
or pull (attract) them to move west Southeastern farmland (expensive) Sheltered outlaws on the run
Adventure, fresh start, imagination. Turner’s thesis was controversial to begin with — similar
frontiers in history in Rome, Russia and Australia did not have the same effect of fostering
democratic institutions. It should come as no surprise that this new electronic frontier isn’t an
absolute positive for democracy. 1) Pacific Coast Tribes • Lived on Pacific Coast before arrival of the
Spanish • Fished • Disease and dislocation decimated them • Some remained within Spanish society
The Physical Object 0% In some ways, Turner's theory is an extended prose caption to the painting
we saw in post 1b, George Bingham's "Daniel Boone Escorting Settlers through the Cumberland
Gap" -- except that Bingham included women, and Turner doesn't. (the “Wizard of Menlo Park”)
was the greatest inventor of the 1800s E179.5.T96 T3 1972, E179.5.T96 T3 1949 West Virginia
Higher Education Policy Commission. Profiles and Trends in West Virginia Higher Education: The
Public Discourse Presented to the Advisory Council of Faculty July 30, 2007. West Virginia Higher
Education Policy Commission. The 2007-12 Master Plan: Background.
Herbert Hoover believed in a sense of "rugged individualism". He believed that government aid
should be minimal and any aid should be temporary and mostly provided by state and local
governments rather than the federal government. Hoover believed that government handouts would
be damaging to the poor and unemployed and expected all loans to be paid back. Gaining Foothold
in the Pacific • Samoa • U.S. had interest in Samoa to use as coaling stations for ships • Other
European countries also wanted Samoa and Britain, Germany, and the U.S. almost went to war • In
1899 the U.S. and Germany divided the islands • People in Samoa had no say in the matter. The
New South . Chapters 15 & 16 Bourbon Triumvirate; Henry Grady; Tom Watson & The Populists;
Rebecca Latimer Felton; 1906 Atlanta Race Riot; Leo Frank; Plessy V. Ferguson; Jim Crow Laws;
Disfranchisement; Booker T. Washington; W.E.B. Dubois; Alonzo Herndon . Redeemers Gain
Control . Week 12 - Friday. CS322. Last time. What did we talk about last time? Asymptotic
notation. Questions?. Logical warmup. A pot contains 75 white beans and 150 black ones Next to
the pot is a large pile of black beans. There is much that Turner didn't see: Internet Archive GOAL #4
. How did westward migration and the agricultural revolution impact the West?. Early Westward
Migration. Some went West for economic opportunity Miners for gold, silver, and copper Some went
West for land Farmers and ranchers Some went West to escape religious persecution The United
States. 1870-1914. Reconstruction ended in the last state in 1877 Compromise of 1877 Expansion
into the plains created conflict with the Native peoples Dawes Act 1877 proposed to divide tribal
land into 160 acre parcels between families. Post Civil War. Lists the existence of an area of free
land, its continuous recession, and the advance of American settlement westward explain American
development Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. The presence of
a place of free land, its continuous recession, and also the coming of American settlement, explain
American development. Important to the environmental historian is Turner’s idea of geographic
sectionalism that he only slightly introduces in “The Significance of the Frontier in American
History,” but goes into more depth about in his later writings. Turner believes that state lines are
artificial constructs, and that regions are really divided by natural boundary lines, such as mountains.
This sectionalism had a great deal of influence on the development of the frontier. Turner’s assertion
is significant because he is rather ahead of his time in acknowledging the fact that different
environmental conditions led to diverse experiences amongst different groups of pioneers. The
particular environmental situation to which these individuals were subjected directly affected their
economic and social development. Spanish-American War • The U.S. Goes to War • April 20, 1898
the U.S. declares war on Spain • The first main battle of the war took place in the Philippines • May
1, 1898, Commodore George Dewey led a small fleet of ships to Manila Bay and sank the entire
Spanish squadron • The U.S. did not lose a single ship or life 1145268 His celebrated work was the
first to suggest how the American national character had been influenced by the freedom of the
frontier. Sputnik was the first artificial Earth satellite. It was launched by the Soviet Union into space
to broadcast radio signals. It caught America by surprise because the Soviet Union was the first
country to successfully send a satellite into space, which scared America into believing they were
technologically inferior. This sparked the Space Race of the Cold War. The Defeat and
Transformation of the Plains Indians • The Ghost Dance and the Wounded Knee Massacre, 1890 •
The slaughter of the buffalo caused an irrevocable disruption of Plains Indian culture • Many
desperate NA performed a ritual Ghost Dance they believed would hasten the return of the buffalo
and the departure of white settlers • Suspicious gov’t agents wanted to suppress performances of the
Ghost Dance • Fearing that the Indians intended to go on the warpath, the army dispatched troops to
reservations in the Pine Ridge area of present-day South Dakota • Tensions mounted when the army
assumed that 300 Sioux wearing Ghost Dance shirts were preparing to revolt • When a Sioux fired a
single shot at the troops, the soldiers returned fire with repeating rifles • About 300 Indians including
200 women and children died in what came to be known as the Wounded Knee Massacre Chief
Sitting Bull The Washington Naval Conference was a meeting between the United States, the United
Kingdom, Japan France, and Italy in order to reduce the size of global navies by restricting the
number of warships that could be produced. The Four-Power, Five-Power, and Nine-Power treaties
emerged from the Washington Naval Conference, later modified by the London Naval Treaty of 1930
and the Second London Naval Treaty of 1936. Powered by Create your own unique website with
customizable templates. Get Started In 1893, Turner was worried because the 1890 census had
declared the frontier closed. What would now provide the character-forming melting-pot of
Americans? What would now provide that "opportunity for a competency" that had kept Americans
from having many poor people? "So long as free land exists, the opportunity for a competency
exists, and economic power secures political power," Turner wrote, in another important
sentence. 1893 was the beginning of a depression, it was a time of immense immigration, it was a
time to worry about the closing of the frontier. Turner hints that we might need to find new frontiers:
Romance of the West • Which old west and whose? Audio • Brinkley page 455 Comments: 100%
found this document useful, Mark this document as useful Turner Thesis – presented at 1893 World’
s Fair • The conquest of the West by white people was the central story of American history •
Savagery civilization • Let’s consider this thesis as we discuss the Dispersal of the tribes The New
South. Industry, Farming, & African Americans. Industries & Cities. The “New South” –visions of a
modern economy of Agriculture & Industry Use South’s Natural Resources to develop industry:
cotton, wood, iron ore. Industry Cont’d. In the 1880s, Northern money backs:
Hello Kathrina . my colleague worked with a template Personal Financial Statement form here http:/
/ The myth is still with us, whether we are fans of John Wayne, fans of the anti-
Wayne “Deadwood,” or bored by our culture's continual re-creation of westerns. The myth is with us
in our assumptions about who is an average American, what is noble, who is trusted, how much
government is good, what is our relationship to the environment. It is one of our founding myths and
versions of it can be found everywhere from Disneyland to the daily newspaper. Speciation. How
are new species created?. Warmup:. Get out your learning targets paper In the warmup section of
your lab book: Create a concept map using at least 12 of the terms listed in part b) on the front side.
