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“If You Want to Empower A Woman,
Give her A Microphone!”
-Mirela Sula


Welcome to the #Speak&GoGlobal 2024 Challenge
Let’s Go to Your Bigger Future
Take a Microphone, Become an Influencer

Dear Global Women
The Power of Public Speaking
Empower Your Voice, Create Your Legacy


Unveiling the Secrets
Focus on Visibility, Focus on Growth
Confidence, Opportunities, and Prosperity


Day 1: What is Your Topic?
Day 2: How to Overcome the Fear
Day 3: Step into Your Confidence
Day 4: How to Create Content
Day 5: How to Make Money with Public Speaking

Access to 5 Live Workshops
Strategies for Maximum Potential
Launching Products through Public Speaking
Gain Visibility and Grow Globally
Facebook Group Access and Networking
Chance to Win Incredible Prizes


Join the Challenge
Transform Your Voice into a Beacon of Inspiration
Express Your Thoughts Boldly
Master Your Own Narrative
Be Inspired, Empowered, and Transformed


#Speak&GoGlobal 2

Dear Global Women,

Welcome to the #Speak&GoGlobal 2024 Challenge! I am Mirela Sula, the CEO of

Global Woman, and I am thrilled to invite you to this transformative journey. The
next five days are dedicated to empowering you, providing the tools needed to
become a dynamic and influential communicator through the power of public

Eleven years ago, I embarked on a journey to London with nothing but a

handbag, as a single mother with no money, limited English proficiency, no
connections, and no clear path forward. However, I carried with me a big
dream and an unwavering belief in my vision. Loyalty to that vision, despite
challenges and doubts, became the driving force that led me to where I am

As part of my commitment to supporting women entrepreneurs and those in

need, I am excited to share the insights and strategies that have allowed me to
reach a global audience. The #Speak&GoGlobal 2024 Challenge is more than a
training; it's an opportunity for you to discover the power of your voice, connect
with your higher self, and create a legacy by embracing the art of public

Throughout these five days, we will delve into topics ranging from finding your
passion and overcoming fears to crafting compelling content and turning your
passion into profit. Each day is designed not just to impart knowledge but to
provide actionable steps, exercises, and worksheets to guide you on your
speaking journey.

I encourage you to actively participate, engage with the materials, and connect
with the incredible community of women in the challenge. Your voice is a beacon
of inspiration and authority, and by the end of this challenge, you'll be well on your
way to making it heard globally.

Get ready to be inspired, empowered, and transformed! The world is waiting to

hear your story, and I am excited to be a part of your journey.

With gratitude and enthusiasm,

Mirela Sula
CEO, Global Woman

#Speak&GoGlobal 3

These 5 days are dedicated to empowering you, providing the

tools needed to become a dynamic and influential
communicator through the power of public speaking.

In the grand arena of personal and professional development,

public speaking emerges as a golden thread that weaves
through success stories, ignites movements, and shapes the
narrative of influential people. It transcends being a mere skill;
it is a powerful force that drives you toward your aspirations
and allows you to leave a mark and a legacy on the world.

The significance of public speaking lies not just in the ability to

articulate thoughts but in the power to connect, inspire, and
lead. When you step onto a stage or stand before an audience,
you are not just delivering words; you are sharing a piece of
your soul. It is a profound act that bridges the gap between
ideas and action, turning aspirations into reality.

Public speaking is an art, and like any art form, it has the
potential to transform lives. It is a catalyst for personal growth,
an elixir for confidence, and a conduit for building meaningful
connections. Through the spoken word, you have the ability to
evoke emotions, spark change, and influence people. It is a tool
that empowers you to be heard, understood, and remembered
in a world that is constantly buzzing with information.

Public speaking is a passport to opportunity. It opens doors to

professional advancement, networking, and collaboration.
Your ability to convey ideas with clarity and conviction
positions you as a thought leader, attracting not only attention
but also partnerships and prospects that can shape the
trajectory of your career or business.

#Speak&GoGlobal 4
Throughout these five days we will delve into topics ranging
from finding your passion and overcoming fears to crafting
compelling content and turning your passion into profit. Each
day is designed not just to impart knowledge but to provide
actionable steps, exercises, and worksheets to guide you on
your speaking journey.

