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Stories of the Womb

by Lea MaRay
Something called you here.
Trust that you and I are here
for a reason.
Dare to dive deep with me.
Know that I honour and
appreciate you for that.
We are on this journey
Table of contents

Acknowledgements.......................................................... 1
Gender Inclusivity & Disclaimer................................... 2
About the Artist & the Album......................................... 3
About the Songbook......................................................... 4
Whispers of the blood wisdom....................................... 5
Lyrics.................................................................... 5
Invitation & Questions & Resources............... 7
Your Reflections.................................................. 8
Pleasure.............................................................................. 9
Lyrics................................................................... 9
Invitation & Questions & Resources.............. 11
Your Reflections................................................. 12
Rite of passage................................................................... 13
Lyrics.................................................................... 13
Invitation & Questions & Resources.............. 15
Your Reflections................................................. 16
Breast is best...................................................................... 17
Lyrics................................................................... 17
Invitation & Questions & Resources.............. 19
Your Reflections................................................ 20
To be free............................................................................ 21
Lyrics................................................................... 21
Invitation & Questions & Resources.............. 23
Your Reflections................................................ 24
Song for all daughters..................................................... 25
Lyrics.................................................................. 25
Invitation & Questions & Resources............. 27
Your Reflections............................................... 28
Ended beginning.............................................................. 29
Lyrics.................................................................. 29
Invitation & Questions & Resources............. 30
Your Reflections................................................ 31
Sound of the drum........................................................... 32
Lyrics................................................................... 32
Invitation & Questions & Resources.............. 33
Your Reflections................................................. 34
Voice of the feminine....................................................... 35
Lyrics.................................................................... 35
Invitation & Questions & Resources.............. 37
Your Reflections................................................. 38

I have deep gratitude for all the people and beings

that support, guide and love me.
For the birth of the album I am especially thankful for…

Mounzer – for understanding my mission and bringing it into musical life

Judith – for our sisterhood and her presence with all her being
David – for his endless love, patience and support that helps me
stepping into my full power and womanhood
Adda – for guiding me into motherhood
Heike, Christel, Martha and many more –
those who walked this path before me.
I carry your names and your spirits.

The album is a weaving of wisdom I have been blessed with by different places,
moments and experiences in my life.
I am so grateful for this life.

Gender Inclusivity

I write and sing from my journey as a cis-white-hetero-normative woman

knowing about this privileged and limited perspective. With many invitations
and reflecting questions I have generalised the experience of a “woman” that
neither apply to every person nor gender that you know. Therefore, my
words, may not relate to you. Please know I do not speak for you, I can only
speak my truth as I am one woman with one perspective. In breaking my
silence, I hope to make it easier for others to break their owns.
I know that many wish to move beyond binary terms of man and woman,
masculine and feminine and into fullness of gender fluidity in infinite forms. I
am open to the freedom and possibilities that this may hold and embrace the
rights and needs of each individual.
At the same time please know that I hope to include all people with my songs
and the invitations in this book. As every person has an energetic womb (also
expressed as center space, physical and energetic core), has some types of
liquid coming out of his/her/they body, can probably relate to many of the
topics that I have written about in some form or other.
I apologize in advance for a possible exclusion of group of persons and
individuals in regards of my language, phrasing and ideas or making you feel
uncomfortable. Know that I’m still learning and open for feedback anytime.


This songbook is not professional or medical advice as I am not a licensed or

certified therapist or health care provider. I am in no way liable for any of the
decisions you make or the actions you take based on the information you find
here. Please assume personal responsibility for your decisions.

Songbook: Stories of the Womb

©2023 Lea Neumeyer 2
About the Artist

I am a fertility & sexuality educator,

activist, advocate, mother and sister.
I teach body literacy and my roots
can be found in traditional midwifery
“from womb to tomb” style care.
I provide counsel for all different
experiences regarding fertility,
sexuality and pregnancy.
To learn more about me and my work,
check out my website:

About the Album

“Stories of the Womb” is my first album,

in which I give a voice to a vision of
our world that honours us all.
I want to create a sacred space
for the experience of being a woman
in this world. With my songs
I want to break the silence
and invisibility that has been used
to deny the reality of women’s lives
and experiences, historically and
We need more space for women’s
perspectives. Their experiences.
Their bodies. Their voices.
Their suffering.
Their stories.
At the same time “Stories of the womb”
is an offering of nourishment,
understanding, compassion and
loving sisterhood.
May it serve you in the best way possible.
About the Songbook

For me it was very important to not

leave you alone with some of the
sensitive topics I sing about. Please
see this Songbook as invitation for
further research, growth and
stepping into your power.