Share current events article Notes: An Image/Link below is provided (as is) to download presentation
FC2ホームページのトップページへ戻る Economic Growth • The beginning of a new industrial base •
Long history with tobacco in the S • Still the region’s 2nd most important cash crop, tobacco helped
launch one of the South’s great industrial success stories • James Buchanan Duke took over his
father’s small but successful tobacco company in the early 1880s • In 1885, Duke acquired a license
to use the first automated cigarette making machine • Duke’s shrewd investment soon paid
spectacular dividends • Within 20 years, Duke’s American Tobacco Company produced 80% of the
cigarettes manufactured in the U.S. The Spanish-American War • Cubans started another rebellion in
1895 • To stop the revolt the Spanish began a policy of reconcentration (movement of large numbers
of people into detention camps for military or political reasons) • 200,000 Cubans would die in these
camps due to poor sanitation and starvation Plessy v. Ferguson, 1896 • What happened? • In 1890,
the LA General Assembly enacted a Separate Car Law requiring railroads in the state to provide
“equal but separate accommodations for the white and colored races” • Outraged AA in NO formed
a Citizens’ Committee to challenge the segregation law • On June 7, 1892, Homer Plessy, a young
dark-skinned Creole who was octoroon, tested the statute by taking a 1st class seat in a train car
reserved for whites • When the conductor asked Plessy to move to the Negro car he refused and was
arrested Turner’s Frontier Thesis • Third, the variations of place and time dictated that no two
frontiers were exactly the same, that no two were settled exactly the same way, and each had its own
special effects on American economic and political history. The frontier and American institutions; a
criticism of the Turner theory, by G. W. Pierson. Following World War One, many Americans
adopted an isolationist view. Congress rejected the League of Nations because they felt joining it
would lead to America getting dragged further into European affairs. Furthermore, the Great
Depression led to many believing America was unable to financially sustain foreign intervention. The
Nye Committee said that bankers and manufacturers pushed for intervention for their own profit.
“And to study this advance, the men who grew up under these conditions, and the political,
economic, and social results of it, is to study the really American part of our history." Number of
pages ID Numbers Save Frederick Jackson Turner and His Frontier Thesis For Later The United
States. 1870-1914. Reconstruction ended in the last state in 1877 Compromise of 1877 Expansion
into the plains created conflict with the Native peoples Dawes Act 1877 proposed to divide tribal
land into 160 acre parcels between families. Post Civil War. Literature in the 1920s was heavily
influenced by a group of Americans whom came of age during WWI called the Lost Generation.
These became authors that wrote on topics such as gender roles and decadence. Examples are
Fitzgerald, Eliot, Steinbeck, Tolkien, Lewis, and Hemingway. Sinclair Lewis wrote "The Jungle",
which exposed the terrible practices of the meat industry. Making of a National Identity: The
Frontier Thesis - Oxford Scholarship Period: Oct 24, 1929 to Mar 4, 1933 Warmup: 9/26 • When you
hear the term, “The Wild West”, list 3 ideas that come to mind. • 1. • 2. • 3. ’ bred by expansion now
that the frontier is closed?!”Slide3 Dear Elaine, Download Policy: Content on the Website is
provided to you AS IS for your information and personal use and may not be sold / licensed / shared
on other websites without getting consent from its author. The Credit Mobilier scandal took place,
where Union Pacific overcharged and bribed Congress. The Transcontinental Railroad made Native
American move. Key Facts About the West • The miners’ frontier • Discoveries of gold and silver
sparked a rush of prospectors to mines scattered across the Rocky and Sierra Mountains • For
example, the Comstock Lode near Virginia City, Utah yielded deposits of gold and silver worth more
than 300 million dollars • Mining camps included a diverse group of white, black, American Indian,
Mexican, and Chinese miners Why am I assigning you something that has been subject to almost a
century of debunking? Because Turner’s thesis still matters. Even if you had never read Turner’s
thesis, you are probably familiar with the general story he tells: the nobility of the cowboy, the
adventure of settlement, the importance of open space to the American character. It’s in every
Marlboro Man ad, every western movie, every Boy Scouts meeting, every wilderness campground.

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