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We cre ncw in /rIic|e 8 cf Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn, Jucicic| DepcrImenI: cne cf
Ihe Lrcnche: cf gcvernmenI, cc-euc| Lrcnch cf gcvernmenI.

Sect|on 1. Jucicic| pcwer :hc|| Le ve:Iec in cne Supreme CcurI cnc :uch
|cwer ccurI: c: mcyLe e:IcL|i:hec Ly |cw.
Jucicic| pcwer inc|uce: Ihe cuIy cf Ihe ccurI: cf ju:Iice Ic :eII|e ccIuc|
ccnIrcver:ie: invc|ving righI: which cre |egc||y cemcnccL|e cnc
enfcrcecL|e, cnc Ic ceIermine wheIher cr ncI Ihere hc: Leen c grcve
cLu:e cf ci:creIicn cmcunIing Ic |cck cr exce:: cf juri:cicIicn cn Ihe pcrI
cf cny Lrcnch cr in:IrumenIc|iIy cf Ihe GcvernmenI.

WhcI Ihen i: jucicic| pcwer SecIicn 1 prcvice: c|:c fcr Ihe ccn:IiIuIicnc|
cefiniIicn cf whcI jucicic| pcwer i: cnc IhcI inc|uce: Ihe duty o| the courts
o| just|ce to sett|e octuo| controvers|es |nvo|v|ng r|ghts wh|ch ore |ego||y
demondob|e ond en|orceob|e. Ihe :eccnc pcrI cf Ihe :enIence i:
ccIuc||y Ihe exponded de||n|t|on o| jud|c|o| power to determ|ne whether
or not there hos been grove obuse o| d|scret|on omount|ng to |ock or
excess o| jur|sd|ct|on on the port o| ony bronch or |nstrumento||ty o|
government. Simp|y :IcIec, jud|c|o| power |s the outhor|ty o| the court to
reso|ve just|c|ob|e quest|ons. So |n order to understond jud|c|o| power, you
must o|so be ob|e to understond whot |s o just|c|ob|e quest|on. lf ycur
ju:IicicL|e ue:Iicn imp|ie: IhcI {1} there |s o g|ven r|ght thot |s |ego||y
demondob|e ond en|orceob|e, [2} there hos to be on oct or om|ss|on
v|o|ot|ve o| such r|ght, [3} thot the remed|es gronted ond sonct|oned by
|ow |or the breoch o| such r|ght. Ihe:e cre very impcrIcnI fcr Ihe exerci:e
cf jucicic| pcwer. Ihe righI IhcI i: |egc||y cemcnccL|e cr enfcrcecL|e.
/nc Ihe |egi:|cIive cepcrImenI p|cy: c viIc| rc|e cn wheIher cr ncI Ihere
ccn Le c ju:IicicL|e ue:Iicn Leccu:e iI i: Ccngre::, iI i: Ihe |egi:|cIure
which ceIermine: Ly |cw whcI cre we enIiI|ec Ic. Ycu ccnncI gc Ic ccurI
cnc invcke Ihe 8iL|e. Ycu ccnncI gc Ic ccurI cnc :cy IhcI Ihi: i: Ihe
IrcciIicn c|Ihcugh IhcI mcyLe u:ec in cerIcin in:Icnce: LuI IhcI ccnncI
Le c :curce cf righI, generc||y :pecking. Sc righI hc: Ic Le cefinec Ly
L/W given Ic YCU in c pcrIicu|cr :iIucIicn fcr iI Ic Leccme |egc||y
cemcnccL|e cr enfcrcecL|e. lf ycu hcve c righI, Ihere hc: Ic Le c
Lrecch cf :uch. Ihere hc: Ic Le c vic|cIicn cf :uch righI ccmmiIIec Ly
mcn. Dce: iI fc||cw IhcI if Ihere i: c Lrecch cf ycur righI ycu ccn
immecicIe|y gc Ic ccurI cr remecy cr recre:: Ihe cn:wer i: NO. Ihere
mcy Le in:Icnce: when Ihere ccn Le ccmcge wiIhcuI injury. ln cIher
wcrc:, Ihe |cw cce: ncI prcvice fcr c remecy fcr c pcrIicu|cr Lrecch cf c
righI. Ihe ccurI wcu|c ju:I :cy IhcI in c: much cc we hcve c righI Ihere
mcy Le c vic|cIicn cf :uch righI LuI we ccnncI exerci:e cur jucicic| pcwer
Leccu:e Ihi: i: ncI c ju:IicicL|e ue:Iicn Leccu:e Ihe |cw cce: ncI
prcvice fcr c remecy. So thot || we to|k obout just|c|ob|e quest|on, then o||
o| those three must be present: the r|ght thot |s |ego||y demondob|e ond
en|orceob|e, on oct or om|ss|on v|o|ot|ve o| such r|ght, ond o remedy
gronted ond sonct|oned by |ow |or the breoch o| such r|ght. ln cIher
wcrc:, Ihere hc: Ic Le cnoctuo| controversy. Ycu ccnncI ju:I :cy IhcI l
hcve Ihi: righI, whcI if Ihi: wcu|c Le vic|cIec WhcI wi|| hcppen Ccn ycu
gc Ic ccurI Lefcre Ihere i: c vic|cIicn cnc :cy ccurI, ingncn nckc cccn
kung un:cy nchiIcLc Ihere mcy Le cerIcin in:Icnce:, |cIer ycu wi||
cpprecicIe IhcI in ycur :Iucy cf Ihe Fu|e: cf CcurI, ycu kncw cec|crcIcry
re|ief LuI Ihere hc: Ic Le c IhrecIenec Lrecch in Ihere, u:uc||y in
ccnIrccI:. Di|i k|crc cng inycng kcnIrcIc Lc. WheIher Iwc yecr: cr cne
yecr cr :c cne yecr mc cnc kc Iwc yecr: unyc hcpiI nc juc cng cne yecr
mchumcn. Ihen ycu hcve Ic fi|e cn ccIicn fcr cec|crcIcry re|ief. Ihen Ihe
ccurI wcu|c :cy IhcI Ihi: i: ccIuc||y fcr Iwc yecr:. Ycu cre given Ihe
remecy Ic cc IhcI. 8uI generc||y :pecking, Ihere hc: Ic Le c vic|cIicn cf
:uch righI fir:I. WhcI if mcg-enccr:e :i|c ug kcnciccIc, mucccg. ku:cg. ci
Lc. /re Ihey c||cwec IhcI wc: cne cf Ihe i::ue: rci:ec in cne cf Ihe
cc:e: c::ignec Ic ycu. Ihe ccurI :cic we ccnncI ru|e cn IhcI. Ycu cre ju:I
:pecu|cIing. lf we cwe|| inIc iI Ihen, ccghcnc :i|c ug pcnguIcnc ncy cnc
nc gu:Ic mcIuLcg cnc Ihey wcnI Ihe ccurI Ic cecice cn iI. Ihere hc: Ic
Le cn ccIuc| ccnIrcver:y. Sc generc||y, IhcI i: whcI i: ju:IicicL|e ue:Iicn
cn cn|y when Ihere i: c ju:IicicL|e ue:Iicn ccn Ihe ccurI exerci:e iI:
jucicic| pcwer.

l: Ihere cn in:Icnce in Ihe ccn:IiIuIicn when even if Ihere i: nc ju:IicicL|e
ue:Iicn c: ci:cu::ec c whi|e cgc cnc yeI Ihe ccurI wcu|c exerci:e
jucicic| pcwer Ihot |s now the exponded de||n|t|on o| jud|c|o| power.
When mcIIer: when c :epcrcIe cepcrImenI cf gcvernmenI wcu|c
exerci:e ci:creIicn, ccn Ihe ccurI |cck inIc iI cnc :cy :cycn mcn ni nc
ceci:icn Ihe pre:icenI hc: Ihe pcwer uncer Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn Ic pcrccn.
Fwece Lc mcg cpi| cpi| cng ccurI nc cnc mc|i mcn cng iycng ceci:icn
Ccngre:: hc: Ihe pcwer Ic ci:cip|ine iI: memLer:, Ihe grcunc cf ci:crcer|y
Lehcvicr. Ccn Ihe ccurI :cy IhcI Ccngre:: ycu cre wrcng Leccu:e Ihi: i:
whcI i: ci:crcer|y Lehcvicr Generc||y Ihe cn:wer i: Ihe ccurI ccnncI cc

WhcI wcu|c Le ycur remecy if IhcI hcppen: Leccu:e Ihe Supreme CcurI
i: Ihe finc| crLiIer. Wc|c nc :iyc pcwer IhcI i: why here iiincI nc gcmcy.
Check cnc Lc|cnce. We cre here in Ihe :eccnc pcrI, to determ|ne
whether or not there hos been grove obuse o| d|scret|on. Ihe quest|on
here |s not whether the Fres|dent or Congress wos r|ght or wrong rother d|d
the Fres|dent or Congress obuse |ts power in c ce:pcIic mcnner Ly rec:cn
cf per:cnc| venceIIc mcyLe cgcin:I c per:cn Grcve cLu:e cf
ci:creIicn. Ic ceIermine wheIher cr ncI cmcunIing Ic |cck cr exce:: cf
juri:cicIicn cn Ihe pcrI cf cny Lrcnch cr in:IrumenIc|iIie: cf Ihe
gcvernmenI. We|| ci:cu:: mcre cn IhcI |cIer.

Gcing Lcck Ic jucicic| pcwer, :c iI i: Ihe righI Ic cecice cr ceIermine
ccIuc| ccnIrcver:ie: cri:ing
LeIween ccver:e |iIigcnI:/ pcrIie:. Cne i: c righI. Ihe cIher cne i: c||egec
Ic hcve vic|cIec :uch righI. Du|y in:IiIuIec in Ihe fcrge cf prcper
juri:cicIicn. IhcI i: Ihe Ihirc pcrI, Ihe Ihirc e|emenI cf ju:IicicL|e ue:Iicn.
IhcI i: Ihe remecy grcnIec Ly |cw. WhcI i: IhcI remecy Ihe |egc|

Ycu cwn c |cI ycu hcve Ihe righI Ic pc::e:: ycur pcrce|. lf :cmeLccy
cgcin:I ycur wi|| fcrciL|y enIer Ihe pcrce| cf |cnc IhcI ycu cre pc::e::ing
Ihen IhcI i: c Lrecch cf ycur righI Ic pc::e::. Ihe |cw :cy:/prcvice: fcr Ihe
remecy. WhcI i: IhcI Ycu ccn fi|e cn ccIicn fcr fcrciL|e enIry/ evicIicn
cnc Ihere i: c prccecure fcr IhcI. Juri:cicIicn i: wiIh Ihe Municipc| Iric|
CcurI: Fu|e: Ic Le fc||cwec, :ummcry. Much much fc:Ier. When IhcI
hcppen: ycu ccn :cy IhcI Ihere i: c ju:IicicL|e ue:Iicn. Ihere i: cn ccIuc|
ccnIrcver:y. Ihe ccurI i: cc||ec upcn Ic exerci:e iI: jucicic| pcwer. lmcng
:i|ingcn :igurc :ige ugmc :uc|cn Iikc cihc :uc|cn Iikc cihc. Ccn ycu fi|e c
cc:e NcI yeI. Why Ycu mcy hcve c righI LuI Ihere i: nc vic|cIicn yeI cf
:uch righI. Wc|c mcn :yc ncg cnc nc pcIycn kc. IhcI wi|| Le cncIher


8bAC v. COMELEC, Ihe ccurI :cic here IhcI Ihere i: nc, whcI Excmine Ihe
fccI: cnc cpp|y whcI we hcve ci:cu::ec. FighI Vic|cIicn cf :uch c righI
Ycu ccnncI even :cy whc i: Ihe p|cinIiff here. ln Ihi: cc:e, Icke ncIe, Ihe
CCMELEC refu:ec Ic Icke juri:cicIicn. /nc :cic IhcI ycu ccn gc Ic ccurI
cnc Ihe ccurI i: cI c |c:I. Kin:cy mgc pcrIie: cni CCMELEC mcy hcve c
juri:cicIicn in Ihi: cc:e yeI Ihe CCMELEC :cic ccIc kc :c kcrIe. Kin:c mcn
cng kc|cLcn WhcI cre ycu c|ciming NcIe c|:c IhcI c ju:IicicL|e
ccnIrcver:y/ ue:Iicn mu:I refer Ic cn exi:Iing cc:e cf ccnIrcver:y ncI
cne IhcI i: l hcve menIicnec, mere|y cnIicipcIcry.

Cc:e cf VELAkDE V. SOCIAL JbSIICE SOCIEIY, whcI wc: fi|ec here wc: cn
ccIicn fcr cec|crcIcry re|ief. Fir:I Ie:I, righI Un:c mcn righI nimc lf ycu
cre :cying IhcI kini :i|c :ige :i|c mcg, Icwcg cni, Ihe:e re|igicu: |eccer:
u:uc||y wcu|c cnncunce Iheir chcice cf ccnciccIe. WhcI righI i: vic|cIec
here /re ycu c ccnciccIe lf ycure c ccnciccIe, wc: ycur righI vic|cIec
ccIuc||y ln fccI, here Ihe ccIicn fi|ec i: cec|crcIcry re|ief, wheIher cr ncI
:uch ccI i: ccn:IiIuIicnc|. Ihe ccurI :cic we ccnncI cecice cn Ihi: :imp|y
Leccu:e Ihere i: nc ccIuc| ccnIrcver:y. Wc|cy pcwer cng ccurI, jucicic|
pcwer, ncI cn|y in Ihe exerci:e uncer cerIcin circum:Icnce:.

Crcincri|y, hc|c, :ige kc kc:uhcn Iikc. CfIen here IhcI. KiIc nc |cng Icyc :c
kcrIe. 8uI ycu :hcu|c kncw LeIIer Ihcn IhcI. lf ycu kncw ycur |cw ycu
wcu|c :cy ch :ige ycu ccu|c fi|e c cc:e every ccy. Ihe Ihing i:, iI wi|| Le
ci:mi::ec. Why Why cre cc:e: ci:mi::ec Simp|y Leccu:e Ihe ccurI hc:
nc pcwer Ic ccI cn iI. ScmeIime: iI i: c|:c very cifficu|I Ic :ee e:pecic||y if
ycure in prccIice c|reccy. C cnc u:chcy mcci:mi:: kcy Lcgc mcn cng
ckin cLcgccc ci kc mcn kcingcn cnc. U:chcy gi:ugccn mcn guc nckc,
Ihere mcy Le in:Icnce: nc :ige |cng i-fi|e |cng ncIc kcy murcg Lcrcer|ine
:iyc cr iI mcy c|:c Le c pcrI cf c :IrcIegy. ln Ihe fir:I p|cce Ihere i: nc
ccIuc||y c cc:e. l|| :cy l|| fi|e c cc:e. Ycu ccn cc IhcI every ccy, every
mcmenI. Cmcn. Ihe Ihing i:, cc ycu rec||y hcve c cc:e Fi|ing i: cifferenI
frcm rec||y hcving c ccu:e cf ccIicn. Every ccIicn mu:I Le Lc:ec upcn c
ccu:e cf ccIicn. IhcI i: ccIuc||y Ihe ver:icn cf Ihe Fu|e: cf CcurI when iI
ccme: Ic ju:IicicL|e ue:Iicn. CcnnecI ccnnecI |cng nimc. Ccn:IiIuIicn
cncun Lc :c Fu|e: cf CcurI / mcc cicy ni.

8kILLANIES v. COMELEC i: c|:c cn cpp|iccIicn cf Ihi: princip|e. ln mcny
cc:e: ycu mighI enccunIer c ue:Iicn wcu|c c|:c Ircn:pire wheIher cr ncI
Ihe pcrIy Lringing Ihe cc:e cr Ihe :uiI i: Ihe prcper pcrIy. lmpcrIcnIe Ic
:iyc. Uncer Ihe Fu|e: cf CcurI, c pcrIy i: Ihe rec| pcrIy inIere:I if iI :Icnc: Ic
:uffer cr Le incicIec cf Ihe cuIccme cf Ihe cc:e. Wc|c kcy |cLcI mcmc|iI
kc ug kc:c :c |cin Icc Ihen ycur cc:e wi|| :Ii|| Le ci:mi::ec. Why 8eccu:e
ycu cre ncI Ihe rec| pcrIy inIere:I. Ycu cc ncI :Icnc Ic :uffer, why cc ycu
ncI :Icnc Ic LenefiI cuI cf Ihe cc:e Ccmmcn :en:e rc mc nc. Ycu recc
Ihe cc:e cf 8ri||cnIe:. Why Ihe ccurI :cic IhcI Ihere i: c ju:IicicL|e
ue:Iicn. Ncc Lc per:cnc|iIy :i 8ri||cnIe: in Ihe fir:I p|cce Ic ue:Iicn Ihe
re:c|uIicn lf ycure fi|ing c cc:e, ycu mu:I :hcw c|| cf Ihi: Ic Ihe ccurI.
CIherwi:e ycu fci| Ic c||ege Ihe:e impcrIcnI e|emenI: cf c ccu:e cf ccIicn
Ihen ycur cc:e wi|| Le ci:mi::ec cuIrighI. Ncc |cgi righI. Ncc |cgi vic|cIicn.
Di mcn puc cicy ikcw. Ncc cicy righI. Ncc cicy vic|cIicn. Ycure righI
hcve Leen vic|cIec LuI iI i: ncI cgcin:I IhcI pcrIy whcm ycu cre fi|ing Ihe
cc:e cr Ihere i: c righI, Ihere i: c vic|cIicn. Ihe pcrIy fi|ing/per:cn hc: Ihe
righI vic|cIec cnc IhcI c|:c i: Ihe per:cn whc vic|cIec :uch c righI LuI iI
wc: LrcughI Ic c ccurI IhcI cce: ncI hcve juri:cicIicn Ic Ihe cc:e cnc :Ii||
Ihe cc:e wcu|c Le ci:mi::ec.

ESIkADA v. DESIEkIO, Ihe gcvernmenI cf /rrcyc i: ncI revc|uIicncry in
chcrccIer IhcI i: why here Ihe ccurI ccu|c exerci:e iI: jucicic| pcwer.
Ihere i: c prcce::/ prccecure prcvicec in Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn in c: fcr c: Ihe
:ucce::icn cf Ihe cffice cf Ihe Fre:icenI i: ccncernec. IhcI: why Ihe
ccurI :cic Ihi: i: c ju:IicicL|e ue:Iicn. Ihe re:u|Iing re:igncIicn cf Ihe
:iIIing Fre:icenI cnc Ihe :ucce::icn cf Vice-Fre:icenI cre :uLjecI Ic
jucicic| review. l: Ihere c prccecure prcvicec Ye:, Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn.


Hcw cLcuI Fc|iIicc| Cue:Iicn: Generc||y, whcI cre pc|iIicc|
ue:Iicn: IAADA v. CbENCO, Ihe:e cre Ierm: IhcI ycu mu:I Le very
fcmi|icr wiIh. Jucicic| pcwer, ju:IicicL|e ue:Iicn, pc|iIicc| ue:Iicn.
Memcrize niyc ycn. Ihc:e ue:Iicn: which uncer Ihe ccn:IiIuIicn cre Ic
Le cecicec Ly Ihe pecp|e in c :cvereign ccpcciIy cr in regcrc Ic which
fu|| ci:creIicncry cuIhcriIy hc: Leen ce|egcIec Ly Ihe pecp|e IhcI i: Ic
Ihe |egi:|cIive cr execuIive Lrcnch cf gcvernmenI. lI i: ccncernec wiIh
i::ue: cepencenI upcn Ihe wi:ccm ncI gucrcnIeec cf c pcrIicu|cr

GAkCIA v. COkONA, Ihe |cw prcvice: F/ 47 IhcI fu|| ceregu|cIicn cf ci|
incu:Iry :hc|| Leccme effecIive cn|y cfIer 5 mcnIh: frcm Ihe effecIiviIy cf
Ihe |cw un|e:: Ihe Fre:icenI ccce|ercIe: iI. Fu|| Ci| Deregu|cIicn. /mcng
cIher i::ue: Ihe peIiIicner ue:Iicn:, Ihe ce|cy, fu|| imp|emenIcIicn cf Ihe
|cw :cying IhcI curing Ihe inIervening pericc ycur 3 Lig ci| ccmpcnie: :Ii||
prccIicc||y mcncpc|ize Ihe mcrkeI IhcI i: vic|cIive cf Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn. Ihe
ccurI :cic Ihe i::ue cec|: wiIh/cwe||: cn Ihe wi:ccm. Ihe Iiming WhcI i:
Ihe rec:cncL|e Iime Ic hcve fu|| ceregu|cIicn IhcI i: c ci:creIicn/ mcIIer
IhcI i: fcr Ccngre:: Ic ceIermine, cec|: wiIh Ihe wi:ccm cf Ihe |cw. Un:c
mcn cng pinckcmccyc nc :iIucIicn

DENk v. DENk EMFLOYEES, CcIcLcIc CiIy were Ihen pcrI cf Fegicn 12 cnc
Generc| ScnIc: cnc Kcrcnccc| were Ihen pcrI cf Fegicn 11 IcgeIher wiIh
Dcvcc cnc Surigcc ce| Sur prcvince:. /fIer Ihe /FMM e|ecIicn:,
CcIcLcIc Leccme pcrI cf /FMM. Ihere wc: c recrgcnizcIicn cf Ihe
regicn: cnc Kcrcnccc| Leccme pcrI cf Fegicn 12. Ihe prcvince: cf
Scrcnggcni cnc CcIcLcIc frcm Fegicn 11 Ic Fegicn 12. Nckuccn mcn
cng Fegicn 12. GiLuIcng nc :i|c cicIc. /FMM nc mcn cng CcIcLcIc
which wc: :uppc:ec Ic Le Ihe regicnc| cenIer Ihen cf Fegicn 12 :c Ihey
hcve Ic Ircn:fer Ihe regicnc| cffice: Ic Kcrcnccc|. Ihe emp|cyee:
ue:Iicn Ihe execuIive ceci:icn. l: IhcI c ju:IicicL|e ue:Iicn Ncc Lc :i|c
righI Icn cwc i|cng rec:cn ci Lc. Lucy nc kccyc Lc. E:kwe|c :c mgc
LcIc. Mcg-rcmcchcn nc. Mcwc|c mcy kc:ing kc:ing cni. Kc|iI kc|iI cicy
niyc iLc|hin cicIc kc|cyc :c CcIcLcIc CiIy ug :c McrLe|. /nc Ihen Ihe
CcurI :cic i: IhcI c ju:IicicL|e ue:Iicn cr i: iI c pc|iIicc| cne Gumcwc
mcn ncIc cng ExecuIive DepcrImenI. Ycu hcve Ic re:pecI Ihe :epcrcIicn
cf pcwer: were Ihe mcIIer fc||: uncer Ihe ci:creIicn cf cncIher
cepcrImenI. ln Ihe DENF cc:e IhcI i: recrgcnizcIicn Ly Ihe Fre:icenI
uncer Ihe pcwer cf ccnIrc| which i: ci:creIicncry cn hi: pcrI cr e:pecic||y
Ihe pecp|e Ihem:e|ve: Ihe ceci:icn recch i: in Ihe ccIegcry cf c pc|iIicc|
ue:Iicn ccn:euenI|y mcy ncI Le c :uLjecI cf jucicic| review. ln crcincry
pcr|cnce pc|iIicc| ue:Iicn ccnncIe: ue:Iicn cf pc|icy. Fc|icy ceci:icn
mcn nc :c Fre:icenI Ic LeIIer :erve Ihe pecp|e nc i-recrgcnize niyc cng
regicn. lI i: ccncernec wiIh i::ue: cepencenI upcn Ihe wi:ccm c: l hcve
:cic ncI Ihe |egc|iIy cf pcrIicu|cr i::ue:.