Ritual & Invitation:

These invitations are a way to sink deeper into what arises from the songs
for you. See them as an invitation for your mind, body and soul. Some of
these might be a little confronting; others might be nourishing you deeply.
Let their medicine unfold in their way.

Reflection questions:
There are a lot of questions in here. Please don’t feel overwhelmed by them.
While reading them, see which ones you feel drawn to and which you rather
avoid – they both hold medicine for you. You might want to answer them by
journaling, talking to a friend or meditate on them. Invite radical honesty,
knowing that there are no right answers. Respond from your intuition and
body rather than your head. Feel into your body while you give your answer
and see where it takes you.

More resources:
In this part you find more ways to dive deeper into the topics I sing about.
There is nothing new under the sun and I am very thankful for all my great
teachers and the people I gained knowledge and wisdom from. Please find
your own way to explore what the emotions, thoughts and memories that
come up with the songs need from you.

Welcome to the red tent sister
Time to slow down and bleed
We’re here with our ancestors
To meditate, pray and receive
The moon within, great mother’s wise blood
Through red rivers we are one
We are one. We are one.

Verse 1
If you want to know where your power really is
Listen to the blood mysteries
There’s a hidden lunar world we’ve forgotten about
And lost touch with
All emerges into life, grows, declines and dies
Our mothers’ mothers knew this

In our cycle we are invited to withdraw from the outside world and listen
To the sacred flow through our wombs of ancient wisdom

Chorus (see Intro)

Verse 2
Our wombs they ebb and flow, sacred bond with life
Prayers under the moon
Maiden learns from mother and mother learns from crone
Bond between womb and womb
Offering our blood back to Mother Earth feeding the seeds of life



Whispers of the wisdom of our blood…
We are one. We are one. We are one.

Ritual & Invitation
Welcome the spirit of rest.
Reflection questions
For at least the first 2 days of your next menstrual cycle, honour
its divine nature in a ceremonial way that feels meaningful and
nourishing. How was your experience of your first
That could include:
bleed (Menarche)?
No planning to be anywhere or do anything specifically
Taking baths and massaging yourself with yummy oils
How has your social, cultural, religious
Taking a break of screen technology
Wearing a special red outfit and political background shaped your
Craft, paint, dance, sing, write, moan, tone
relationship with your menstrual cycle?
Draw with your blood on paper or your body (has
rejuvenating qualities)
What were and are your experiences
Offering your blood to the Earth or plants as nourishment
and as a sacrament during your menstrual cycle?
Prepare yourself some nourishing tea blends or food, rich in
iron and minerals How are you in contact with yourself
Go for a walk in nature by yourself and your body whilst bleeding?
Meditate or create a ritual to release what is not serving you
anymore What feels good and what could you do

# if you are not a bleeding being (now, not anymore or never),

you can wait for the next new moon to retreat and honour the
cycle of nature and yourself.


More Resources
"Becoming A Woman" - Jane Hardwicke Collings
"Taking Charge Of Your Fertility" -Toni Weschler
"The Garden Of Fertility" - Katie Singer
"Wild Power" - Alexandra Pope, Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer
"Her Blood Is Gold" - Lara Owen
"The Women’s Wisdom Moon Journal" - Erin Holtz Braeckman
"The Fifth Vital Sign" - Lisa Hendrickson-Jack (also has a podcast)
"Period Repair Manual" - Lara Briden
"Conscious Contraception" - Samantha Zipporah
"Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom" - Christiane Northrup
"A New View On Women’s Bodies" - Laura Mérrit
"Hormone Intelligence" - Aviva Romm
"Lexikon Der Frauenkräuter" - Margret Madejsky
"The Red Tent" - Anita Diamant
Your Reflections

