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From natural language to simulations: applying

AI to automate simulation modelling of logistics

Ilya Jackson, Maria Jesus Saenz & Dmitry Ivanov

To cite this article: Ilya Jackson, Maria Jesus Saenz & Dmitry Ivanov (2024) From
natural language to simulations: applying AI to automate simulation modelling of
logistics systems, International Journal of Production Research, 62:4, 1434-1457, DOI:

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Published online: 02 Nov 2023.

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2024, VOL. 62, NO. 4, 1434–1457

From natural language to simulations: applying AI to automate simulation

modelling of logistics systems
Ilya Jacksona , Maria Jesus Saenza and Dmitry Ivanovb
a Center for Transportation & Logistics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA; b Berlin School of Economics and Law,
Berlin, Germany


Our research strives to examine how simulation models of logistics systems can be produced auto- Received 25 April 2023
matically from verbal descriptions in natural language and how human experts and artificial intelli- Accepted 13 October 2023
gence (AI)-based systems can collaborate in the domain of simulation modelling. We demonstrate KEYWORDS
that a framework constructed upon the refined GPT-3 Codex is capable of generating functionally Generative AI; artificial
valid simulations for queuing and inventory management systems when provided with a verbal intelligence; NLP; simulation;
explanation. As a result, the language model could produce simulation models for inventory and GPT-3; supply chain;
process control. These results, along with the rapid improvement of language models, enable a sig-
nificant simplification of simulation model development. Our study offers guidelines and a design
of a natural language processing-based framework on how to build simulation models of logis-
tics systems automatically, given the verbal description. In generalised terms, our work offers a
technological underpinning of human-AI collaboration for the development of simulation models.

1. Introduction
of logistic systems. This section is structured to first
The rapid progression of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tech- provide a contextual background, elucidating the chal-
nologies has been marked by the emergence of tools lenges and intricacies of modern supply chains. Subse-
such as ChatGPT (OpenAI 2023a), GitHub Copilot quently, the problem statement and objectives are delin-
(Github 2023), and DALL-E (OpenAI 2023b). These eated, highlighting the specific challenges and potential
tools are representative of advancements in Generative solutions in leveraging AI for simulation modelling in
AI, a specialised branch of Machine Learning (ML) that logistics systems.
focuses on the generation of new content, including
images, music, or video, by discerning patterns from
1.1. Contextual background
existing data (Brynjolfsson, Li, and Raymond 2023). A
recent Goldman Sachs report underscores the potential The phenomenon of worldwide interconnectivity and the
impact of GAI on the global economy, which posits that intricate nature of modern supply chains are accompa-
this technology could lead to a 7% increase in global GDP nied by a multitude of challenges. Among these chal-
(Elder 2023). lenges are limited visibility, which poses a barrier to
Our research primarily focuses on GPT (Brown accurate monitoring and optimisation; unpredictabil-
et al. 2020), a state-of-the-art language model, and the ity, which necessitates contingency planning and robust
engine behind ChatGPT (OpenAI 2023a), famous for its risk management strategies; and the perpetual pressure
capability to generate coherent and contextually relevant originating from consumer-driven markets, emphasis-
text over extended passages. Another significant tech- ing the critical importance of flexibility and responsive-
nology we utilise in this paper is Codex (Zaremba and ness (Holmström et al. 2019; MacCarthy, Ahmed, and
Brockman 2021), an advanced model designed to gen- Demirel 2022). This situation demands that businesses
erate code in multiple programming languages based on make essential decisions both rapidly and decisively in
descriptive prompts in natural language. order to maintain their competitive edge. Consequently,
Within this context, the present study seeks to explore the importance of modelling logistics systems and associ-
the application of these AI advancements for simulations ated processes becomes increasingly evident (Jahani, Jain,

CONTACT Ilya Jackson Center for Transportation & Logistics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1 Amherst Street, Cambridge,
© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License (
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in any way. The terms on which this article has been published allow the posting of the Accepted Manuscript in a repository by the author(s) or with their consent.

and Ivanov 2023). Quantitative models can be instru- plan for a wide range of scenarios, ensuring that their
mental in supporting a range of vital activities, including supply chains remain resilient in the face of unexpected
forecasting, planning, scenario assessment, and risk esti- challenges (Phadnis, Sheffi, and Caplice 2022b).
mation. These models help organisations prepare for and In short, simulation modelling serves as a powerful
adapt to potential changes in market conditions or indus- tool in the design and management of resilient supply
try trends (Rodriguez Garcia et al. 2022). However, the chains, providing businesses with the necessary insights
accentuated complexity of supply chains, combined with to navigate uncertain environments and mitigate the
their highly nonlinear behaviour, dimensionality, and impact of disruptions. By leveraging advanced simula-
stochasticity, frequently results in analytic intractability. tion techniques and integrating them with cutting-edge
In addition, traditional analytical models often fall short technologies, businesses can optimise their supply chain
in replicating the actual behaviour of logistics systems or performance and ensure their ability to withstand even
supply chains, limiting their applicability and usefulness. the most challenging circumstances.
In contrast, simulation models overcome such con-
straints and provide a comprehensive representation of
1.2. Problem statement and objectives
a logistics system, encompassing nonlinearity, uncer-
tainty, and complexity. These models can accommodate Despite its merits, simulation modelling comes with a
a variety of factors, such as demand variability, lead-time number of drawbacks. To begin with, the process of
fluctuations, multi-echelon inventory policies, and rare creating such models is complex and requires techni-
event occurrences (Fokouop et al. 2023). By accurately cal expertise, making it difficult for domain specialists
reflecting the intricate nature of supply chains, simulation to develop them fully without the assistance of sim-
models offer more practical insights for decision-makers. ulation engineers or other technical experts (Law and
Simulation serves as a dynamic, relatively low-cost exper- Kelton. 2000). Additionally, these technical professionals
imental platform for conducting numerical experiments often lack the domain-specific expertise or understand-
and scenario analysis. This type of testbed environment ing of the particular system or operation in question.
allows organisations to examine and evaluate different As a result, domain specialists must first provide a com-
strategies and scenarios that could lead to disruptions or prehensive explanation of the real-world system and the
even push a system into extreme conditions. By doing so, relationships between all the key components within it
more information is revealed about the system’s struc- (Leemis and Park 2006). This typically involves a thor-
ture, potential bottlenecks, and the limits of its resilience ough verbal description along with a conceptual model,
(Laguna and Marklund. 2018). This enhanced under- which may take the form of a flowchart or dependency
standing of supply chain dynamics can prove invalu- graph. Following this initial explanation, the resource-
able when formulating strategies for improving efficiency, intensive development process commences. Technical
mitigating risks, and ensuring business continuity. experts must then convert the verbal description and
Simulations also play an important role in testing conceptual model into an algorithmic representation
optimal control algorithms, which can orchestrate sup- in the form of a functional computer program (Zei-
ply chain operations in stochastic environments (Rolf gler, Muzy, and Kofman. 2019). This procedure necessi-
et al. 2023). By experimenting with various control strate- tates ongoing communication and collaboration between
gies in a virtual environment, businesses can fine-tune domain specialists and simulation engineers, which can
their processes and identify the most effective approach considerably extend the project’s timeline and increase
for their unique supply chain needs (Phadnis, Sheffi, and the associated costs. Ultimately, while simulation mod-
Caplice 2022a). This procedure does not only help to elling has its advantages, these challenges in development
improve efficiency and reduce costs but also ensures that and collaboration must be taken into consideration when
supply chains can adapt quickly and effectively to unfore- embarking on such projects.
seen events and uncertainties (Ivanov et al. 2022). The Given the challenges presented, our study delves into
simulation-based methodology is particularly valuable in the potential of leveraging the latest advancements in
examining and predicting the impacts of ‘black swan’ Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Pro-
events, which are rare and unexpected occurrences with cessing (NLP) to craft fully-functional and executable
potentially severe consequences (Taleb 2007). By sim- simulation models for systems pivotal to supply chains.
ulating these events, businesses can better understand At this stage, it is imperative to define terms associated
their potential impacts and develop robust strategies to with AI and NLP, as they form the foundation for the pos-
address them, thereby minimising their negative effects tulated research questions as well as subsequent findings
on supply chain performance. This proactive approach and discussions. In our study, we adopt an instrumental-
to risk management allows businesses to anticipate and ist perspective on AI (Bostrom 2014) and refrain from