Ihe gcvernmenI Ccrczcn /uinc, Ihe CcurI :cic iI i: c pc|iIicc| ue:Iicn. lI
i: c revc|uIicncry gcvernmenI. lI i: Ihe pecp|e Ihem:e|ve: whc cecicec Ic
rep|cce Mcrcc:. Ihe CcurI refu:ec Ic cecice cn Ihe mcIIer. Ic Ihe CcurI
IhcI i: c|reccy c pc|iIicc| ue:Iicn. /: l hcve :cic Ihe ceIermincIicn cf
ci:crcer|y Lehcvicr iI i: ci:creIicncry cn Ihe pcrI cf Ccngre::. Ihe grcnI cf
pcrccn c|:c. Ercp wc: pcrccnec Ly G|cric. 8i:cn grcLe juc ycn :iyc nc
cc:e IhcI i: Ihe pcwer given Ly Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn Ic Ihe Fre:icenI. Fwece
Lc gihcpcn nc :iyc mc-ue:Iicn even if iI i: :c|e|y Ihe cepcrImenI whc i:
empcwerec Ic cecice cn c pcrIicu|cr mcIIer Ly iI: :c|e ci:creIicn Ihe
cn:wer i: Ye:. /: l hcve :cic, we gc Lcck Ic SecIicn 1, grcve cLu:e cf
ci:creIicn. Mcc nc ginchimc :c Supreme CcurI nc pirmcnenIe mug-cpi|
cpi| :iyc. Grcve cLu:e cf ci:creIicn. /nc Ly invcking iI: expcncec jucicic|
pcwer uncer Ihe 187 Ccn:IiIuIicn which i: ncI Ihe cc:e ccIuc||y in Ihe
previcu: Ccn:IiIuIicn. Fwece nc :i|c mckic|cm. Nc:ey nc kccyc ci Lc.
Dce: iI mecn IhcI Ihe CcurI ccu|c :uL:IiIuIe iI: jucgmenI cver IhcI cf Ihe
cepcrImenI ccncernec Ihe cn:wer i: Nc. Sc ycu hcve Ic gc ncw Ic Ihe
cefiniIicn cf grcve cLu:e cf ci:creIicn. Memcrize IhcI. Di nc mcn nc :iyc
mcu:cL. Sc Supreme CcurI kiniucIe ucIe |cng mcn ycn ni|c pcLc|ik
Lc|ik. WhcI i: grcve cLu:e cf ci:creIicn 8eccu:e if ycu wcu|c ue:Iicn c
ceci:icn cf Ihe jucge cnc enIer nugcIcry crcer ncI Ihe finc| ceci:icn fcr
excmp|e c jucge i::ue: c Iempcrcry re:Ircining crcer cr cn injuncIicn
whi|e Ihe cc:e i: pencing. Ccn ycu gc cirecI|y Ic Ihe higher ccurI Ye:.
WhcI wi|| Le ycur Lc:i: Grcve cLu:e cf ci:creIicn.

ln cc:e: cf prcvi:icnc| remecie: Ihe CcurI ccIuc||y hc: ci:creIicn Ic grcnI
Iempcrcry re:Ircining crcer cr cn injuncIicn. l: IhcI cppec|cL|e Ihe
cn:wer i: Nc. Why Ycu ccn cn|y cpp|y c finc| ceci:icn cf Ihe ccurI cnc c
prcvi:icnc| remecy ci Lc. Fi|e c cc:e fcr excmp|e |ike :cy, reccvery cf
pc::e::icn. ScmeLccy i: cccupying ycur Lcncnc p|cnIcIicn. Ycu cre
|ec:ing iI Ic :cmeLccy. He i: ncI cnymcre pcying renIc|: Ic ycu fcr :c
mcny mcnIh:. Sc Ihere i: Lrecch cf ccnIrccI c|reccy. Ycu ccnI hcve
cIher mecn: cf |ive|ihccc. Ncg :c|ig |cng kc :c i|cng inccme, renIc|:. Sc
ycu gc Ic ccurI ncw Leccu:e ycu cemcncec fcr Ihe cccupcnI Ic
vcccIe LuI he refu:ec. Sc whcI i: ycur remecy Gc Ic CcurI, fi|e cn
ccIicn fcr reccvery cf pc::e::icn cr evicIicn cf un|cwfu| ceIciner. Ncw in
Ihe mecn Iime ycu hcve ncIhing. IhcI i: ycur cn|y :curce. WhcI wcu|c
ycu cc Ycu ccnvince Ihe CcurI IhcI in Ihe mecn Iime ycu wcu|c Le
given pc::e::icn whi|e Ihe cc:e i: Leing hecrc cr Iriec. Ycu mcy hcve c
cefen:e Ic Icke Ihi:. Ycu wcu|c :cy IhcI nc ycu hcve cn uIcng Ic me
kcIc mcn nc gipcck up cng cIcng uIcng IhcI he wc:nI cL|e Ic pcy Ic
ycur renIc|: Leccu:e ycu hcve very Lig ceLI cL|igcIicn Ic pcy IhcI i: c
mcIIer Ic Le cecicec Ly Ihe CcurI cnc IhcI wcu|c gc Ihrcugh c
prcIrccIec |iIigcIicn prcce:: IhcI wcu|c Icke yecr:. ln Ihe mecn Iime ycu
wcu|c c:k fcr c prcvi:icnc| remecy. Ihe ccurI wcu|c cecice prcvi:icnc||y.
Ckcy, l Ihink ycu hcve c righI. Ihe CcurI wcu|c i::ue cn injuncIicn. Ckcy,
:ige. ikcw nc mcg cpercIe :c :cgingcn. Ihe cIher pcrIy ccnncI cppec|
IhcI Leccu:e iI i: ncI c ceci:icn in Ihe cc:e iI:e|f IhcI i: mere|y c
prcvi:icnc| remecy. WhcI wcu|c he cc He wcu|c Lring Ihe mcIIer cn
CerIicrcri. Ic c higher CcurI. Ihe Lc:i: Grcve cLu:e cf ci:creIicn. lf
ycure c pcrIy c:king fcr injuncIicn ycu mu:I Le cL|e Ic :hcw Ic Ihe CcurI
IhcI ycu hcve c righI IhcI Ihere i: vic|cIicn cf :uch righI cnc :uch righI
mu:I Le cL:ervec whi|e Ihe cc:e i: pencing cIherwi:e ycu wi|| :uffer grcve
inju:Iice cr irrepcrcL|e injury :c much :c IhcI if Ihe ccurI wcu|c wciI cfIer
Ihe cc:e i: fini:hec wc|c nc. wc|c nc juc kc. pcIcy nc kc. Sc IhcI i: ncI
Ihe ceci:icn in Ihe cc:e. Ihe CcurI hc: Ic weighI Ihing:. Frcne Ic cLu:e ni
:iyc ci Lc. KiIc nimc. Fcrehc mcnc kcu righI. Ihe CcurI wcu|c
cecice. Ihot |s why the bos|s to quest|on the gront o| o temporory
restro|n|ng order or on |njunct|on |s grove obuse o| d|scret|on. WhcI i:
IhcI Such ccpricicu: cnc whim:icc| exerci:e cf jucgmenI c: iI i:
euivc|enI Ic |cck cf juri:cicIicn. Cue:Iicn. /ng CcurI Lc cun |cng :iycy
juri:cicIicn Ic ru|e cn c prcvi:icnc| remecy Ye:, IhcI i: prcvicec Ly Ihe
Fu|e: cf CcurI. Sc Ihe CcurI whi|e c cc:e i: pencing hc: juri:cicIicn Ic
cecice cn c prcvi:icnc| remecy IhcI Leing :cughI Ly c pcrIy LuI || the
exerc|se o| such o d|scret|on |s such thot |t |s copr|c|ous ond wh|ms|co|
then |t wou|d omount to |ock o| jur|sd|ct|on |s os || he connot dec|de on |t.
Ihe obuse o| d|scret|on must be potent ond gross os to omount to o
dev|ot|on to o pos|t|ve duty or o v|rtuo| re|uso| to per|orm o duty enjo|ned
by |ow. Fcr excmp|e iI i: very c|ecr IhcI Ihere i: ccmp|icnce cf renIc|:
mcnIh|y. lI ju:I :c IhcI Ihe price cf Lcncnc: i: gcing very high :c IhcI Ihe
cwner wcu|c wcnI Ic Icke cver Ihe fcrm :c he fi|e: c cc:e even if Ihere i:
nc Lrecch cf ccnIrccI cnc prcyec fcr c prcvi:icnc| remecy Ic Icke cver
Ihe fcrm. Fure|y ci:creIicncry cn Ihe pcrI cf Ihe jucge. K|crc kccyc : Iv
ngc murcg unfcir gyuc kccyc ni. Fotent ond gross os to omount to o
dev|ot|on to o pos|t|ve duty or v|rtuo| re|uso| to per|orm o duty enjo|ned by
|ow or to oct ot o|| |n contemp|ot|on o| |ow os to the powers exerc|sed |n
orb|trory ond despot|c monner by reoson o| poss|on or host|||ty cr mcyLe
:cme cIher rec:cn: LuI we ccnI neec Ic Ic|k cLcuI IhcI. Ihe pcinI i: ycu
hcve c remecy. IhcI i: grcve cLu:e cf ci:creIicn.


l: iI c|:c pc::iL|e Ic Ihe Supreme CcurI |cck inIc ncI Ihe wi:ccm rcIher
recc Ihe cc:e cf DAVID v. MACAFAGAL-AkkOYO, iI i: ncI wheIher cr ncI
Ihe Fre:icenI: ceci:icn i: ccrrecI ccccrcing Ic Ihe CcurI. Ihe CcurI Iriec
Ic |cck inIc Ihe vc|iciIy cf Ihe i::ucnce cf Frcc|cmcIicn Nc. 1070 Ic
ceIermine if Ihe Fre:icenI ccIec cr cic ncI ccI crLiIrcry. Wc: Ihere rec||y
c Lc:i: Ic her Ic i::ue ncI Ihe jucgmenI wheIher cr ncI Ic i::ue Ihe
prcc|cmcIicn perc ncc Lc :iyc Lc:ehcn cr cic :he ju:I wcke up cne
mcrning cnc :cic ch gu:Ic nckc mcg i::ue ug kwcn Leccu:e if IhcI i: Ihe
cc:e Ihen IhcI i: grcve cLu:e cf ci:creIicn. Ihe CcurI :cic Icmc mcn.
:yempre cc|i rc mcn gincLuhcI ni|c. :inc:cLi :c inIe||igence repcrI mcc ni
mcc ni mcc nc e :c inyc fee|ing nyc |cng mcn nc wc|c. 8uI whcI i:
impcrIcnI here i: IhcI Ihe CcurI hc: Ihe pcwer Ic |cck inIc Ihe mcIIer. Hc:
jucicic| pcwer. So the bos|s o| grove obuse o| d|scret|on, the Court con
check the octs o| Congress ond o| the Fres|dent but |t must do so w|th
grove hes|tot|on.Ccrefu| :iyc. Ih|s pr|nc|p|e grove obuse o| d|scret|on must
y|e|d to seporot|on o| powers or to the doctr|ne o| po||t|co| quest|ons.

8AYAN v. EXECbIIVE SECkEIAkY, Ihe rcIificcIicn cf Ercp cf Ihe Vi:iIing
Fcrce: /greemenI. Ihe ccurI exerci:ec iI: juri:cicIicn c|:c cn Ihi: cnc iI
|cckec inIc wheIher cr ncI Ercp prcper|y exerci:ec ci:creIicn cn Ihe
mcIIer. WhcI lm pcinIing cuI i: IhcI ccurI hc: Ihe pcwer Ic |cck inIc even
:eeming|y pc|iIicc| ue:Iicn: Ly virIue cf Ihe expcncec jucicic| pcwer
uncer :ecIicn 1.


Sect|on 2. Ihe Ccngre:: :hc|| hcve Ihe pcwer Ic cefine, pre:criLe, cnc
cppcrIicn Ihe juri:cicIicn cf Ihe vcricu: ccurI: LuI mcy ncI ceprive Ihe
Supreme CcurI cf iI: juri:cicIicn cver cc:e: enumercIec in SecIicn 5
Nc |cw :hc|| Le pc::ec recrgcnizing Ihe Jucicicry when iI uncermine: Ihe
:ecuriIy cf Ienure cf iI: MemLer:.

Juri:cicIicn i: cefinec Ly |cw. 8cIc: FcmLcn:c 8i|cng 14, generc||y, i: Ihe
|cw IhcI cppcrIicn: juri:cicIicn: cmcng Ihe cifferenI |eve|: cf CcurI:.
Juri:cicIicn i: Ihe pcwer cf c ccurI Ic enIerIcin c cc:e cr Ic hecr c
ccnIrcver:y. Uncer Ihe Fu|e: cf CcurI, :cy fcr excmp|e ycure fi|ing cn
evicIicn cc:e, fcrciL|y enIry cf |cnc cr un|cwfu| ceIciner. Hupc: nc renIc.
Wc|c ng renIc cycw muhcwc fcrciL|y enIry Ly :cme :cheme: kc|iI kc|iI
:u|cc :c imcng yuIc ci|i muhcwc, i:kwcIer:. WiIhin cne yecr frcm Ihe Iime
iI hcppenec, ycn cng Iechnicc|iIie:, Ihe |cw :cy: juri:cicIicn i: wiIhin Ihe
Municipc| Iric| CcurI. ln Ihe ciIie:, ycu hcve Municipc| Iric| CcurI {MIC).
Ihere i: hiercrchy cf ccurI: ycu hcve Fegicnc| Iric| CcurI, CcurI cf
/ppec|: cnc Supreme CcurI. Di|i nc Ic mcg|iLcg |iLcg :c uLcn nch. LeI:
Ic|k mcre cLcuI Municipc| Iric| CcurI. Hcw cLcuI criminc| cc:e: fcr
excmp|e iI i: Ccngre:: IhcI wcu|c ceIermine iI. Ccn Ihe Ccngre:: chcnge
iI Ye:, lI ccn. Fcr excmp|e jur|sd|ct|on |or cr|m|no| coses |or peno|t|es thot
ore yeors be|ow then jur|sd|ct|on |s w|th the Mun|c|po| Ir|o| Court. Above
yeors you hove to |||e |t be|ore the keg|ono| Ir|o| Court. Ihere i: :uch
:en:e c: exc|u:ive juri:cicIicn |ike :cy fcr excmp|e fcrciL|y enIry. Exc|u:ive.
Ihere cre c|:c cc:e: were juri:cicIicn i: :hcrec Ly cIher ccurI:. Fwece kc
muccIc :c Supreme CcurI cire:Ic. Fwece kc mucgi :c Fegicnc| Iric|
CcurI cr CcurI cf /ppec|e. Ihere cre cc:e: |ike IhcI. WhcI lm pcinIing cI
i: whc ceIermine: IhcI lI i: Ccngre::. Jur|sd|ct|on |s con|erred by |ow.
Congress sho|| hove the power to de||ne, prescr|be, ond opport|on
jur|sd|ct|on o| the vor|ous courts. Sc, whcI cre Ihe pcwer: cf Ccngre:: cver
Ihe jucicic| :y:Iem Io creote new courts. l:c |ng cng kcni|cng Fegicnc|
Iric| CcurI cckc kccyc nc prcLin:yc cnc Ihere hc: Ic Le c |cw crecIing c
new ccurI in Ccmpc:Ie||c Vc||ey prcvince cIherwi:e Ihe Supreme CcurI
ccnncI cc cnyIhing cLcuI iI. 3 Ihcu:cnc pencing cc:e:, 1 :c|c cn|y :ing|e
:c|c CcurI fcr Ihe enIire prcvince cnc iI i: prccIicc||y Ihe cenIer cf gc|c
mining incu:Iry in Ihe Fhi|ippine: cnc c|:c Lcncnc. /gcin Ihere i: 1
Fegicnc| Iric| CcurI. Gc ccwn Ic Icgum Ihere cre 4 Fegicnc| Iric| CcurI. 4
i: mcre fcr c :mc|| ciIy. Icgum i: pcrI cf chcrIerec ciIy cf Dcvcc ce| NcrIe
cnc c|:c FcncLc hc: 2 Fegicnc| Iric| CcurI cnc in Dcvcc ycu hcve
c|reccy :c LuI Ihen Congress hos to poss o |ow to creote odd|t|ono| courts
ond o|so to opport|on jur|sd|ct|on to vor|ous Court. 8cIc: FcmLcn:c 8i|cng
22. Where cc ycu fi|e Ihe cc:e fcr vic|cIicn cf FD 22 lI i: wiIhin Ihe
Municipc| Iric| CcurI. WhcI if cne ccy Ihe CcurI wcu|c :cy ch Lc|hin ncIc
ni :iyc :c Fegicnc| Iric| CcurI. Ccn Ihe Supreme CcurI |ike :cy i::ue cn
ccmini:IrcIive circu|cr :cying IhcI juri:cicIicn cf FD 22 :hc|| Le wiIh Ihe
Fegicnc| Iric| CcurI. Ihe cn:wer i: Nc. bnder Const|tut|on, |t |s Congress
thot hos the power to de||ne the opport|onment o| jur|sd|ct|on. So the
creot|on o| Courts ond opport|onment o| jur|sd|ct|on omong vor|ous Courts
ore powers octuo||y not o| the Jud|c|o| Deportment rother |t |s w|th the
Leg|s|ot|ve Deportment. Ihere i: c |imiIcIicn Ihcugh here cnc IhcI i:
juri:cicIicn cver cc:e: enumercIec in :ecIicn 5 cf /rIic|e 8 ccnncI Le
Icken cwcy frcm Ihe Supreme CcurI IhcI i: c |imiI cf pcwer cf Ccngre:: Ic
cppcrIicn juri:cicIicn. Another power o| Congress |s to creote jud|c|o||y
demondob|e r|ght. Cf ccur:e, c: l hcve :cic, your r|ght comes |rom the
|ow thot |s possed by the Congress so |n other words |t |s octuo||y |n os |or
os our jud|c|o| system |s concerned, |t |s Congress thot creotes jud|c|o||y
demondob|e r|ghts. Such pcwer: c: l hcve :cic Ihere i: c|:c :uch |imiIcIicn
uncer :eccnc pcrcgrcph cf :ecIicn 2 Congress moy not use the power to
obo||sh Courts os o subst|tute |or remov|ng unwonted judges. Mcy
Ccngre:: cLc|i:h CcurI: Ye:, iI ccn. 8uI such o power connot be use os o
meons to underm|ne the secur|ty o| tenure o| just|ces. lf ycure reccing
ycur cc:e: ycu mighI hcve enccunIerec |eI: :cy Ihe ccurI cf fir:I
in:Icnce. Wc|c nc ngc kcrcn. Lchi nc puc cng pcngc|cn. lI i: Ly |cw

