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ADHD: Symptoms, Causes &

Ryan Quigley 4 years ago

What is ADHD?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is

a neurological and behavior-related disorder that
causes above-normal levels of energy and
impulsiveness. People with ADHD find it difficult
focusing on a particular task, paying attention and
have challenges sitting still.

Although it is referred to as adult ADHD, it occurs

in both children and adults. It usually begins in
early childhood and is detected during a child’s
early school years (x). It is one of the most
commonly diagnosed mental disorders in
children, as 6.4 million of American children
between the ages of 4 and 17 have been diagnosed
with it (x). Symptoms usually appear around the
ages of 3 and 6 and can continue through their
teen years and well into adulthood (x).

The National Institute of Mental Health noted that

there is an increasing number in the diagnosis of
ADHD in children and the reason is unclear.
According to NIMH, 9 percent of children between
ages 13 and 18 in America are affected by ADHD.
In fact, research shows about 60 percent of kids
who had ADHD still exhibit the symptoms as
adults. Also, males are three times as likely to be
diagnosed with ADHD compared to females (x).
This could occur because boys are usually
hyperactive in their early years.

When ADHD is left untreated in adults, it can

negatively impact different aspects of their life.
Adult ADHD can cause trouble managing time,
poor school or work performance, unstable
relationship, forgetfulness and low self-esteem,
holding down jobs, setting goals and addictions.


You’ve probably heard of the terms ADHD and

ADD, and wondered about their difference. The
term ADD (attention deficit disorder) is outdated.
It was a term that was used to refer to those who
had problem concentrating, but aren’t
hyperactive. Predominantly inattentive, a type of
ADHD, has been used to replace ADD. The term
ADHD was officially introduced in 2013 to serve
as the overarching name of the condition.

Symptoms of ADHD

To ensure the diagnosis of ADHD is more

consistent, doctors have categorized the
conditions into two types of behavioral problems.
They are predominantly inattentive ADHD and
hyperactivity and impulsivity ADHD.

Some people with ADHD could exhibit some

symptoms that fall into both categories or


As the name suggests, children that exhibit these

symptoms have difficulty focusing. Other signs of
inattentiveness include (x, x):

Challenges following instructions to complete a

task from start to finish
Frequently losing track of things or accessories
required for daily functioning
Tending to dawdle and daydream a lot
Doesn’t appear to be listening when others are
speaking to them
Makes careless mistakes and misses important
details in their school work
Have a short attention span on task, even fun
Have a problem with task organization or
following a step-by-step process
Procrastinates and resists tasks that require
mental thought or prolonged focus

Hyperactivity and Impulsivity

When most people hear of the term ADHD, the

symptoms they think of is hyperactivity. This
specifier means the child exhibits excessively high
levels of activity and is restless. The main
symptoms to look out for in the hyperactivity and
impulsiveness category are (x, x):

An inability to sit still; always fidgeting,

squirming and moving feet and hands
Seems to be constantly on the go as if driven by
a motor
Excessive talking
Having a hard time taking turns, such as in line
or a turn-based game
Finds it difficult to play or engage in leisure
activities quietly
Interrupting conversations, games or activities
Little to no sense of danger
Blurts out answers
Running and climbing at inappropriate times

These symptoms of hyperactivity and

impulsiveness can lead to them having problems
with discipline, social interaction and achievement
in school.

ADHD Symptoms in Adults

Symptoms of ADHD sometimes persist from

childhood, through teenage years to adulthood,
and they interfere with daily functioning. Here is a
list of symptoms associated with ADHD in adults

Extreme impatience
Mood swings
Hot temper
Trouble multitasking
Emotional outbursts
Ineffective organization skills
Inability to deal with stress
Chronic boredom
Relationship problems
Addiction/substance abuse (x)
Poor time management
Chronic forgetfulness and lateness
Low tolerance of situations

Diagnosis of ADHD

The National Institute of Mental Health estimates

that almost all children with symptoms of ADHD
are usually diagnosed during elementary school.
However, some people get well into their
adulthood or adolescence before receiving one.

There isn’t a simple test that can diagnose ADHD

in you or your child. It would involve a detailed
diagnostic evaluation carried out using the official
ADHD diagnostic guide used in the United States,
called The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders (DSM-5). Diagnosis would also
involve physical examinations, a series of
interviews, information gathering from personal
and family medical history and reports from
significant people like family, teachers, caregivers
and partners.

Diagnosis in Children and


To qualify for a diagnosis of ADHD, your child will

have to satisfy a set of strict criteria. They include

They must exhibit six or more of the symptoms

of inattentiveness or symptoms of hyperactivity
and impulsiveness
The symptoms must have continuously
disrupted their everyday life for at least six
They must have been displaying symptoms
before the age of 12
Symptoms must be present in at least two
different settings
Symptoms should be interfering with daily
academic or social life
Symptoms aren’t as a result of a developmental
phase or another mental disorder

Diagnosis in Adults

It is more difficult to diagnose ADHD in adults

because experts disagree on whether the
symptoms used for diagnosis in children also
apply to adults. In general, a diagnosis will rely on

Exhibiting 5 or more of the symptoms of

inattentiveness or symptoms of hyperactivity
and impulsiveness itemized in the diagnostic
criteria of childhood ADHD
Presence of ADHD Symptoms from childhood
Symptoms of ADHD interfering with their work,
education, social life or relationship

Causes of ADHD

Despite how common ADHD is, the exact cause of

it is not yet clear to researchers. However, it is
believed that a combination of factors is
responsible. They include:


ADHD is considered to be a hereditary disorder as

it tends to run in the family. Research gives an
estimation of over 70 percent genetic contribution
to ADHD (x). It further shows that the close
relative of a child with ADHD is likely to have the
disorder themselves. Despite this strong genetic
link, the way ADHD is inherited is complex and
likely is a combination of several genes and
environmental factors (x, x).