Verse 1
I’ve been long exiled but motherland is calling
Been away too long, don’t even know how to come home
I feel limited, determined, confined
by cultural pressure I’ve been trained to disguise
Disconnected from the source within
To guide me to my own delightful well-spring

Time to unblock my divine power, allowing her to flow – oh – oh – oh
Expansion of sexual pleasure, oh I wanna moan – oh – oh –oh
I’m feeding the wild goddess in me

And I give myself pleasure, p…p….p…pleasure
Ah ah pleasure, moans with pleasure (2x)

Verse 2
I experience great wisdom through delightness
I squeeze and release, feeling up highness
It awakens in my breasts, then overflows my clit
Upward to my heart bodily bliss
Arousal is needed, so is personal connection
We need to talk about female ejaculation



This is personal transformation, self-realization, time for awakening,
deep love and union

Time to unblock OUR divine power allowing her to flow – oh – oh – oh
Expansion of sexual pleasure, oh we wanna moan – oh – oh – oh
We’re feeding the wild gods and goddesses in us


Ritual & Invitation
Washing Ritual
What do you need?
Warm room and calm music
Reflection questions
Small and big towel
Big bowl of hot water (OPT: add essential oils)
Yummy massage oil What do I need?
Start feeling your breath, breathe deeply and feel how it
feels inside your body. Making sounds are always welcome. What do I desire?
Now in your own tempo take your clothes off and be really
aware of it (break your habits and routines of how you What turns me on?
usually undress yourself). Follow your intuition of how you
wanna wash yourself. Be aware of every little part of your What does sexual
beautiful body whilst washing. Maybe you can feel some
pleasure feel like to
admiration and gratitude for it. Really feel how it is you
touching and pleasuring your own body.
me? Sensations?
A good way for a closure could be applying oil on your body Thoughts? Emotions?
in your time. As an invitation you can experience your own
touch as someone else would touch you, absorb this care How is my body
and love. Whatever memories or emotions come up, let
affected by it?
them be there and keep breathing and sounding.

More Resources
"Women’s anatomy of arousal" – Sheri Winston
"Urban Tantra" – Barbara Carrellas
"Come as you are" – Emily Nagoski
"Sex for One" – Betty Dodson
"Tantric orgasm for women" – Diana Richardson
"Slow Sex" - Diana Richardson
"The Ethical Slut" - Hardy Easton
"More Than Two" - Franklin Veaux
"She Comes First" - Ian Kerner
"Finde Deine Sexuelle Kraft" - Ilan Stephani (also has interesting online courses,
in English as well)
"OMG Yes" – , THE women’s pleasure website
"Yoni Wand" – helps to communicate with your body 11
Your Reflections

Verse 1
No thanks to interventions
Don’t need your tools of control
The risks come with inductions
Are you doing this for me or you?
There cannot be failure in progress
Cause my body is not a machine
So fuck off with monitoring and assessing
I have the intuitive wisdom within

Birth is my rite of passage
You can’t take that away from me, no
It’s not just something that happens
It’s about who I am and who I can be

Birth, birth, birth, birth, birth
To give birth is my right on earth
Birth, birth, birth, birth, birth
I birth myself into this world, into this world

Verse 2
My baby is not being delivered
And you’re not saving us
It’s my initiation as mother
Take your finger out of my cunt
Ask for consent, treat me with respect
Keep the light low and the door shut
I will open like a flower when I feel trust
And I feel safe and love, and love



I am not a good girl, I am here to give birth
I am not afraid and even the pain has its place
I surrender and breathe, gonna dance my baby out
Feeling innate wisdom, hey, this is what it’s all about



Ritual & Invitation
Reflection questions
What is your story?
Find out about your own birth, all the details.
What beliefs about birth have you
Ask your mother, other parent or someone
accumulated from your life / or birth
who may know.
experience (including miscarriage,
If not possible try to access the information via
bodywork, like kinesiology. abortions) / your culture / your childhood?

It is somewhere stored in your body. Find out

about how the women in your family do give How do these beliefs and fears influence

birth. Find out about their stories. your own beliefs and fears?

How do these affect your options and

choices for birth?