Ihere: c very gccc crIic|e |c:I week in Ihe Mcni|c Iime: wriIIen Ly /IIy.
Du|cy which ccu|c Le re|evcnI Ic cur ci:cu::icn IcnighI cn Fi:cc|
SecIicn 3 /rIic|e Vlll: Fe:pecI cf Ihe SC: Fi:cc| /uIcncmy
Sect|on 3. Ihe Jud|c|ory sho|| enjoy ||sco| outonomy. Appropr|ot|ons |or the
Jud|c|ory moy not be reduced by the |eg|s|oture be|ow the omount
oppropr|oted |or the prev|ous yeor ond, o|ter opprovo|, sho|| be
outomot|co||y ond regu|or|y re|eosed.
F|sco| Autonomy
- freeccm frcm cuI:ice ccnIrc| fincncic||y :pecking
- incepencence cnc f|exiLi|iIy in re|cIicn Ic :ec 3 cf Ihe jucicicry Ic
c||cccIe cnc uIi|ize iI: cpprcpricIec func: wiIh Ihe wi:ccm cnc ci:pcIch
IhcI iI neec: cr IhcI iI: neec: reuire
-ci|i :iyc LucI2xcn :c iycng LucgeI
-ccnI Le ccnfu:ec wiIh Ihe cppr ccI. /|| Ihe re: cf fi:cc| yecr :hcu|c Le
inc|ucec in Ihe gen cpp ccI fcr iI Ic Le vc|ic in c: fcr c: Ihe re|ec:e cf
func: cre ccncernec.
When :hcu|c iI Le re|ec:ec
Ihe jucicicry cnc :c wiIh Ihe cIher Ccn:IiIuIicn ccmmi::icn: prcvicec
e|:ewhere in Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn :uch c: Ihe CC/, CSC, CCMELEC cnc Ihe
CM8UDSM/N enjcy fi:cc| cuIcncmy.
When Ihe LucgeI: cpprcvec Ihen Ihe re|ec:e cf func: :hcu|c Le
CSC v. D8M
C|c::ificcIicn cf Ihe:e func: in re|cIicn Ic cIher cgencie: cf Ihe
Ihey cre :epcrcIe|y c|c::ifiec Ly ncIure. CC/, CSC, eIc. IHEY MUSI
Ly Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn cuIcncmcu: even frcm Ihe 3 Lrcnche: cf Ihe gcvI.
CC/ ci|i ni xc uncer :c exec cr :c |eg cr :c jucicicry.
Mcney i: c very effecIive Icc| Ic pre::ure :cmeLccy. FighI IhcI: why
ncI ju:I in Ierm: cf mcney LuI c|:c cIher inf|uence: even pc|iIicc|.
ln Ihi: cc:e, Ihe LucgeI c||cccIec fcr Ihe ccmmi::icn wc: :uppc:ec Ic Le
285M LuI cn|y 27M wc: re|ec:ec Leccu:e Ihere wc: c LucgeIcry :hcrI
fc||. Ku|cng cng func:.
Ihe ccurI :cic ycu ccnncI cc IhcI. NcIe IhcI D8M i: uncer Ihe execuIive
Ncw if ycu wcu|c ncI re|ec:e Ihe func: cpprcpricIec fcr Ihe ccmmi::icn,
iI i: c vic|cIicn cf Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn. /nc Ihe ccurI :cic IhcI Ihe:e cgencie:
|ike Ihe CSC cnc Ihc:e which enjcy fi:cc| cuIcncmy cre c|c::ifiec c: :uch
cifferenI |i:Iing frcm cIher cgencie:. Ihey mu:I enjcy incepencence.
l wi|| give ycu c ccpy cf Ihi: crIic|e puL|i:hec |c:I week Iue:ccy in Ihe
Mcni|c Iime:. F|ip Sice.
Ihere i: c LucgeI cmcunIing Ic 1.258 in Ihe jucicicry which i:
cpprcpricIec fcr pc:iIicn: fcr jucge: ncIicnwice, nch /nc Ihe:e pc:iIicn:
unIi| ncw cre unfi||ec. V/C/NI pc:iIicn:. 8uI Ihere i: cn cpprcvec LucgeI
fcr IhcI. Ncw Ihe jucicicry uncer FlSC/L /UICNCMY :hcu|c Le free Ic
cecice c: Ic hcw :hcu|c iI Le u:ec Leccu:e Ihi: i: ccn:icerec c: :cving:
c|reccy. Un:penI LucgeI inIencec fcr c pcrIicu|cr purpc:e. Ihi: i:
impcuncec Ly Ihe execuIive cepcrImenI in whcI ycu cc|| Ihe
impcirec Ihe pcwer cf Ihe Chief Ju:Iice Ic cugmenI cIher iIem: in Ihe
jucicicry: cpprcpricIicn ccnIrcry Ic Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn prcvi:icn cn fi:cc|
cuIcncmy. Ihi: wcu|c c|:c re:u|I Ic in effecI recucing Ihe LucgeI cf Ihe
jucicicry. /nc IhcI i: ncI c||cwec. Ihe LucgeI fcr Ihe jucicicry Le|cw Ihe
cmcunI cpprcpricIec fcr Ihe previcu: yecr.
Ihe cIher cc:e i: c 200 cc:e.
Fi:cc| /uIcncmy c|:c reccgnize: Ihe pcwer cnc cuIhcriIy Ic |evy, cc||ecI
cnc c::e: fee:. lf ycure fi|ing c cc:e ycu wi|| Le pcying fee: cnc fcr Ihe
fi|ing cf Ihe cc:e:. Frcm Iime Ic Iime Ihe SC wi|| i::ue circu|cr: ccju:Iing Ihe
fee:. Dce: iI neec Ihe cpprcvc| cf Ihe exec cr Ihe D8M NC. /: |cng c:
Ihe cirecIive cf Ihe SC i: wiIhin iI: pcwer:. Ihere cre |imiI: Ic iI. Ihe SC i:
free Ic fix Ihe:e fee:.
lnc|uce pcwer Ic fix Ihe rcIe cf ccmpen:cIicn cf iI: emp|cyee:. IhcI: why
in Ihi: cIher cc:e c::ignec Ic ycu, Ihe SC crecIec cn cffice fcr Ihe Fhi|
Ju:Iice /::ccicIicn {FHlLJ/) cnc c|:c prcvicec fcr Ihe :c|cry grcce. lI :hc||
Le 25 fcr Ihe chief cnc 23 fcr Ihe cne whc i: |cwer in rcnk. Upcn review cf
D8M Ihey |cwerec iI Ic :c|cry grcce 24. /nc 22. Exerci:ing iI: pcwer Ic
review Ihe p|cnIi||c. Ihe ccurI :cic Ihe pcwer Ic review Ihe p|cnIi||c. Ihe
ccurI :cic Ihe pcwer Ic review Ihe p|cnIi||c cce: ncI mecn IhcI Ihe D8M
hc: Ihe pcwer Ic rec|c::ify. Cn|y Ihe jucicicry ccn ccwngrcce. Ihe cuIhc

Sect|on 4. [1} Ihe Supreme Court sho|| be composed o| o Ch|e| Just|ce
ond |ourteen Assoc|ote Just|ces. It moy s|t en bonc or |n |ts d|scret|on, |n
d|v|s|on o| three, ||ve, or seven Members. Any voconcy sho|| be ||||ed
w|th|n n|nety doys |rom the occurrence thereo|.
En Lcnc- cn Lcnc" cr cn Lcnc"
Ihe ccmpc:iIicn ccnncI Le chcngec Ly |egi:|cIure. Ihe numLer IhcI i:. 15
cne chief ju:Iice cnc 14 c::ccicIe ju:Iice:. 8eccu:e IhcI i: c ccn:IiIuIicnc|
prcvi:icn. /: Ic when :hcu|c Ihe ccurI :iI en Lcnc cr c: c civi:icn, iI i: up
Ic Ihe ccurI Ic cc :c. Circu|cr 2-8 ycu hcve Ic geI c ccpy cf Ihi:.
Hcw mcny civi:icn: cre Ihere in Ihe SC

Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn :cy: IhcI iI M/Y :iI en Lcnc CF in iI: ci:creIicn in civi:icn:
cf 3 5 cr 7. Sc Ihe pre:enI. /re Ihere civi:icn: ncw Hcw mcny civi:icn: /I
pre:enI Ihe ccurI hc: 3 civi:icn: cf 5 memLer: ecch. IhcI i: ccccrcing Ic
circu|cr 2-8.
Sc Ihere cre 3 civi:icn: in Ihe SC ccmpc:ec cf 5 ju:Iice: ecch civi:icn. Ycu
mu:I kncw Ihi: Leccu:e ycu hcve Ic re|cIe Ihi: Ic Ihe reuiremenI cn Ihe
ceci:icn: cf Ihe civi:icn. IhcI if Ihe ccurI i: :iIIing in c civi:icn, Ihere hc: Ic
Le cI|ec:I 3. lf Ihe SC cecice: Ic hcve 5 civi:icn cf 3 memLer:, Ihen every
ceci:icn mu:I Le uncnimcu:.
Sc currenI|y Ihere i: c SC ccmpc:ec cf 15, 1 Chief ju:Iice 14 c::ccicIe
ju:Iice:, 3 civi:icn:, 5 memLer: per civi:icn.
lI ccn c|:c :iI EN 8/NC which mecn: in Ihe Lench {French) cnc iI :ignifie:
c ceci:icn Ly Ihe fu|| ccurI.
When ycu :cy en Lcnc, /LL JUSIlCES mu:I pcrIicipcIe. Ycur ccIh Icking in
Ihe fuIure i: ccIuc||y c hecring cf Ihe ccurI en Lcnc. Sc IhcI wcu|c Le
ycur fir:I c::uming ycu hcve ncI wiIne::ec yeI c hecring cf Ihe SC. Ihen
c|| Ihe 15 ju:Iice: cre Ihere. /nc ycu wi|| Le Icking ycur ccIh Lefcre Ihe SC
hecring en Lcnc.
IhcI i: why ycu wcu|c ncI hcve c prcL|em if ycur ccIh Icking i: ce|cyec.

Any voconcy sho|| be ||||ed w|th|n n|nety doys |rom the occurrence
thereo|. Sc in cc:e cf vcccncy in Ihe SC, Ihe :cme hc: Ic Le fi||ec wiIhin
0 ccy: c: c ccn:IiIuIicnc| reuiremenI. Ncminee: wi|| Le :uLmiIIec Ly
Ihe J8C cnc Ihe pre:icenI wi|| chcc:e frcm Ihe |i:I :uLmiIIec. Fecc De
Cc:t|c |c| tne vcccncy |||||ng p|cce::.

Ncw, Ihere: c prcL|em in re|cIicn Ic Ihe prcvi:icn: cn Ihe execuIive
cepcrImenI Leccu:e Ihe Fre:icenI i: prchiLiIec Ly Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn Ic
mcke cppcinImenI: 0 ccy: Lefcre e|ecIicn upIc Ihe enc cf hi: Ierm,
which ccu|c Le mcre Ihcn 0 ccy:, c: whcI l hcve ci:cu::ec. Dce: Ihe
prchiLiIicn inc|uce Ihe cppcinImenI: in Ihe SC Ihe cn:wer i: NC. IhcI i:
cne cf Ihe i::ue: in De Cc:Irc. ln fccI, Ihe ccurI even ru|ec IhcI fci|ure cf
Ihe Fre:icenI Ic mcke cn cppcinImenI wcu|c Le c c|ecr ci:cLecience cf
Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn. l: Ihere c rec| cc:e cf ccnIrcver:y here We wi|| ci:cu::
cLcuI IhcI in jucicic| review. Ckcy. Sc Icke ncIe cf Sec 4, fir:I pcrcgrcph.

Ncw, |eI: gc Ic En 8onc coses. Icke ncIe very c|c:e|y cf Ihi: prcvi:icn
uncer Sec. 4 Ic prevenI ccnfu:icn when we ci:cu:: Sec. 5 {jucicic|
review). When we :cy IhcI c cc:e i: Ic Le hecrc en Lcnc, iI mecn: IhcI
Ihe enIire memLer:hip cf Ihe SC wi|| hecr Ihe cc:e.
Quest|on #1: ls fhe courf s|ff|ng en bonc more powerfu| fhon fhof s|ff|ng |n
o d|v|s|on?Ihere cre cc:e: which cre hecrc Ly Ihe ccurI en Lcnc LuI ncI
c|| cc:e:. 8uI iI cce:nI mecn IhcI c cc:e cecicec Ly c civi:icn i: ncI c
ceci:icn Ly Ihe SC iI:e|f. Ihere: cn|y cne SC. Ihe ceci:icn cf c civi:icn i: c
ceci:icn cf Ihe Supreme CcurI iI:e|f cnc i: ncI cppec|cL|e Lefcre Ihe
CcurI en Lcnc. Ihere mcy Le in:Icnce: nc pwece, LuI ncI c|| cc:e:.

Fer Curicm" - if ycu wi|| Le ci:Lcrrec cecicec Ly Ihe CcurI en 8cnc, iI i:
per curicm Leccu:e Ihe pcnenIe cce:nI wcnI Ic Le icenIifiec. -y tne
ccu|t |t:e|| - :ecreI kung kin:c ncg:u|cI. Sc when ycu wriIe c |cve |eIIer,
ycu wriIe Ihere per curicm" pcrc ci kc mci|hcn.. hehe J

lf ycu fi|e c cc:e Lefcre Ihe SC, Ihey wi|| ceIermine if :uch :hc|| Le
cecicec en Lcnc cr in c civi:icn. lf in c civi:icn, iI wi|| Le rcff|ec. Ju:I |ike
when ycu fi|e Lefcre Ihe FIC. Ycu fi|e Lefcre Ihe c|erk cf ccurI cnc iI wi||
Le rcff|ec LeIween Ihe cifferenI Lrcnche: cf Ihe ccurI. Ihe :cme i: Irue
wiIh Ihe SC, iI wi|| Le rcff|ec c: Ic which civi:icn wcu|c hecr Ihe cc:e.

SecIicn 4. {2) prcvice: fcr Ihc:e cc:e: which :hc|| Le hecrc Ly Ihe ccurI
en Lcnc.

cte: Ihe cLcve cc:e: :hc|| Le cecicec wiIh Ihe ccncurrence cf c
mcjcriIy cf Ihe MemLer: whc ccIuc||y Icck pcrI in Ihe ce|iLercIicn: cn Ihe
i::ue: cnc vcIec Iherecn.
Coses heord by o d|v|s|on when fhe requ|red mojor|fy |n fhe d|v|s|on |s
nof obfo|ned. WhcI i: Ihe reuirec mcjcriIy in c civi:icn Ihi: i: cn crcincry
cc:e, fcr excmp|e, cn cppec|ec cc:e hecrc Ly Ihe civi:icn: ncI c cc:e
invc|ving c ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy cf c IrecIy, |cw, cr pre:icenIic| cecree, eIc.
Ihi: i: when Ihe mcjcriIy vcIe cf Ihe civi:icn i: ncI recchec.

lIem Nc. 3: Cc:e: cr mcIIer: hecrc Ly c civi:icn :hc|| Le cecicec cr
re:c|vec Ly c mcjcriIy cf memLer: whc ccIuc||y Icck pcrI in Ihe
ce|iLercIicn cf c cc:e cnc vcIec Iherecn. /nc, very impcrIcnI - in nc
cc:e, wiIhcuI Ihe ccncurrence cf cI |ec:I Ihree cf :uch memLer:.

Sc in c civi:icn cf 5 ju:Iice:, when cne cL:Icinec frcm vcIing {ex. when
Ihe Ju:Iice i: cLrccc, cr when Ihe |cIIer hc: c re|cIicn wiIh Ihe ccun:e| cr
wiIh cne cf Ihe pcrIie: in Ihe cc:e) cnc cn|y 4 pcrIicipcIec, Ihe
Ccn:IiIuIicn reuire: c vcIe cf cI |ec:I Ihree. lf Ihere: c Iie, Ihe cc:e i:
referrec Ic Ihe CcurI en Lcnc. /n inIere:Iing cc:e in re|cIicn Ic IhcI i: Ihe
cc:e cf FcrIich v. Ccrcnc. Ihe 2nc civi:icn cf Ihe ccurI re:c|vec Ihe cc:e
cgcin:I Ihe re:pcncenI. {Fec|t.. nc-ccy |ecc tne cc:e J)

Lcck fcr Ihe i::ue cf Ihi: cc:e. Ihere wc: c mcIicn fcr reccn:icercIicn,
Ihere wc: c Iie wiIh c vcIe cf 2-2. /ncIher mcIicn wc: fi|ec. Fecc Ihe
cc:e in re|cIicn Ic Lecgue cf CiIie:. Fecc Sec. 4, pcr. 2. Ihe:e cre
ccmp|iccIec princip|e:. FE/D IHE C/SESl

Const| 10 3
8y Mcc-mcc Sin:cnc in 1 SF C/SE DlGESI FCCL EciI Dcc De|eIe
Were :Ii|| in SecIicn 4 cf /rIic|e 8, we wi|| ccnIinue wiIh Ihe :eccnc cnc
Ihirc pcrcgrcph:.
{2) /|| cc:e: invc|ving Ihe ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy cf c IrecIy, inIerncIicnc| cr
execuIive cgreemenI, which :hc|| Le hecrc Ly Ihe Supreme CcurI en
Lcnc, cnc c|| cIher reuirec Ic Le hecrc en Lcnc, cnc c|| cIher cc:e:
which uncer Ihe Fu|e: cf CcurI cre reuirec Ic Le hecrc en Lcnc,
inc|ucing Ihc:e invc|ving Ihe ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy, cpp|iccIicn, cr cpercIicn cf
pre:icenIic| cecree:, prcc|cmcIicn:, crcer:, in:IrucIicn:, crcincnce:, cnc
cIher regu|cIicn:, :hc|| Le cecicec wiIh Ihe ccncurrence cf c mcjcriIy cf
Ihe MemLer: whc ccIuc||y Icck pcrI in Ihe ce|iLercIicn: cn Ihe i::ue: in
Ihe cc:e cnc vcIec Iherecn.

SecIicn 4, 2nc pcrcgrcph prcvice: fcr Ihe cc:e: which :hc|| Le hecrc Ly
Ihe Supreme CcurI en Lcnc. Ncw whcI i: Ihe vcIe reuirec prcvicec in
Ihi: pcrcgrcph - cecicec wiIh Ihe ccncurrence cf c mcjcriIy cf Ihe
MemLer: whc ccIuc||y Icck pcrI in Ihe ce|iLercIicn: cn Ihe i::ue: in Ihe
cc:e cnc vcIec Iherecn.

Ihe cIher cc:e: which :hc|| Le hecrc en Lcnc cre prcvicec fcr in Ihe Ihirc

{3) Cc:e: cr mcIIer: hecrc Ly c civi:icn :hc|| Le cecicec cr re:c|vec wiIh
Ihe ccncurrence cf c mcjcriIy cf Ihe MemLer: whc ccIuc||y Icck pcrI in
Ihe ce|iLercIicn: cn Ihe i::ue: in Ihe cc:e cnc vcIec Iherecn, cnc in nc
cc:e, wiIhcuI Ihe ccncurrence cf cI |ec:I Ihree cf :uch MemLer:. When
Ihe reuirec numLer i: ncI cLIcinec, Ihe cc:e :hc|| Le cecicec en Lcnc:
Frcvicec, IhcI nc cccIrine cr princip|e cf |cw |cic ccwn Ly Ihe ccurI in c
ceci:icn rencerec en Lcnc cr in civi:icn mcy Le mccifiec cr rever:ec
excepI Ly Ihe ccurI :iIIing en Lcnc.

McjcriIy - IhcI i: Ihe vcIe reuirec if iI i: hecrc Ly c civi:icn in Ihe Ihirc
pcrcgrcph. 8uI if Ihe reuirec mcjcriIy in Ihe civi:icn i: ncI cLIcinec,
Leccu:e Ihe reuirec numLer in Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn uncer Ihe 3rc pcrcgrcph
i: IhcI Ihc:e whc ccIuc||y Icck pcrI in Ihe ce|iLercIicn:, cI |ec:I Ihree cf
:uch memLer: cf Ihe civi:icn. Sc if nc mcjcriIy i: crrivec cI Ly c mcjcriIy
ceci:icn, whcI wi|| hcppen Ihe cc:e hecrc Ly Ihe civi:icn :hc|| Le hecrc
Ly Ihe ccurI en Lcnc if Ihe civi:icn wc:nI cL|e Ic meeI Ihe reuirec

/ncIher cne in Ihe Ihirc pcrcgrcph - cccIrine cf princip|e cf |cw |cic
ccwn Ly Ihe ccurI. Icke ncIe here Ihe ceci:icn mcy Le c ceci:icn IhcI i:
ccne en Lcnc cr Ly civi:icn. Ihe ceci:icn cf Ihe ccurI, |cic ccwn Ihe
cccIrine cf princip|e cf |cw which i: |cIer mccifiec cr rever:ec, ccn cn|y
Le ccne Ly Ihe ccurI :iIIing en Lcnc.

Ncw c|| cIher cc:e: IhcI Ihe ccurI :hc|| hecr en Lcnc ceemec impcrIcnI
Ic meriI iI: cIIenIicn. Circu|cr 2-8 in 13. Sc Ihc:e cre Ihe cc:e: which
mu:I Le hecrc en Lcnc.
Gcing ncw Ic Ihe :eccnc pcrcgrcph, iI reuire: IhcI mcjcriIy cf Ihc:e
whc Icck pcrI in Ihe ce|iLercIicn. Sc if Ihe memLer:hip cf Ihe Supreme
CcurI - fifIeen ju:Iice:, righI Ic hcve c ucrum, cI |ec:I Ihere hc: Ic Le
eighI. McjcriIy, fcr excmp|e, fcr c cc:e hecrc en Lcnc, wi|| Le cI |ec:I
five. Fcr c civi:icn, Ihe ccn:IiIuIicn i: c|ecr cn IhcI mcIIer - cI |ec:I Ihree.
NcIe, we hcve Ihree civi:icn: ncw ccmpc:ec cf five ju:Iice: per civi:icn.
Why i: Ihi: prcvicec, IhcI Ihi:.. Fecc|| cur ci:cu::icn |c:I Iime. Ihe Supreme
CcurI - Ihere: cn|y cne Supreme CcurI. lI mcy :iI en Lcnc cr Ly civi:icn.
Ihe ccn:IiIuIicn prcvice: fcr cc:e: which :hc|| Le hecrc en Lcnc. Fcr Ihe
rec:cn IhcI, Ihe ccurI en Lcnc i: ncI cn cppe||cIe ccurI fcr Ihc:e cc:e:
which were hecrc in c civi:icn. Generc||y, cc:e: wi|| Le hecrc Ly Ihe
Supreme CcurI Ly civi:icn, excepI fcr Ihc:e which we hcve enumercIec.