speculating on AI cognition or its philosophical dimen- a gap persists in the theoretical readiness of logistic sys-
sions. Responding to the feedback on the dated definition tems and supply chains for this impending revolution
of AI, we turn to a more contemporary and encompass- (Hendriksen 2023). While some researchers are investi-
ing definition provided by the High-Level Expert Group gating the enhancements digitalisation and AI can bring
(HLEG) on AI, which describes AI as to supply chain efficiency (Perano et al. 2023; Saénz,
a software or hardware system that, given a complex goal, Revilla, and Borrella 2022), others have highlighted AI’s
acts in the physical or digital dimension by perceiving role in addressing disruptions, especially in the context of
their environment through data acquisition, interpreting the COVID-19 pandemic (Nayal et al. 2022).
the collected structured or unstructured data, reasoning However, the literature lacks concepts and guide-
on the knowledge, or processing the information derived lines for designing such decision-support systems based
from this data and deciding the best actions to take to
achieve the given goal. AI systems can either use sym- on human-AI collaboration principles (Vahedi-Nouri
bolic rules or learn a numeric model, and they can also et al. 2023). Besides, we have yet to be aware of research
adapt their behaviour by analysing how the environment that studies human-AI collaboration in the context of
is affected by their previous actions. (Samoili et al. 2020). simulation modelling (MacCarthy and Ivanov 2022;
This definition, being recent and comprehensive, Saenz, Revilla, and Simon 2020a). Our study focuses on
remains relevant, even with the advent of Generative AI the proof of concept that the ‘NLP shortcut’ exists in
technologies such as GPT. principle, and valid simulation models of relatively sim-
Before delving into specific AI technologies and their ple queuing and inventory control systems can be pro-
technicality, defining NLP is pertinent. NLP is a spe- duced automatically based on the verbal description (See
cialised branch of AI that focuses on the interaction Figure 1). Therefore, we postulate the following research
between computers and humans through natural lan- questions.
guage. The ultimate objective of NLP is to read, deci-
pher, and make sense of human languages, encompass- RQ1: ‘How could simulation models of logistics systems
ing tasks such as sentiment analysis, speech recognition, be produced automatically from verbal descriptions
machine translation, text generation, and summarisation in natural language?’.
(H. Li 2022). Among the forefront of Generative AI tech- RQ2: ‘How do human experts and AI-based expert sys-
nologies are GPT (Brown et al. 2020), a state-of-the-art tems successfully collaborate in the domain of sim-
language model, and the engine behind ChatGPT (Ope- ulation modelling of logistic systems?’.
nAI 2023a), renowned for its capability to generate coher-
ent and contextually relevant text over extended passages. In the process of devising supply chain applications
Another significant technology we experiment with in that incorporate AI, it is essential to acknowledge the
this paper is Codex (Zaremba and Brockman 2021), an significance of the collaborative relationship between
advanced model designed to generate code in multiple machines and humans. The recent research illustrates the
programming languages based on descriptive prompts, frequent occurrence of projects being executed without
streamlining the coding process and enhancing software a clear understanding of how AI and humans will work
development efficiency. together as a team. A common pitfall involves the under-
A plethora of AI methods have been developed, facil- valuation of integrating algorithmic predictive capaci-
itating novel approaches and tools for the transition ties with the invaluable insights and intuition provided
from stand-alone models toward intelligent decision- by human expertise (Saenz, Revilla, and Simon 2020b).
support systems (Kosasih and Brintrup 2022; T. Nguyen In this regard, our study makes two substantial con-
et al. 2022; Proselkov et al. 2023). The rise of generative tributions. First, we offer guidelines and a design of
AI, especially, is poised to bring transformative changes the NLP-based framework on how to build simulation
to logistic systems and supply chains. As projected by models of logistics systems automatically, given the ver-
experts, this disruptive technology will not only extend bal description. Second, and more generally, our work
the boundaries of these domains but also reshape the offers a technological underpinning of human-AI col-
employment landscape within the sector (Sheffi 2023). laboration for the development of simulation models.
Concrete examples of these shifts are already emerg- This paper builds upon and extends our earlier preprint
ing. For instance, Walmart is leveraging generative AI to (Jackson and Saenz 2022) by introducing several major
automate price negotiations with select vendors (Sirtori- enhancements and contributions. Specifically, we pos-
Cortina and Case 2023), while Maersk has signaled its tulate a new research question that focuses on the col-
intention to integrate generative AI extensively into its laborative aspects between human experts and AI-based
operations (Handley 2023). Despite these advancements, expert systems in the domain of simulation modelling of

Figure 1. ‘NLP Shortcut’ leverages advanced NLP techniques to bypass labor-intensive tasks like conceptual modelling and coding,
streamlining workflows, and boosting efficiency.

logistic systems. Furthermore, we provide a more accu- explore the burgeoning realm of human-AI collabora-
rate and detailed description of the proposed framework, tion. In the background and methodology chapter, we
diving deeper into its architecture and components. This delve into a comprehensive exploration of language mod-
is coupled with a comprehensive analysis of the frame- elling, encompassing both the general principles and the
work in the context of Human-AI collaboration, explor- cutting-edge Transformer-based models.
ing the synergies and potential limitations of such a part-
nership. Additionally, we discuss the broad managerial
2.1. Simulation modelling in logistics
implications of leveraging AI in the simulation mod-
elling of logistics systems and provide updated promising Simulation modelling has long been a cornerstone in the
directions for future research. This is based on recent field of logistics, offering a powerful tool to replicate,
advancements in natural language generation, includ- analyse, and predict the behaviour of complex logistics
ing ChatGPT (OpenAI 2023c), a cutting-edge language systems (Barbati, Bruno, and Genovese 2012; Oliveira,
model that has shown significant potential in various Lima, and Montevechi 2016). By creating a virtual system
applications. representation, simulation modelling allows stakehold-
The remainder of this paper is organised as follows. ers to test various scenarios, strategies, and interventions
Section 2 reviews some works related to automated code without the risks and costs associated with real-world
generation and programming using GPT-3 and expert experimentation.
systems based on NLP. Section 3 sheds light on back- For example, a study by Van Der Vorst, Tromp, and
ground and methodology, focusing on the state-of-the- van der Zee (2009) highlights the complexities of food
art Transformer-based language models. Experimental supply chains, where traditional simulation models often
results and analyses are presented in Section 4. Section 5 overlook the influence of chain design on product qual-
presents the discussion regarding the GPT-3 Codex capa- ity. To address this challenge, the authors introduced a
bilities, ongoing trends in NLP, and their potential impli- discrete-event simulation environment that seamlessly
cations for developing simulation models. Finally, our integrates food quality change models and sustainabil-
contribution, as well as promising directions for future ity indicators, offering a more holistic approach to supply
research, are summarised in Section 6. chain redesign decisions. Another research conducted by
Sarraj et al. (2014) underscores the fragmentation and
inefficiencies in current logistic networks, particularly
2. Related work
in transportation and storage. They propose a transfor-
The scope of our research encompasses several pivotal mative approach based on the Physical Internet con-
domains. In this section, we delve into the automated cept, where goods are transported in modular containers
code generation capabilities of GPT models, the diverse to enhance interconnectivity in open networks. Using
applications of NLP-based systems, from semantic search real-world data from the fast-moving consumer goods
to natural language generation, and the foundational role sector in France, their simulations demonstrated the
of simulation modelling in logistics. Additionally, we potential benefits of this approach, showing significant

