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#include <iostream>

#include <string>

using namespace std;

class Candidate {
int mssv;
string hoten;
string dob;
float diemToan;
float diemVan;
float diemAnh;

Candidate() : mssv(0), hoten(""), dob(""), diemToan(0), diemVan(0), diemAnh(0)

Candidate(int mssv, string hoten, string dob, float diemToan, float diemVan,
float diemAnh)
: mssv(mssv), hoten(hoten), dob(dob), diemToan(diemToan), diemVan(diemVan),
diemAnh(diemAnh) {}

float DiemCaoNhat() const {

return diemToan + diemVan + diemAnh;

void XuatThongTin() const {

cout << endl ;
cout << "Candidate mssv: " << mssv << endl;
cout << "hoten: " << hoten << endl;
cout << "Date of Birth: " << dob << endl;
cout << "Math Score: " << diemToan << endl;
cout << "Literature Score: " << diemVan << endl;
cout << "English Score: " << diemAnh << endl;
cout << "Total Score: " << DiemCaoNhat() << endl;

bool operator<(const Candidate& other) const {

return DiemCaoNhat() < other.DiemCaoNhat();

class ListCandidate {
static const int MAX_CANDIDATES = 100;
Candidate candidates[MAX_CANDIDATES];
int count;

ListCandidate() : count(0) {}

void addCandidate(const Candidate& candidate) {

if (count < MAX_CANDIDATES) {
candidates[count] = candidate;
} else {
cerr << "List is full, cannot add more candidates!" << endl;
void XuatTongDiemCaoHon15(float threshold) const {
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
if (candidates[i].DiemCaoNhat() > threshold) {

Candidate findCandidateWithHighestTotalScore() const {

Candidate highest = candidates[0];
for (int i = 1; i < count; ++i) {
if (candidates[i].DiemCaoNhat() > highest.DiemCaoNhat()) {
highest = candidates[i];
return highest;

void SapXepGiamDan() {
for (int i = 0; i < count - 1; ++i) {
for (int j = i + 1; j < count; ++j) {
if (candidates[j] < candidates[i]) {
Candidate temp = candidates[i];
candidates[i] = candidates[j];
candidates[j] = temp;

int main() {
ListCandidate list;

// Nhập vào số lượng thí sinh

int n;
cout << "Enter the number of candidates: ";
cin >> n;

// Nhập thông tin các thí sinh

for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
int mssv;
string hoten, dob;
float diemToan, diemVan, diemAnh;

cout << "Candidate " << i + 1 << ":" << endl;

cout << "Enter mssv: ";
cin >> mssv;
cin.ignore(); // Clear the input buffer
cout << "Enter hoten: ";
getline(cin, hoten);
cout << "Enter date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY): ";
getline(cin, dob);
cout << "Enter math score: ";
cin >> diemToan;
cout << "Enter literature score: ";
cin >> diemVan;
cout << "Enter English score: ";
cin >> diemAnh;

Candidate candidate(mssv, hoten, dob, diemToan, diemVan, diemAnh);


// Xuất thông tin các thí sinh có tổng điểm lớn hơn 15
cout << "\nCandidates with total score greater than 15:\n";

// Cho biết thí sinh có tổng điểm cao nhất

Candidate ThiSinhDiemCaoNhat = list.findCandidateWithHighestTotalScore();
cout << "\nCandidate with the highest total score:\n";

// Sắp xếp danh sách thí sinh giảm dần theo tổng điểm
cout << "\nSorted list of candidates by total score (descending order):\n";

return 0;

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