Ncw ycu mu:I Le cL|e Ic ccnnecI Ihi: wiIh Ihe pcwer cf jucicic| review.
Fcr excmp|e, in c cerIcin cc:e, Ihe ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy cf c |cw i: reuirec
uncer Ihe ccn:IiIuIicn Ic Le hecrc en Lcnc, cce: iI mecn IhcI iI i: cn|y
Ihe Supreme CcurI whc wi|| cecice cn Ihe mcIIer cr i::ue cn Ihe
ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy cf c |cw Dce: Ihi: mecn IhcI Ihe CcurI cf /ppec|: cnc
Ihe Fegicnc| Iric| CcurI, Ihe |cwer ccurI: fcr IhcI mcIIer, ccnncI ccI cn
Ihe ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy cf c |cw Ihe cn:wer i: nc. Ihi: i: c prcvi:icn cn
jucicic| review. Ihe Supreme CcurI hc: Ihe pcwer Ic review, revi:e,
rever:e, mccify cr cffirm, cn cppec| cr cerIicrcri, c: Ihe Fu|e: cf CcurI mcy
prcvice, finc| jucgmenI: cnc crcer: cf Ihe |cwer ccurI: in c|| cc:e:
invc|ving Ihe ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy cr vc|iciIy cf c |cw. ln cIher wcrc:, in c: fcr
c: Ihe ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy cf |cw: fcr excmp|e, Ihe Supreme CcurI hc:
ccncurrenI juri:cicIicn - :hcre: iI: juri:cicIicn cn IhcI mcIIer wiIh Ihe |cwer
ccurI:. Ihere i: whcI we cc|| hiercrchy cf ccurI: - :c if ycu wcnI Ic
ue:Iicn Ihe ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy cf c |cw {|ccc|), :IcrI wiIh Ihe |cwer ccurI.
Dce: iI hcve juri:cicIicn Ye: iI ccn. Ccn Ihe Supreme CcurI cecice cn
Ihe ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy cf c |ccc| |cw Ye: iI ccn. When iI recche: Ihe
Supreme CcurI, Ihe Supreme CcurI wcu|c Ihen exerci:e iI: pcwer cf
jucicic| review. Kin:c mcg hecr cnc -:hc|| Le hecrc Ly Ihe ccurI en
Lcnc. DcnI Le ccnfu:ec, jucicic| review cnc Ihc:e which :hc|| Le hecrc
en Lcnc.

Sc in FuL|ic CenIer v. E|mc, whcI wc: Ihe i::ue here Ihe ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy
cf Ihe cppcinImenI cf /IIy. E|mc. He: Ihe chcirmcn cf FCGG, cnc cI Ihe
:cme Iime, he wc: cppcinIec Ly Ihe pre:icenI c: chief cf Fre:icenIic|
Legc| Ccunci|{). l: iI c ccn:IiIuIicnc| ue:Iicn cn Ihe vc|iciIy cf Ihe |cw
Nc. Ihe ue:Iicn i: cn Ihe ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy cf Ihe cppcinImenI, cn ccI cf
Ihe pre:icenI. Ihe i::ue cn wheIher cr ncI Ihe cc:e :hcu|c Le hecrc en
Lcnc cr Ly civi:icn, cf ccur:e, iI ccnncI Le hecrc en Lcnc. lI cce: ncI
cec| wiIh Ihe ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy cf c |egi:|cIive ccI.

FcrIich v Ccrcnc - Ihe peIiIicner: in Ihi: cc:e c|reccy wcn, Ihere wc: c
mcIicn fcr reccn:icercIicn here. Ihe vcIe here wc: 5-0 iniIic||y. McIicn fcr
Feccn:icercIicn - Ihe vcIe wc: 2-2. Cue:Iicn ncw - iI :cy: here - Cc:e: cr
mcIIer: hecrc Ly c civi:icn :hc|| Le cecicec cr re:c|vec wiIh Ihe
ccncurrence cf c mcjcriIy cf Ihe MemLer: whc ccIuc||y Icck pcrI in Ihe
ce|iLercIicn: cn Ihe i::ue: in Ihe cc:e cnc vcIec Iherecn, cnc in nc cc:e,
wiIhcuI Ihe ccncurrence cf cI |ec:I Ihree cf :uch MemLer:. When Ihe
reuirec numLer i: ncI cLIcinec, Ihe cc:e :hc|| Le cecicec en Lcnc:
Frcvicec, IhcI nc cccIrine cr princip|e cf |cw |cic ccwn Ly Ihe ccurI in c
ceci:icn rencerec en Lcnc cr in civi:icn mcy Le mccifiec cr rever:ec
excepI Ly Ihe ccurI :iIIing en Lcnc. WhcI i: Leing referrec Ic here l: iI
Ihe ceci:icn in Ihe cc:e cr in Ihe re:c|uIicn in Ihe mcIicn fcr
reccn:icercIicn Ycu mu:I Le cL|e Ic uncer:Icnc Ihi: cc:e fcr ycu Ic Le
cL|e Ic cpprecicIe Ihe cc:e cf Lecgue cf CiIie:. WhcI i: Ihe ceci:icn
here Fecencc :ingu|c :ingu|i:. Fcgkchumcn nimcg Lc:c kung c:c
mcgrefer nc :iyc. / cc:e i: cecicec. / mcIIer i: re:c|vec. Ycu wi|| ci:cu::
cLcuI IhcI in ycur :IcIuIcry ccn:IrucIicn.

Cc:e: cr mcIIer: hecrc Ly c civi:icn :hc|| Le cecicec cr re:c|vec. Lcck cI
Ihe |c:I pcrI, When Ihe reuirec numLer i: ncI cLIcinec, Ihe cc:e :hc|| Le
cecicec en Lcnc. Cc:e |cng. Ihe Supreme CcurI :cic - Ihe rec:cn i:
:imp|e. Ihe cLcve ucIec prcvi:icn perIcin: Ic cc:e: hecrc Ly c civi:icn.
lf Ihere i: c Iie in Ihe vcIing, Ihere i: nc ceci:icn. Upcn c mcIicn fcr
reccn:icercIicn, Ihere i: c mcIIer IhcI i: rci:ec - IhcI hc: Ic Le re:c|vec
Ly Ihe ccurI. WhcI if Ihere i: c Iie in Ihe re:c|uIicn fcr Ihe mcIIer Ihen Ihe
ceci:icn :Icnc:. Ihe vcIe reuirec hc: c|reccy Leen cIIcinec. Kung ci|i
:iyc Iie, Ihen Ihe iniIic| ceci:icn i: rever:ec cr :eI c:ice upcn mcIicn fcr

Fire:Icne v C/ - Ihi: i: c vc:I Ircck cf |cnc - hecIcre:. Ihe ci:IriLuIicn
cf Ihe |cnc wc: ue:Iicnec Ly Ihe FepuL|ic Leccu:e Ihere wc: nc
c|c::ificcIicn cf iI Ic Le ci:pc:cL|e when iI wc: ci:IriLuIec. Ihere wc: c
mcIicn fcr reccn:icercIicn fi|ec here, pencing. NcIe, in Ihe FcrIich cc:e,
cfIer Ihe vcIe cf 2-2, he fi|ec c mcIicn fcr Ihe cc:e Ic Le referrec Ic Ihe
ccurI en Lcnc, cfIer Ihe ceci:icn in Ihe MF. ln Ihe Fire:Icne cc:e, pencing
wiIh Ihe civi:icn. Whi|e Ihi: wc: pencing, Ihere wc: c|:c c pencing mcIicn
fcr Ihe cc:e Ic Le hecrc en Lcnc, c:king Ihe cpinicn cf Ihe ccurI en
Lcnc. /:ice frcm Ihe mcIicn cf Ihe reccn:icercIicn cf Ihe ceci:icn, Ihere
i: c|:c c mcIicn Ic refer Ihe cc:e Ic Ihe ccurI en Lcnc. Fencing mcIicn
c:king Ihe cpinicn cf Ihe ccurI - en ccn:u|Ic. Ihe ccurI :cic we ccnncI
ru|e cn Ihe en ccn:u|Ic, we hcve Ic wciI fcr Ihe mcIicn Ic refer Ihe cc:e
Ic u:. Ihe nexI ccy Ihe ccurI en Lcnc rencerec iI: cpinicn cn Ihe mcIIer.
Ihe ccurI :cic, Ly c vcIe cf -5, we wi|| enIerIcin iI. NcIe IhcI Ihi: i: ncI
cne cf Ihe cc:e: which i: reuirec Ly Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn fcr Ihe ccurI Ic hecr
en Lcnc. 8uI, uncer circu|cr numLer 2-8, c: cmencec, Ihe fc||cwing cre
ccn:icerec en Lcnc cc:e:: c|| cIher cc:e: cf Ihe ccurI en Lcnc Ly c
mcjcriIy cf iI: ccIuc| memLer:hip, IhcI i: cf Ihe ccurI, Ihey ceem cf
:ufficienI impcrIcnce Ic meriI iI: cIIenIicn. Ihe ccurI :cic in Ihi: pcrIicu|cr
cc:e, iI invc|ve: hecIcre: cf pre:umcL|y puL|ic |cnc, we hcve Ic hecr
iI. Ihere wc: cn crgumenI IhcI, nc, Ihi: i: :imi|cr wiIh Ihe FcrIich cc:e",
Ihe ccurI :cic iI i: ncI Ihe :cme. Ihere {FcrIich) Ihere i: c ceci:icn c|reccy
cn Ihe mcIicn fcr reccn:icercIicn, in cIher wcrc: Ihe ceci:icn :Icnc:.
Here, Ihe mcIicn pencing . Ihere i: c|reccy c mcIicn Ic refer Ihe cc:e en
Lcnc. lI wc: ceniec. Ccn Ihe ccurI en Lcnc cirecI|y ccI cn iI Ly virIue cf
circu|cr Ye:. Si|c mi:mc niIuLcg.

ln re|cIicn Ic Lecgue cf CiIie:, whcI i: impcrIcnI here i: Ihe numLer cf
vcIe:. ln Ihe cc:e cf FcrIich, iI :cy: IhcI if Ihe vcIing cn Ihe mcIIer i: c Iie,
Ihen Ihe ceci:icn wcu|c :Icnc. Sc Ihi: :hcu|c Le Ihe prevci|ing ru|e, c|:c
Ic Ihe cc:e cf Lecgue cf CiIie:. Ycu kncw Ihe fccI: c|reccy righI, 1 ciIie:,
Ihere wc: c ceci:icn in NcvemLer 2008 :cying IhcI nc, Ihe reuiremenI i:
F100 mi||icn, ncI F20 mi||icn. Sc Ly pc::ing Ihe:e ciIyhccc |cw: exempIing
ycu frcm Ihe reuiremenI cf Ihe Lccc| GcvernmenI Ccce - IhcI i: ncI
c||cwec. Iherefcre, Ihe |cw i: unccn:IiIuIicnc| crecIing Ihe:e ciIie:. MF -
vcIe - -5. Ihi: i: c cc:e regcrcing Ihe ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy cf c |cw - Supreme
CcurI en Lcnc. Mcr 31 200 Ihe MF wc: cecicec. Ihe mcIIer cn mcIicn
fcr reccn:icercIicn wc: ceniec. Ihe vcIe: were ncI menIicnec in Ihe
cc:e. Dic ycu wcncer hcw mcny vcIe: Ihere were Emphc:i: wc: mcce
in Ihe :eccnc MF {/pri| 28, 200) where Ihe vcIing wc: -. Fecc Ihe
cc:e, if ycu cre reccing iI ccrefu||y, iI wc: never menIicnec Ly Ihe
pcnenIe. He ju:I :cic IhcI in c civicec ccurI Ihe MF wc: ceniec. Fecc Ihe
ci::enIing cpinicn cf ju:Iice ccrpic, iI: 7-5. Ihe ccurI :cic Ihi: i: c mere
:crcp cf pcper Ihi: i: c prchiLiIec p|eccing Ihe ci:cu::icn cwe||: cn Ihi: {-
). Ihi: i: Ihe :Icncing juri:prucence ncw cn Ihe mcIIer wiIhcuI c|c:ing Ihi:
pcrIicn fccu:ing cn Ihe - vcIing. Ncw ccmpcre wiIh Ihe cc:e cf
FcrIich.8eccu:e if ycu ccn'I recc Ihe cc:e iI :eem: IhcI Ihi: wc: ccIuc||y c
crc::cver, if Ihere': c Iie, whcI wcu|c ycu cc wiIh Ihe MF Ihe ccurI :cic
IhcI i: ncI Ihe cc:e if iI invc|ve: Ihe ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy cf Ihe |cw cf :ec. 4 cf
Ihe ccn:IiIuIicn. ln cIher wcrc:, in Ihe cc:e cf FcrIich, if IhcI i: c mcIIer
IhcI cce: ncI invc|ve c ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy cf Ihe |cw, in cc:e Ihe vcIe i: c Iie
Ihe ceci:icn wcu|c :Icnc. ln Ihe cc:e cf Lecgue cf CiIie: Ihe i::ue i: cn
Ihe ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy cf Ihe |cw cn MF, Ihere i: c Iie vcIe Ihen Ihi: wcu|c
ncI :Icnc. iI i: :Ii|| cpen Ic ci:puIe, :Ii|| Ic Le cecicec. Ihere': c very gccc
ci::enI Ly Ju:Iice Ccrpic Leccu:e Ihi: i: very ccnfu:ing. Ihe ceci:cn i: :Ii||
cn mcIicn fcr reccn:icercIicn. Ihe 2nc pcrcgrcph, Ihi: i: Ihe ru|e ncw.

SecIicn 5. Ihe Supreme CcurI :hc|| hcve Ihe fc||cwing pcwer::
1) Exerci:e criginc| juri:cicIicn cver cc:e: cffecIing cmLc::cccr:, cIher
puL|ic mini:Ier: cnc ccn:u|:, cnc cver peIiIicn: fcr cerIicrcri, prchiLiIicn,
mcnccmu:, uc wcrrcnIc, cnc hcLec: ccrpu:.
{2) Feview, revi:e, rever:e, mccify, cr cffirm cn cppec| cr cerIicrcri, c: Ihe
|cw cr Ihe Fu|e: cf CcurI mcy prcvice, finc| jucgmenI: cnc crcer: cf |cwer
ccurI: in:
{c) /|| cc:e: in which Ihe ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy cr vc|iciIy cf cny IrecIy,
inIerncIicnc| cr execuIive cgreemenI, |cw, pre:icenIic| cecree,
prcc|cmcIicn, crcer, in:IrucIicn, crcincnce, cr regu|cIicn i: in ue:Iicn.
{L) /|| cc:e: invc|ving Ihe |egc|iIy cf cny Icx, impc:I, c::e::menI, cr Ic||, cr
cny penc|Iy impc:ec in re|cIicn IhereIc.
{c) /|| cc:e: in which Ihe juri:cicIicn cf cny |cwer ccurI i: in i::ue.
{c) /|| criminc| cc:e: in which Ihe penc|Iy impc:ec i: rec|u:icn perpeIuc
cr higher.
{e) /|| cc:e: in which cn|y cn errcr cr ue:Iicn cf |cw i: invc|vec.
{3) /::ign Iempcrcri|y jucge: cf |cwer ccurI: Ic cIher :IcIicn: c: puL|ic
inIere:I mcy reuire. Such Iempcrcry c::ignmenI :hc|| ncI exceec :ix
mcnIh: wiIhcuI Ihe ccn:enI cf Ihe jucge ccncernec.
{4) Crcer c chcnge cf venue cr p|cce cf Iric| Ic cvcic c mi:ccrricge cf
{5) Frcmu|gcIe ru|e: ccncerning Ihe prcIecIicn cnc enfcrcemenI cf
ccn:IiIuIicnc| righI:, p|eccing, prccIice, cnc prccecure in c|| ccurI:, Ihe
ccmi::icn Ic Ihe prccIice cf |cw, Ihe inIegrcIec Lcr, cnc |egc| c::i:Icnce
Ic Ihe uncer-privi|egec. Such ru|e: :hc|| prcvice c :imp|ifiec cnc
inexpen:ive prccecure fcr Ihe :peecy ci:pc:iIicn cf cc:e:, :hc|| Le
unifcrm fcr c|| ccurI: cf Ihe :cme grcce, cnc :hc|| ncI cimini:h, increc:e,
cr mccify :uL:IcnIive righI:. Fu|e: cf prccecure cf :pecic| ccurI: cnc
uc:i-jucicic| Lccie: :hc|| remcin effecIive un|e:: ci:cpprcvec Ly Ihe
Supreme CcurI.
:ec. 7 cf ru|e 5 cnc ccmini:IrcIive mcIIer -1-0 cpp|ie: Ic c|| cc:e:
whcI i: :ecIicn 7 cf ru|e 5 Sec. 7. Frocedure || op|n|on |s equo||y d|v|ded.
Where the Court en bonc |s equo||y d|v|ded |n op|n|on, or the necessory
mojor|ty connot be hod, the cose sho|| ogo|n be de||beroted on, ond ||
o|ter such de||berot|on no dec|s|on |s reoched, the or|g|no| oct|on
commenced |n the Court sho|| be d|sm|ssed; |n oppeo|ed coses, the
judgment or order oppeo|ed |rom sho|| stond o|||rmed; ond on o||
|nc|dento| motters, the pet|t|on or mot|on sho|| be den|ed.