improvements in efficiency indicators like CO2 emis-

sions, costs, and delivery times.
A study by Wang et al. (2014) delves into the complexi-
ties of designing logistics distribution systems for assem-
bly lines constrained by factors like vehicle choices and
movement paths. Recognizing the challenges of math-
ematical optimisation for such systems, they employed
a simulation-based approach combined with a heuris-
tic algorithm. This method addressed real-world com-
plications at the factory site and introduced a dynamic
vehicle dispatching strategy that adjusts control and deci-
sion parameters during the simulation. Research by Cai
et al. (2023) introduces a novel real-time scheduling
model for dynamic job shops with logistics consider-
ations. Their approach optimises task preparation and Figure 2. Classification scheme of the relevant publications.
incorporates a real-time information update mechanism
for enhanced schedule robustness. Simulations, account-
ing for variables like random orders and equipment fail- text documents and extracting valuable information for
ures, showed their method surpassed traditional models, downstream tasks. In contrast, NLG focuses on the pro-
especially in job shops with significant transportation duction of text in natural language, which is comprehen-
time. sive for humans (Ji et al. 2023). It is essential to high-
The aforementioned simulation capabilities are partic- light that GPT-3, along with the other state-of-the-art
ularly crucial in logistics, where small changes can lead language models, is capable of both.
to significant ripple effects throughout a supply chain
(Dolgui, Ivanov, and Sokolov 2018). However, traditional 2.2.1. Semantic search
simulation modelling approaches often face challenges Semantic search is a searching technique in which a
regarding scalability, adaptability, and the ability to inte- search query aims to not only find and extract relevant
grate new data or scenarios quickly (Ivanov 2017). It keywords but to determine the searcher’s intent and the
is within this context that we turn our attention to the contextual meaning of the words (Guha, McCool, and
potential synergies between modern technologies, specif- Miller 2003).
ically NLP and AI, and their capacity to redefine the Notable examples include Habernal and Konopík
landscape of simulation modelling in logistics. (2013), who presented the NLP system for a semantic web
search. The developed system is end-to-end in the sense
that it includes preprocessing, semantic analysis, seman-
2.2. NLP-based systems tic interpretation, and executing a sequence of queries to
Another stream of related research incorporated decision- retrieve the results. The system demonstrated solid NLU
support and expert systems based on NLP. Because capabilities with written texts in Czech and English across
of rapid digitalisation and unprecedented opportu- the domain of public transportation. Sangers et al. (2013)
nities for harvesting and storing textual data NLP proposed an NLP-based search engine for finding seman-
has recently experienced substantial breakthroughs in tic Web services. The framework based on this search
machine translation, pattern matching, sentiment anal- engine was capable of matching relevant keywords gath-
ysis, and speech recognition. These breakthroughs have ered from Web service descriptions and the user query.
not only improved people’s daily lives but also notably Lupiani-Ruiz et al. (2011) presented a semantic search
revolutionised decision-support and expert systems engine for financial news. The search engine was com-
(Kang et al. 2020). Figure 2 provides a classification bined with an ontology population tool to assist in keep-
scheme for the most relevant publications in the con- ing the financial ontology up-to-date. Besides, the expert
text of our study. A recent systematic review sheds light system was equipped with a module for crawling the Web
on the diversity of NLP applications in management and and annotating financial news according to the financial
business (Kang et al. 2020). ontology.
NLP includes two primary research directions: Nat-
ural Language Understanding (NLU) and Natural Lan- 2.2.2. Text classification and sentiment analysis
guage Generation (NLG). The primary role of NLU Text classification is the NLP task of assigning a label or
is to comprehend the natural language by mining class to a given fragment of text. The most common use

case of text classification includes sentiment analysis, an 2.2.3. Natural language generation
NLP technique that focuses on the analysis of people’s NLG can be defined as the subfield of NLP concerned
opinions, sentiments, appraisals, attitudes, and intents with constructing computer systems capable of produc-
expressed in written text. Sentiment analysis is increas- ing understandable texts in English or other languages
ingly important in business and society and is often per- from some underlying representation of information.
formed on textual data to assist businesses in monitoring Notable examples include Wulf and Bertsch (2017), who
product sentiment and understanding customer opinion incorporated NLG techniques into a decision support
(B. Liu 2012). system to enhance the understanding and traceabil-
Notable examples include Pröllochs, Feuerriegel, and ity of multi-criteria decision-making. The study con-
Neumann (2016), who designed a decision support sys- cludes with the statement that the NLG approach is
tem equipped with NLP for financial news sentiment especially beneficial for complex interpretational tasks.
analysis. The system incorporated reinforcement learn- Lee (2018) proposed the deep learning-based encoder-
ing, hidden Markov models, conditional random fields, decoder model for clinical decision support. The model
and rule-based methods and could achieve a substantial was capable of generating synthetic electronic health
improvement in the correlation between sentiment and records that appear to preserve accurate epidemiologi-
stock return. Zinovyeva, Härdle, and Lessmann (2020) cal information. García-Méndez et al. (2019) developed
proposed an expert system to automate content mon- an NLG system for the automatic generation of admin-
itoring and antisocial behaviour detection. The system istrative reports. The system could generate complete,
incorporated advanced NLP techniques, including bidi- coherent, and correctly spelled sentences.
rectional encoding, attention mechanisms, hierarchical
text representations, and Transformer-based language 2.2.4. Natural language processing in logistics and
models. Abbasi-Moud, Vahdat-Nejad, and Sadri (2021) supply chain management
developed a tourism recommendation system capable of The transformative potential of NLP has begun to man-
extracting users’ preferences to provide personalised rec- ifest across various sectors, with logistics and supply
ommendations. The system analyses semantically clus- chain management standing out as notable beneficia-
tered and sentimentally analysed user reviews to detect ries. Within the realm of NLP, NLU and NLG have
a tourist’s preferences and suggest the most matching found distinct applications, addressing unique chal-
options. lenges and opportunities in the logistics domain (Dutta
X. Liu, Lee, and Srinivasan (2019) employed a com- 2023).
bination of NLP methodologies, such as Word2Vec and Early adopters have already showcased the tangible
n-gram, to monitor individual-level purchasing activities benefits of integrating these technologies into their oper-
on an e-commerce platform, enabling them to categorise ations. Walmart, a global retail behemoth, is pioneering
customers according to their anticipated recovery ser- the use of NLG to automate intricate price negotiations
vice expectations. In a similar vein, P. Li and Mao (2019) with certain vendors, underscoring the efficiency and
introduced a knowledge-centric convolutional neural scalability offered by such advancements (Sirtori-Cortina
network designed to extract and classify causal rela- and Case 2023; Van Hoek et al. 2022). Similarly, Maersk,
tionships in the form of product-producer, employer- a global leader in shipping, has indicated a strategic
employee, cause-effect, and message-topic connections. shift towards embedding generative AI, a subset of NLG,
Their proposed expert system encompasses both human into its core operations, hinting at the transformative
involvement for capturing linguistic cues indicative of potential of these technologies (Handley 2023). Besides,
causal relationships, as well as a data-driven component Maersk is providing $20 million in funding to California-
that possesses the capacity to learn additional significant based startup Pactum, which offers AI-powered soft-
features from the available data. Moreover, Kim, Park, ware that helps companies automate supplier negotia-
and Suh (2020) presented a framework that harnesses tions (Murray 2022). It is also worth mentioning that the
the power of both NLP and computer vision techniques officials from Unilever are discussing the potential part-
to facilitate the explanation and visualisation of convolu- nership with Scoutbee to leverage big data and NLP to
tional neural networks specifically in the context of text solve supply chain challenges and create new opportuni-
classification. This integration of methodologies high- ties for digital procurement (Shein 2022). As these indus-
lights the potential for interdisciplinary approaches to try giants set the pace, the academic literature is catching
enhance our understanding and application of AI within up, delving deeper into the nuances and broader appli-
various domains. cations of NLP in logistics, supply chain management,

