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04-24 07:00:17:233 3607 3607 I StatusManager: Features: 0

04-24 07:00:17:236 3607 3607 E StatusManager: getFeatures exception:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No virtual method getFeatures()I in class
Lcom/scorpio/securitycom/SecurityComAccessManager; or its super classes
(declaration of 'com.scorpio.securitycom.SecurityComAccessManager' appears in
04-24 07:00:17:422 3607 3607 I StatusManager: mWatermarkNewMethod: true,
mTeeSupport: false, isTeeDisabled: false ,mSupportBlockIncomingCall:
true ,mSupportGetAllSdiMethodtrue, RomVersion:
04-24 07:00:17:486 3607 3607 I StatusManager: offset: 1595, data: 1, needUpdateMd5:
04-24 07:00:17:559 3607 3607 I StatusManager: offset: 1595, data: 1, needUpdateMd5:
04-24 07:00:17:565 3607 3607 I SecurityComApplication: isMemorySupported: true,
version:, isSystemApplication: true
04-24 07:00:17:640 3607 3607 I SettingGlobalUtils: ScSuwEnabled: 0
04-24 07:00:17:659 3607 3807 I SettingGlobalUtils: isAdbEnabled: 0
04-24 07:00:17:674 3607 3807 I SettingGlobalUtils:
refreshDevelopmentSettingsEnabled: 1
04-24 07:00:17:679 3607 3807 E ReflectUtils: getMethod methodName:
getSecurityProtectVersion, exception: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException:
com.scorpio.securitycom.SecurityComAccessManager.getSecurityProtectVersion []
04-24 07:00:17:683 3607 3807 W SecurityComManager: Can't get method:
04-24 07:00:17:836 3607 3607 I StatusManager: offset: 1616, data: 8, needUpdateMd5:
04-24 07:00:17:842 3607 3607 I IntegrityCheckUtils: checkDataIntegrity
DataIntegrityFlag: 0x28, isDataIntegral: true, integrity_atomicity: 0
04-24 07:00:17:855 3607 3607 I StatusManager: setPersistChipIdHash deviceIdHash:
8846bfb4, oldDeviceIdHash: 8846bfb4
04-24 07:00:17:905 3607 3607 I StatusManager: offset: 66, data: 1, needUpdateMd5:
04-24 07:00:17:916 3607 3835 I SecurityComApplication: GSLB init ridRecoup: 1,
countryCode: 0
04-24 07:00:17:926 3607 3835 I StatusManager: getKeepAliveSwitch: false
04-24 07:00:17:960 3607 3774 I SecurityComApplication: GSLB init success
04-24 07:00:18:019 3607 3607 I SecurityComApplication: isRoot: false, oem_unlocked:
false, devStatus: 0
04-24 07:00:18:044 3607 3835 I StatusManager: offset: 334, data: 11, needUpdateMd5:
04-24 07:00:18:064 3607 3835 I SecurityComApplication: deviceState: registered,
isSimLockSupport: false, isDeviceProvisioned: true
04-24 07:00:18:107 3607 3835 I StatusManager: setVersionType: 0
04-24 07:00:18:113 3607 3835 I StatusManager: offset: 345, data: 4, needUpdateMd5:
04-24 07:00:18:144 3607 3844 I TPushHelpUtil: onSuccess clientIdnot null
04-24 07:00:18:180 3607 3844 I DevicePolicyUtils: initUninstallBlockedData
04-24 07:00:18:329 3607 3607 I SecurityComApplication: register ContentObserver
04-24 07:00:18:409 3607 3844 I TPushHelpUtil: initClientId
04-24 07:01:27:516 5119 5119 E StatusManager: getFeatures exception:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No virtual method getFeatures()I in class
Lcom/scorpio/securitycom/SecurityComAccessManager; or its super classes
(declaration of 'com.scorpio.securitycom.SecurityComAccessManager' appears in
04-24 07:01:27:527 5119 5119 I StatusManager: Features: 0
04-24 07:01:27:576 5119 5119 I StatusManager: mWatermarkNewMethod: true,
mTeeSupport: false, isTeeDisabled: false ,mSupportBlockIncomingCall:
true ,mSupportGetAllSdiMethodtrue, RomVersion:
04-24 07:01:27:602 5119 5119 I StatusManager: offset: 1595, data: 1, needUpdateMd5:
04-24 07:01:27:613 5119 5119 I StatusManager: offset: 1595, data: 1, needUpdateMd5:
04-24 07:01:27:617 5119 5119 I SecurityComApplication: isMemorySupported: true,
version:, isSystemApplication: true
04-24 07:01:27:632 5119 5119 I SettingGlobalUtils: ScSuwEnabled: 0
04-24 07:01:27:638 5119 5198 I SettingGlobalUtils: isAdbEnabled: 0
04-24 07:01:27:647 5119 5198 I SettingGlobalUtils:
refreshDevelopmentSettingsEnabled: 1
04-24 07:01:27:650 5119 5198 E ReflectUtils: getMethod methodName:
getSecurityProtectVersion, exception: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException:
com.scorpio.securitycom.SecurityComAccessManager.getSecurityProtectVersion []
04-24 07:01:27:655 5119 5198 W SecurityComManager: Can't get method:
04-24 07:01:27:675 5119 5119 I StatusManager: offset: 1616, data: 8, needUpdateMd5:
