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Thanh: Hello! I am very happy for you to come to my place!

An: Nah, don’t be that excited so what do you want to show me?when you
say that something special and tell me that I must come here
Thanh: Oh that, I gonna organize a seminar about city life
An: hmm that seems interesting, can I join that seminar
Thanh:Of course, you can
An: So what you gonna talking about in that seminar
Thanh: I didn’t think about that but First here some detail about time and
where the place.
Thanh: It will start in 7.30 AM and it gonna take place near the school or
currently is in our class
An:Hmm so I can go that time great
Thanh: Good new to hear!but the content that I will talking about..
Thanh: Ah it will be about the benefit and downside when you live in the
Thanh: It’s kind of easy to think about the benefit and downside but can
you give me some example? Just a little is enough for me
An: Hmmm I think the benefit it will be having for benefit is when you
live in the city you will have better facilities and the downside is I think
you will feel very crowded and noisy
Thanh: Nice that is a very nice example! Thank you
An: no problem that is something you can think duh?
Thanh: I didn’t think about that
Thanh: umm I think I need to go bye
An: oh welp sad but anyway I will be looking how you do the seminar so
good luck

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