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Affiliate networks: Join an affiliate network like Commission Junction or ShareASale,

which connects merchants with affiliates who promote their products or services in
exchange for a commission. You can search for merchants in your niche who are looking
for affiliates to promote their products.
2. Lead generation services: Consider using a lead generation service like UpLead or
Thumbtack, which can connect you with potential clients in your niche. You can create a
profile on these platforms and specify your target audience and the types of clients
you're looking for.
3. Referral networks: Join a referral network like BNI or LeTip, which connects businesses
with each other to exchange referrals. You can attend networking events and meet other
business owners in your niche who can refer clients to you.
4. Freelance marketplaces: Consider using a freelance marketplace like Upwork or Fiverr,
where you can find contractors who specialize in lead generation or marketing. You can
post a job listing or search for contractors who offer services that can help you bring in
more clients.
5. Advertising agencies: Hire an advertising agency or marketing consultant who can help
you develop a marketing strategy to attract more clients. You can search for agencies or
consultants who specialize in your niche or industry.

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