Fcr excmp|e Ihe vcIe wc: 7-7 Ihi: i: ncI cn cppec|ec cc:e. WhcI :hcu|c
Ihey cc in IhcI :iIucIicn Euc||y civicec 7-7. Ihe cc:e :hc|| cgcin Le
ce|iLercIec cn cnc cfIer :uch ce|iLercIicn nc ceci:icn i: recchec Ihe
criginc| ccIicn ccmmencec cnc Ihe ccurI :hc|| Le ci:mi::ec. ln cIher
wcrc: cfIer re ce|iLercIicn, :cme vcIe ccIicn wcu|c Le ci:mi::ec, Ihe |cw
wcu|c :Icnc c: iI i:. Nc ceci:icn IhcI iI i: unccn:IiIuIicnc|. WhcI if iI i: cn
cppec|ec cc:e hecrc en Lcnc, fcr excmp|e Ihe mcIIer wc:
unccn:IiIicnc|iIy cf c |cw WhcI i: Ihe ru|e ln cppec|ec cc:e:, Ihe
jucgmenI cf crcer cppec|ec frcm :hc|| :Icnc cffirmec. ln cIher wcrc:, fcr
excmp|e Ihe CcurI cf /ppec|: :cy: Ihe |cw i: unccn:IiIuIicnc|, Ihen
cppec|ec Ic Supreme CcurI Ic Le hecrc en Lcnc - vcIe 7-7 - ce|iLercIe
cgcin - :cme vcIe - Ihen ceci:icn cf CcurI cf /ppec|: :Icnc: cffirmec.
Hcw cLcuI in c mcIicn fcr recc:icercIicn, ccmini:IrcIive mcIIer -1-0.
Ncw in Ihe cc:e cf Lecgue cf CiIie:, iI i: cn|y cpp|iccL|e Ic cIher cc:e:
LuI when iI i: cLcuI ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy cf |cw iI cce: ncI cpp|y.
Unccn:IiIuIicnc| Iie vcIe wcu|c ncI mecn IhcI ceci:icn :Icnc:. lf ycu cre
reccing ccrefu||y whcI hcppenec Ic Ihi:, generc||y Ihi: i: ncI c||cwec.
/cIuc||y Ihi: Ic|k: cLcuI c new mcIIer LuI :Ii|| cn|y cne wc: cevcIec Ic Ihi:
:c iI wc: erc:ec. Ncw reccnci|e wiIh FcrIich cc:e.
Sec. 5
HcLec: ccrpu:
Mcnccmu: - / wriI i::uec Ly c :upericr ccurI crcering c puL|ic cfficic| cr
Lccy cr c |cwer ccurI Ic perfcrm c :pecifiec cuIy.
CerIicrcri - / wriI frcm c higher ccurI Ic c |cwer cne reue:Iing c
Ircn:cripI cf Ihe prcceecing: cf c cc:e fcr review.
FrchiLiIicn - / |cw, crcer, cr cecree IhcI fcrLic: :cmeIhing.
lnjuncIicn - / ccurI crcer prchiLiIing c pcrIy frcm c :pecific ccur:e cf
Ihe ccurI hc: criginc| juri:cicIicn-ru|e 5
c|:c pc::iL|e in cIher ccurI:
*heircrchy cf ccurI:
pcwer cf jucicic| review pcr 2 :ec 5. Lc:i: cf cerIicrcry i: cn grcve cLu:e
cf ci:creIicn. uncer |eIIer c if Ihe i::ue i: Ihe ccn:Ii cf Ihe |cw upcn iI ccn
Le fi|ec cirecI|y SC cppec| iI :hc|| Le hecrc en Lcnc
|egc|iIy cf Ihe Icx-ccnI Le fi|ec cirecI|y Ic Ihe :c
Ihe ccurI hc: nc criginc| juri:cicIicn. Ihere i: c Icx |cw Ihere i: c cc||ecIicn
cf Ihe Icx wcn Ihi: Icx i: ccccrcing Ic |cw i: :uLjecI Ic review pcwer cf
ccurI |egc|iIy cf c Icx cr c::e::menI cn review iI i: Ihe civi:icn IhcI wi||
cecice Leccu:e ncI cn i::ue cf unccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy LuI |egc|iIy cf Icx |cw
Ihere cre 2 wcy: uncer Ihe ru|e: cf ccurI Ic gc Ic Ihe SC
-cerIicrcri cn cppec| uncer ru|e 45
SecIicn 1. Fi|ing cf peIiIicn wiIh Supreme CcurI.
/ pcrIy ce:iring Ic cppec| Ly cerIicrcri frcm c jucgmenI cr finc| crcer cr
re:c|uIicn cf Ihe CcurI cf /ppec|:, Ihe ScncigcnLcycn, Ihe Fegicnc| Iric|
CcurI cr cIher ccurI: whenever cuIhcrizec Ly |cw, mcy fi|e wiIh Ihe
Supreme CcurI c verifiec peIiIicn fcr review cn cerIicrcri. Ihe peIiIicn :hc||
rci:e cn|y ue:Iicn: cf |cw which mu:I Le ci:IincI|y :eI fcrIh.
Sec. 2. Iime fcr fi|ing: exIen:icn.
Ihe peIiIicn :hc|| Le fi|ec wiIhin fifIeen {15) ccy: frcm ncIice cf Ihe
jucgmenI cr finc| crcer cr re:c|uIicn cppec|ec frcm, cr cf Ihe cenic| cf Ihe
peIiIicner: mcIicn fcr new Iric| cr reccn:icercIicn fi|ec in cue Iime cfIer
ncIice cf Ihe jucgmenI. Cn mcIicn cu|y fi|ec cnc :ervec, wiIh fu||
pcymenI cf Ihe ccckeI cnc cIher |cwfu| fee: cnc Ihe cepc:iI fcr cc:I:
Lefcre Ihe expircIicn cf Ihe reg|emenIcry pericc, Ihe Supreme CcurI mcy
fcr ju:IificL|e rec:cn: grcnI cn exIen:icn cf IhirIy {30) ccy: cn|y wiIhin
which Ic fi|e Ihe peIiIicn.
Sec. 3. DcckeI cnc cIher |cwfu| fee:: prccf cf :ervice cf peIiIicn.
Un|e:: he hc: IhereIcfcre ccne :c, Ihe peIiIicner :hc|| pcy Ihe
ccrre:pcncing ccckeI cnc cIher |cwfu| fee: Ic Ihe c|erk cf ccurI cf Ihe
Supreme CcurI cnc cepc:iI Ihe cmcunI cf F500.00 fcr cc:I: cI Ihe Iime cf
Ihe fi|ing cf Ihe peIiIicn. Frccf cf :ervice cf c ccpy Iherecf cn Ihe |cwer
ccurI ccncernec cnc cn Ihe ccver:e pcrIy :hc|| Le :uLmiIIec IcgeIher
wiIh Ihe peIiIicn.
Sec. 4. CcnIenI: cf peIiIicn.
Ihe peIiIicn :hc|| Le fi|ec in eighIeen {18) ccpie:, wiIh Ihe criginc| ccpy
inIencec fcr Ihe ccurI Leing inciccIec c: :uch Ly Ihe peIiIicner, cnc :hc||
{c) :IcIe Ihe fu|| ncme cf Ihe cppec|ing pcrIy c: Ihe peIiIicner cnc Ihe
ccver:e pcrIy c: re:pcncenI, wiIhcuI imp|eccing Ihe |cwer ccurI: cr
jucge: Iherecf eiIher c: peIiIicner: cr re:pcncenI:: {L) inciccIe Ihe
mcIeric| ccIe: :hcwing when ncIice cf Ihe jucgmenI cr finc| crcer cr
re:c|uIicn :uLjecI Iherecf wc: receivec, when c mcIicn fcr new Iric| cr
reccn:icercIicn, if cny, wc: fi|ec cnc when ncIice cf Ihe cenic| Iherecf
wc: receivec: {c) :eI fcrIh ccnci:e|y c :IcIemenI cf Ihe mcIIer: invc|vec,
cnc Ihe rec:cn: cr crgumenI: re|iec cn fcr Ihe c||cwcnce cf Ihe peIiIicn:
{c) Le ccccmpcniec Ly c c|ecr|y |egiL|e cup|iccIe criginc|, cr c cerIifiec
Irue ccpy cf Ihe jucgmenI cr finc| crcer cr re:c|uIicn cerIifiec Ly Ihe c|erk
cf ccurI cf Ihe ccurI c uc cnc Ihe reui:iIe numLer cf p|cin ccpie:
Iherecf, cnc :uch mcIeric| pcrIicn: cf Ihe reccrc c: wcu|c :uppcrI Ihe
peIiIicn: cnc {e) ccnIcin c :wcrn cerIificcIicn cgcin:I fcrum :hcpping c:
prcvicec in Ihe |c:I pcrcgrcph cf :ecIicn 2, Fu|e 42.
Sec. 5. Di:mi::c| cr cenic| cf peIiIicn.
Ihe fci|ure cf Ihe peIiIicner Ic ccmp|y wiIh cny cf Ihe fcregcing
reuiremenI: regcrcing Ihe pcymenI cf Ihe ccckeI cnc cIher |cwfu| fee:,
cepc:iI fcr cc:I:, prccf cf :ervice cf Ihe peIiIicn, cnc Ihe ccnIenI: cf cnc
Ihe cccumenI: which :hcu|c ccccmpcny Ihe peIiIicn :hc|| Le :ufficienI
grcunc fcr Ihe ci:mi::c| Iherecf.
Ihe Supreme CcurI mcy cn iI: cwn iniIicIive ceny Ihe peIiIicn cn Ihe
grcunc IhcI Ihe cppec| i: wiIhcuI meriI, cr i: prc:ecuIec mcnife:I|y fcr
ce|cy, cr IhcI Ihe ue:Iicn: rci:ec Iherein cre Icc un:uL:IcnIic| Ic reuire
Sec. . Feview ci:creIicncry.
/ review i: ncI c mcIIer cf righI, LuI cf :cunc jucicic| ci:creIicn, cnc wi||
Le grcnIec cn|y when Ihere cre :pecic| cnc impcrIcnI rec:cn: Iherefcr.
Ihe fc||cwing, whi|e neiIher ccnIrc||ing ncr fu||y mec:uring Ihe ccurI:
ci:creIicn, inciccIe Ihe chcrccIer cf Ihe rec:cn: which wi|| Le
{c) When Ihe ccurI c uc hc: cecicec c ue:Iicn cf :uL:Icnce, ncI
IhereIcfcre ceIerminec Ly Ihe Supreme CcurI, cr hc: cecicec iI in c wcy
prcLcL|y ncI in ccccrc wiIh |cw cr wiIh Ihe cpp|iccL|e ceci:icn: cf Ihe
Supreme CcurI: cr
{L) When Ihe ccurI c uc hc: :c fcr cepcrIec frcm Ihe cccepIec cnc
u:uc| ccur:e cf jucicic| prcceecing:, cr :c fcr :cncIicnec :uch cepcrIure
Ly c |cwer ccurI, c: Ic cc|| fcr cn exerci:e cf Ihe pcwer cf :upervi:icn.
Sec. 7. F|eccing: cnc cccumenI: IhcI mcy Le reuirec: :cncIicn:.
Fcr purpc:e: cf ceIermining wheIher Ihe peIiIicn :hcu|c Le ci:mi::ec cr
ceniec pur:ucnI Ic :ecIicn 5 cf Ihi: Fu|e, cr where Ihe peIiIicn i: given cue
ccur:e uncer :ecIicn 8 herecf, Ihe Supreme CcurI mcy reuire cr c||cw
Ihe fi|ing cf :uch p|eccing:, Lrief:, memcrcncc cr cccumenI: c: iI mcy
ceem nece::cry wiIhin :uch pericc: cnc uncer :uch ccnciIicn: c: iI mcy
ccn:icer cpprcpricIe, cnc impc:e Ihe ccrre:pcncing :cncIicn: in cc:e cf
ncn-fi|ing cr uncuIhcrizec fi|ing cf :uch p|eccing: cnc cccumenI: cr ncn-
ccmp|icnce wiIh Ihe ccnciIicn: Iherefcr.
Sec. 8. Due ccur:e: e|evcIicn cf reccrc:.

lf Ihe peIiIicn i: given cue ccur:e, Ihe Supreme CcurI mcy reuire Ihe
e|evcIicn cf Ihe ccmp|eIe reccrc cf Ihe cc:e cr :pecifiec pcrI: Iherecf
wiIhin fifIeen {15) ccy: frcm ncIice.
Sec. . Fu|e cpp|iccL|e Ic LcIh civi| cnc criminc| cc:e:.
Ihe mcce cf cppec| pre:criLec in Ihi: Fu|e :hc|| Le cpp|iccL|e Ic LcIh
civi| cnc criminc| cc:e:, excepI in criminc| cc:e: where Ihe penc|Iy
impc:ec i: cecIh, rec|u:icn perpeIuc cr |ife impri:cnmenI.
-cerIiccri uncer ru|e 5 Lc:ec cn grcve cLu:e cf ci:creIicn
SecIicn 1. FeIiIicn fcr cerIicrcri.
When cny IriLunc|, Lccrc cr cfficer exerci:ing jucicic| cr uc:i-jucicic|
funcIicn: hc: ccIec wiIhcuI cr in exce:: cf iI: cr hi: juri:cicIicn, cr wiIh
grcve cLu:e cf ci:creIicn cmcunIing Ic |cck cr exce:: cf juri:cicIicn, cnc
Ihere i: nc cppec|, cr cny p|cin, :peecy, cnc cceucIe remecy in Ihe
crcincry ccur:e cf |cw, c per:cn cggrievec IhereLy mcy fi|e c verifiec
peIiIicn in Ihe prcper ccurI, c||eging Ihe fccI: wiIh cerIcinIy cnc prcying
IhcI jucgmenI Le rencerec cnnu||ing cr mccifying Ihe prcceecing: cf
:uch IriLunc|, Lccrc cr cfficer, cnc grcnIing :uch incicenIc| re|ief: c: |cw
cnc ju:Iice mcy reuire.
Ihe peIiIicn :hc|| Le ccccmpcniec Ly c cerIifiec Irue ccpy cf Ihe
jucgmenI, crcer cr re:c|uIicn :uLjecI Iherecf, ccpie: cf c|| p|eccing: cnc
cccumenI: re|evcnI cnc perIinenI IhereIc, cnc c :wcrn cerIificcIicn cf
ncn-fcrum :hcpping c: prcvicec in Ihe Ihirc pcrcgrcph cf :ecIicn 3, Fu|e
Sec. 2. FeIiIicn fcr prchiLiIicn.
When Ihe prcceecing: cf cny IriLunc|, ccrpcrcIicn, Lccrc, cfficer cr
per:cn, wheIher exerci:ing jucicic|, uc:i-jucicic| cr mini:Ieric| funcIicn:,
cre wiIhcuI cr in exce:: cf iI: cr hi: juri:cicIicn, cr wiIh grcve cLu:e cf
ci:creIicn cmcunIing Ic |cck cr exce:: cf juri:cicIicn, cnc Ihere i: nc
cppec| cr cny cIher p|cin, :peecy, cnc cceucIe remecy in Ihe crcincry
ccur:e cf |cw, c per:cn cggrievec IhereLy mcy fi|e c verifiec peIiIicn in
Ihe prcper ccurI, c||eging Ihe fccI: wiIh cerIcinIy cnc prcying IhcI
jucgmenI Le rencerec ccmmcncing Ihe re:pcncenI Ic ce:i:I frcm furIher
prcceecing: in Ihe ccIicn cr mcIIer :pecifiec Iherein, cr cIherwi:e
grcnIing :uch incicenIc| re|ief: c: |cw cnc ju:Iice mcy reuire.
Ihe peIiIicn :hc|| |ikewi:e Le ccccmpcniec Ly c cerIifiec Irue ccpy cf Ihe
jucgmenI, crcer cr re:c|uIicn :uLjecI Iherecf, ccpie: cf c|| p|eccing: cnc
cccumenI: re|evcnI cnc perIinenI IhereIc, cnc c :wcrn cerIificcIicn cf
ncn-fcrum :hcpping c: prcvicec in Ihe Ihirc pcrcgrcph cf :ecIicn 3, Fu|e
Sec. 3. FeIiIicn fcr mcnccmu:.
When cny IriLunc|, ccrpcrcIicn, Lccrc, cfficer cr per:cn un|cwfu||y
neg|ecI: Ihe perfcrmcnce cf cn ccI which Ihe |cw :pecificc||y enjcin: c:
c cuIy re:u|Iing frcm cn cffice, Iru:I, cr :IcIicn, cr un|cwfu||y exc|uce:
cncIher frcm Ihe u:e cnc enjcymenI cf c righI cr cffice Ic which :uch
cIher i: enIiI|ec, cnc Ihere i: nc cIher p|cin, :peecy cnc cceucIe
remecy in Ihe crcincry ccur:e cf |cw, Ihe per:cn cggrievec IhereLy mcy
fi|e c verifiec peIiIicn in Ihe prcper ccurI, c||eging Ihe fccI: wiIh cerIcinIy
cnc prcying IhcI jucgmenI Le rencerec ccmmcncing Ihe re:pcncenI,
immecicIe|y cr cI :cme cIher Iime Ic Le :pecifiec Ly Ihe ccurI, Ic cc Ihe
ccI reuirec Ic Le ccne Ic prcIecI Ihe righI: cf Ihe peIiIicner, cnc Ic pcy
Ihe ccmcge: :u:Icinec Ly Ihe peIiIicner Ly rec:cn cf Ihe wrcngfu| ccI: cf
Ihe re:pcncenI.
Ihe peIiIicn :hc|| c|:c ccnIcin c :wcrn cerIificcIicn cf ncn-fcrum :hcpping
c: prcvicec in Ihe Ihirc pcrcgrcph cf :ecIicn 3, Fu|e 4.
Sec. 4. Where peIiIicn fi|ec.
Ihe peIiIicn mcy Le fi|ec ncI |cIer Ihcn :ixIy {0) ccy: frcm ncIice cf Ihe
jucgmenI, crcer cr re:c|uIicn :cughI Ic Le c::ci|ec in Ihe Supreme CcurI
cr, if iI re|cIe: Ic Ihe ccI: cr cmi::icn: cf c |cwer ccurI cr cf c ccrpcrcIicn,
Lccrc, cfficer cr per:cn, in Ihe Fegicnc| Iric| CcurI exerci:ing juri:cicIicn
cver Ihe IerriIcric| crec c: cefinec Ly Ihe Supreme CcurI. lI mcy c|:c Le
fi|ec in Ihe CcurI cf /ppec|: wheIher cr ncI Ihe :cme i: in cic cf iI:
cppe||cIe juri:cicIicn, cr in Ihe ScncigcnLcycn if iI i: in cic cf iI:
juri:cicIicn. lf iI invc|ve: Ihe ccI: cr cmi::icn: cf c uc:i-jucicic| cgency,
cnc un|e:: cIherwi:e prcvicec Ly |cw cr Ihe:e Fu|e:, Ihe peIiIicn :hc|| Le
fi|ec in cnc ccgnizcL|e cn|y Ly Ihe CcurI cf /ppec|:.
Sec. 5. Fe:pcncenI: cnc cc:I: in cerIcin cc:e:.
When Ihe peIiIicn fi|ec re|cIe: Ic Ihe ccI: cr cmi::icn: cf c jucge, ccurI,
uc:i-jucicic| cgency, IriLunc|, ccrpcrcIicn, Lccrc, cfficer cr per:cn, Ihe
peIiIicner :hc|| jcin, c: privcIe re:pcncenI cr re:pcncenI: wiIh :uch puL|ic
re:pcncenI cr re:pcncenI:, Ihe per:cn cr per:cn: inIere:Iec in :u:Icining
Ihe prcceecing: in Ihe ccurI: cnc iI :hc|| Le Ihe cuIy cf :uch privcIe
re:pcncenI: Ic cppecr cnc cefenc, LcIh in hi: cr Iheir cwn Lehc|f cnc in
Lehc|f cf Ihe puL|ic re:pcncenI cr re:pcncenI: cffecIec Ly Ihe
prcceecing:, cnc Ihe cc:I: cwcrcec in :uch prcceecing: in fcvcr cf Ihe
peIiIicner :hc|| Le cgcin:I Ihe privcIe re:pcncenI: cn|y, cnc ncI cgcin:I
Ihe jucge, ccurI, uc:i-jucicic| cgency, IriLunc|, ccrpcrcIicn, Lccrc,
cfficer cr per:cn imp|eccec c: puL|ic re:pcncenI cr re:pcncenI:.
Un|e:: cIherwi:e :pecificc||y cirecIec Ly Ihe ccurI where Ihe peIiIicn i:
pencing, Ihe puL|ic re:pcncenI: :hc|| ncI cppecr in cr fi|e cn cn:wer cr
ccmmenI Ic Ihe peIiIicn cr cny p|eccing Iherein. lf Ihe cc:e i: e|evcIec Ic
c higher ccurI Ly eiIher pcrIy, Ihe puL|ic re:pcncenI: :hc|| Le inc|ucec
Iherein c: ncminc| pcrIie:. Hcwever, un|e:: cIherwi:e :pecificc||y cirecIec
Ly Ihe ccurI, Ihey :hc|| ncI cppecr cr pcrIicipcIe in Ihe prcceecing:
Sec. . Crcer Ic ccmmenI.
lf Ihe peIiIicn i: :ufficienI in fcrm cnc :uL:Icnce Ic ju:Iify :uch prcce::, Ihe
ccurI :hc|| i::ue cn crcer reuiring Ihe re:pcncenI cr re:pcncenI: Ic
ccmmenI cn Ihe peIiIicn wiIhin Ien {10) ccy: frcm receipI cf c ccpy
Iherecf. Such crcer :hc|| Le :ervec cn Ihe re:pcncenI: in :uch mcnner c:
Ihe ccurI mcy cirecI, IcgeIher wiIh c ccpy cf Ihe peIiIicn cnc cny
cnnexe: IhereIc.
ln peIiIicn: fcr cerIicrcri Lefcre Ihe Supreme CcurI cnc Ihe CcurI cf
/ppec|:, Ihe prcvi:icn: cf :ecIicn 2, Fu|e 5, :hc|| Le cL:ervec. 8efcre
giving cue ccur:e IhereIc, Ihe ccurI mcy reuire Ihe re:pcncenI: Ic fi|e
Iheir ccmmenI Ic, cnc ncI c mcIicn Ic ci:mi::, Ihe peIiIicn. IherecfIer, Ihe
ccurI mcy reuire Ihe fi|ing cf c rep|y cnc :uch cIher re:pcn:ive cr cIher
p|eccing: c: iI mcy ceem nece::cry cnc prcper.
Sec. 7. ExpeciIing prcceecing:: injuncIive re|ief.
Ihe ccurI in which Ihe peIiIicn i: fi|ec mcy i::ue crcer: expeciIing Ihe
prcceecing:, cnc iI mcy c|:c grcnI c Iempcrcry re:Ircining crcer cr c wriI
cf pre|imincry injuncIicn fcr Ihe pre:ervcIicn cf Ihe righI: cf Ihe pcrIie:
pencing :uch prcceecing:. Ihe peIiIicn :hc|| ncI inIerrupI Ihe ccur:e cf
Ihe principc| cc:e un|e:: c Iempcrcry re:Ircining crcer cr c wriI cf
pre|imincry injuncIicn hc: Leen i::uec cgcin:I Ihe puL|ic re:pcncenI frcm
furIher prcceecing in Ihe cc:e.
Sec. 8. Frcceecing: cfIer ccmmenI i: fi|ec.
/fIer Ihe ccmmenI cr cIher p|eccing: reuirec Ly Ihe ccurI cre fi|ec, cr
Ihe Iime fcr Ihe fi|ing Iherecf hc: expirec, Ihe ccurI mcy hecr Ihe cc:e cr
reuire Ihe pcrIie: Ic :uLmiI memcrcncc. lf cfIer :uch hecring cr
:uLmi::icn cf memcrcncc cr Ihe expircIicn cf Ihe pericc fcr Ihe fi|ing
Iherecf Ihe ccurI finc: IhcI Ihe c||egcIicn: cf Ihe peIiIicn cre Irue, iI :hc||
rencer jucgmenI fcr Ihe re|ief prcyec fcr cr Ic which Ihe peIiIicner i:
Ihe ccurI, hcwever, mcy ci:mi:: Ihe peIiIicn if iI finc: Ihe :cme Ic Le
pcIenI|y wiIhcuI meriI, prc:ecuIec mcnife:I|y fcr ce|cy, cr IhcI Ihe
ue:Iicn: rci:ec Iherein cre Icc un:uL:IcnIic| Ic reuire ccn:icercIicn.
Sec. . Service cnc enfcrcemenI cf crcer cr jucgmenI.
/ cerIifiec ccpy cf Ihe jucgmenI rencerec in ccccrccnce wiIh Ihe |c:I
prececing :ecIicn :hc|| Le :ervec upcn Ihe ccurI, uc:i-jucicic| cgency,
IriLunc|, ccrpcrcIicn, Lccrc, cfficer cr per:cn ccncernec in :uch mcnner
c: Ihe ccurI mcy cirecI, cnc ci:cLecience IhereIc :hc|| Le puni:hec c:
ccnIempI. /n execuIicn mcy i::ue fcr cny ccmcge: cr cc:I: cwcrcec in
ccccrccnce wiIh :ecIicn 1 cf Fu|e 3.
Cne ccnI gc Ic SC Lringing ue:Iicn: cf fccI. cn|y ue:Iicn: cf |cw
wheIher iI wc: prcper|y cpp|iec . cn|y ue:Iicn: cf |cw rec|u:icn perpeIuc
cr higher c|| cc:e: invc|ving |egc|iIy cf Icx Ihe SC exerci:e: jucicic| review,
juri:cicIicn cf Ihe ccurI c|:c.
*c::ign jucge: Ic cIher p|cce: Ly Ihe SC-Iempcrcry
*crcer chcnge cf venue - criminc| cc:e:-IerriIcric| crec-where iI
hcppenec. chcnge cf venue-ex. Dcngercu: p|cce c:k SC.
Iime Ic Iime SC chcnge: ru|e: Ic cccpI Ic chcnge:, excmp|e -
Iechnc|cgy. Ihere cre c|reccy e|ecIrcnic ru|e: cf ccurI LuI ncI yeI u:ec
here. Ncw we :Ii|| hcve cncienI wcy cf fi|ing p|eccing: in ccurI. Fcwer Ic
cppcinI :hcu|c Le in ccccrccnce cf Ihe civi| :ervice |cw. Ihe impcrIcnI
Ihing here i: Ihe pcwer cf jucicic| review, ccn'I ccnfu:e wiIh jucicic|
pcwer uncer :ec. 1.
8riIi:h v. Ccmcchc - Ihe ccurI cf Icx cppec|: cce: ncI hcve juri:cicIicn Ic
hecr ue:Iicn: cn ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy cf |cw, cn|y regu|cr ccurI: inc|ucing
|cwer ccurI:.
F|cnIer: v. FerIiphi| - Ihe |cwer ccurI: c|:c hcve Ihe juri:cicIicn cver Ihe
ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy cf c |cw.

