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Consumer behavior in advertising

Companies spend a lot of money to get people, in this case consumers,

interested in their products or services so it is necessary to understand the
factors that encourage customers to act in some way.
The main objective of companies is to obtain data from their buyers to find
common ground for communication.
Consumer behavior reflects all decisions about the purchase, consumption
and acquisition of goods, services, activities, experiences, people and ideas
over time.
That is why it is necessary to carry out in-depth research on the behavior of
each consumer in terms of the psychological and emotional processes that
each one has at the time of buying a product or service to satisfy their need.
The main task of advertising is to reach as many customers as possible to
influence their awareness, attitude and behavior at the time of making a
purchase, so, to be successful, companies must make the marketing
communication process effective.

In other words, consumer behavior focuses on how consumers make

decisions to spend their available resources on consumption-related items.
BUT IN RELATION TO advertising, it is a complex and constantly evolving field
that requires a deep understanding of human psychology as well as emerging
trends and technologies in marketing, as well as the ability to design effective
advertising messages that influence those behaviors.

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