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Developing solutions to sustainability using IoT


The main objective of the project will be to develop a complete IoT system, using
LoRaWAN, to train young people and adapt them to the needs of the current IoT market.
This system will consist of an IoT kit comprising several sensor nodes (including
environmental sensors) and a LoRaWAN gateway. The system is also expected to
provide students (and teacher training) courses in 3D modeling and printing (essential
for developing boxes to include sensor nodes). All teaching material will be available
online (MOOC). As some of the sensors included in the kit are environmental sensors, it
will be possible to develop environmental and climate change skills in the trainees. This
fact will allow the existence of multidisciplinary teams in the development of some
teaching projects at IoT@SustainabilityProjectHub. The existence of these
multidisciplinary teams will make it possible to address digital transformation in several
areas beyond STEM. This learning, mixing different areas of knowledge, will make
students from the most technological areas aware of environmental problems and the
fight against climate change and address the digital transformation for
teachers/students from other areas.
Raise awareness of the environment and the fight against climate change and
develop innovative approaches to teaching and learning
Develop the skills and confidence of teachers in the development and use of a
sensor network (IoT) in LoRa/LoRaWAN technology
Encourage teachers to design and share innovative and effective practices to fight
climate change through a strategy based on the design and use of a network of
environmental sensors
Create a network of IoT clubs @LoRa VET Clubs, where students and teachers can
collaborate creating an IoT network of environmental sensors in order to address
issues around the fight against climate change
Reinforce the link between schools, NGOs, companies, teacher training centers,
professional associations of teachers and universities

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