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I think that our society as a whole puts more pressure on ethnic minorities to code-switch. The

reason for this is because they want the ethnic minorities to drop their home vernacular for

mainstream English since the language is being phased out with time. One of the ways that our

society is putting pressure on minorities is through making English language to be the

mainstream that is being spoken by everyone. For instance, the individuals that speak English

language are seen as more learned and praised for their eloquence. With this, it contributes to a

situation where our current society puts more pressure on the minority to adjust their language so

that they can fit into the dominant culture. In doing this, it contributes to a situation where the

minority feels left out and unable to continue with their language and the grammatical structure

that they use in their day-to-day speech.

Additionally, the current generation tends to focus more on using slang language. The individuals

that use slang are seen as cooler and in as much as this is appealing to the current generation, it

contributes to code switching since the minority will try to use slang so that they can be adopted

into the dominant language. In the process of using slang language, there is a likelihood that it

can contribute to code switching and this will end up affecting the minority languages. There is

also the level of treatment and discrimination that normally takes place when individuals of the

same language speak or interact with each other. In some instances, this discrimination can

contribute to code switching because the minority groups can feel that they are discriminated

against because of their language. As such, they can try to code switch so that they can fit into

the culture of the dominant group so that they can get acceptance.

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