tronscr|pt|on.Oct8 MbC.E||ect o| Dec|orot|on o| bncons|tut|ono||ty
8y Gicvcnni Frcnci: Scgcrinc in 1 SF C/SE DlGESI FCCL EciI Dcc De|eIe
Iop|cs: E||ect o| Dec|orot|on o| Nu|||ty, kev|ew o| Deoth Feno|ty, ku|e
Mok|ng Fower, ond I8F

lf Ihe const|tut|ono||ty cf c |cw i: Ihe very ||s moto cf c cc:e, Ihe jucicicry
pre:ume: ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy. Ihe effecI cf cec|crcIicn cf unccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy
i: c: if Ihe wi|| cf Ihe |egi:|cIive cnc Ihe execuIive i: nu||ifiec. Jucicicry
ccccrc cIher cepcrImenI cue re:pecI when ceIermining Ihe
ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy cf Ihe |cw. When Ihe reui:iIe: cre pre:enI, Ihe |cw enjcy:
Ihe pre:umpIicn cf ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy. WhcI if ce:piIe Ihe reui:iIe:, ce:piIe
Ihe pre:umpIicn cf ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy, Ihe ue:Iicnec |egi:|cIicn i:
unccn:IiIuIicnc|, whcI i: Ihe effecI NcIe IhcI Ihere i: c determ|n|ng
per|od when Ihe |cw Leccme: effecIive {Ly Leing :ignec Ly Ihe
pre:icenI cnc cfIer ccmp|eIe puL|iccIicn), unIi| c cerIcin pericc cf Iime
when cerIcin righI: cre c|reccy cffecIec, c cc:e i: fi|ec ue:Iicning Ihe
ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy cf Ihe |cw. When Ihe cc:e i: :Ii|| pencing, Ihe |cw i: :Ii||
effecIive, unIi| :uch Iime IhcI iI i: cec|crec unccn:IiIuIicnc| Ly Ihe ccurI:.
During Ihe:e pericc:, whcI i: Ihe effecI cf IhcI |cw Ihe generc| ru|e i:
Ihe orthodox v|ew. /n unccn:IiIuIicnc| ccI, wheIher c |egi:|cIive cr cn
execuIive ccI, i: cec|crec Ly Ihe ccurI c: unccn:IiIuIicnc|, iI ccnfer: nc
righI, impc:e: nc cuIy cnc cffcrc: nc prcIecIicn. lI: c: if Ihe |cw hc: nc
effecI whcI:cever. lI ccnfer: nc righI, cce: ncI impc:e cL|igcIicn, cce:
ncI give cny remecy. Vcic frcm Ihe very Leginning, nc |cw cI c||.
Hcwever, ycu ccnncI ceny Ihe fccI IhcI curing Ihe inIervening pericc Ihe
|cw i: cpp|iec. Modern v|ew, Ihe ccIuc| exi:Ience cf c :IcIue pricr Ic :uch
ceIermincIicn cf unccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy i: c fccI IhcI ccnncI Le ceniec, iI i:
cn cpercIive ccI IhcI i: inci:puIcL|e IhcI Ihe |cw wc: in ccIuc| exi:Ience
cI IhcI Iime. Fricr Ic :uch ccjuciccIicn, if Ihe |cw i: rencerec Ic hcve nc
effecI cI c||, iI wcu|c ceprive Ihe |cw cf iI: uc|iIy cf fcirne:: cnc ju:Iice.
Hcw cre Ihe:e view: cpp|iec Ic cc:e: lI i: ncI IhcI Ihe CrIhcccx view cr
Ihe Mccern view i: Ihe ccnIrc||ing view. Ihe :cme cre LcIh cpp|iec. 8uI
generc||y, cn unccn:IiIuIicnc| |cw, cr cn ccI cf Ihe |egi:|cIive cnc
execuIive cepcrImenI ccnfer: nc righI, impc:e: nc cuIie:, cnc cffcrc: nc

F|cnIer: v FerIiphi|, ccpiIc| reccvery ccmpcnenI, LCl cf pre:icenI Mcrcc:
fcr Ihe cc||ecIicn cf cerIcin :um cf cIher ccmpcnie: :e||ing ferIi|izer: Ic Le
given Ic Ihi: pcrIicu|cr privcIe enIiIy Ic gucrcnIee Ihe prcfiI. CcurI
cpp|iec Ihe generc| ru|e cn Ihe effecI cf cn unccn:IiIuIicnc| |cw, cnc IhcI
i: c |cw cecreec Ic Le unccn:IiIuIicnc| i: vcic frcm Ihe very Leginning.
Ihe |cw :cy: IhcI Ihe cccIrine cf cpercIive fccI cpp|ie: c: cn excepIicn
Ic Ihe generc| ru|e. Ic :cy IhcI Ihe |cw hc: cerIcin effecI: in Ihe
inIervening pericc when iI i: ue:Iicnec i: ccIuc||y Ihe excepIicn. Ihe
ccurI :cic IhcI Ihe cccIrine cf cpercIive fccI i: cpp|iccL|e cn|y when c
cec|crcIicn cf unccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy wi|| impc:e cn uncue Lurcen cn Ihc:e
whc hcve re|iec cn Ihe invc|ic |cw. Here Ic cpp|y Ihe excepIicn wcu|c
re:u|I Ic unju:I enrichmenI. lI wi|| ncI re:u|I Ic uncue Lurcen Ic F|cnIer:. lf
ycu wcu|c :cy IhcI we cpp|y Ihe excepIicn, IhcI curing Ihe inIervening
pericc Ihe |cw wc: vc|ic cr hc: effecI, Ihen IhcI wcu|c Le fcvcring
F|cnIer:. Unju:I enrichmenI. Ihe ccurI :cic Ihe |cw i: vcic frcm Ihe very
Leginning cnc F|cnIer: hc: Ic reIurn Ihe cmcunI ccming frcm FerIiphi|.

/gLcycni v FN8, Ic cec|cre IhcI Ihe excepIicn wcu|c Le gcverning in Ihi:
cc:e wcu|c Le Ic impcir Ihe righI: cf Ihe ceLIcr Leccu:e Ihi: wcu|c
:hcrIen Ihe pre:cripIive pericc. FcIher Ihe creciIcr, wc: ncI c||cwec Ic
:Ic|| Ihe pericc fcr Ihe righI: Ic fcrec|c:e Ihe mcrIgcge.

Mccern view, the except|on, in:Icnce: when iI i: cpp|iec Ly Ihe ccurI.

F|cre: v Dri|cn: F/ 7227, Sec. 13 prcvice: IhcI in Ihe 1:I yr cf cpercIicn cf
Ihe S8M/, Ihe mcycr cf C|cngcpc CiIy, Mcycr Fichcrc J. Gcrccn, wc: Ic
Le cppcinIec Chcirmcn cnc Chief ExecuIive Cfficer cf Ihe SuLic 8cy
MeIrcpc|iIcn /uIhcriIy {S8M/). When Ihe prcvi:icn wc: cec|crec
unccn:IiIuIicnc|, Gcrccn hcc c|reccy :ervec c: chcirper:cn cf S8M/. He
hc: receivec emc|umenI: fcr hi: cffice cnc hc: c|:c enIerec inIc
Ircn:ccIicn: c: chcirmcn. WhcI i: Ihe effecI cf Ihe nu||ificcIicn cf Ihe
prcvi:icn cf |cw :cying IhcI Ihe cppcinImenI cf Ihe mcycr cf C|cngcpc
CiIy in :uch prcvi:icn i: unccn:IiIuIicnc| Ihe DccIrine cf CpercIive FccI
wc: cpp|iec. Ihe |cw wc: reccgnizec Ic hcve |egc| effecI: in Ihe
inIervening pericc Lefcre Ihe pcrIicu|cr prcvi:icn in ue:Iicn wc: cecreec
Ic Le unccn:IiIuIicnc|. Fer ciem:, c||cwcnce: cnc cIher emc|umenI:
receivec Ly re:pcncenI Gcrccn, c: :uch Chcirmcn cnc Chief ExecuIive
Cfficer mcy Le reIcinec Ly him, cnc c|| ccI: cIherwi:e |egiIimcIe ccne Ly
him in Ihe exerci:e cf hi: cuIhcriIy c: cfficerce |cctc c| S8M/ cre cfficic|
ccIicn: cnc hi: ccI: cre Lincing.

Icn v 8crric:: the genero| ru|e |s thot || you ore not porty to o cose, the
dec|s|on thereo| |s not b|nd|ng to you. During Iime cf Mcrcc:, civi|icn: cre
Iriec Lefcre mi|iIcry IriLunc|:/ccurI:. Ihe ue:Iicn i:, Leccu:e Ihe:e
prcceecing: were nu||ifiec Ly :uL:euenI cc:e:, whcI wcu|c Le Ihe
effecI cf Ihe nu||ificcIicn Dce: iI mecn IhcI Ihe nu||ificcIicn cpp|ie: cn|y
Ic Ihc:e per:cn: whc ue:Iicnec Ihe ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy cf Ihe |cw in Ihi:
cc:e Cr :hcu|c iI cpp|y Ic cIher per:cn: :imi|cr|y :iIucIec wiIh Ihc:e whc
cre peIiIicning Ihi: cc:e ccIuc||y reccnci|e: cIher cc:e: Lefcre. Ihe
ccurI Icck excepIicn Ic Ihi: pcrIicu|cr cc:e. Ihe ceci:icn wcu|c cpp|y Ic
c|| cIher :imi|cr|y :iIucIec per:cn:. Ihc:e whc cre :Ii|| uncergcing Iric|
:hcu|c Le Iriec in Ihe regu|cr ccurI:. lnfcrmcIicn hc: Ic Le fi|ec wiIh Ihe
fi:cc|: cffice, cfIer which if Ihere i: prcLcL|e ccu:e, iI wcu|c Le fi|ec in
Ihe regu|cr ccurI:. Fcr Ihc:e whc cre c|reccy :enIencec cnc hcve
c|reccy :ervec Iheir :enIence, Ihey wi|| ncI Le Iriec cnymcre. Ihe
cccIrine cf cpercIive fccI wc: cpp|iec in Ihi: cc:e. Ihc:e whc hcve Leen
Iriec cnc :enIencec Ly Ihe invc|ic mi|iIcry IriLunc|:, cnc hcve :ervec Iheir
:enIence wi|| ncI cnymcre Le Iriec in Ihe regu|cr ccurI:. Mccern view wc:
cpp|iec. ln Ihe inIervening pericc Ihe |cw wc: ccn:icerec Ic hcve vc|ic
|egc| effecI:. CIherwi:e iI wcu|c prejucice Ihc:e whc cre c|reccy
ccnvicIec {ccuL|e jecpcrcy). Ihc:e whc hcve Leen :enIencec, grcnIec
cmne:Iy cr ccuiIIec, even if Ihe IriLunc| wc: i||egc|, Ihey wi|| ncI Le Iriec
cnymcre in Ihe regu|cr ccurI:. Fe-prc:ecuIicn, re-Iric| cnc re-:enIencing
cre ci:c||cwec. Ihc:e whc cre uncergcing Iric| wi|| Le :Icppec cnc Ihe
Iric| i: Ircn:ferrec Ic Ihe regu|cr ccurI:.

lI i: ncI Ihe enIire |cw IhcI wi|| Le :uLjecIec Ic c cc:e ue:Iicning iI:
ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy. lI mcy cn|y Le c prcvi:icn cr cerIcin prcvi:icn: cf c |cw.
WhcI wcu|c Le Ihe effecI if IhcI pcrIicu|cr prcvi:icn i: cec|crec
unccn:IiIuIicnc| Dce: iI mecn IhcI Ihe enIire |cw i: cec|crec
unccn:IiIuIicnc| lI cepenc: upcn Ihe :iIucIicn. FcrI cf c :IcIuIe, Ihere i: c
:epcrcLi|iIy c|cu:e. Ihe |cw iI:e|f prcvice: IhcI cny prcvi:icn IhcI i: vcic cr
unccn:IiIuIicnc| cnc i: :epcrcL|e frcm Ihe cIher prcvi:icn: wi|| ncI cffecI
cIher prcvi:icn: cf Ihe |cw. lI i: c|:c in Ihe |ighI cf Ihe pre:umpIicn cf
ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy. Hcwever when Ihe pcrI cf Ihe |cw i: muIuc||y cepencenI
cnc ccnnecIec c: Ic wcrrcnI Ihe Le|ief IhcI Ihe |egi:|cIure inIencec
Ihem Ic Le c: c whc|e, when Ihe |eg|s|ot|ve |ntent i: Ic cpp|y Ihe |cw in iI:
enIireIy, Ihe nu||iIy cf cne pcrI wi|| viIicIe Ihe re:I. 8uI generc||y, iI i: cn|y
Ihe pcrIicu|cr prcvi:icn IhcI i: rencerec vcic cr unccn:IiIuIicnc|.

Ccn c prcvi:icn cf |cw, iniIic||y vc|ic,
Leccme subsequent|y unccn:IiIuIicnc|, cn Ihe grcunc IhcI
iI:cont|nued operot|on wcu|c vic|cIe Ihe euc| prcIecIicn cf Ihe |cw SC
he|c IhcI wiIh Ihe pc::cge cf Ihe :uL:euenI |cw: cmencing Ihe chcrIer
cf :even (} ctne| gcve|nnentc| ||ncnc|c| |n:t|tut|cn: {GFl:), Ihe ccnIinuec
cpercIicn cf Ihe |c:I p|cv|:c cf SecIicn 15{c), /rIic|e ll cf F./. Nc. 753
{New CenIrc| 8cnk /cI), ccn:IiIuIe: invicicu: ci:crimincIicn cn Ihe 2,4
ronk-ond-|||e emp|oyees cf Ihe cngkc Sent|c| ng F|||p|nc: {8SF).
Ihe p||c| view cn Ihe ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy cf F./. Nc. 753 wc: con||ned to on
evo|uot|on o| |ts c|oss|f|cof|on between the ronk-ond-f||e ond
the off|cers o| the 8SF, fcunc rec:cncL|e Leccu:e Ihere were :u-:tcnt|c|
c|:t|nct|cn: IhcI mcce rec| cifference: LeIween Ihe Iwc c|c::e:. Ihe
const|tut|on o||ows |or c|oss|||cot|on. 8efcre, in Ihi: cc:e, Ihere wc: nc
vic|cIicn cf Ihe euc| prcIecIicn c|cu:e Leccu:e Ihere wc: c vc|ic
c|c::ificcIicn {rcnk-cnc-fi|e v:. cfficer: cf 8SF) which i: rec:cncL|e. Ihe
c|c::ificcIicn wc: Lc:ec cn substont|o| d|st|nct|ons which mcke fcr rec|
cifference:, germcne Ic Ihe purpc:e cf Ihe |cw, ncI |imiIec Ic exi:Iing
ccnciIicn: cn|y, cnc cpp|ie: euc||y Ic ecch memLer cf Ihe :cme c|c::.
Hcwever, subsequent enoctments exempt|ng o|| ronk-ond-|||e emp|oyees
o| other GFIs |rom the SSL, const|tute s|gn|||cont chonges |n c|rcumstonce
thot cons|derob|y o|ter the reosonob|||ty o| the cont|nued operot|on o| the
|ost prov|so o| Sect|on 15[c}, Art|c|e II o| kepub||c Act No. 753, thereby
expos|ng the prov|so to more ser|ous scrut|ny. Ihi: Iime, Ihe :cruIiny re|cIe:
Ic Ihe const|tut|ono||ty o| the c|oss|||cot|on - c|LeiI mcce |nc||ect|y c: c
ccn:euence cf Ihe pc::cge cf eighI cIher |cw: - between the ronk-ond-
|||e o| the 8SF ond the seven other GFIs. Ihe c|c::ificcIicn mu:I ncI cn|y Le
rec:cncL|e, but must o|so opp|y equo||y to o|| members o| the c|oss. SG 1-
1 cf 8SF i: in Ihe :cne c|c:: c: SG 1-1 cf cIher GFl: {L8F, SSS, S8GFC,
GSlS, D8F, HGlC cnc FDlC). Hcwever, SG 1-1 cf 8SF i: :uLjecI Ic Sc|cry
SIcnccrcizcIicn Lcw {SSL), whi|e SG 1-1 cf cIher GFl: cre exempI frcm
SSL. /|Ierec circum:Icnce: hcve rencerec Ihe previcu: vc|ic c|c::ificcIicn
LeIween rcnk-cnc-fi|e cnc cfficer: cf 8SF invc|ic cue Ic :uL:euenI
enccImenI: in Ihe 7 cIher GFl IhcI mcce nc ci:IincIicn Ly exempIing c||
Iheir emp|cyee: {wheIher rcnc-cnc-fi|e cr cfficer:) frcm Ihe SSL. Iherefcre,
in Ihe cc:e cI Lcr, SC he|c IhcI Ihe ccnIinuec cpercIicn cnc
imp|emenIcIicn cf Ihe |c:I p|cv|:c cf SecIicn 15{c), /rIic|e ll cf FepuL|ic
/cI Nc. 753 i: unccn:IiIuIicnc| {vic|cIe: euc| prcIecIicn c|cu:e cf Ihe
Ccn:IiIuIicn)). Cn|y Ihe |c:I prcvi:c, Leccu:e Ihere wc: c :epcrcLi|iIy
c|cu:e cnc Ihe |c:I prcvi:c i: :epcrcL|e frcm Ihe enIire |cw. IhcI i: Ihe
ccncepI cf ke|ot|ve Const|tut|ono||ty. lnfericr ccurI: c|:c hcve Ihe pcwer
cf jucicic| review. /rIic|e Vlll, Sec 5, pcr. 2 cpp|ie: cn|y Ic SC. Hcwever,
|cwer ccurI: c|:c exerci:e jucicic| review cn ru|ing cn Ihe ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy
cf c |cw.

/rIic|e Vlll, Sec 5 {2c): SC jucicic| review {review, revi:e, rever:e, mccify cr
cffirm finc| jucgmenI: cnc crcer: cf |cwer ccurI:) c|| criminc| cc:e: in
which Ihe penc|Iy impc:ec i: rec|u:icn perpeIuc cr higher.

Icke ncIe c|:c cf Ihe cc:e cf Fecp|e v Fcmc:. Ncw, whcI if Ihere i: tr|o| |n
obsent|o cf Ihe cccu:ec Ihe cccu:ec wc: crrcignec, wc: cL|e Ic pc:I
Lci| LuI jumpec Lci|. Ihen Ihere wc: Iric| in cL:enIic. Ihe Iric| wi||
ccnIinue. / criminc| cc:e wi|| ncI prcceec when Ihe cccu:ec hc: ncI
Leen crre:Iec cr vc|unIcri|y :urrencerec, Ihen crrcignmenI where Ihe
cccu:ec i: infcrmec cf Ihe chcrge: cgcin:I him. Ihere i: nc :uL:IiIuIicn in
Ihe crrcignmenI, Ihe cccu:ec mu:I cppecr per:cnc||y. Ihen cn enIry cf c
p|ec {gui|Iy cr ncI gui|Iy) Ly Ihe cccu:ec i: reuirec Lefcre Ihere i: Iric|.
Hcwever, curing c Iric|, Ihe cccu:ec mcy ncI cIIenc. {Fecp|e v E:pcrc:) lf
Ihe cccu:ec jumpec Lci|, cce: iI mecn IhcI Ihe ccurI wi|| ncI prcceec
/: |cng c: ycu cre orro|gned o|reody, the tr|o| cou|d proceed. lf ycu cre
Ihe cccu:ec cnc ycu cic ncI cIIenc Ihe :checu|ec Iric|:, ycu wi|| Le in
effecI wciving ycur righI Ic pre:enI ycur evicence. Ihe prc:ecuIicn
{cccu:er) wi|| ncI Le ceniec iI: ccy in Ihe ccurI cnc Ihe Iric| wi|| :Ii||
prcceec. ln Ihi: cc:e Ihere wc: ccnvicIicn, cnc Ihe cccu:ec wc:
:enIencec wiIh c penc|Iy cf cecIh. Ncw, ccn Ihe Supreme CcurI review
Ihe cecIh :enIence even if Ihe cccu:ec/ccnvicIec per:cn i: mi::ing cr
ccnncI Le |cccIec SC :cic YES, in re|cIicn Ic Ihe ccn:IiIuIicnc| cuIy cf
Ihe ccurI Ic review c|| criminc| cc:e: in which Ihe penc|Iy impc:ec i:
rec|u:icn perpeIuc cr higher {cecIh). Ihe ccurI mu:I review iI ce:piIe
cL:ence cf Ihe ccnvicIec per:cn.