More Resources
"Spiritual Midwifery" - Ina May Gaskin Great websites
"Ina Mays Guide to childbirth" - Ina May Gaskin
"Birth As A Rite Of Passage" - Rachel Reed
"Ten Moons" - Jane Hardwicke Collings
Free Birth Society Podcast
"Alleingeburt" - Sarah Schmid
The Midwives’ Cauldron Podcast
"Placenta The Forgotten Chakra" - Robin Lim
"Birthing Mama" - Corinne Andrews Da a Luz Oasis
Post-modern midwifery school located
"The First Forty Days" - Hen Ou in Spain
"Witches, Midwives And Nurses" - Barbara Ehrenreich
The Doula’s Guide To Empowering Your Birth" - Lindsey Bliss

Your Reflections

Verse 1
Whatever in the past you have thought about your breasts
Mother Nature is no fool she prepared you for the best
Us women we’re all born with the right breastfeeding-kit
All work very well for making and producing milk

Big breasts, tiny breasts, nipples long or flat
They all allow by far the best baby’s start into this world

Breast is best, let down the liquid love |3x

Verse 2
Breastmilk is pure medicine and the care your baby needs
It helps the newborn to feel safe and to fall asleep
It forms a bond of trust between baby and mother
You can breastfeed wherever you are don’t care about the others 17
Easy, practical, produces no waste
But be aware of the amount of food you will have to eat


Let down the liquid love…


Ritual & Invitation
Heart-opening upper body massage
Start taking some deep breaths into your heart area. Notice all
Reflection questions
Put some oil on your palms and bring them slowly towards your
breasts. Hold them and sink into the touch.
Start with some slow circles around your nipples with your
palms (up on the inside, down on the outside) and synchronize
How do you feel about your breasts?
these with your breath.
Breathe into any sensation you might be feeling and exhale with
a sigh. All emotions are welcome. What is your relationship with them?
Now start spiralling inwards towards the nipple (only fingers
now), allowing the circles to become smaller
If you have kids, how did this relationship
If you feel like it, start touching the nipple gently, make it
pleasurable. change?
Place palm on nipple, middle point of palm is connected to the
heart meridian and take 10 deep and gentle breaths here. How do you feel about breastfeeding?
Afterwards start spiralling out in the other direction (up on the
outside, down on the inside), starting on your nipple and
What is your relationship with it?
allowing them to become bigger circles, again synchronize your
movement with your breath
Circle your entire upper chest area
Rest your hands on your heart and feel into how you are feeling

More Resources
"Ina May Gaskin’s Guide To Breastfeeding" - Ina May Gaskin
"The Natural Pregnancy Book" - Aviva Jill Romm
"The Ultimate Breastfeeding Book Of Answers: The Most Comprehensive Problem-Solving Guide To
Breastfeeding From The Foremost Expert in North America" - Jack Newman
"Fit To Bust" - Alison Blenkinsop
"Wise Woman Herbal For The Childbearing Years" - Susun Weed

La Leche League International -

Organization that informs about breastfeeding

Facebookgroup: Breastfeeding & Beyond (Storytelling)

Interesting Documentaries: Orgasmic Birth & The Business Of Being Born

Your Reflections

Verse 1
Abused by him she’s holding his seed
Shaken but not desperate she still wants to believe
Only lately it’s been forbidden by law in her state
So she walks in the unknown to decide her fate

She wants to be free, be free
To choose to release her pregnancy |3x

Verse 2
Only this one night where she didn’t take care
She doesn’t wanna tell him, he doesn’t hold shares
She knows she’s not a victim of her body
Maybe in the future but now finish school and study


Verse 3
The test says positive this isn’t how she feels
She feels too old for it already has three kids
She wants him to come with her she’s afraid of the pain
Doesn’t want her kids to see her she feels so ashamed


Ritual & Invitation Reflection questions
Belly Binding is a traditional way of supporting people What do you think about (your own) abortion/releasing a
through pregnancy and postpartum. West African, South pregnancy? Is there any judgement?
American and Asian cultures wrap the belly to support
Are these thoughts your own or did you harbour cultural,
both healing and strengthening through the benefits of familial or others’ beliefs?
extra heat and support.
How do you experience grief?
For this belly binding ritual you can use a normal shawl or
scarf to wrap around your belly area to comfort your What are the ways that you stop yourself from feeling

womb space and the muscles supporting and surrounding grief? What are the ways that you allow grief to move

it. Wrap tightly from the ribcage down to the lower hips or through you?

