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There is no doubt, that all human existence is reflected on its history. So, I agree with the idea, that its is
quite well for people to know their history path for their own good.

Firstly, once a wise man said: “History is our best teacher.” I totally agree with this quotation because
we can learn a lot from our history. All customs and traditions of our country are written in its history
lines, so we can develop our spirituality be exploring it. For example, learning history of the native land
we can answer on such important questions as: “who we are? Where we came from?”.

Secondly, examining the history of our country, can be very useful for our future. It is generally known,
that all mistakes of our past are represented in history. For instance, the conclusions from this can help
in making the right decisions in the future.

Finally, learning about a country's history also provides context for understanding international relations
and global events. Thus, you have a great opportunity to get job easily.

All in all, I strongly believe that studying history of the country gives us a unique opportunity to develop
ourselves and enhance our knowledge.



The aim of this report is to describe the transport facilities in my town.

The existing transport facilities

In my town transport system is developed very convenient for traveling around our small city. Transport
routes provides quick access throughout the locality.

Positive and negative aspects

The price of tickets is quite satisfactory and is less than in other places. Also, we have an app, which
shows the route and location. Of the disadvantages, I can mention the waiting time for some buses. The
small amount of transport makes problems for citizens.

The plan of improvement

I want to encourage the mayoralty of city to resolve problem of transport lack. Also, It would be great to
replace some old buses.


To sum up, the transport facility of my town is suitable for urban level. So, I recommend people not
to avoid using social transport and enjoy the benefits of the facilities.
Robert Downey Jr. is a well-known actor with a remarkable career in Hollywood. Born on April 4, 1965,
in New York City, he began his acting journey at a young age, gaining recognition for his talent. Downey's
breakthrough was the film "Chaplin" in 1992, where he played the legendary silent film actor Charlie
Chaplin, for which he was nominated for an Oscar.

However, his career has not been without challenges. Downey struggled with substance abuse issues in
the late '90s and early 2000s, which led to legal troubles and staying in rehab. Nevertheless, he made a
remarkable comeback, starting with his iconic role as Tony Stark/Iron Man in the Marvel Cinematic
Universe. His charismatic performance and wit made him a fan favorite, and he became one of the
highest-paid actors in Hollywood.

To conclude, I am firmly convinced that Robert Downey Jr. is the great man because he managed to
overcome all his challenges and become a famous man.

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