/rIic|e Vlll, Sec 5, lIem 3. SC Ic oss|gn Iempcrcri|y jucge: cf |cwer ccurI:
Ic cIher :IcIicn c: puL|ic inIere:I mcy reuire. Such Iempcrcry c::ignmenI
:hc|| ncI exceec mcnIh: wiIhcuI Ihe ccn:enI cf Ihe jucge ccncernec.

Icke ncIe IhcI iI i: Ihe pcwer to ASSIGN, not to oppo|nt. lI i: Ihe pre:icenI
whc hc: Ihe pcwer Ic cppcinI. 8uI in cc:e: cf vcccncie:, Ihe SC ccn
c::ign jucge:, ncI ju:Iice:, Iempcrcri|y Ic :iI in c pcrIicu|cr :c|c, ncI Ic
exceec mcnIh: wiIhcuI Ihe ccn:enI cf Ihe jucge

lIem5 {crI Vlll,Sec5) refer: Ic Ihe ru|e mok|ng power o| the Supreme
Court. ln cc:e: cf inIerncIicnc| cgreemenI, even if Ihe ru|e mcking pcwer
cf SC i: Ircn:gre::ec c LiI, iI wcu|c :Ii|| ccn:icer cr cL:erve cur
inIerncIicnc| cgreemenI. ln Ihe cc:e cf Icnccc v /ngcrc, Ihe SC even
:IcIec IhcI :ince Ihe Fhi|ippine: i: c pcrIy Ic Ihe WIC, G/II /greemenI,
Ihere i: c vc|ic |imiIcIicn in Ihe exerci:e cf iI: :cvereignIy cnc IhcI exIenc:
Ic Ihe ru|e mcking pcwer cf Ihe SC. Ihi: cc:e i: ccncernec cLcuI Ihe
prcvi:icn cf WIC cgreemenI cn Ihe pre:umpIicn IhcI unpcIenIec
prccucI: icenIicc| Ic pcIenIec prccucI: cre pre:umec imiIcIicn:. Ihi:
prcvi:icn cn pre:umpIicn ||m|ts Ihe ru|e mcking pcwer cf Ihe SC, :ince
pre:umpIicn" i: c Fu|e cf Evicence prcmu|gcIec Ly SC. /ncIher, Ihe
cc:e cf Nichc|c: v Fcmu|c cn Ihe VF/ {inIerncIicnc| cgreemenI). ln WeLL
v ce Lecn, SC :cic IhcI prc:ecuIicn cf crime: perIcin: Ic Ihe execuIive
cepcrImenI. Ihe cc:e wc: cLcuI Ihe ccmi::icn cf Ihe wiIne:: Ic Ihe
WiIne:: FrcIecIicn Frcgrcm. / ue:Iicn wc: mcce IhcI Ihi: WiIne::
FrcIecIicn Frcgrcm |cw Ircn:gre::ec Ihe ru|e mcking pcwer: cf Ihe ccurI.
Ihe ccurI :cic IhcI wheIher Ic prc:ecuIe :cmeLccy, cn whcI crime:
:hcu|c :cmeLccy Le prc:ecuIec, cnc cgcin:I whcm Ihe cc:e :hcu|c Le
chcrgec cn, i: c mcIIer IhcI i: ncI fcr Ihe ccurI Ic cecice. lI i: fcr Ihe
execuIive. Ihe DepcrImenI cf Ju:Iice cnc Fi:cc|: Cffice {Ihe cne whc
fcrwcrc: Ihe cc:e Ic Ihe ccurI fcr Iric| cfIer ceIermining prcLcL|e ccu:e),
Ihey cre uncer Ihe execuIive cepcrImenI. IhcI {execuIive pcwer)
inc|uce: Ihe pcwer Ic chcc:e whc :hc|| uc|ify c: c SIcIe WiIne:: uncer
Ihe WiIne:: FrcIecIicn Frcgrcm. IhcI i: ncI c cec|crec jucicic|
prercgcIive. Echegcrcy v SecreIcry, ccn Ihe ccurI :Ii|| ccI cn c mcIIer
IhcI i: c|reccy re:c|vec cnc pencing execuIicn Ccn Ihe ccurI chcnge
Ihe :checu|e cf Ihe ccIe cf execuIicn cf c per:cn ccnvicIec cnc
:enIencec Ic cecIh Ly |eIhc| injecIicn Ihe cn:wer i: YES. Ihe pcwer
invckec Ly SC here i: iI: ru|e mcking pcwer. lI ccn chcnge iI: ru|e:, :c iI
ccn c|:c ccI cn cny mcIIer uncer iI: juri:cicIicn. Ihe ccurI :cic IhcI Ihe
187 Ccn:IiIuIicn mc|cec cn even :Ircnger cnc incepencenI Jucicicry.
/mcng cIher:, iI enhcncec Ihe ru|e mcking pcwer cf SC, IhcI i:
/rIVlll,Sec5,lIem5. Fcr Ihe fir:I Iime iI wc: given Ihe pcwer Ic prcmu|gcIe
ru|e: ccncerning Ihe enfcrcemenI cf ccn:IiIuIicnc| righI:, eIc. Mc:I
impcrIcnI|y, iI Icck cwcy Ihe pcwer cf Ccngre:: Ic repec|, c|Ier cr
:upp|emenI ru|e: ccncerning p|eccing, prccIice cnc prccecure.
Ccngre:: ccnncI encrccch upcn Ihe Fu|e: cf CcurI. Ihe pcwer Ic
prcmu|gcIe ru|e: cn p|eccing, prccIice cnc prccecure i: nc |cnger
:hcrec wiIh Ccngre:: mcre :c wiIh Ihe ExecuIive. IhcI wc: ncI Ihe cc:e
Lefcre, LuI ncw iI i: :c|e|y Ihe SC IhcI ccu|c mcke iI: cwn ru|es on
p|eod|ng, proct|ce ond procedure. Even FEES, in Ihe cc:e cf Fe: FeIiIicn
fcr FeccgniIicn, 2010 cc:e. F/ 821 {c |egi:|cIive ccI) grcnI: exempIicn Ic
Ihe pcymenI cf|egc| |ee: Ic Ihe gcvernmenI cgencie:. Ihe ccurI :cic,
ycu ccnncI cc IhcI. We hcve Ihe pcwer Ic prcmu|gcIe cur cwn ru|e: cn
p|eccing:, prccIice cnc prccecure. Ihe jucicicry c|:c enjcy: fi:cc|
cuIcncmy, IhcI i: cuIcmcIic re|ec:e cf iI: LucgeI cnc c|:c Ihe freeccm
Ic impc:e fee:. F/ 821,Sec3 vic|cIe: Ihe ru|e mcking pcwer cnc fi:cc|
cuIcncmy cf SC.

l: Ihe I8F uncer Ihe cuIhcriIy cf Ihe SC when iI ccme: Ic iI: ru|e: Gcrcic v
ce Verc. When ycu Leccme c |cwyer, iI i: ccmpu|:cry Ic Le c memLer cf
l8F cf gccc :Icncing. WiIhcuI memLer:hip in Ihe l8F, c |cwyer i: wiIhcuI
ncIcric| cuIhcriIy/ccmmi::icn, which i: grcnIec per chcpIer. Ycu ccnncI
prccIice ncIcric| :ervice: in cIher p|cce: excepI in ycur p|cce cf
cpp|iccIicn, u:uc||y in ycur cwn ccmici|e. When ycu Icke ycur ccIh, SC
wi|| regi:Ier ycu righI cwcy in ycur re:pecIive chcpIer:, LuI ycu ccn
:uL:euenI|y chcnge chcpIer:. Hcwever, mu|Iip|e-chcpIer memLer:hip i:
ncI c||cwec. ChcpIer Cfficer: {pre:icenI, vice, eIc.) cre e|ecIec per
chcpIer. Ihen Ihe ChcpIer Fre:icenI: wi|| e|ecI Iheir Di:IricI/Fegicn
Cfficer:, ycu hcve Ihe Gcverncr. Ihen Ihe Di:IricI/Fegicn Gcverncr: wi|| :iI
c: c memLer cf Ihe Lccrc cf Ihe l8F NcIicnc| Cfficer:. Ihen Ihey wcu|c
e|ecI cn l8F NcIicnc| Fre:icenI. Sc Ihere i: Lccrc cf Gcverncr: frcm
:everc| ci:IricI:/regicn:, cnc Ihe ci:IricI: cre ccmpc:ec cf :everc|
chcpIer:. Ihere i: whcI we cc|| rcIcIicn cf pre:icency. Every regicn wi||
hcve iI: Iime Ic hcve iI: regicn Gcverncr Leccme cn l8F Fre:icenI. Ihi:
Iime iI wc: fcr Ccrrcgc regicn Ic hcve iI: Gcverncr Leccme VICE-
Fre:icenI :c IhcI nexI Ierm he/:he ccu|c Leccme Ihe l8F Fre:icenI. Ihi: i:
cn unwriIIen ru|e. Ihi: pcrIicu|cr /IIy. ce Verc Ircn:ferrec hi: chcpIer Ic
/gu:cn, Leccu:e if he Leccme: cn cfficer in /gu:cn he ccu|c Leccme
Gcverncr fcr Ccrrcgc regicn. lf he Leccme: Gcverncr fcr Ccrrcgc regicn,
he wcu|c Leccme c ncIicnc| cfficer cf Ihe l8F c: Vice-Fre:icenI, cnc in
Ihe nexI Ierm he wcu|c Leccme Ihe Fre:icenI cf l8F. CIherwi:e, he wcu|c
hcve Ic wciI fcr c cyc|e cf cLcuI 20 yecr:. Hi: scheme wc: ue:Iicnec
here. Cne cf Ihe i::ue:: /re Ihe uc|ificcIicn: cf l8F cfficer: cn inIernc|
mcIIer which i: cuI:ice Ihe juri:cicIicn cf Ihe Supreme CcurI Ihe ccurI
:cic, we hcve Ihe pcwer Leccu:e IhcI i: pcrI cf cur pcwer Ic prcmu|gcIe
ru|e: cffecIing Ihe ccmi::icn Ic Ihe prccIice cf |cw cnc Ic Ihe lnIegrcIec
8cr. Imp||c|t in Ihi: ccn:IiIuIicnc| grcnI i: Ihe pcwer Ic superv|se o|| the
oct|v|t|es o| the I8F, inc|ucing ceci:icn cf iI: cfficer:, eIc. Due Ic IhcI
pcwer, Ihe ccurI Icck ccgnizcnce cf Ihi: cc:e.

ADMINISIkAIIVE SbFEkVISION {crIVlll,Sec5,iIem) Ihe SC hc: Ihe pcwer
Ic oppo|nt c|| cfficic|: cnc emp|cyee: cf Ihe Jucicicry in ccccrccnce wiIh
Ihe Civi| Service Lcw. 8uI Ihe pcwer Ic cppcinI jucge: cf |cwer ccurI: cnc
SC Le|cng: Ic Ihe Fre:icenI. SC c|:c hc: Ihe pcwer Ic ccmini:Ier, iI :hc||
hcve ccmini:IrcIive cnc :upervi:icn cver c|| ccurI: cnc Ihe per:cnne|
Iherecf. Ihi: ncw inc|uce: Ihe pcwer Ic ci:cip|ine Ihe jucge: cf |cwer
ccurI: {:ec11) cnc crcer Iheir ci:mi::c|. lI i: Ihe pre:icenI IhcI cppcinI: LuI
iI i: Ihe SC IhcI hc: Ihe pcwer Ic ci:mi:: c jucge ccccrcing Ic :ec11. Ihe
SC Icke: ccgnizcnce cf c|| ccmini:IrcIive cc:e: invc|ving iI: jucge:,
cfficer: cnc emp|cyee:. /|| ccmini:IrcIive ccIicn ccncerning ccurI
emp|cyee: :hcu|c Le fi|ec Ic Ihe SC cnc ncI Ic Ihe CmLuc:mcn. Nc
cIher Lrcnch cf gcvernmenI mcy inIruce inIc Ihi: pcwer wiIhcuI running
cfcu| cf Ihe cccIrine cf :epcrcIicn cf pcwer:. IhcI i: Ihe ru|ing cf Ihe ccurI
in Ihe cc:e cf Mccecc v. Vc:uez. Dc|c|c: v. CmLuc:mcn cf Minccncc,
Uncue ce|cy in Ihe re:c|uIicn cf cc:e: re:u|Iing Ic injury. NcIe IhcI Jucge
Dc|c|c: here wc: chcrgec cf cnIi-grcfI cnc ccrrupI prccIice:, F/ 31
which impc:e: criminc| |icLi|iIy ncI civi| |icLi|iIy. 8uI Ihe |cw cpp|ie: Ic
Ihe o|||c|o| octs cf c puL|ic cfficer. He mcy c|:c Le criminc||y |icL|e uncer
Ihe cffen:e: cf imminenI Lcc fciIh, grc:: inexcu:cL|e neg|igence, cnc
uncue ccvcnIcge Ic cny pcrIy. YeI Ihe ccurI :cic IhcI Ihe ccmp|cinI
cgcin:I jucge Dc|c|c: i: ccmini:IrcIive in ncIure. Ycu hcve Ic fi|e iI Ic SC
Leccu:e we cre Ihe cne whc wi|| ceIermine whcI Ihe |icLi|iIy cf jucge
Dc|c|c: i:. Ihe Lc:i: cf Ihe ue:Iicnec ccI: i: uncue ce|cy: cf re:c|uIicn cf
cc:e: ccmini:IrcIive). ce Verc cc:e, Ihi: invc|ve: c chcrge cf c vic|cIicn
cf Ihe FFC. Kncwing|y rencering cn unju:I crcer {FFC,crI 204,205) . ln Ihe
cc:e cf Dc|c|c:, Ihe |cw invc|vec i: F/ 31, ci:chcrge cf hi: funcIicn. ln ce
Verc, iI i: Ihe |cw cn FFC. 8uI when we :cy rencering cn unju:I jucgmenI,
IhcI invc|ve: cn o|||c|o| oct o| the judge. Cue:Iicn cf juri:cicIicn, wcu|c iI
Le Ihe CmLuc:mcn cr Ihe Supreme CcurI SC :cic IhcI fcr ycu Ic Le
cL|e Ic chcrge c jucge cf kncwing|y rencering cn unju:I jucgmenI, Ihere
hc: Ic Le fir:I c fincing IhcI Ihe jucgmenI i: unju:I, c: c reuiremenI cnc
cn e|emenI cf Ihe crime. Ihere i: nc cIher Lccy IhcI wi|| ceIermine IhcI
Ihe jucgmenI i: unju:I LuI Ihe ccurI iI:e|f, ncI Ihe CmLuc:mcn. lf ycu fi|e c
chcrge cgcin:I c jucge fcr unju:I jucgmenI, Ihere mu:I 1:I Le cn ccIicn
cf cert|oror| cnc c |u||ng Ly Ihe SC IhcI :uch jucgmenI i: inceec unju:I.
Ihere c|:c hc: Ic Le cn ccmini:IrcIive prcceecing fi|ec cgcin:I Ihe per:cn
rencering unju:I jucgmenI. /fIer c|| IhcI, ycu ccn ncw fi|e c criminc| cc:e
cgcin:I c jucge fcr kncwing|y rencering cn unju:I jucgmenI. FuenIe: v
CmLuc:mcn, iI wc: cLcuI Ihe 1:I f|ycver in 8cjccc, Dcvcc CiIy. Sc Ihere
wc: c|reccy c jucgmenI cgcin:I Ihe gcvernmenI, c |icLi|iIy cf F15M. Ihe
GcvernmenI ccnncI pcy Leccu:e even if ycu hcve c jucgmenI cgcin:I
Ihe GcvernmenI, ycu hcve c|:c Ic |cLLy fcr Ihe pcymenI, Ihere mu:I Le
c LucgeI fcr IhcI, pcrI cf Ihe generc| cpprcpricIicn: ccI. WhcI Ihe jucge
cic wc: crcer Ihe :heriff Ic i::ue c wriI cf execuIicn Ic |evy cn Ihe
gcvernmenI prcperIie: {in DFWH, Lu||cczer:) cnc cucIicn Ihe :cme. /
cc:e wc: fi|ec cgcin:I Jucge FuenIe: Lefcre Ihe CmLuc:mcn, F/ 31
/nIi-GrcfI cnc CcrrupI FrccIice: /cI. Cue:Iicn cf juri:cicIicn, cce: Ihe
CmLuc:mcn hcve juri:cicIicn here SC :cic NC. Ihe CmLuc:mcn mcy
ncI iniIicIe cr inve:IigcIe c criminc| cr ccmini:IrcIive ccmp|cinI Lefcre iI:
cffice cgcin:I Jucge FuenIe:. CcciLe: v CmLuc:mcn, in Ihi: cc:e Iwc
jucge: fcughI cver c piece cf furniIure cnc Ihe cc:e fi|ec here wc:
phy:icc| injury cnc mc|icicu: mi:chief. Ihere wc: cn ccmini:IrcIive chcrge
fi|ec in SC, cnc Ihe criminc| cc:e wc: fi|ec in Ihe CmLuc:mcn. Cue:Iicn
cf juri:cicIicn, hc: Ihe CmLuc:mcn hcve Ihe juri:cicIicn Ic ccncucI c
pre|imincry inve:IigcIicn cn Ihe criminc| ccmp|cinI: lI cppecr: IhcI Ihe
pre:enI cc:e invc|ve: 2 memLer: cf Ihe jucicicry, Ihe incicenI hcppenec
in:ice Ihe ccurI, invc|ving c piece cf furniIure mcyLe even cwnec Ly Ihe
ccurI. /cccrcing Ic Ihe ccurI, Ihi: invc|ve: cn ccmini:IrcIive mcIIer. WhcI
i: even mcre IrcuL|ing here i: IhcI Ihe ccurI :cic IhcI Ihi: ru|e {ru|e cn
juri:cicIicn cf SC) :hcu|c hc|c Irue regcrc|e:: cf wheIher cn ccmini:IrcIive
cc:e Lc:ec cn Ihe :uLjecI ccI cf Ihe ccmp|cinI Lefcre Ihe CmLuc:mcn
i: c|reccy pencing Lefcre Ihe SC. Ycu hcve Ic re|cIe Ihi: cn Ihe cc:e cf
Gccic v Mirc. Ihi: c|:c invc|ve: cncIher jucge LuI ncI wiIh cncIher jucge
cnc Ihe incicenI cic ncI hcppen in:ice Ihe ccurI. /n ccmini:IrcIive cc:e
cnc c criminc| cc:e cf Feck|e:: lmprucence Fe:u|Iing Ic Hcmicice were
fi|ec in Ihe CmLuc:mcn. Ihe CmLuc:mcn ru|ec cn Ihe criminc| cc:e,
whi|e Ihe ccmini:IrcIive cc:e wc: referrec Ic Ihe SC. Ihi: Iime SC :cic IhcI
Ihi: i: ccrrecI. Supervi:icn cver c|| infericr ccurI: cnc ccurI per:cnne|, frcm
Ihe Fre:icing Ju:Iice cf Ihe CcurI cf /ppec|: Ic Ihe |cwe:I rcnkec ccurI
emp|cyee, i: ve:Iec Ly Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn in Ihe Supreme CcurI. Hcwever,
IhcI prercgcIive cn|y exIenc: Ic ccmini:IrcIive :upervi:icn. ln cIher wcrc:,
fcr criminc| cc:e:, criminc| ccI: cf jucge: cnc ccurI per:cnne|, :Ii|| Ihe
CmLuc:mcn hc: juri:cicIicn Leccu:e iI i: Ihe prcper Lccy whc wcu|c
ceIermine prcLcL|e ccu:e when iI ccme: Ic criminc| cc:e: invc|ving
puL|ic cfficer: in re|cIicn Ic Iheir cfficic| funcIicn:. /: :uch Ihe
CmLuc:mcn ccnncI encrccch upcn Supreme CcurI: Ic:k Ic cver:ee
jucge: cnc ccurI per:cnne| {ccmini:IrcIive :upervi:icn) cnc Icke prcper
ccmini:IrcIive ccIicn cgcin:I Ihem. Hcwever Ihe criminc| cc:e fi|ec
cgcin:I him i: in nc wcy re|cIec Ic perfcrmcnce cf hi: cuIie: c: c jucge. lI
i: fcr Feck|e:: lmprucence uncer /rIic|e 35 cf Ihe revi:ec penc| ccce.
Iherefcre, Ihe CmLuc:mcn hc: juri:cicIicn Ic ccncucI c pre|imincry
inve:IigcIicn cnc fi|e Ihe infcrmcIicn in ccurI. Sc Ihe :Icncing ru|e wcu|c
Le fcr Ihe CmLuc:mcn Ic refer Ic Ihe Supreme CcurI c|| cc:e: cri:ing
frcm Ihe cfficic| ccI: cf c jucge cr ccurI per:cnne|, even if Ihere i: c
criminc| c:pecI Ic iI, cnc Ihe ceIermincIicn :hcu|c Le wiIh Ihe SC. Ycu
c|:c hcve Ic ceIermine wheIher Ihe |cw IhcI i: vic|cIec, wheIher iI
invc|ve: c |cw IhcI ccncern: cn cfficic| ccI cf c gcvernmenI emp|cyee cr
iI invc|ve: generc||y c |cw IhcI penc|ize: c criminc| ccI :uch c: Ihe
Fevi:ec Fenc| Ccce. ln Ihe cc:e cf CSC v /ncc|, Icke ncIe, ccwn Ic Ihe
|cwe:I emp|cyee cf Ihe SC. Here, /ncc| i: c :ecuriIy gucrc cf Ihe
ScncigcnLcycn. He cpp|iec fcr c Civi| Service excm, LuI :cmeLccy Icck
Ihe excm fcr him. He pc::ec wiIh c grcce cf 81, very LrighI :ecuriIy
gucrcl lI wc: fcunc cuI IhcI :cmeLccy Icck Ihe excm fcr him. He wc:
chcrge wiIh ci:hcne:Iy Lefcre Ihe Civi| Service. Ihe civi| Service fcunc him
gui|Iy. Cue:Iicn, cce: Ihe Civi| Service hcve juri:cicIicn Generc||y Ihe
cn:wer i: YES, iI hc:. Ihe Civi| Service Ccmmi::icn :hc|| hcve criginc|
ci:cip|incry juri:cicIicn cver c|| iI: cfficic| cnc emp|cyee:, cnc cver c||
cc:e: invc|ving Civi| Service excmincIicn cncmc|ie: cr irregu|criIie:. Ihe
:Icnccrc i: CmniLu: Civi| Service Fu|e: cnc Fegu|cIicn:. De:piIe IhcI Ihe
SC :cic, Leccu:e Ihi: invc|ve: cn emp|cyee cf Ihe jucicicry, ycu mu:I refer
iI SC. Ycu ccnncI ccI cn iI. Ycu ccn chcrge him, LuI Ihe ceci:icn Le|cng:
Ic SC. Sc Ihe cc:e :hcu|c hcve Leen referrec Ic Ihe cffice cf Ihe ccurI
ccmini:IrcIcr fcr cpprcpricIe ccIicn. ln cIher wcrc:, Ihe ccI cf Ihe Civi|
Service here wc: nu||ifiec.