around the hips and pelvis. Through this firm warm hug What is your positioning regarding (your own)
from the hips, the extra heat can ease discomfort during contraception?
menstruation, pregnancy and postpartum.
How comfortable are you in supporting someone else
Wrapping yourself after a pregnancy termination is a
during the termination of a pregnancy?
simple way of taking loving care of yourself and reminding
What are the current laws and regulations in your
yourself that you are healing. 40 days is a traditional
country? And what do you think are the reasons that
period if time to wrap your belly in postpartum but only
governments often regulate women’s access to sexual
do it as long as it feels good for you.
and reproductive health-care?

More Resources
"Please Bleed" - Samantha Zipporah
"Holistic Healing 'After Abortion'" - Samantha Zipporah
"Woman Heal Thyself" - Jeanne Elizabeth Blum
"Inner Healing After Abortion: Love And Support For Women Who Have Terminated A Pregnancy." -
Marilyn Gryte
"Womens Encyclopaedia Of Natural Medicine: Alternative Therapies And Integrative Medicine For
Total Health And Wellness." - Tori Hudson & Christiane Northrup.
"Womens Bodies Womens Wisdom: Creating Physical And Emotional Health And Healing" -
Christiane Northrup
"Experiencing Abortion: A Weaving Of Women’s’ Words" - Eve Kushner
"The Psychology Of Abortion" - Ginette Pareis
"Botanical Medicine For Women’s Health" - Aviva Romm
"The Moon Divas Guidebook: Spirited Self-Care For Women In Transition" - Lara Vesta 23
Your Reflections

Verse 1
My daughter, my dear lovely girl
Listen to be ready for this world
Love and trust yourself, feel safe in your space
You have the choice to have a voice
Be brave enough to speak

Never forget that your body is your temple
You will learn on your way how to be with her gentle
Remember that every touch is consensual
And if you do not feel it you can always say “no thank you”
No thank you

Verse 2
My daughter, my dear lovely girl
I know that you’re ready for this world
Explore and know yourself
What feels good inside
It’s your choice you decide
It’s not about being liked 25

Forgive yourself for boundaries you couldn’t keep
You learn from them, your nature stays wild and free
Don’t freeze; don’t be afraid to shine your light
No one can stop you, you’re a goddess inside


Ritual & Invitation
Reflection questions
3-Minute Game by Betty Dodson (Wheel of consent)
This is an invitation to practice the art of giving and receiving
with a person you trust and love. Describe your first experience of sexual intercourse.

Two questions, each one an offer. Take turns offering to each How did you feel about it then? How do you feel about it

other. now?

Offer #1: How would you like me to touch you for 3 minutes?
How do you feel about sex?
(e.g. “Please lick my arm”, “hold me”, “massage my neck”, etc.)
Offer #2: How would you like to touch me for 3 minutes? (e.g. How were you feeling about yourself, your womb, your
“May I explore your hands”, “brush your hair?”, etc. – Do not life during each relationship?
offer to “give” anything, like a massage. This is for your
How do you feel about your present relationship?
When you make the offer, you are giving a gift. Negotiate as Were you ever molested? Tell your story. How has it
needed. It’s all about consent! Never give more than you are affected your present relationship with yourself and with
happy to give. others?
Each of the four rounds of the game creates a different role
for you, is enjoyable and challenging in different ways, will What could be possible ways of taking care of yourself

teach you something different about yourself and will access a and your boundaries?

different aspect of yourself and your sexuality.


