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Prompt #1: Describe your ability to be "Spit Out the Hook" (or the difficulty you had

It feels natural to be hooked, it is hard to not react with my emotions. But once I attempted to
stay centered and respond based on their emotions it was calming. Instead of letting my
emotions feed off of theirs i changed my mentality to not react but dig and find out why they are
having the emotions they were having.
Prompt #2: Describe the difference between being "Hooked" and not being "Hooked."
Once I attempted to stay centered and respond based on their emotions it was calming. Instead
of letting my emotions feed off of theirs i changed my mentality to not react, but dig and find out
why they are having the emotions they were having.
Prompt #3: Were you able to identify the EVENT? Were you able to identify the other
person's REACTION? Describe the EVENT and the REACTION.
My person used the fact that personal events that day lead into their emotions. that the
Event didnt even have anything to do with the topic at hand. But my asking why they felt
strongly about the topic at hand and put the concern into their emotions the conversation
was a calmer one.
Prompt #4: Describe how successful your partner "Spit Out the Hook." Or describe how
difficult it was.
My partner is a very emotional being and had a hard time not responding with emotion. They
understood how and did it for this assignment but I'm not sure if it will be able to stay with them.

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