as well as Human-AI collaboration in a broader sense elementary computational chemistry issues. In a simi-
(Saenz, Revilla, and Simon 2020a). lar vein, Drori and Verma (2021) employed the GPT-3
Despite the recent surge of interest in generative AI Codex to accurately solve problems from MIT’s Lin-
from industry giants, applying NLP in logistics and sup- ear Algebra course and Columbia University’s Compu-
ply chains is not solely a corporate phenomenon. The tational Linear Algebra course. Furthermore, Shporer
academic landscape has also been actively exploring and et al. (2022) successfully integrated the GPT-3 Codex
documenting the nuances of these technologies, provid- with graph neural networks to address computational
ing a rich tapestry of insights and methodologies tailored challenges in the Introduction to Astronomy course.
to this domain. For example, Wichmann et al. (2020) Trummer (2022) demonstrated the potential to finetune
introduced a method using Deep Learning to enhance GPT-3 Codex for translating user-supplied instructions
supply chain visibility by extracting buyer-supplier rela- and database property descriptions into SQL queries.
tions from text. Their approach, combining NLP and In summary, these initial explorations highlight a pre-
Deep Learning, allows companies to generate, verify, and vailing trend among domain experts, devising innovative
augment supply chain maps. A. Nguyen et al. (2023) methods to adapt and apply the GPT-3 Codex to their
highlighted the challenges of unplanned events like epi- specific areas of expertise. However, to the best of our
demics or natural disasters on supply chain stability and knowledge and as supported by our literature review, a
demand volatility. They emphasised the potential of NLP significant research gap emerges: there have been no doc-
in extracting insights from unstructured data, such as umented applications or studies that harness the GPT-
news content, during these disruptions. Their research 3 Codex for simulation modelling, specifically in the
utilised a deep-learning-based sentiment analysis model domain of logistics. This absence of research in apply-
to process medicine-related news in combination with ing GPT-3 Codex to logistics simulation modelling is
structured demand data to improve demand forecasting the primary focus of our study. Aligned with this iden-
during crises, as demonstrated in two disruptive events in tified gap, our research endeavors to harness the GPT-3
France. The results underscored the efficacy of sentiment Codex to create simulation models tailored for logis-
analysis in refining demand forecasting accuracy. tics systems. Reviewing existing works reveals that while
Makridis, Mavrepis, and Kyriazis (2023), on the other expert and decision support systems increasingly lever-
hand, explored the potential of integrating open data, age advanced NLP algorithms for various tasks, the spe-
such as weather or transportation information, with cific application to logistics simulation still needs to be
industry-specific data to enhance decision-making in the explored.
food industry, especially concerning food recalls. They
emphasised the value of real-time data analysis to identify
2.3. Human-AI collaboration
potentially unsafe products. The study introduced a deep
learning method that combined NLP and time-series NLP-based AI systems have the potential to revolu-
forecasting to assess risks associated with different food tionise various industries and enhance human produc-
product categories and potential recalls. Additionally, a tivity. However, realising the full potential requires a
reinforcement learning technique was proposed to pre- proper implementation strategy considering the teaming
dict future recalls based on historical data, offering valu- capabilities between humans and machines. The recent
able insights for timely recall actions. The effectiveness research outlines four key capabilities that need to be
of these approaches was validated through a real-world taken into account: interoperability, authority balance,
scenario, demonstrating promising results in enhancing transparency, and mutual learning (Saenz, Revilla, and
food safety and recall predictions. Simon 2020b). These capabilities should be incorporated
into project designs according to the high-level strat-
egy and environment in which the AI-human team will
2.2.5. Automated code generation using GPT models operate.
The subject of automatically generating code through the
application of language models has recently piqued the (1) With regard to interoperability, it is crucial to estab-
interest of researchers in the field (Clement et al. 2020). lish how humans and machines will exchange infor-
Following the initiation of the GPT-3 Codex private beta mation to meet the goals of the process. The AI
program on August 10, 2021, scholars have begun to system should define the roles of both parties in
investigate the language model’s potential, with numer- these interactions.
ous findings published as preprints. Some noteworthy (2) With regard to authority balance, it is essential to
examples include the work of Hocky and White (2021), decide whether humans or machines have final con-
who delved into the GPT-3 Codex’s capacity to tackle trol depending on the level of risk involved. In

high-risk situations, immediate responses might be effective AI-human teams and harnesses the power of AI
required, necessitating a clear allocation of authority. to enhance productivity.
(3) With regard to transparency, it is vital to build trust
between humans and algorithms and establish trans-
3. Background and methodology
parent decision-making.
(4) With regard to mutual learning, humans and In the recent past, leading technical methodologies
machines should be able to learn from one another posited that NLP systems should concentrate on a limited
through two-way feedback loops. array of tasks in order to excel (Cambria and White 2014).
However, this perspective underwent a transformation
As highlighted by Lindebaum, Vesa, and Den Hond with the emergence of a groundbreaking deep learn-
(2020), companies try to implement AI without clearly ing architecture known as the Transformer (Vaswani
understanding how the technology will interface with et al. 2017). GPT-3, a prominent instance of Transformer-
people. In order to prevent this pitfall, we suggest the dif- based NLP systems, has garnered considerable attention
ferent combinations of the abovementioned capabilities and serves as the central subject of our investigation. This
be embedded in the design of projects, depending on the shift in focus demonstrates how advances in AI can rede-
high-level strategy and type of environment in which the fine the approach to solving complex language-related
AI/human team will perform. In addition to that, differ- problems and broaden the potential applications of NLP
ent decision-making scenarios call for different teaming systems.
capabilities (Saenz, Revilla, and Simon 2020a).
As a result, the full potential of AI can be unlocked
3.1. Language model
only if organisations carefully consider the teaming capa-
bilities between humans and machines. By tailoring the Language models serve as the foundation for modern
integration of interoperability, authority balance, trans- NLP approaches. It is possible to postulate language
parency, and mutual learning to the specific context and modelling within the context of a purely unsupervised
environment, companies can create more effective AI- learning environment (Radford et al. 2018). At first,
human teams and harness the power of AI to drive this assumption might seem overly ambitious, particu-
innovation and productivity. larly when considering the rich, inventive, and elegant
natural language works crafted by renowned masters
such as William Shakespeare, Barbara Cartland, Brothers
2.4. Conclusion
Grimm, and Leo Tolstoy. However, due to the pace and
Summarizing, we can observe that expert and decision demands of communication, the vast majority of human
support systems take advantage of the state-of-the-art expressions tend to be considerably simpler, repetitive,
NLP algorithms to apply such downstream NLP tasks often self-similar, and consequently, much more pre-
as semantic search, natural language generation, text dictable. Programming languages exhibit even greater
classification, and sentiment analysis to domain-specific regularity and structure. Hindle et al. (2016) showed
problems. that repetitive patterns emerge at lexical, syntactic, and
This fact is well-aligned with the general ten- semantic levels within code corpora.
dencies in contemporary AI approaches. Contempo- At this juncture, it is crucial to define the term ‘cor-
rary AI approaches, including deep learning, reinforce- pora’, as it holds significant importance in both NLP
ment learning, federated learning, neural networks, and linguistics as a whole. Corpora can be characterised
and visual and interactive intelligence, play increasingly as a collection of linguistic data composed of struc-
visible roles in logistics and supply chains (Kosasih tured, processed, and digitally stored texts (Wołk and
and Brintrup 2022; LeCun, Bengio, and Hinton 2015; Marasek 2014). From a formal standpoint, the learning
Rolf et al. 2023). They replicate human-defined deci- objective is simplified to estimating the distribution from
sion rules and create new knowledge through training corpora, given a set of training examples (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ),
(Fügener et al. 2022). Most importantly, modern tech- where each example represents a sequence of symbols
nologies allow the development of human-AI collabora- with variable length (s1 , s2 , . . . , sn ). This understanding
tion (Saenz, Revilla, and Simon 2020a). In this setting, of language modelling and corpora serves as a critical
new approaches based on human-in-the-loop AI (Zan- component in the development and implementation of
zotto 2019) have the potential to transform the traditional NLP systems, enabling researchers and practitioners to
understanding of simulation in supply chains and logis- better analyse and process natural language data.
tics. However, only tailoring human-AI teaming capabili- Since both natural and programming languages are
ties to the specific context and environment leads to more ordered sequentially, the joint probabilities over symbols