More Resources
"Good Night Stories For Rebel Girls" - Elena Favilli
"Healing Sex: A Mind-Body Approach To Healing Sexual Trauma" - Staci Haines
"The Art Of Giving And Receiving" - Betty Dodson Martin
"The Body Keeps The Score" - Bessel van der Kolk
"The Sexual Healing Journey: A Guide For Survivors Of Sexual Abuse" - Wendy Maltz
"Unfuck Your Boundaries" - Faith G. Harper
" Cunt" - Inga Muscio, Betty Dodson
"Radical Honesty" - Brad Blanton
"Untenrum Frei" - Margarete Stokowski
"Vulva" - Mithu M. Sanyal

Your Reflections

Verse 1
There is blood; she feels it running down her legs
One hand on her womb, one hand on her heart
Cold numbness is spreading out in her soul
Was it her fault? She thinks, losing control

Chorus (humming)

Verse 2
She gave birth to a dead body, an unborn soul
Ten tiny fingers and ten tiny toes
First she felt guilt then shame then loss
Isolated in her emotions not reaching out to talk


Verse 3
There was supposed to be a baby now it’s a “HelloGoodbye”
She feels cold in her belly no more tears to cry
It’s hard to accept this ended beginning
But she knows she’s not alone it’s a common experience
Ritual & Invitation Reflection questions
Vaginal Steaming
The following statements are inspired by Samantha Zipporah.
Wait until bleeding has ceased (same goes for As an invitation you can reflect on the following statements
menstruation bleed) with some free writing. What emotions, memories and thoughts
Vaginal steaming is an ancient traditional practice by come up for you reading each one of them?
Mayan and Asian culture. It helps you to both physically
Miscarriage is a universally common experience that needs
and energetically nourish and clean the pelvic bowl. The respect, community, support & dialogue.
essential oils of herbs like Rosemary, Chamomile, Yarrow,
10-25% of pregnancies end in miscarriage during the first
Lavender etc. can support the tissues of your vulva,
20 weeks of a pregnancy.
vagina, cervix and womb.
Up to 50% of miscarriages occur during the first month of
1. Simmer a handful of chosen herbs (any combination is
possible) with 2 quarts of water as you would make a
strong tea The primary “cause” of miscarriage is genetic abnormality
in growth of the embryo.
2. Take a seat over the pot (which you can place
underneath a chair with slots or in a clean toilet or you Only about 1% of people will have multiple subsequent
come into child’s pose with your pelvic lifted) and miscarriages.

wrap a blanket around you. Amidst the likelihood of pain & grief, miscarriage presents
3. Relax and enjoy anywhere from 15 minutes to as long an opportunity for profound transformation and reverence
as it feels warm enough. for life.

More Resources
"Holistic Healing After A Miscarriage" - Samantha Zipporah
"Herbal Healing For Women" - Rosemary Gladstar
"Holding Space On Loving, Dying And Letting Go" - Amy Wright Glenn
"Empty Arms: Coping With Miscarriage, Stillbirth And Infant Death" - Sherokee Ilse
"There Was Supposed To Be A Baby: A Guide To Healing After Pregnancy Loss" - Catherine Noblitt Keating
"Unspeakable Losses: Understanding The Experience Of Pregnancy Loss, Miscarriage And Abortion" - Kim
"Pregnancy Loss: A Silent Sorrow: Guidance And Support For You And Your Family" - Ingrid Kohn & Perry-Lynn
"Miscarriage Women’s Experience And Needs" - Christine Moulder
"The Moon Divas Guidebook: Spirited Self-Care For Women In Transition" - Lara Vesta
"Our Bodies Ourselves" - The Boston Women’s Health Book Collective
"The Natural Pregnancy Book: Your Complete Guide To A Safe, Organic Pregnancy And Childbirth With Herbs,
Nutrition And Other Holistic Choices" - Aviva Jill Romm 30
Your Reflections

Part A
I hear the sound of the drum
Calling my sisters in the circle
I hear the sound of the drum
Calling me home

Part B
We weave nets that carry us carry us
When we are weak
We weave nets that sing with us sing with us
When we are strong

Part C
Sister I see you
Sister I feel you
From my womb to your womb
We are one

Ritual & Invitation
Reflection questions
Ritual for Reconnecting
We all experience disconnection from people in our lives.
We all carry stories of hurt within friendship (especially
What does true sisterhood look like for you?
between women) and sisterhood. We have the opportunity
to release what was and write a new story of what can be. What is the power of sisterhood?
On some pieces of paper, write down all the ways you
have been hurt by friends in your life (maybe focus on
Who are the women in your life? And how are

women and sisterhood) and that you are ready to let go off you connected to them?
to make way for new trust and loving sisterhood.
How’s your experience been with sisterhood
When you’re ready burn the paper outside and take deep
(positive or negative) up until now?
breaths into your heart space, healing and moving
forward. Do you know your female lineage? The women
who came before you?


