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For the final exam I took my inspiration from the awesome final movie of the third phase of the Marvel ‘movie saga — Avengers: Endgame (Figure 1). There are a lot of possible materials problems involved in defeating Thanos. If you haven't seen the movie—a whole bunch of superheroes and otherwise enhanced humans defeat the guy who wants to destroy the universe. Figure 1: Movie poster from Avengers Endgame. Go good guys! |.am basing a lot of the questions on the Winter Soldier (Figure 2). We are particularly focused on his artificial arm. in the movies it is made of Vibranium, but we are going to have to substitute an alloy that actually exists Figure 2: Bucky Barnes, oa the Winter Soldier (lf), and his arifcol arm (right). We're going to fo. ‘outlined in yellow: 1, Assume that the armor plates, outlined in yellow in Figure 2, are made by a forging process of some kind. Assume also that the arm is made of Ti-SAI-2.5Sn. The initial thickness of the piece of Ti-5AL-2.5Sn is 3cm. The final thickness of the piece of metal is 1 cm. The forging machine ‘moves at 5 cm/s and the strain rate sensitivity exponent is 0.3. Assume no friction. Using this information and the data graphed in Figure 3 below, calculate the flow stress for this operation. (10 points) Flow Stress (GPa) ‘Strain rato (s') Figure 3: Flow stress vs.stran rate for alloy THSAV-2.58n 2, Based on your answer to question 1, should this be a hot forging or a cold forging process? Discuss the alloy's mechanical properties as part of your answer. (5 points) 3, The alloyis silver colored after forming, but needs to be black, corrosion resistant, and tough Choose a surface process that will accomplish this. If you cannot find a process that can satisfy all three requirements, explain which requirements you would prioritize and why. (20 points) For the Winter Soldier to control his bionic arm, it needs to be integrated into his nervous system. somehow. This is actually pretty close to current state-of-the-art technology, as illustrated in Figure 4 below. We will be assuming that the Winter Soldier's arm works as shown, Figure 4 lustration of surgery and connections to operate bionic arm. The yelow box indcates the electrodes which ae outside the body, on the skin. 4. The yellow box in Figure 4 indicates the location of the electrodes which control the arm. Research the materials for adhesive electrodes. Discuss the primary materials used for these electrodes and the processes used to make them. Cite all your sources, (10 points) 5. Areany of the materials used in the electrodes known to cause adverse health effects to the patient? if so, describe the adverse effects. If not, explain what materials properties prevent adverse effects. (5 points) 6. The bionic arm needs to be powered by a portable battery of some kind. Assume that the arm needs a steady 5 V to operate. Choose a battery technology for this purpose and discuss the following: (10 points) 2. The benefits and drawbacks b. Whether this can be done with a single battery or does it require multiple batteries, c. The biggest societal risks associated with the technology (critical materials risk, ‘abundance risk, etc.) ‘Another excellent superhero who takes advantage of Vibranium is Black Panther (Figure 5). Among his weaponry are his energy daggers. We are going to assume these are made of a platinum-iridium alloy of some kind (a different substitute for Vibranium), Figure 5: Black Panther let) and his energy daggers (right. We're focusing an the daggers, but! ke his costume. Plus, my cats voted for it 7. Research welding of platinum-iridium alloys. Assume that the blade of the daggers will need to be welded to the handles. Choose a specific platinum-iridium alloy and describe the following, citing all sources: (10 points) a3 ‘The composition and melting temperature of the alloy you choose. ‘A welding process that will work for this alloy. A discussion of the benefits and drawbacks of this welding process as it applies to this, alloy. {A description of the microstructure after welding, including the heat affected zone, the weld zone, and the unaffected zone. Describe phases, grain size, and any other important details. 8 Choose a post-welding heat treatment that is appropriate for the alloy identified in question 7. Provide temperature ranges and required atmospheres and explain what changes in the microstructure and/or properties occur during the heat treatment. (10 points) My personal favorite character is Natasha Romanoff, also known as Black Widow (Figure 6). She carries ‘two electroshock batons that can be connected to form a staff, with which she can then be used to whomp the stuffing out of folks who deserve it. Figure 6: Black Widow (lft) end her electric boton (right). Prof Smyser wants to be her when she grows up. 9. Assume that these batons require high voltage integrated circuits. Research these circuits and compare and contrast them with standard low voltage integrated circuits. Be sure to discuss: (10 points) a. Differences in materials b._ Differences in processes ©. Major obstacles that had to be overcome Since he is trying to destroy the universe, Thanos is rather frightening, However, if we turn him into a Funko Pop figurine he's actually pretty cute (Figure 7). For this next question, we're going to do a life cycle analysis on a Thanos Funko Pop figurine. 10. n. Figure 7:The mighty Thanos, reduced t 0 rether cuddly-looking collectoble. The Funko company makes its figurines in either China or Vietnam. Assume the factory in Vietnam ships its products by container cargo ship to Los Angeles. Assume the factory in China uses @ DHL cargo plane to ship the products Los Angeles. From Los Angeles the product is shipped by truck to Newbury Comics on Newbury Street in Boston. Use the Life Cyle Analysis tool in Granta Edupack to determine which of the two options will have the lowest overall carbon content and lowest overall energy use. Note: Consider both the package shown and the figure itself in your analysis. Describe any assumptions you made clearly and present the graphs generated by Granta Edupack. (10 points) Choose the most energy consuming phase apart from the transport phase and explain one way to change either the material or the process in a way that reduces the CO2 footprint of the product. Provide information from Granta Edupack or another reference to back up your ideas. (20 points)

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