(or tokens) can be factorised as the product of conditional (y1 , y2 , . . . , yn ) given (z1 , z2 , . . . , zn ) as an input. This
probabilities: process is autoregressive in the sense that the previ-
ously generated symbols are used as additional input

(Graves 2014). Both encoder and decoder use stacked
p(x) = p(sn |s1 , s2 , . . . , sn−1 ) (1)
self-attention mechanisms as well as fully connected lay-
ers (See Figure 3).
This assumption allows one to perform tractable sam- The encoder is composed of a series of N identi-
pling and estimation of p(x) and other conditional proba- cal layers, each containing two sublayers. The first sub-
bilities of the form p(sn−k , . . . , sn |s1 , . . . , sn−k−1 ) (Bengio layer incorporates a multi-head self-attention mecha-
et al. 2003). nism, while the second sublayer features a position-wise,
To conclude, language models are statistical mod- fully connected feed-forward network, reminiscent of
els that estimate the probability of a given sequence of multilayer perceptron architectures. To enable residual
tokens, for example, words or code-specific syntax, to connections, all sub-layers and embedding layers pro-
appear in the text with respect to the context. duce outputs of the same dimension, dmodel . Similarly,
the decoder is structured with a stack of N identical lay-
ers. A self-attention function is designed to map a query
3.2. Transformer
and its associated key-value pairs to an output, with the
There have been significant improvements in the per- query, keys, values, and output all represented as vectors.
formance of language models based on conditional The output is calculated as a weighted sum, where the
probabilities of the form (See Equation (1)). The most weights corresponding to the respective values are deter-
notable advances can be attributed to self-attention archi- mined using a feed-forward artificial neural network. The
tectures like the Transformer (Vaswani et al. 2017). scaled dot-product attention serves as a crucial element
Encoder-decoder structure constitutes a core behind within the self-attention mechanism. To enhance compu-
the Transformer’s architecture. The role of the encoder tational efficiency, the attention function is executed on a
is to map an input sequence of symbol represen- collection of queries simultaneously. Inputs consisting of
tations (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) to a sequence of representa- queries and keys with dimension dk , as well as values with
tions (z1 , z2 , . . . , zn ). The decoder produces an output dimension dv , are consolidated into matrices Q, K, and V

Figure 3. Transformer’s architecture: Multi-Head Attention uses concurrent attention layers to amplify processing. The illustration is
based and adapted from Vaswani et al. (2017) and Alammar (2018).

. This approach not only streamlines the process but also the dimension dmodel , which is basically the embedding
allows for more effective handling of complex language size. Besides, the regular learned linear transformation
modelling tasks within the Transformer architecture. and softmax(.) activation function convert the decoder
  output to estimated probabilities of the next token to
QK T appear in the sequence.
Attention(Q, K, V) = softmax √ (2)

The Q, K, and V matrices are linearly projected h times

3.3. GPT family and codex
to dk , and dv dimensions, respectively. After that, the
self-attention function is performed on each of these pro- Following the introduction of the transformer language
jections, resulting in dv -dimensional output vector. As a model, the NLP community swiftly embraced the large-
result, multi-head attention allows the model to access scale statistical brute-force methodology. Consequently,
information from different representation subspaces at there has been a significant growth in the size of language
different positions. models (See Figure 4). The progression can be observed
from GPT-1, which had 100 million parameters and
MultiHead(Q, K, V) = Concat(head1 , . . . , headh )W O utilised 1.1 GB of training data, to GPT-2, which featured
(3) 1.5 billion parameters and relied on 40 GB of training
data (Radford et al. 2018). This trend culminated in GPT-
where headi = Attention(QWiQ , KWiK , VWiV ) with para- 3, which boasts an impressive 175 billion parameters and
meter matrices WiQ ∈ Rdmodel ×dk , WiK ∈ Rdmodel ×dk , leverages more than 570 GB of training data (Brown
WiV ∈ Rdmodel ×dv and W O ∈ Rhdv ×dmodel (Vaswani et al. et al. 2020). This exponential increase in scale show-
2017). Besides the sub-layers, each of the layers in both cases the rapid advancements within the NLP domain
encoder and decoder contains a fully connected feed- and highlights the potential for even more sophisticated
forward network that can be represented as a composite language understanding and generation capabilities in
function FFN(.). FFN(.) is equipped with Rectified Lin- future models. For example, it’s worth mentioning that
ear Unit (ReLU) activation function and includes two the GPT-3 model is eclipsed by the substantial but unfor-
linear transformations. tunately undisclosed size of GPT-4, which powers Chat-
GPT (OpenAI 2023c).
FFN(x) = max(0, xW1 + b1 )W2 + b2 (4) During unsupervised pretraining on the immense
text corpora, language models acquire a plethora of
The Transformer takes advantage of the learned embed- non-trivial pattern recognition abilities and, as a result,
dings to convert the input and output tokens to vectors of develop an incredibly diverse skill set, including reading

Figure 4. The dimensions of GPT-3 models exhibit a rapid expansion in aspects such as layer count, parameter quantity, volume of
training data, and the breadth of the contextual window.

comprehension, textual entailment, question answering, users. Similarly, Python is selected as the programming
grammar correction, and text auto-completion. language for this endeavor, given that GPT-3 Codex
The remarkable growth in the scale of language mod- demonstrates the highest level of proficiency in Python
elling has substantially invigorated interest in the age- 3 (Chen et al. 2021). This approach aims to capitalise on
old challenge of automating computer code generation the strengths of both the language model and the pro-
and program synthesis. Initial experiments with GPT-3 gramming language to efficiently address the problem
indicated its potential to generate simple executable com- domain.
puter programs in Python (Brown et al. 2020). Follow-
ing the early accomplishments of language models such
4.1. OpenAI API
as CodeBERT (Feng et al. 2020) and PyMT5 (Clement
et al. 2020), the OpenAI team conjectured that it might The OpenAI API provides access to an extensive array
be feasible to fine-tune GPT on code sourced from of transformer-based language models, also referred to
GitHub, with the aim of generating functionally accurate as engines. In our proposed framework, we utilise the
code bodies based on natural language document strings Davinci-codex engine, as it offers the largest token win-
(Chen et al. 2021). The OpenAI team proceeded to fine- dow of 4,096 tokens and demonstrates the highest pro-
tune several GPT models on code, with the largest one, ficiency in translating natural language to code and vice
Codex, encompassing over 12 billion parameters and versa (Brockman, Murati, and Welinder 2021). The Ope-
an expanded token window of 4,096 tokens (Zaremba nAI API is a versatile interface that employs human-
and Brockman 2021). Training data were obtained from readable text for both input and output. The input text
54 million public GitHub repositories, comprising 179 is known as a prompt, while the generated text is termed
GB of distinct Python files, each under 1 MB in size. completion. GPT-3 models use prompts as a foundation
To evaluate the performance of the resulting model, to identify the task at hand and produce a text completion
a novel HumanEval dataset was introduced, consist- that aligns with the underlying structure, logic, context,
ing of 164 hand-written programming problems. Con- or pattern (See Figure 5).
sequently, Codex demonstrated notable proficiency and Prompts are akin to programming using English in the
the capacity to solve a majority of the challenges pre- sense that a user has to know exactly what he or she is try-
sented in the HumanEval dataset, highlighting the poten- ing to accomplish, but rather than writing code, one can
tial for further advancements in automated code gener- use words and plain text. Although any text can serve as
ation and program synthesis using large-scale language a prompt, crafting effective prompts is essential for har-
models. nessing GPT-3’s full potential. While prompt engineering
is still an emerging field, several established practices
have already been developed (Hocky and White 2021;
4. Experiments
Reynolds and McDonell 2021; Zhao et al. 2021). One
The organisation of this chapter proceeds as follows. such practice, implemented in our study, involves sep-
Initially, we introduce the OpenAI API, providing an arating the context, instructions (specific tasks to per-
overview of its features and capabilities. Subsequently, form), and pattern to continue. Broadly speaking, the
we present a framework that leverages the OpenAI API pattern refers to the sequence of words to be contin-
to address the challenges at hand. Finally, we apply ued. Figure 6 illustrates how GPT-3 completes Rene
the proposed framework to generate simulation models Descartes’s ‘first principle,’ namely, ‘I think, therefore I
for inventory and queuing systems, using English lan- am.’ given the beginning of the sentence and context as
guage descriptions as input. The choice of English is the prompt (Descartes 1990).
based on GPT-3’s superior proficiency in the language The OpenAI API can be accessed via Python bindings,
(Brown et al. 2020), as well as its widespread use as offering a convenient interface for conducting experi-
the international language of engineering and science, ments and building upon the existing framework (See
which ensures accessibility for the majority of potential Figure 7).

