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Team size lớn tầm trên 7 người, có BA chuyên nghiệp

hiểu rõ yêu cầu của khác hang

IT Business Analyst
Hoặc dev có nhiều kinh nghiệm

Question 1:
I suggest choosing Waterfall methodology, because:
- Reliability: requirements are quite clear by the start-up business.
- Type of requirements: clear, pre-defined:
+ Babysitters should be bookable and schedulable by parents.
They can contact a sitter directly by letter or by using an
availability calendar. The sitters should accept or decline the
request as soon as they receive it.
+ Allow parents to publish job postings that babysitters can
access. The number of children, their ages, the schedule, a
description of their responsibilities, the location, and the rate
should all be included by the parents.
+ Before allowing parents to book a babysitter for cash
payments, the babysitting website may require them to verify
their bank account or credit card information.
+ Implementing a calculator that will automatically add up all
the fees for the allocated hours and extra services is quite
convenient. The website offers users the option of calculating
taxes in addition to payment as one of the services available.

Users can enter various hourly rates and view their effects on
< Người dùng có thể nhập các mức giá theo giờ khác nhau và xem ảnh hưởng của chúng đối với
- User involvement in the situation: not too much, they only care
about the functional requirement.
< Sự tham gia của người dùng trong tình huống: không quá nhiều, họ chỉ quan tâm đến yêu cầu
chức năng>

- Team size: a software development professional, indicated to

run into all kids projects and situations within those projects.
So, Waterfall method is suitable for professional groups.
< Một chuyên gia phát triển phần mềm, được chỉ định để chạy vào tất cả các dự án và tình huống
trẻ em trong các dự án đó. Vì vậy, phương pháp thác nước phù hợp với các nhóm chuyên nghiệp. >

 Conclusion: The software development methodology I suggest for

this situation is WATERFALL. This is a new project with clear
requirements. We are a software development professional in this
bussiness. So I think waterfall methodology is suitable for this
< Kết luận: Phương pháp phát triển phần mềm tôi đề xuất cho tình huống này là WATERFALL. Đây là
dự án mới với những yêu cầu rõ ràng. Chúng tôi là một chuyên gia phát triển phần mềm trong lĩnh
vực kinh doanh này. Vì vậy, tôi nghĩ rằng phương pháp thác nước phù hợp với tình huống này..>

Question 2:
I suggest 4 funtional requirements which are necessary for babysitters:
- Babysitters should be bookable and schedulable by parents.
- They can contact a sitter directly by letter or by using an
availability calendar.
- Babysitters can access job postings’ informations by parents as
he number of children, their ages, the schedule, …
- Babysitters can accept or decline the request.

Non functional requirement :

1. Can run on multiple platforms such as Android and IOS.
2. Can accommodate 1000 users accessing at once.
3. High information security to prevent information from being hacked or
4. Can use two languages: English or Vietnamese.

Question 3:
2 user stories base on the suggestion (2 user stories for babysitters):
- As a babysitter, I want to be bookable and schedulable by
parents. So that, I can have job easily and can discuss the
schedule with parents.
- As a babysitter, I want to contact a sitter directly by letter or by
using an availability calendar. So that I can change the schedule.

Question 5:
A, I do not clearly agree with this require, I will choose WATERFALL
method for this situation. Because the requirements are very clearly and
pre-defined. In addtion, our team are a software development
professional in this bussiness, indicated to run into all kids projects and
situations within those projects. So I think waterfall methodology is
suitable for this situation.
B, I suggest functional requirement testing for this project. Because, in
this project, the requirements of start-up is clearly, pre-defined, easy to
understand. Secondly, Start-up cares much about the functional
requirements. A professional team helps testing process is easier.
Question 4:
User story map for user experience:

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