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1)A business opportunity, also known as a bizopp, is the

possibility to start a firm by utilizing an event in the
market.It involves some sort of market-wide favorable
circumstance.Some businesses prosper because of a
business opportunity, whereas others fail. Leaders are
effective because they anticipate opportunities before
others do, develop plans, and then create business models
to take advantage of those opportunities.

E-books are a good example of a business possibility on

the market during the covid 19 pandemic. One of the first
firms in the online bookselling industry to introduce an e-
reader that made it possible to read books using a digital
device that resembles a tablet computer was
Amazon .Reducing the risk of spreading covid by touching


The first phase is the background. The purpose,

objectives, research questions, and hypothesis of the
proposed study are evaluated at this initial stage.

Step 2: Developing the questionnaire's concept.

In Step 3, format and data analysis...

The fourth phase is establishing validity.

The fifth step is establishing reliability.

1.3) A research protocol is a written document that

describes how your study was planned. The plan must
include a thorough explanation of the goals, design,
technique, and data used in addition to being created to
address the research question. The protocol in place
serves as your study's recipe book. The research protocol
is particularly crucial in clinical research since it acts as a
legally enforceable statement of what you are and are not
permitted to study. The key component of your proposal to
the review board at your university will also be your
research protocol (IRB). How can you ensure that your
protocol gets accepted, then? This article offers five
suggestions for creating a strong research protocol.

1.4.1) - Write down the purpose of the presentation and

list the objective

- consider the audience eg who are they/what do they do

already know /what you want them to know

-prepare the structure of your presentation Eg


- be fully conversant with the content of your presentation

-practice the presentation

 1.4.2)
 Graphs
 Diagrams
 Banners
 Smartboard
 Video conferencing equipment

Ayanda Gwala 10E4

Business studies

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