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National University of Study and Research in Law, Ranchi

End Term Examination 2021

Semester II

Political Science II
Subject Code: A 105

Maximum Time: 5 Hrs. Total Marks: 70 Marks


1) No clarification shall be provided about the question paper during the course of the
2) Attempt 5 out of 7 questions.

Q 1. Discuss the given paragraph from “Republic”.

"For this reason, therefore," I said, "the good aren't willing to rule for the sake of money

or honor. For they don't wish openly to exact wages for ruling and get called hirelings,

nor on their own secretly to take a profit from their ruling and get called thieves. Nor,

again, will they rule for the sake of honor. For they are not lovers of honor. Hence,

necessity and a penalty must be there in addition for them, if they are going to be willing

to rule—it is likely that this is the source of its being held to be shameful to seek to rule

and not to await necessity—and the greatest of penalties is being ruled by a worse man if

one is not willing to rule oneself. It is because they fear this, in my view, that decent men

rule, when they do rule; and at that time they proceed to enter on rule, not as though they

were going to something good, or as though they were going to be well off in it; but they

enter on it as a necessity and because they have no one better than or like themselves to

whom to turn it over…….".(Plato) [14 Marks]

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Q 2. What do you understand by the term “Limited Political Obligation”? Discuss its Liberal
concept and philosophy in brief. [14 Marks]

Q 3. Discuss Anarchist and Gandhian view of Political obligation. Can Mahatma Gandhi be
called as an anarchist? [14 Marks]

Q 4. “When states are democratically governed according to law, there are no demagogues,
and the best citizens are securely in the saddle; but where the laws are not sovereign,
there you find demagogues. The people become a monarch... such people, in its role as a
monarch, not being controlled by law, aims at sole power and becomes like a master.”
― Aristotle, Politics

Discuss Aristotle’s views on his concepts on forms of Government Rule of law.


Q 5. Elaborate views of Machiavelli Human nature, double standards of Morality and Civic
Virtue. [14 Marks]

Q 6. Compare and analyse the laws of St. Thomas Aquinas and Mercilio of Padua.

Q 7. Write short notes on any Two of the following in about 200 words each. [7 x 2= 14]

a) Investiture controversy. [7 Marks]

b) Thomas Hobbes’s views on legitimacy of power [7 Marks]
c) Mahatma Gandhi’s view on Civil Disobedience. [7 Marks]

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