Brain Function and Structure

Researchers have identified some structural and

functional differences in the brain of individuals
that have ADHD from those without it. For
example, findings involving brain scans have
indicated that individuals with ADHD have
smaller gray matter volume. Gray matter plays a
vital role in muscle control, self-control, speech
and decision making (x, x).

Researchers also show that imbalance in the level

of dopamine, a chemical that helps trigger
emotional responses and mood, is also a factor for
ADHD (x).

Exposure to Substance in Utero

The health and habit of a mother during

pregnancy increases the risk of a child developing
ADHD. Here’s what research has to say:


The journal The European Child Adolescent

Psychiatry published a study that shows a
relationship between maternal smoking during
pregnancy and the development of ADHD in the
child (x). Besides, the study also noted that early
exposure to lead and other chemicals like PCB also
increases the likelihood of the child having ADHD

Maternal Alcohol Use

A 2018 study has found that mothers that are

involved in the regular use of alcohol dose during
pregnancy are more likely to have children with
ADHD (x). However, another study carried out in
2017 showed that maternal alcohol usage doesn’t
necessarily qualify for an ADHD diagnosis in their
offspring (x).

Brain Injury

Traumatic brain injury and other impediments to

normal brain development is another possible root
cause of ADHD (x). It appears that this injury to
the brain can cause learning and attention
problems, as well as impulsive behavior.

Treatment Options for


The most common treatment options for ADHD

includes (x):


Your doctor can prescribe medications that’d

affect your brain chemicals to enable you to have
better control of your actions and impulses. It is
the most common treatment for ADHD, and they
are grouped into stimulants and non-stimulants.


One might think it is counterintuitive prescribing

a stimulant to a hyperactive patient. However, it
can help increase attention span and cut down on
hyperactivity and impulsiveness (x). They can
boost the levels of neurotransmitters in the brain.
They are usually fast-acting, and an estimated 70
percent of individuals on it showed reduced
ADHD symptoms while on them.

The most common types of stimulants are:


If you notice any side effects with the use of

stimulants, it is important you report these
symptoms to your health practitioner so the
prescriptions can be adjusted until the appropriate
therapeutic dose is discovered (x).


While stimulants are usually the first line of

medication doctors prescribe for treating ADHD,
they don’t usually work on everyone, either as a
result of an existing health problem or a severe
side effect. Some non-stimulants can increase the
levels of norepinephrine in the brain, but they
work slower than stimulants do (x). Types of non-
stimulants include:

Wellbutrin xl
Antidepressant (bupropion)


This type of treatment is directed toward changing

behavior (x). It also comes with the plus of
treating additional problems that might appear
with ADHD such as anxiety. Some of the therapies
used include:

Behavior Therapy

This involves working with a therapist who uses

behavioral management to help the patient
establish social skills, learn how to plan and
structure activities and encourage them to learn
new skills that would help them cope with their

Parent Coaching and Educational


Therapists can provide specifically tailored

training and educational programs that aim at
teaching parents how to respond to often-difficult
behaviors that can accompany ADHD (x).

Psychotherapy (Counseling)

This involves working with a counselor or

therapists that’d enable them to better understand
their ADHD and learn better ways of handling
emotions and frustrations. They get an avenue to
address issues resulting from living with ADHD,
such as relationship issues, low self-esteem and

Natural Treatments for



People with ADHD are usually deficient in some

essential nutrients when compared to their peers,
and zinc is one of them. Zinc is an essential
mineral that plays a vital role in brain function.
Deficiency in zinc results in symptoms similar to
those of ADHD, such as delayed cognitive
development and inattentiveness. Research has
shown that the dietary supplementation of zinc
can help improve the symptoms of ADHD.


Supplementation with omega-3 can help improve

cognitive function in adults and children, as it aids
the protection of brain tissue and enhances brain
cell communications. A 2017 review of 16
randomized controlled trials showed that
participants who were placed on essential fatty
acids (EFAs) supplements showed improvement
in ADHD symptoms.

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo biloba has been used for years for

improving memory, brain functions and
increasing mental alertness. It contains chemicals
called terpenetrilactines that increases the levels
of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain. A
2013 study reported that after a daily dose of 240
mg of Gingko biloba for a period of three to five
weeks, the subjects showed improvement in
ADHD symptoms.


ADHD symptoms also include sleep problems and

disorders. Also, sleep problems could arise as a
side effect of the prescribed stimulant medications
for treating ADHD. Supplementing with
melatonin may help regulate the sleep-wake cycle
of those with ADHD. A 2019 study spanning for
over four weeks showed 60.8 percent of the 74
participants taking the stimulant methylphenidate
had a better quality of sleep after doses of

The Bottom Line

ADHD is a mental health disorder that affects self-

control, attention and ability to sit still. The
symptoms are categorized under its two broad
types — inattentiveness and hyperactivity and
impulsiveness. ADHD can be caused by genetics,
exposure to harmful substances in the womb and
brain injuries. Treatment options available
includes medications, therapies and supplements
like omega-3, zinc and melatonin.

Categories: Conditions

Tags: add vs adhd, ADHD, adhd medication, adhd

symptoms, ADHD treatment, adult adhd, symptoms of
adhd, what is ADHD

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