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REVIE' LID, LIQUID, SO! Special diets are diets chosen to meet nutritional needs of patient as per their diagnosis and capability. For example-High protein diet, Diabetic diet etc. these types of diets are usually recommended by dietitian or by doctors. Special diets can be in solid, liquid or soft form as per client's ability to swallow. For example patient with swallow difficulty will be recommended on soft diet. Patient with oral cancer may opt for enteral feeding. CARE OF PATIENT WITH DYSPHAGIA, ANOREXIA, NAUSEA, VOMITING. Dysphagia-It is the difficulty to swallow food. Nurse should take clinical history and throughout oral assessment to rule out causes of dysphagia. Accordingly dietitian, speech pathologist: must be involved in selecting diet for patient. Care of patient with nausea/vomiting Nausea means feeling sick. ee Vomiting: Comes meee tng ay be ced py Hormonal imbalance during Pregnan + Cancer and its management . ‘+ Food poisoning Se tee dem ee ae might be symptoms of pathol factors or medical cnr We peel locate ‘Note characteristics of nausea and vomitus if ‘Present, Check vital signs. ne sen alent cro aor a stimulation to vomiting. Report to doctor as patient may needs to be NPO. Maintain intake output chart, Introduction : Gastric irigati with a solution. It is used most frequently as an poisoning. Purposes: 1) To remove poison from the stomach a ines TT pe Principle: t depends on Newton's Ilr law i. for every ation there is equal and opposite reaction, Solutions used 1) Plain water 2) Normal saline. 3) Weak solution of sodium bicarbonate or basic acid in corrosive poisoning, 4) Specific antidotes, if poison identified. 4) Physical Antidote: It mixes with poison and dilutes the poison or prevents its absorption or soothes the membrane, 'b) Chemical Antidote: These react with the poison and neutralize it ©) Physiological Antidote: These have systemic effect opposite to that of poison. If the poison has depressive action, the antidote has the stimulating effect on the body. Amount of fluid : Gastric irigation is carried until the return flow is clear. At least 500 ml of uid is to be introduced at a time to reach all the parts of the mucus membrane of stomach, dications = Ingested poisons ~ Bleeding of gastric ulcers. = Corrosive poisoning (due to danger of perforation) ~ Kerosene and other hydrocarbons (due to danger of aspiration of stomach content). General Instructions : v 2 3) 0 5) o n ® » Explain the procedure to the client and family to win the confidence. Remove dentures, if any. Introduce a mouth gag in case of unconscious operative client to prevent him from biting of tube Lubricate the tube with a water soluble jelly to make easy insertion. Insert the tube slowly to prevent the trauma. Be prepare to suck the airway immediately, in case the client vomits during insertion immediately tur the patient to three quarter prone position to prevent aspiration, Ensure proper placement of tube. ‘Avoid to introduce air in the stomach, During procedure, observe the vital signs, degree of consciousness regularly. 10) Client may be interested to use flavoured mouth wash after tube is removed. 11) It necessitates removal of undigested food or quick removal of poisonous substances. It will be necessary to introduce a gastric tube with a large lumen passed via mouth in stomach.

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