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NUSANTARA Presented by Group 8 03' Psychology A
This assignment
was prepared by :

• Raka Handika
• Tirta Meyrizka Lubis
• Ridha Nugrotopo Kusumabrata
• Lie Lady Lisal
SELF ACCEPTANCE 03' Psychology A

Major sections of self acceptance presentation

1. What is self-acceptance?
2. The benefits of having self-acceptance
3. The negative impact of a lack of self-acceptance
4. How to build self-acceptance?
03' Psychology A

What is Self
Self-acceptance is an attitude of
feeling satisfied with oneself, one's
talents and qualities as well as
recognition of one's limitations.

Practicing self-acceptance will help

you accept all sides of yourself, good
or bad without conditions and
1. Helps to have a better atmosphere due
to positive thoughts of self-acceptance

2. increase positive emotions and

The benefits of
having self- 3. helps reduce symptoms of
depression due to fear of failure,
acceptance frequent self-criticism, and feelings of
having to receive approval from others.

4. Helps improve self-deficiencies and

make positive progress
The negative impact of not
having self-acceptance
For people who cannot accept everything that
is within themselves, they may be haunted by
negative thoughts and continue to compare
themselves with other people. This is tiring
stuff. These thoughts are actually normal if
they only appear occasionally.

However, it's different if you constantly think

negatively and compare yourself with other
people. This can have the effect of making life
more complicated, even stressful.
Self Acceptance 03' Psychology A

How to build self-

Self Acceptance

1. Keep a journal

Writing a journal every day will be useful to

know what you are thinking. You can write it on
paper or blog. This journal will help you reveal
what you have done for yourself, how good you
are, and any shortcomings or weaknesses you
have. When you read the journal, you can see
life from a broader perspective and it helps you
overcome bad thoughts about yourself
because you have done your best. This journal
will also help you to know yourself better.
Self Acceptance Psychology 121

2. Practice mindfulness
Mindfulness or full awareness is focusing on
what is happening without making judgments.
This will help you to focus on the present
moment while recognizing and accepting all
the thoughts, feelings, and emotions you are
experiencing. You can sit quietly or meditate
while letting out all your thoughts. This method
can help develop an attitude of acceptance
with a calm mind.
Self Acceptance 03' Psychology A

3. Keep practicing
It's not easy to stop judging and criticizing
yourself, but that doesn't mean you can't stop
it altogether. Continue practicing self-
acceptance, setting aside time every day to
develop new thought patterns.

Make sure to regularly set aside 10 minutes for

meditation and 20 minutes for journaling. Do it
consistently, then you will get positive results
and gain complete self-acceptance.
Note : QnA

Dita Novaria (2320130045)

Question : How to apply for children with have low confidence?

Answer : To increase the confidence

1. Great positive communication
We make positive perspektive in our children to focus in his/her strength. "You
have beautiful eyes, ear, face, family, etc". Focus on something gratitude for.

2. Collaboration with other.

The duty is not one person, but all. We make collaboration with our family,
neighbourh, etc.
“One of the greatest regrets in life is being what
others would want you to be, rather than being

-Shannon L. Alder

~Thank you~

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