I encourage you to embrace this challenge with an open heart,

engage with the materials, and connect with the vibrant
community of women participating in this transformative
experience. Your voice is a catalyst for change, and by the end
of this challenge, you will be equipped to make it resonate

Get ready to be inspired, empowered, and transformed! The

world is waiting to hear your story, and I am excited to be a
part of your journey.

#Speak&GoGlobal 5
On Day 1, we embark on the crucial journey of discovering the topic that will set your
soul on fire. Through introspective exercises, you'll identify not just what you're
passionate about but the one topic that aligns perfectly with your goals and
aspirations. This day is about finding resonance with your message and laying the
foundation for an inspiring journey into public speaking.

Discover a topic that aligns with your passion.
Set the stage for an inspiring journey ahead.

Action Steps
Reflect on Your Passions:
Identify at least three topics you are passionate about.
Write down why each topic resonates with you.
Narrow Down Your Focus:
Choose one topic that ignites the most enthusiasm.
Consider how this topic aligns with your personal and professional goals.
Define Your Unique Perspective:
Craft a one-sentence statement expressing your unique viewpoint on the
chosen topic.
Share this statement with someone close to you for feedback.

#Speak&GoGlobal 6
Worksheet 1: Passion Exploration
List three potential speaking topics.
Write a paragraph for each explaining why it sparks your interest.


Worksheet 2: Topic Selection

Choose one topic and write down how it aligns with your personal and
professional goals.
Craft a one-sentence statement expressing your unique perspective.

Clear understanding of personal passions.
Identification of a single, powerful speaking topic.
Alignment of chosen topic with personal and professional goals.

#Speak&GoGlobal 7
Day 2 addresses the elephant in the room – public speaking fears. Together, we'll
delve into the roots of these fears, understand their origins, and most importantly,
develop a personalized strategy to conquer them. By confronting and overcoming
these fears head-on, you'll be on your way to becoming a confident and fearless

Address and conquer public speaking fears.
Break through barriers holding you back.

Action Steps
Acknowledge Your Fears:
List three specific fears related to public speaking.
Reflect on past experiences that triggered these fears.
Root Cause Analysis:
Explore the root causes of each fear.
Write down alternative perspectives that challenge these fears.
Develop Strategies:
Research and compile strategies for overcoming common public speaking
Create a personalized plan to face and conquer each fear.

#Speak&GoGlobal 8
Worksheet 3: Fear Identification
List three specific fears related to public speaking.
Reflect on past experiences that triggered these fears.


Worksheet 4: Strategies for Overcoming Fear

Research and document strategies for overcoming common public
speaking fears.
Create a personalized plan for facing and conquering each fear.

Acknowledgment and identification of specific fears.
Understanding the root causes of public speaking fears.
Personalized strategies for conquering fear and building confidence.

#Speak&GoGlobal 9
Confidence is the secret sauce for impactful speakers. Day 3 focuses on boosting
your confidence, ensuring that you step onto the stage radiating self-assurance.
You'll explore areas where confidence might be lacking, learn effective tricks, and
practice techniques to exude confidence in both body language and vocal delivery.

Boost your confidence as a dynamic speaker.
Radiate self-assurance on stage.

Action Steps
Identify Confidence Gaps:
Assess areas where you currently lack confidence in speaking.
Set specific, measurable goals for improvement.
Learn Confidence Boosters:
Research and practice tricks to boost confidence.
Apply these tricks to your daily communication.
Physical and Vocal Techniques:
Explore and practice confident body language and vocal techniques.
Record a short video of yourself practicing confident speaking.

#Speak&GoGlobal 10
Worksheet 5: Confidence Assessment
Assess areas where you lack confidence in speaking.
Set specific, measurable goals for improvement.


Worksheet 6: Confidence Boosters

Research and document tricks to boost confidence.
Apply these tricks to your daily communication and note the impact.


Worksheet 7: Physical and Vocal Techniques

Practice confident body language and vocal techniques.
Record a short video and evaluate your progress.

Identification of confidence gaps.
Tricks and techniques to boost confidence.
Practical exercises for confident body language and vocal delivery

#Speak&GoGlobal 11
Day 4 is all about crafting content that captivates your audience. You'll learn the art
of storytelling, explore effective speech structures, and discover how to incorporate
visual and emotional elements. By the end of the day, you'll have the tools to create
compelling content that not only grabs attention but leaves a lasting impact on
your audience.

