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Exercise A Pg 70
Zohaib was late in reaching the meeting point as his bicycle had a flat tyre half way on his
ride. His friends, Najam and Arish, had been waiting patiently for quite some time, but they
were now beginning to get restless. Zohaib was well-known for not keeping his promise.
Moreover, he was not very punctual by habit. They decided that if Zohaib did not appear for
another fifteen minutes, they would go to the magic show without him. Just then, they spotted
him, speeding up to them, shouting, and waving one hand wildly to catch their attention.
Exercise B Pg 72
1. after
2. whenever
3. because
4. even though
5. Neither; nor
6. so that
7. Not only; but also
8. since
9. either; or
10. else
11. If
12. Therefore
Exercise C Pg 73
1. I’ll be so glad when this job is finished.
2. I will go to the market when I have finished my work.
3. We went very early; so we got the best seats.
4. Although we didn’t like the film at all, we watched it till the end.
5. We drove very slowly as it was raining very hard.
6. I can neither sing, nor play any musical instruments.
7. I made a lot of friends when I was in Lahore.
8. You could stay at home or come with me.
9. You must tell the truth; else you’ll be punished.
10. He was tired but he still went to the party.
1. ‘Heard anything from Billy?’ Hanson asked. ‘I guess he’s curious to know what I found
about that little animal he left there.’ ‘Yes sir, yesterday he said he was going to call you right
after Christmas.’ ‘It might take longer then to solve this biological mystery. Those little furry
things may seem simple enough, but so far they’ve defied classification. They look like
mammals and sometimes they act like reptiles but they aren’t either, at least not in the
classical sense.’
2. ‘Who is it?’ asked a weak voice from inside. Malik did not reply. He quietly entered the
room, and stood beside his father’s bed. His father opened his eyes, and looked at the boy
standing there before him. ‘Hello, Malik,’ said the sick man. ‘It’s good to see you, son. How
is your schoolwork going? I’m sorry I cannot help you these days.’
4. A traveller who had spent many a year in Africa was telling his friends of his adventures.
‘When I was in Nigeria,’ he said, ‘I single-handedly made twenty elephants run. ‘How did
you manage it?’ asked one of his friends, greatly impressed. ‘Oh, it was nothing very
wonderful,’ replied the traveller. ‘I ran, and they ran after me.’
7. George had this in mind for some days before he discussed the matter with the professor.
‘Did I understand you correctly that if we had synthetic foods we could carry several weeks’
rations with us, and the load would not be a heavy or perceptible one at that. If such is the
case, why can’t we prepare some of the food in that way as a matter of precaution?’
8. After careful examination, the detective said, ‘Judging by the different prints, there must
have been at least half a dozen of them. Look! This one has a deformed foot or the big toe is
missing, and this one must be a large man, judging from the deep impression made. Beyond
the vicinity of the stream, all footprints were again lost.

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