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Seat No:______________ Enrollment No:______________

BCA / BScIT 2023–24 Examination
Semester: BCA-5- B.Sc. (IT)-BCA
Subject Code: (05101335/05102331) Time: (1hr:30min)
Subject Name: ( Machine Learning using Python) Total Marks: 40
1. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.

Q. Answer the following. [10]

(a) [3]
1 Define Machine Learning?
2 List out different types of Machine Learning Techniques.
3 Define Logistic Regression.
(b) Answer the following. [7]
1 Machine learning is a subset of_..........(AI,DeepLearning,Datalearn)
2 Machine learning algorithms build a model based on sample data, known as .................
(Training Data , Transfer Data)
3 Who is the father of Machine Learning ……..( Geoffrey Chaucer,Geoffrey Everest Hinton)
4 A Machine Learning technique that helps in detecting the outliers in data---------(
Classification,Anamoly Detection)
5 ................... algorithms enable the computers to learn from data, and even improve
themselves, without being explicitly programmed. (AI,ML)
6 Which of the following is not a supervised learning? (Naive Bayesian,PCA)
7 Real-Time decisions, Game AI, Learning Tasks, Skill acquisition, and Robot Navigation
are applications of .............( Reinforcement Learning,Regression)
Q. Answer the following Questions [10]
(a) 1) List out challenges in Machines Learning. (02)
2) List Applications of ML –Clustering. (02)
(b) 1) Discuss Random Forest in brief. (03)
2) Differentiate Supervised vs. Unsupervised Machine Learning. (03)
Q. Attempt any TWO. [10]
(a) Differentiate Linear Regression vs Logistic Regression. (05)
(b) Discuss Applications of Machines Learning. (05)
(c) Discuss K-means Algorithm in details. (05)
Q. Answer the following. [10]
(a) How to Read and Plot CSV data using Matplotlib and Pandas in Python? (05)
(b) Discuss the concept of Support Vector Machine (SVM) in ML. (05)
(b) Discuss the concept of Linear Regression in ML. (05)

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