Craft engaging and impactful speeches.
Tell compelling stories that leave a lasting impression.

Action Steps
Learn the Art of Storytelling:
Research effective storytelling techniques.
Identify personal stories that align with your chosen topic.
Structure Your Content:
Explore different speech structures for maximum impact.
Draft an outline for your upcoming talk.
Incorporate Visual and Emotional Elements:
Learn how to use visuals to enhance your message.
Identify emotional elements to connect with your audience.

#Speak&GoGlobal 12
Worksheet 8: Storytelling Techniques
Research effective storytelling techniques.
Identify personal stories that align with your chosen topic.


Worksheet 9: Speech Outline

Explore different speech structures and draft an outline for your talk

Worksheet 10: Visual and Emotional Elements

Learn how to use visuals to enhance your message.
Identify emotional elements to connect with your audience.

Identification of confidence gaps.
Tricks and techniques to boost confidence.
Practical exercises for confident body language and vocal delivery

#Speak&GoGlobal 13
The grand finale! Day 5 unveils the secrets to turning your passion into profit
through public speaking. We'll explore various income streams, help you develop a
personal brand as a speaker, and guide you in creating a plan to monetize your
newfound skills. Get ready to not just speak your truth but to turn it into a rewarding

Monetize your public speaking skills.
Explore various avenues for turning passion into profit.

Action Steps
Discover Income Streams:
Research different avenues for monetizing public speaking.
Identify at least three potential income streams.
Develop Personal Brand:
Craft a personal brand that reflects your speaking style.
Create a one-page speaker's portfolio.
Create a Monetization Plan:
Develop a plan for leveraging your speaking skills into financial success.
Set short-term and long-term financial goals.

#Speak&GoGlobal 14
Worksheet 11: Income Streams
Research different avenues for monetizing public speaking.
Identify at least three potential income streams.


Worksheet 12: Personal Branding

Craft a personal brand that reflects your speaking style.
Create a one-page speaker's portfolio.

Worksheet 13: Monetization Plan

Develop a plan for leveraging your speaking skills into financial success.
Set short-term and long-term financial goals.

Knowledge of different income streams in public speaking.
Crafting a personal brand for speaking engagements.
Practical plan for monetizing your public speaking skills.

#Speak&GoGlobal 15

Congratulations on completing the

#Speak&GoGlobal 2024 Challenge!
Your journey to becoming a powerful

As we embark on this incredible journey together, I challenge

you to fully immerse yourself in each day's activities. Take
the time to reflect, engage with the exercises, and connect
with fellow participants in our supportive community.
Remember, your voice has the power to inspire change and
make a global impact.

Now, let's make this commitment together. Share your

insights, stories, and progress in our dedicated Facebook
group. Encourage and uplift your fellow participants. Use the
hashtag #Speak&GoGlobal on social media to connect with
a broader audience.

By the end of these five days, you'll not only have honed your
public speaking skills but also be ready to step onto the
global stage with confidence. Embrace the challenge, take
ownership of your narrative, and let your voice be heard.

Are you ready to Speak & Go Global?

Let the journey begin!

#Speak&GoGlobal 16
About Global Woman Club
At Global Woman, we believe in giving women a microphone to
amplify their voices and share their stories with the world. Our Global
Woman Club is a thriving community of entrepreneurs and visionaries
who support each other's journeys and contribute to a collective
vision of empowerment.

The club provides a platform for women to connect, network, and

collaborate on a global scale. We see incredible examples every day
of women who start businesses with passion, creating visions to do
good in the world. The heart of Global Woman lies in the community
spirit and the belief that women can use their power to create a
positive impact globally.

If you're intrigued by the idea of joining a community that not only

supports your professional endeavors but also encourages personal
growth and empowerment, we invite you to learn more about the
Global Woman Club. We give women the microphone they need to be
heard, recognized, and celebrated for their unique contributions.

Contact our team to discover how you can

become a part of the Global Woman Club,
where your voice is not just heard but
embraced and celebrated. Together, let's
create a world where women inspire, uplift, and
empower each other.

Are you ready to step onto the global stage with

Global Woman?

Contact our team for more information

and join the movement!

Find more Information:
Global Woman Club
Global Woman Magazine
Global Woman Summit
Global Woman Business School
Global Woman Events
Global Woman TV

#Speak&GoGlobal 17

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