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Examen 2 parcial

Ingles II
Nombre: _____________________________________________________Fecha: ______________

Escribe los verbos en simple past

1- Forget ___________________6- Cut________________

2- Sing ____________________7- Talk_________________
3- Buy____________________8- Play_________________
4- Share__________________9- Try__________________
5- Swin_________________10-Cry___________________
Completa las oraciones con is/ isen’t, are/ aren’t

Name Country Age Occupation

Kate del castillo México 44 Actress
Dong-Sun Corea 22 Photographer
Salma Hayek USA 33 Designer
Hyun-Ki Corea 28 Photographer
11. Kate del Castillo___________from USA. She __________from México.

12. Kate del Castillo__________44. She_________34.

13. Dong-Sun and Hyun-Ki__________from Corea. They _______from México.

14. Dong-Sun_____a Photographer. He ___________an Actress,

15. Salma Hayek _____________33. She_________a Designer.

16. Salma Hayek____________from USA. She _______from México.

17. Hyun-Ki_______________26. He ___________28.

18. Dong-Sun and Hyun-Ki__________a Designer. They _______a Photographer.

Escribe el verbo to be was/ were

19. I_____happy.

20. You_______on holiday.

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