More Resources
"The Women’s Wisdom Moon Journal" - Erin Holtz Braeckman
"Root & Ritual" - Becca Piastrelli
"If Women Rose Rooted" - Sharon Blackie

# Maybe look for a women’s circle in your area that meets regularly or host one either with an open sharing or sharing
on a theme.

Your Reflections

Verse 1
The voice of the feminine fell silent
She who dances on blood numbed by the past
Allow the full voice of your anger
Hold hands with your wounded self

There’s a deeper longing that keeps calling…calling
Stop all this conforming and free your being…being

It is our time now so we need to wake up
Then we shall remember the voice of the feminine returns
It’s a turning tide now, we will weave our future
And reclaim our power the voice of the feminine returns

Verse 2
What different roles have you held?
Claim your body and sexual self
Anchor and reach deep, you’re resilient 35
Wild woman, bare your claws and fangs
A new cycle is turning we are gathering…gathering
From the ashes rising we are burning…burning

Chorus (2x)
It is our time now so we need to wake up
Then we shall remember the voice of the feminine returns
It’s a turning tide now, we will weave our future
And reclaim our power the voice of the feminine returns

Ritual & Invitation
Womb Sounding
Reflection questions
Find a comfortable sitting position and take some time to arrive in
this moment.
What does the Feminine mean to you? What does it look
Close your eyes and focus on your breathing.
Massage the outside of your jaw, your throat. Relax.
Massage your upper body, your belly. Breathe into it and let go.
What has your relationship to the Feminine been over
Feel into the pelvic ball, feel your womb – the inner wisdom keeper.
the course of your life?
Deeply inhale and exhale
Relax your vulva, your cervix, your perineum and anus. Feel your
What is your relationship to your voice?
Bring more presence into your body through using your voice. What would you do if you would not be afraid?
Open, expand. Not just from the throat but from your body, your
womb, your yoni. What is your relationship to power?
Give it a voice, release any emotional tension. Let it rise up from When have you held yourself back from expressing and
deep inside. Moan. Sigh. Whine. Hum. There is no right or wrong. It
experiencing your connection to power?
is you and your sound is the right sound.
You are welcome to invite some movement if that feels good for you. What are the ways that you stop yourself from
Sound with movement.
expressing anger?
Experiment with the loudness and length of your sound. Let it come
from your body, your womb space. What message does her sacred What are the ways you allow the energy to move through
voice bring?


More Resources
"Womb Awakening" - Azra Bertrand & Seren Bertrand
"Women Who Run With The Wolves" - Clarissa Pincola Estes
"If Women Rose Rooted" - Sharon Blackie
"Witches, Midwives, Nurses" - Barbara Ehrenreich
"Yoni Shakti" - Uma Dinsmore-Tuli
"Mists Of Avalon" - Marion Zimmer Bradley
"Witches, Sluts And Feminists" - Kristen J. Sollee
"Burning Woman" - Lucy H. Pearce
"Medicine Woman" - Lucy H. Pearce
"Creatrix: She Who Makes" - Lucy H. Pearce
"The Great Cosmic Mother: Rediscovering The Religion On Earth" - Monica Sjöö & Barbara Mor
"Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear" - Elizabeth Gilbert "
Caliban & The Witch" - Silvia Federici
Your Reflections

What have you had to let go of?

What have you gained?

Let the journey be continued.

We are on this journey together.
Lea Neumeyer
Stallberg 3
51570 Windeck
+49 (0)176 4574 0658

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for private, non-commercial use. All rights reserved.

Text and Music: Lea Neumeyer
Music: Mounzer Sarraf
Layout and Design of Cover and Songbook: Judith Neumeyer
Photos: Luminous Photography (Song 5, 6, 7), Judith Neumeyer (Song 2, 8), Fadime
Hodes (Song 9) & others (Song 1, 3, 4)

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