Figure 5. OpenAI API provides the straightforward text-in-text-out interface, accommodating a broad spectrum of transformer-based
language models for diverse applications.

in English is used as an input to which context and task

description are appended using the concatenation oper-
ator (a). The language model uses the intermediate result
as a prompt (b). After that, the parameters of the language
model are adjusted in such a way (c) that the language
model (d) produces executable Python code that corre-
sponds to the simulation model of the specified logistics
Figure 6. Upon receiving the initial portion of a sentence and its system (e). Python is chosen for two main reasons. Firstly,
context as a prompt, the language model effectively completes according to Chen et al. (2021) GPT-3 Codex is the most
the sentence by generating a coherent and contextually relevant proficient in Python 3. Secondly, the Python program-
continuation. ming language is distinguished by the dynamic execution
(f). Namely, the ‘exec’ and ‘eval’ methods can execute
code obtained during a program’s run. The proposed
4.2. Experiment design
framework uses the ‘eval’ method that parses the string,
The quality of completions is heavily influenced by the evaluates it as a Python expression, and compiles it into
prompt construction, context provision, and precise task bytecode. Bytecode is a low-level platform-independent
delineation. To fully harness the capabilities of GPT- set of instructions for the Python Virtual Machine, where
3, it is vital to create well-crafted prompts. At present, the expression is run, and the value of the expression is
prompt engineering primarily relies on a trial-and-error finally returned (g). After that, the validity of the gen-
approach. However, adherence to several key principles erated source code and the generated output is verified
can greatly expedite this process. Firstly, experimenting by a human expert (h). It is essential to highlight that
with various phrasings of the same prompt can be ben- the human expert is responsible for providing the text
eficial, as these may seem similar to humans but not input corresponding to the description of the inventory
to the language model. This is because the model may and queuing systems (a), as well as validating the out-
have learned that such variations in phrasing are actually puts (e,f,g). If the outputs are incorrect, the human expert
employed in distinct contexts and for unique purposes. has the authority to adjust the input, giving rise to a
Moreover, supplying the model with ample context is human-AI feedback loop (i).
essential. Apart from prompt engineering, fine-tuning In our framework, we opted for the ‘eval’ method over
hyperparameters is a critical component of any cutting- the ‘exec’ method for executing the dynamically gener-
edge machine learning method, including GPT-3. ated Python code. The primary reason for this choice
To partially automate experimentation, we have devel- is the nature of the two methods. While both ‘exec’
oped a high-level framework that works in conjunction and ‘eval’ can dynamically execute Python code, ‘eval’
with the OpenAI API. This framework aims to address is designed to evaluate a single expression and return its
the primary research question and ascertain the language value (Lutz 2013), making it more suitable for our frame-
model’s ability to convert a verbal system description into work, where we aim to obtain specific outcomes from the
a functional Python simulation (See Figure 8). generated code. On the other hand, ‘exec’ is designed to
The framework consists of nine components (a–i). execute statements, which may not necessarily return a
The description of the inventory and queuing systems value. Given our focus on evaluating the results of the

Figure 7. Pythonic interface to OpenAI API.


Figure 8. The proposed framework generates and executes the simulation model by utilising its description in English.

generated simulation models, the ‘eval’ method provides 4.3. Results

a more direct and efficient approach.
The experiments were conducted in a reproducible man-
There are two major ways how this principle can
ner and the source code is available in the GitHub repos-
be implemented in expert systems. First, such pivot
steps as code generation, execution, and production
During the experiments with prompt engineering and
of the visual output can be performed within a sin-
hyperparameters tuning two efficient approaches were
gle runtime and verified by an expert after that. Sec-
discovered. According to the first approach, the lan-
ond, they can be implemented sequentially such that the
guage model produces a simulation of a single-product
next step is performed only after the expert’s approval.
inventory-control system given the domain context,
The following experiments have been conducted fol-
detailed description of the process, and a list of variables
lowing the first way. The second way is more suit-
with the corresponding values.
able for ‘human-in-the-loop’ style expert systems. Since
Figure 9 shows that the mentioned instructions are
the general capabilities to generate valid Python code
enough to produce a valid executable simulation model
were demonstrated by the original OpenAI paper (Chen
and visualise the inventory dynamics. GPT-3 Codex
et al. 2021), our study focused exclusively on simula-
starts with importing Python libraries for random num-
tion models of inventory and queuing systems written
ber generation to model stochasticity and data visuali-
in Python. The GPT-based framework has been fine-
sation to visualise inventory dynamics at the end. After
tuned in order to produce valid executable Python code
that, all the necessary variables and data structures are
based on the descriptions of a single-server queuing sys-
defined. It is worth mentioning that GPT-3 Codex names
tem and single-product inventory-control system. It is
variables in a meaningful way, preserving the domain-
essential to highlight that unlike in classic NLP problems,
specific context and keeping the code human-readable.
such metrics as perplexity and BLEU score (Papineni
After that, the logic behind inventory control is cor-
et al. 2001) can not evaluate the validity of code gener-
rectly implemented. First, random demand under uni-
ation and program synthesis. Besides, it is impossible to
form distribution is generated, simulating the market
rely on automated testing since simulation models under
uncertainty. Second, the replenishment of the previously
consideration are dynamic, iterative systems. Therefore,
ordered batch is performed, increasing the current inven-
the logic behind the code structure is as important as
tory level by the order quantity. Third, demand is satis-
the simulation output. In this regard, all the test prob-
fied if there is sufficient inventory on hand. These core
lems have been verified manually by the authors of this
steps are executed in the loop such that each iteration

Figure 9. Given English instructions, GPT-3 Codex imports Python libraries, sets variables, applies simulation logic in a for loop, and
visually represents inventory dynamics.

corresponds to a day. The algorithm keeps track of the was not asked to plot the dynamics in a specific way,
variables’ changes in order to plot the dynamics at the the resulting figure lacks the grid and legend. Never-
end. The resulting figure is human-readable and contains theless, the figure is human-readable, and the dynamic
both grid and legend. It is worth mentioning that GPT-3 pattern typical for inventory levels is recognisable (See
Codex decided to display the replenishment days on the Figure 10).
figure, which had not been mentioned in the original task The discovery of the alternative approach was crucial
but was quite helpful from a data-visualisation point of for generating the prompt that entails the valid simula-
view. This decision could be explained by the fact that tion of the single-server queuing system. The framework
GPT-3 Codex was trained on a substantial part of GitHub could not generate the correct simulation given only the
that contained code samples of simulation models of sim- description of the queuing system. As a result, the valid
ilar inventory control systems. Therefore, the language simulation model was obtained by combining the ele-
model understands that human experts tend to visualise ments of both approaches. Namely, the language model
replenishment days when developing such simulations. received the detailed task description as well as the vari-
However, there is an alternative approach. Instead of a ables to utilise. Besides that, it was necessary to provide
detailed task description, the language model can use the a model with an example on how to handle the arrival of
short one-sentence specification of the inventory man- customers to the system. Eventually, GPT-3 Codex could
agement context and the list of variables and data struc- implement the simulation logic by executing the arrival
tures to utilise in the code. Since variables are named and departure events within the while loop. The simula-
in a meaningful way with regard to the domain con- tion schedules the timing of next arrival and departure,
text, GPT-3 Codex can use them in the code correctly. either adding or removing a customer from the system
For example, given such variables as xlabel = ’time’ and depending on which event happens first (See Figure 11).
ylabel = ’inventory’ GPT-3 Codex decides to plot inven- This principle is well-known as Discrete Event Simula-
tory levels against time at the end of a simulation run tion (Law and Kelton. 2000). This discovery could also
without being explicitly asked to do so. That is where the be explained by the fact that GPT-3 Codex was trained
true power of proficiency in both Python and English is on a substantial part of GitHub that contained code sam-
revealed. Unlike in the previous example, the language ples of various simulation models, and some of them were
model implemented the simulation using a while loop, implemented according to the Discrete Event Simulation
which is functionally equivalent. Besides, since GPT-3 paradigm.