04-24 07:01:27:678 5119 5119 I IntegrityCheckUtils: checkDataIntegrity
DataIntegrityFlag: 0x28, isDataIntegral: true, integrity_atomicity: 0
04-24 07:01:27:681 5119 5119 I StatusManager: setPersistChipIdHash deviceIdHash:
8846bfb4, oldDeviceIdHash: 8846bfb4
04-24 07:01:27:684 5119 5119 I StatusManager: offset: 66, data: 1, needUpdateMd5:
04-24 07:01:27:690 5119 5211 I SecurityComApplication: GSLB init ridRecoup: 1,
countryCode: 0
04-24 07:01:27:743 5119 5119 I SecurityComApplication: isRoot: false, oem_unlocked:
false, devStatus: 0
04-24 07:01:27:748 5119 5211 I SecurityComApplication: deviceState: registered,
isSimLockSupport: false, isDeviceProvisioned: true
04-24 07:01:27:756 5119 5211 I StatusManager: getKeepAliveSwitch: false
04-24 07:01:27:759 5119 5212 I TPushHelpUtil: initClientId
04-24 07:01:27:762 5119 5212 I TPushHelpUtil: onSuccess clientIdnot null
04-24 07:01:27:765 5119 5212 I DevicePolicyUtils: initUninstallBlockedData
04-24 07:01:27:769 5119 5211 I StatusManager: offset: 334, data: 11, needUpdateMd5:
04-24 07:01:27:772 5119 5211 I StatusManager: offset: 345, data: 4, needUpdateMd5:
04-24 07:01:27:796 5119 5119 I SecurityComApplication: register ContentObserver
04-24 07:01:27:799 5119 5187 I SecurityComApplication: GSLB init success
04-24 07:01:27:810 5119 5211 I StatusManager: setVersionType: 0
04-24 07:01:27:867 5119 5227 I SecurityComPush: Push onSdkInitSuccessclientIdnot
null,token:not null
04-24 07:02:31:094 5764 5764 I StatusManager: Features: 0
04-24 07:02:31:145 5764 5764 E StatusManager: getFeatures exception:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No virtual method getFeatures()I in class
Lcom/scorpio/securitycom/SecurityComAccessManager; or its super classes
(declaration of 'com.scorpio.securitycom.SecurityComAccessManager' appears in
04-24 07:02:31:189 5764 5764 I StatusManager: mWatermarkNewMethod: true,
mTeeSupport: false, isTeeDisabled: false ,mSupportBlockIncomingCall:
true ,mSupportGetAllSdiMethodtrue, RomVersion:
04-24 07:02:31:243 5764 5764 I StatusManager: offset: 1595, data: 1, needUpdateMd5:
04-24 07:02:31:279 5764 5764 I SettingGlobalUtils: ScSuwEnabled: 0
04-24 07:02:31:307 5764 5764 I SecurityComApplication: isMemorySupported: true,
version:, isSystemApplication: true
04-24 07:02:31:329 5764 5764 I StatusManager: offset: 1595, data: 1, needUpdateMd5:
04-24 07:02:31:338 5764 5818 E ReflectUtils: getMethod methodName:
getSecurityProtectVersion, exception: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException:
com.scorpio.securitycom.SecurityComAccessManager.getSecurityProtectVersion []
04-24 07:02:31:357 5764 5818 W SecurityComManager: Can't get method:
04-24 07:02:31:369 5764 5764 I StatusManager: offset: 1616, data: 8, needUpdateMd5:
04-24 07:02:31:374 5764 5764 I IntegrityCheckUtils: checkDataIntegrity
DataIntegrityFlag: 0x28, isDataIntegral: true, integrity_atomicity: 0
04-24 07:02:31:379 5764 5818 I SettingGlobalUtils: isAdbEnabled: 0
04-24 07:02:31:383 5764 5764 I StatusManager: offset: 66, data: 1, needUpdateMd5:
04-24 07:02:31:386 5764 5764 I SecurityComApplication: register ContentObserver
04-24 07:02:31:401 5764 5764 I SecurityComApplication: isRoot: false, oem_unlocked:
false, devStatus: 0
04-24 07:02:31:422 5764 5764 I StatusManager: setPersistChipIdHash deviceIdHash:
8846bfb4, oldDeviceIdHash: 8846bfb4
04-24 07:02:31:427 5764 5818 I SettingGlobalUtils:
refreshDevelopmentSettingsEnabled: 1
04-24 07:02:31:431 5764 5826 I SecurityComApplication: deviceState: registered,
isSimLockSupport: false, isDeviceProvisioned: true
04-24 07:02:31:442 5764 5811 I SecurityComApplication: GSLB init success
04-24 07:02:31:449 5764 5827 I TPushHelpUtil: initClientId
04-24 07:02:31:455 5764 5826 I SecurityComApplication: GSLB init ridRecoup: 1,
countryCode: 0
04-24 07:02:31:462 5764 5827 I TPushHelpUtil: onSuccess clientIdnot null
04-24 07:02:31:471 5764 5826 I StatusManager: offset: 334, data: 11, needUpdateMd5:
04-24 07:02:31:508 5764 5826 I StatusManager: offset: 345, data: 4, needUpdateMd5:
04-24 07:02:31:513 5764 5826 I StatusManager: setVersionType: 0
04-24 07:02:31:524 5764 5827 I DevicePolicyUtils: initUninstallBlockedData
04-24 07:02:31:583 5764 5826 I StatusManager: getKeepAliveSwitch: false
04-24 07:02:31:704 5764 5845 I SecurityComPush: Push onSdkInitSuccessclientIdnot
null,token:not null

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