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Name: Devonique Maxwell

Id: 20231490

Monarchy versus Monarchy: The quest for power begins

In King Henry V’s court, conflicts are bound to arise. The young monarch is seeking to claim his
birthright in France and assert his right to the throne by any means necessary.
But will his decisions change the course of history?
Henry V, a young monarch, known for his charm and charisma is poised to have his name engraved into
one of history’s greatest leaders. He seeks to unite an ally, England, and to assert his claim to the French
crown with the intention to create a powerful English - French empire. This grand endeavor, which
promises to rewrite history was made into action with the beginning of Act 1 of this monumental play.
Henry V, who ascended the throne in the 1400’s, from his father Henry IV, has become a transformed
man from his ‘wild’ ways to emerge as a quite resilient leader. The kingdom he inherited was merely lost
in internal insurgency and was now transformed into one of authority and stability.
As Act 1 unfolds, Henry's vision comes to life on center stage.
This Shakespearean play gives an insight on Henry V’s advisors, the Archbishop of Canterbury and the
Bishop of Ely, who displays great support for King Henry V’s bold move for war, while providing legal
justification based on the Salic Law as to why his claim to the French throne is to be unquestioned, and
stating that this particular war is beneficial as it would be a stepping stone in asserting his rights.
However, as much as this decision might seem as a walk in the park for Henry V, it is a big decision to
make as he is left at a crossroad not knowing whether to follow his sense of honour or his sense of power.
Overly ambitious one might say as Henry seeks to execute his vision by claiming his right to the French
throne, but there is more, this bold move also stems from the King of France’s indolent message, sparking
warfare within the English court.
In an intriguing twist, Henry sends a message to the King of France, requesting a peaceful handover of
the French crown, however, this encounter proves to be the captivating highlight of this unfolding drama.
This exchange between great men is filled with political tension, as Henry demands his right to the
French throne amidst King Charles VI's dismissive response, which sets the stage for the political chess
that will be played.

His reference to tennis balls signifies his opinionated judgment that Henry V is still immature and has no
form of qualities to sit on a throne much less lead a great land, but this is what leads to the soon-to-be
climactic confrontation.
In this Shakespearean drama, the world awaits as the young English monarch sets sights on an
unprecedented campaign for the French crown. The wheels of history are moving in full force, and we are
here to witness it all unfold.

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