Figure 10. From a brief inventory management description and provided variables, GPT-3 Codex accurately executes the corresponding

Summarizing, we can come to the conclusion that language models like GPT-3 are constrained to relatively
GPT-3 Codex is proficient in Python as well as in English straightforward, toy-like problems. These limitations are
and as a result is capable of grasping both the core prin- attributable to factors such as the number of model
ciples behind the simulations of logistic systems and parameters, the volume and quality of training datasets,
the domain-specific context. Additionally, the framework and the context window size. Nonetheless, given the rapid
built on top of the finetuned language model can provide advancements in the NLP field, it is expected that increas-
the ‘NLP shortcut’ for simulation modelling. Specifically, ingly complex problems can be addressed in the near
the framework can produce simple but functionally valid future.
simulations of queuing and inventory control systems While GPT-3 is the primary language model utilised
given the verbal description in English. in our study, there have been developments in the field
that further push the boundaries. DeepMind created a
280 billion parameter transformer language model called
5. Discussion Gopher (Borgeaud et al. 2021), trained on a dataset
that encompasses 2.35 billion documents or roughly
5.1. NLP for simulation modelling
10.5 TB of text (Rae et al. 2021). Additionally, Google
GPT-3 Codex has displayed remarkable expertise in Brain introduced the Switch Transformer architecture,
Python, along with a comprehensive understanding which features nearly 1.6 trillion (1571 billion) param-
of logistics systems and domain-specific vocabulary. eters and is trained on a 750 GB dataset (Fedus, Zoph,
In addition, the language model is capable of gen- and Shazeer 2021). Consequently, we anticipate that, over
erating functionally accurate simulations of queuing time, the size and complexity of simulations that frame-
and inventory control systems based on English tex- works designed according to the principles proposed in
tual descriptions. At the moment, frameworks built on this paper can produce will markedly increase.

Figure 11. Given a detailed task, selected variables, and examples, GPT-3 Codex accurately models a single-server queuing system.

The impressive rate of scaling and adoption is also can potentially eliminate the monotony of programming,
worth highlighting. For instance, as of March 25, 2021 allowing simulation engineers and domain scientists to
(less than nine months after the launch of GPT-3), concentrate on higher-level problem-solving and com-
the OpenAI team reported that the model generates prehensive thinking. Historically, technological advance-
more than 4.5 billion words per day, and the number ments and improved tools have not diminished the need
of applications leveraging GPT-3 had already exceeded for engineers and scientists; instead, they have broadened
300 (Zaremba and Brockman 2021). Given these trends, the complexity, scale, and scope of challenges that can be
OpenAI’s futuristic goal of developing artificial gen- addressed by an individual expert or research team.
eral intelligence – ‘highly autonomous systems capable As highlighted in our study, one of the pivotal advan-
of outperforming humans in most economically valu- tages of automating the development of simulation
able work’ – appears more feasible than ever (OpenAI models is the potential reduction in time, resources,
2018). While acknowledging the potential negative con- and human error. Traditional simulation approaches,
sequences of automation in general and code generation such as agent-based simulations, often require intricate
specifically (Acemoglu and Restrepo 2019; Schwab 2016; design, extensive calibration, and rigorous validation.
Smith and Fressoli 2021), it is important to stress that These processes, while essential, are time-consuming
simulation engineers do not exclusively write code. Other and prone to human errors, especially when modelling
vital tasks include consulting with stakeholders, creat- complex supply chain systems. For instance, in agent-
ing specifications, and documenting existing simulation based simulations, the behaviour of individual agents
models. Tools developed based on the proposed concept must be meticulously defined, and any oversight can lead

to significant discrepancies in the simulation outcome clear division of roles and responsibilities, with the
(Kiesling et al. 2012). Our approach, leveraging the capa- human expert responsible for input and validation
bilities of GPT-3 Codex, offers a more streamlined pro- and the AI system responsible for transforming the
cess. Interpreting and translating English textual descrip- text into a functional simulation model.
tions into functionally accurate simulations minimises (2) The framework also addresses authority balance by
the room for manual error. Moreover, the adaptability placing the human expert in control of the verifi-
of this method allows for quick iterations and modi- cation process of the elements (e,f,g). The expert is
fications, surpassing the rigidity often associated with responsible for validating the generated code and
traditional simulation methods. output, ensuring that any potential risks or errors are
Besides, it is essential to highlight that simulation is a mitigated. By providing the expert with the power
core component of Digital Twins, which are virtual repli- to adjust the input, the framework acknowledges the
cas of physical systems or processes that allow for real- necessity of human intervention in cases where the
time monitoring and analysis (Tozanli and Saénz 2022b). AI system might produce incorrect outputs.
By integrating simulation models with Digital Twins, (3) Transparency is achieved in the framework by estab-
businesses can gain valuable insights into their supply lishing a clear understanding of the roles and respon-
chain operations, identify potential issues before they sibilities of both the human expert and the AI sys-
become critical, and rapidly test and implement changes tem. While the AI system is tasked with converting
to optimise performance. As a result, the combination of the provided text into executable code, the human
simulation modelling and Digital Twins enables a more expert is accountable for input provision and result
comprehensive understanding of supply chain dynam- validation. This clarity in decision-making helps
ics, empowering businesses to make informed decisions build trust and ensures that both parties have well-
and drive continuous improvement in their operations defined roles in the overall process.
(Ivanov et al. 2019). However, even though simulation (4) A crucial feature of the framework is the devel-
models are an essential part of Digital Twins, they are opment of the teaming capability of explainability,
not the same. The research community has a consen- illustrated through the human-AI feedback loop (i).
sus that Digital Twins require a flow of real-time data, This dynamic allows for a two-way learning process.
which our study does not consider in the following exper- The human expert, equipped with the authority to
iments. To be more specific, modelling in digital twins is modify inputs for erroneous outputs, provides the AI
based on collecting real-time data on current conditions system with opportunities to learn and adapt. Con-
through digital technology and processing this data using versely, the AI system’s feedback and performance
simulation and AI to facilitate the evaluation of decision offer insights to the human expert, enabling them
alternatives and enable real-time decision-making (Bur- to fine-tune their inputs and better comprehend the
gos and Ivanov 2021; Cui, Li, and Zhang 2022; Elmach- model’s strengths and boundaries.
toub and Grigas 2022; Fu et al. 2022; Rožanec et al. 2022;
Sun et al. 2022; G. Zhang, MacCarthy, and Ivanov 2022;
Z. Zhang et al. 2022). 6. Conclusion, managerial implications, and
future research
5.2. Human-AI collaboration and decision-making This section concludes the research, provides managerial
mechanics implications, and outlines promising directions for future
The elements of the proposed framework (See Figure 8)
can be viewed through the lens of human-AI teaming
capabilities, including interoperability, authority balance,
6.1. Conclusion
transparency, and mutual learning.
In this study, we have delved into two significant research
(1) Interoperability is a key aspect of the proposed questions at the intersection of AI and simulation mod-
framework, as it focuses on the seamless exchange of elling of logistics systems. The first research question
information between humans and the AI language investigates the possibility of automatically generating
model. The human expert (h) provides a textual simulation models of logistics systems based on their ver-
description of the inventory and queuing systems bal descriptions in natural language. The second research
(a), which is then processed by the AI to generate question focuses on the collaborative aspects between
executable Python code (b,d) according to the fine- human experts and AI-based expert systems within the
tuned configurations (c). This process exemplifies a realm of simulation modelling of logistic systems.

6.1.1. Research question 1: how could simulation The framework also addresses authority balance by
models of logistics systems be produced automatically placing the human expert in control of the verification
from verbal descriptions in natural language? process. This fact fosters a harmonious working rela-
Our research successfully employs NLP to partially auto- tionship between human and AI, preventing overreliance
mate the development of simulation models, with a on the AI system and promoting the human expert’s
focus on queuing and inventory control systems. We engagement and accountability. While the AI system
have showcased that GPT-3 Codex exhibits proficiency is tasked with converting the provided text into exe-
in both Python and English, enabling it to comprehend cutable code, the human expert is accountable for input
the fundamental principles underlying logistic system provision and result validation. This clarity in decision-
simulations and the specific domain context. Further- making helps build trust and ensures that both parties
more, the framework developed on top of the fine-tuned have well-defined roles in the overall process. At the same
language model offers an ‘NLP shortcut’ for simulation time, the continuous process of learning and adapta-
modelling. Specifically, this framework can generate sim- tion allows both parties to evolve together, resulting in
ple yet functionally accurate simulations of queuing and a more effective and robust system over time. Further-
inventory control systems based on verbal descriptions in more, mutual learning encourages a culture of collabo-
English. ration and knowledge sharing, which can lead to new
The results achieved, in conjunction with the swift insights and ideas that ultimately enhance the overall
advancements in language models, pave the way for performance of the human-AI team.
considerably streamlining the process involved in the
development of simulation models. As the capabili-
ties of language models continue to expand, we can 6.2. Managerial implications
expect to see further enhancements in the effective- The presented study highlights the potential of NLP tech-
ness and efficiency of simulation modelling workflows. nology, specifically the GPT-3 Codex, to automate the
This progress has the potential to reduce the time and development of simulation models for systems that are
effort required by domain experts and engineers, allow- critical to logistics operations. As a result of these find-
ing them to focus on more complex aspects of their ings, there are several important managerial implications
work and ultimately fostering innovation within the to consider.
field. First, the automation potential promises efficiency
gains (Elder 2023). However, it’s essential to note that
6.1.2. Research question 2: how do human experts while automation can streamline processes, it doesn’t
and AI-based expert systems successfully collaborate entirely eliminate the possibility of errors (Brynjolfsson,
in the domain of simulation modelling of logistic Li, and Raymond 2023). Both human and AI-driven
systems? processes have their unique challenges. For instance,
The proposed framework demonstrates a strong align- while the GPT-3 Codex can automate specific tasks, the
ment with human-AI teaming capabilities. By focusing final validation by human experts remains crucial. This
on interoperability, authority balance, transparency, and dual-check system, combining AI efficiency with human
mutual learning, this framework ensures a collabora- expertise, can mitigate risks associated with both human
tive and efficient process that leverages the strengths and AI errors.
of both humans and AI to achieve the desired out- Second, while introducing NLP technologies can lead
comes. The incorporation of these capabilities promotes to long-term efficiency and potential cost savings, the ini-
a synergistic relationship between the human expert and tial investment might be substantial (Baily, Brynjolfsson,
the AI system, enabling them to work together effec- and Korinek 2023). Managers need to weigh the imme-
tively and deliver results that surpass the capabilities diate costs against the long-term benefits. Factors such
of either party working in isolation. To be more spe- as training expenses, the potential resistance from tra-
cific, the human expert provides a textual description of ditionalists within the organisation, and the integration
the inventory and queuing systems, which is then pro- challenges should be considered.
cessed by the AI to generate executable Python code. Incorporating AI into logistics is not only about cost
This process exemplifies a clear division of roles and savings. While enhanced communication, superior usage
responsibilities, with the human expert responsible for of expert knowledge, and enhanced decision-making
input and validation, and the AI system responsible offer intangible benefits that can carve out a competitive
for transforming the text into a functional simulation edge (Sheffi 2023), there are other pivotal considerations.
model. The need for continuous updates with data, the need to

scale up, and the contextualisation of AI are not without our study can be incorporated into the new sup-
challenges. These efforts demand significant resources, ply chain paradigms, including supply chain viabil-
which can potentially offset the efficiency of AI applica- ity (Ivanov 2022), intertwined supply networks (Ivanov
tions. However, these investments also pave the way for et al. 2023), cloud supply chains (Ivanov, Dolgui, and
extending the benefits to other logistics processes. It’s a Sokolov 2022), reconfigurable supply chains (Ivanov and
delicate balance of trade-offs. Moreover, in the face of Keskin 2023), and Industry 5.0 (Ivanov 2023). Second,
the ever-evolving scenarios of logistics networks (Dol- cognitive and knowledge-based components require fur-
gui et al. 2023; Phadnis, Sheffi, and Caplice 2022a), AI ther examination, especially in the field of human-AI
stands as a powerful tool. It not only bridges the com- collaboration (Saenz, Revilla, and Simon 2020a, 2020b).
munication between technical and non-technical staff, Third, the emergence of the metaverse and its impli-
fostering collaboration, but also equips businesses with cations on Supply Chain and Operations Management
the capability to anticipate the repercussions of deploying must be considered. As the metaverse and Web 3.0
new logistics scenarios, ensuring they remain agile and forge a new digital realm, they mirror and influence
adaptive. the behaviours and processes of tangible entities (Dolgui
Last, while the rapid advancements in NLP technol- and Ivanov 2023). The combination of these technologies
ogy, as seen with the GPT Codex, offer immense poten- with Generative AI is clearly worth investigating.
tial, staying updated with these advancements is cru- Last, simulation is a core component of Digital Twins,
cial. As industry giants like Walmart (Handley 2023) which are virtual replicas of physical systems or pro-
and Maersk (Sirtori-Cortina and Case 2023) have shown, cesses that allow for real-time monitoring and analysis
early adoption and integration of these technologies can (Tozanli and Saénz 2022a, 2022b). By integrating sim-
position companies as industry leaders. However, man- ulation models with Digital Twins, businesses can gain
agers should be cautious and ensure that their decisions valuable insights into their supply chain operations, iden-
are data-driven, considering both the potential benefits tify potential issues before they become critical, and
and challenges. rapidly test and implement changes to optimise perfor-
To conclude, applying NLP in logistics offers a blend mance (Ivanov 2023a). As a result, the combination of
of challenges and opportunities. While the potential ben- simulation modelling and Digital Twins enables a more
efits are significant, a balanced approach that would con- comprehensive understanding of supply chain dynam-
sider both the technological and human aspects is crucial ics (Ivanov 2023b), empowering businesses to make
for success. informed decisions and drive continuous improvement
in their operations (Ivanov et al. 2019). Therefore, we
postulate automatic model integration in Digital Twins
as a promising direction for future research.
6.3. Future research
While the work on this paper is ongoing, a new gener- Note
ation of language models is upcoming. GPT-4 contin-
ues the trend of increasing the number of parameters 1.
in the model as well as the window size (the ability to
process more text as input). Additionally, GPT-4 is capa- Disclosure statement
ble of processing images as well as text inputs, which No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
increases the range of potential applications, including
ones related to logistics and supply chain management
Notes on contributors
(OpenAI 2023c). Additionally, the latest developments
in the field, including RETRO Transformer by Deep- Dr. Ilya Jackson is a Postdoctoral Asso-
Mind (Borgeaud et al. 2021) and WebGPT by OpenAI ciate at MIT Center for Transportation
& Logistics. He earned his Ph.D. in Civil
(Nakano et al. 2021), successfully demonstrated that the Engineering and Transportation from the
performance close to GPT-3 can be achieved by signifi- Transport and Telecommunication Insti-
cantly smaller language models by augmenting them with tute, where he spent one year as an
a way to search and query for information. Adapting assistant professor shortly after that. The
the proposed framework to the new generation of lan- main ideas of his Ph.D. thesis have been
summarised in the paper ’Neuroevolutionary approach to
guage models can be considered a promising direction
metamodel-based optimisation in production and logistics’,
for future research. which received the Young Researcher Award in 2020. Dr. Ilya
Additionally, our study can also be extended in Jackson currently focuses on Machine Learning and AI for
multiple conceptual directions. First, the findings of Supply Chain Management.

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