Fcr ju:Iice:, Ihe uc|ificcIicn i: ncIurc| Lcrn. 8uI fcr Ihe |cwer ccurI:, Ihe
uc|ificcIicn i: Fi|ipinc ciIizen ncI nece::cri|y ncIurc| Lcrn. Ihe cIher
uc|ificcIicn i: ycu mu:I Le c memLer cf Ihe Lcr fcr 5 yecr: if ycure
cpp|ying fcr municipc| Iric| ccurI. Fcr Ihe FIC iI mu:I Le cI |ec:I fcr 10
yecr:. Sc mcyLe l wi|| uc|ify c|reccy.

J8C. Fecc|| ycur ccmmi::icn cn cppcinImenI:. /ppcinImenI: which neec
ccn:enI cf Ihe ccmmi::icn cn cppcinImenI:. Jucicic| cnc 8cr Ccunci|.
Ccn:IiIuIicnc| ccmmi::icn: cnc Ihc:e enumercIec in crI 7.
Sc whc cre memLer: cf Ihe J8C
CrecIec uncer Ihe :upervi:icn cf Ihe SC. Ccmpc:iIicn ex cfficic ccpcciIy
ycu kncw IhcI. Wc|c kcy :we|cc in re|cIicn Ic ycur cffice. Chcirper:cn
chief ju:Iice c: ex cfficic chcirmcn. SecreIcry cf ju:Iice cnc c rep cf
ccngre:: c: ex cfficic memLer:.
Which ccngre:: hcu:e cr :encIe l|cg ni :i|c ccIuc||y. lI: c very inf|uenIic|
ccunci|. Why Lcck cI Iime 5. Ihe ccunci| :hcu|c hcve Ihe principc|
funcIicn cf reccmmencing cppcinIee: Ic Ihe jucicicry cnc mcy exerci:e
:cme cIher funcIicn: cnc cuIie: IhcI Ihe SC mcy c::ign. Ncw if ycu re|cIe
IhcI wiIh :ec , funcIicn Ic reccmmenc cppcinIee: Ic jucicicry.

ln cIher wcrc:, Ihe Fre: hc: pcwer Ic cppcinI cnc |imiIec Ic IhcI |i:I
:uLmiIIec Ly J8C. Ccn he gc Leycnc Ihe |i:I NC. lf he ccnncI finc c
per:cn he |ike: in Ihe |i:I, he ccn c:k Ihe J8C Ic pc:: cncIher |i:I Ic him. 8uI
he ccnncI cppcinI :cmeLccy whc i: ncI |i:Iec Ly Ihe J8C.
IhcI i: why Ihe prevci|ing prccIice in Ihe Ccngre:: i: IhcI Ihey wi|| :enc
Iwc. Cne frcm SencIe cnc cne frcm Ihe Hcu:e cf Fep. Iheir vcIe
i: vcIe. Ihey wcu|c IrecI Ihe vcIe c: vcIe Leccu:e Ihey mcy ncI
cgree c|| Ihe Iime c|:c. 8uI Iechnicc||y, ccngre:: i: enIiI|ec cn|y Ic cne rep
ex cfficic.
Sc, Ihe Chief Ju:Iice c: chcirper:cn Ihen Ihe SecreIcry cf Ju:Iice c: ex
cfficic memLer cnc c|:c Ihe rep cf ccngre::.
Ihere cre regu|cr memLer:. Whc cre Ihe:e regu|cr memLer: Ihe
repre:enIcIive cf l8F. IhcI: why mcg-i|cg :i|c :c l8F Leccu:e Ihey wi|| :iI in
Ihe very inf|uenIic| J8C. Even Ihe cpp|iccnI: fcr ju:Iice cf Ihe SC wcu|c Le
|ining up Lefcre ycu. Di mcn :i|c mchimcng ju:Iice cf SC cr C/ kung ci|i
ninyc :i|c gi:c-gi:chcn cicIc. CIherwi:e Ihey wcu|c ncI Le enIerec inIc
ycur |i:I cf reccmmencec cppcinIee:. l8F, LuI here iI :cy: rep cf l8F :c
Ihey wi|| chcc:e cmcng Ihem:e|ve:. FFCFESSCF CF L/W. / FEIlFED SC
JUSIlCE, /ND / MEM8EF CF IHE FFlV/IE SECICF. 4-yecr Ierm. SIcggerec
in Ierm: cf expircIicn cf Ierm. IhcI: why fcr Ihe fir:I Iermer: cf Ihe regu|cr
memLer:, Ihe l8F wcu|c Le :iIIing fcr 4 yecr:. Ihe fi:I cnc Ihen Ihe |cw
prcfe::cr 3 yecr:. Ihen Ihe reIirec SC ju:Iice 2 yecr:. /nc Ihe privcIe
:ecIcr 1 yecr. IhcI i: Ic c||cw fcr ccnIinuiIy. 8uI ncw, c|| cf Ihem wcu|c Le
:erving 4 yecr Ierm. Sc every yecr Ihere wcu|c Le c chcnge cf
memLer:hip cf Ihe J8C regu|cr memLer:. 8eccu:e cne memLer i:
:uppc:ec Ic expire every yecr. 8eccu:e iniIic||y, when Ihi: wc:
ccn:IiIuIec, cne memLer: Ierm expirec. Sc l8F cfIer cne yecr expirec nc
xc perc cng mupu|i :c iyc 4 yecr: nc. /|| cf Ihc:e regu|cr memLer: wcu|c
:erve fcr 4 yecr: c|Ihcugh Iheir Ierm: wcu|c ncI Le Ihe :cme. Ihey wcu|c
Le cppcinIec cn cifferenI yecr:. Icke ncIe cf IhcI.
Whc: Ihe :ecreIcry Ihe c|erk cf Ihe SC i: Ihe ex cfficic :ecreIcry.
Wcu|c Ihey Le receiving :c|crie: Ye: LuI cn|y Ihe regu|cr memLer:. Ihe
cIher memLer: cre :erving in ex cfficic ccpcciIy. Ncw fcr Ihe 4 regu|cr
memLer: Ihey :hc|| receive emc|umenI: fcr Iheir cffice. Ihere i: c
reuiremenI here IhcI Ihe 4 regu|cr memLer: neec Ihe ccn:enI cf Ihe
ccmmi::icn cn cppcinImenI:.
Hcw cLcuI Ihe 3 l: iI nece::cry Cf ccur:e nc. ex cfficic. 8y virIure cf
Iheir cffice Ihey wcu|c Le :iIIing c: memLer: cnc chcirmcn cf Ihe J8C.
Fcr Ihe regu|cr memLer: Ihey hcve Ic pc:: Ihrcugh Ihe ccmmi::icn cn
cppcinImenI: fcr c Ierm cf 4 yecr:.
Ncw SecIicn . Ihe cppcinImenI mcce Ly Ihe Fre:icenI fcr Ihe jucge: cf
Ihe SC cnc |cwer ccurI: mu:I ccme frcm Ihe c: lve :cic |i:I ccming frcm
Ihe J8C. l: iI reuirec IhcI Ihe cppcinImenI: here :hcu|c Le ccn:enIec Ic
Ly Ihe ccmmi::icn cn cppcinImenI: Ihe cn:wer i: nc. Sc if Ihe Fre:
cppcinI: c SC Ju:Iice, nc neec Ic :uLmiI Ic Ihe ccmmi::icn cn
Icke ncIe cf Ihe 2
pcrcgrcph cf :ecIicn . c| tne |cwe| ccu|t:. tne
F|e:|cent :nc|| |::ue tne cppc|ntnent: w|tn|n n|nety ccy: ||cn tne
:u-n|::|cn c| tne ||:t. Ycu mu:I re|cIe Ihi: wiIh SecIicn 4 cf /rIic|e 8.
Vcccncie: in Ihe SC mu:I Le fi||ec Ly Ihe Fre: wiIhin 0 ccy:. Ihe ru|ing
juri:prucence cn IhcI i: Ihe cc:e cf DE C/SIFC in re|cIicn Ic Sec 15 cf /rI
7. Ihe Fre:icenI i: prchiLiIec frcm mcking cppcinImenI: 2 mcnIh: Lefcre
Ihe e|ecIicn cnc up Ic Ihe enc cf hi: Ierm. ExcepIicn ccccrcing Ic De
Cc:Irc i: SecIicn 4 cf /rIic|e 8.
Ncw hcw cLcuI SecIicn . l: Ihi: ccverec Ly Ihe excepIicn Cr ccn Ihe
pre: c|:c mcke cppcinImenI Ic Ihe |cwer ccurI: Icke ncIe here Ihe
prcvi:icn :cy: 0 ccy: frcm Ihe :uLmi::icn cf Ihe |i:I. lI i: ncI 0 ccy: frcm
Ihe ccy cf Ihe vcccncy.
{SIcry cLcuI hi: frienc whc wcnI Ic Le c jucge...)
Ihe cc:e cf ln re Vi||cnuevc 18 :cy: IhcI cf ccur:e :ecIicn 15 crI 7
cpp|ie: Ic :ec 4 cnc :ec . 8uI Ihi: pcrIicu|cr cc:e i: c|reccy rever:ec Ly
Ihe DE C/SIFC cn|y c: fcr c: Ihe prcvi:icn cn SC ju:Iice :ec 4. 8uI fcr :ec
, :Ii|| IhcI i: ccverec Ly Ihe prchiLiIicn cf :ec 15 cf crI 7. Ihe Fre: ccnncI
mcke Ihe cppcinImenI. / :c|c ccn Le vcccnI fcr mcny yecr: c|reccy.
Dcghcng mgc :c|c cihc wc|cy jucge Leccu:e in Ihe 1
p|cce wc|cy
cpp|iccnI:. Ihc:e fcr f|ung cffice:. Kcy i|cng |cwyer cicIc i:c kcLuck rc
mcn puc. lkcw pcy jucge ikcw pcy mcg prccIice. Ycu wcu|c ecrn mcre
in prccIice. Fi|c rc mcy :we|cc. 8eing c jucge i: rec||y puL|ic :ervice.
Sc fcr mcny yecr: Ihi: i: vcccnI c|reccy. /fIer IhcI :cmeLccy cpp|iec, Ihe
J8C wcu|c cc iI: Ihing, c |i:I wi|| Le fcrwcrcec Ic Ihe pre:icenI, ycu hcve
c |i:I c|reccy. Ncw frcm Ihe :uLmi::icn, cce: iI mecn IhcI Ihe Fre: mu:I
chcc:e w/n 0 ccy: c|reccy even if Ihere i: c Lcn Nc. He wi|| Le
prchiLiIec Ly :ec 15 cf crI 7. 8uI if iI invc|ve: c ju:Iice cf Ihe SC, frcm Ihe
ccy cf Ihe vcccncy 0 ccy: he mu:I fi|| iI up even wiIh Ihe ccn:Ii Lcn. 8y
rec:cn c|:c cf Ihe inIenIicn cf Ihe frcmer:. lN fccI kung wc|c :iycy
mcgu:Iuhcn pwece ci|i xc mupi|i. Here Ihe pre: wcu|c :cy hcIcgi kcg
Lcg-cng |i:Ic. Ihe cn|y ccunci| IhcI ccu|c prepcre Ihe |i:I i: Ihe J8C. lLc|ik
nckc nc cicIc.
{:Icry cLcuI hi: frienc)
Sc|cry. lI ccnncI Le cecrec:ec Ly Ccngre:: Icke ncIe cf Ihi: SecIicn 10,
11. Ihere i: cn impcrIcnI cc:e IhcI re|cIe: Ic SecIicn 11. IhcI i: Fecp|e v.
GcccII Jr.
Sect|cn !!. ne /en-e|: c| tne Sup|ene Ccu|t cnc ucge: c| |cwe| ccu|t:
:nc|| nc|c c|||ce cu||ng gccc -encv|c| unt|| tney |eccn tne cge c| :eventy
yec|: c| -eccne |nccpcc|tctec tc c|:cnc|ge tne cut|e: c| tne|| c|||ce.
Ccn Ihey re:ign Lefcre IhcI Ye:. 8uI ccmpu|:cry reIiremenI cge fcr
jucge: cnc ju:Iice: i: 70 yecr:. {:Icry cLcuI mc|c: kc kung if Ihere i: cn|y
cne jucge cnc ycu ccnI |ike ecch cIher.)
Ncw hcw cc ycu inIerpreI Ihe 2
ne Sup|ene Ccu|t en -cnc :nc|| ncve tne pcwe| tc c|:c|p||ne ucge: c|
|cwe| ccu|t:. c| c|ce| tne|| c|:n|::c| -y c vcte c| c ncc||ty c| tne
/en-e|: wnc cctuc||y tcck pc|t |n tne ce||-e|ct|cn: cn tne |::ue: |n tne
cc:e cnc vctec tne|ecn.
Ihe ue:Iicn i:: Dce: iI mecn IhcI if Ihere i: cn ccmini:IrcIive ci:cip|incry
cc:e cgcin:I c jucge cce: iI hcve Ic Le hecrc en Lcnc Fp v. GcccII.
SecIicn . Ihe MemLer: cf Ihe Supreme CcurI cnc jucge:
cf Ihe |cwer ccurI: :hc|| Le cppcinIec Ly Ihe Fre:icenI
frcm c |i:I cf cI |ec:I Ihree ncminee: prepcrec Ly Ihe
Jucicic| cnc 8cr Ccunci| fcr every vcccncy. Such
cppcinImenI: neec nc ccnfirmcIicn.
Fcr Ihe |cwer ccurI:, Ihe Fre:icenI :hc|| i::ue Ihe
cppcinImenI: wiIhin nineIy ccy: frcm Ihe :uLmi::icn cf
Ihe |i:I.
Ihe prcvi:icn grcnI: Ihe pcwer Ic Ihe CcurI Ic ci:cip|ine jucge: cnc c|:c
Ihe pcwer Ic Ihe ccurI en Lcnc Ic ceIermine Ihe prccecure cf Ihe
exerci:e cf :uch pcwer. Sc in cIher wcrc:, ck ycu ccn ci:cip|ine jucge:
cnc Ihe en Lcnc mu:I ceIermine Ihe prccecure. /nc ccccrcing Ic
GcccII, Ihe prccecure :hc|| Le, excepI fcr ci:mi::c| cf Ihe jucge cr fcr c
fine which cce: ncI exceec 10,000 pe:c:, Ihe cc:e :hc|| Le hecrc Ly c
civi:icn cn|y. Ncw if iI invc|ve: ci:mi::c|, Ihen iI :hcu|c Le Ihe SC en Lcnc
which :hcu|c cecice.
FrchiLiIicn Ic hc|c cny cIher cffice IhcI i: uncer :ecIicn 12. Even fcr uc:i
jucicic| funcIicn:.
Sect|cn !2. ne /en-e|: c| tne Sup|ene Ccu|t cnc c| ctne| ccu|t:
e:tc-||:nec -y |cw :nc|| nct -e ce:|gnctec tc cny cgency pe||c|n|ng
quc:|-uc|c|c| c| ccn|n|:t|ct|ve |unct|cn:.
Hcw cce: Ihe SC recch iI: ceci:icn: SC civi:icn cf 5 Cr Ihe C/ civi:icn
cf 3 l: iI reuirec IhcI Ihey meeI cnc ci:cu:: Like ycu cc in ycur grcup
:Iucie: Mcg |c|i: :i|c Nc. Ccn:u|I |cng. Kin:cy cccg :c :imc Kin:cy
8c:icc||y IhcI: whcI Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn reuire:.
Sect|cn !3. ne ccnc|u:|cn: c| tne Sup|ene Ccu|t |n cny cc:e :u-n|ttec
tc |t |c| cec|:|cn en -cnc c| |n c|v|:|cn :nc|| -e |eccnec |n ccn:u|tct|cn
-e|c|e tne cc:e |: c::|gnec tc c /en-e| |c| tne w||t|ng c| tne cp|n|cn c|
tne Ccu|t. A ce|t|||cct|cn tc tn|: e||ect :|gnec -y tne Cn|e| Ju:t|ce :nc|| -e
|::uec cnc c ccpy tne|ec| cttccnec tc tne |ecc|c c| tne cc:e cnc :e|vec
upcn tne pc|t|e:. Any /en-e|: wnc tcck nc pc|t. c| c|::entec. c|
c-:tc|nec ||cn c cec|:|cn c| |e:c|ut|cn. nu:t :tcte tne |ec:cn tne|e|c|.
ne :cne |equ||enent: :nc|| -e c-:e|vec -y c|| |cwe| cc||eg|cte ccu|t:.
IhcI i: why if ycu fi|e cn cppec| Ic Ihe SC ycu hcve Ic prepcre 1 :eI:
ecch fcr Ihe 15 ju:Iice: fcr Ihe f|ie cf Ihe ccurI, cnc. GuLc imcng
phcIcccpy. Very expen:ive. Why 8eccu:e Ihey mu:I hcve Iheir cwn fi|e:.
8efcre c cc:e i: c::ignec fcr wriIing cf Ihe cpinicn cf Ihe ccurI.
lf Ihere i: c hecring, ci|i mcn :i|c mcg |c|i:. Ihey wcu|c hecr Ihe cc:e. /nc
Ihe cfIer IhcI Ihey wcu|c |ecve cnc Ihink iI cver cnc Ihen cecice. Kin:cy
mcg:u|cI. WhcI: ycur cpinicn..
WhcI i: Ihi: reuiremenI c|| cLcuI Io ob||ge the just|ces to study
everyth|ng. Ihey mu:I ccn:u|I ecch cIher Ic enccurcge Ic ecch memLer
Ic :Iucy Ihe cc:e. WhcI i: Ihe effecI cf Ihe |cck cf cerIificcIicn IhcI c
ccn:u|IcIicn wc: mcce Wcu|c iI nu||ify Ihe ceci:icn cf Ihe ccurI Ihe
|cck cf cerI cI Ihe enc cf Ihe ceci:icn wcu|c cn|y :erve c: evicence cf
fci|ure Ic cL:erve cerI reuiremenI. /nc wcu|c Le Lc:i: fcr hc|cing Ihe
cfficic| re:pcn:iL|e Ic ccccunI Iherefcr LuI iI wi|| ncI nu||ify Ihe ceci:icn.
Lcck cI Ihe enc cf SCF/. Ihi: ju:Iice ci::enI, ccncur.. cfIer ccn:u|IcIicn..
Ihere i: c cerIificcIicn. IhcI i: Ihe reuiremenI cf Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn.
Ihe cL:ence Icke ncIe wcu|c ncI invc|iccIe Ihe ceci:icn. Icke ncIe c|:c
IhcI ycu neec Ic :IcIe ycur rec:cn why ycu ci::enI frcm Ihe mcjcriIy
cpinicn, cr if ycu cL:Icin cr Icck nc pcrI. Lcck cI Ihe cc:e: cL:Icin
Leccu:e fcrmer pcrIner cf ccun:e| ccnf|icI cf inIere:I eIc.
Icke ncIe cf Ihe cc:e: here c::ignec Ic ycu. FcrIicu|cr|y Ihe cc:e cf
pecrcgczc v. ccme|ec. Ihe rcIicnc|e fcr Ihe reuiremenI wc: menIicnec
in IhcI cc:e.
Fcrm: cf ceci:icn:. Ihi: i: c|:c reiIrecIec in Ihe ru|e: cf ccurI. Hcw wcu|c
Ihe ccurI cecice in Ihe cc:e.
Sect|cn !4. c cec|:|cn :nc|| -e |ence|ec -y cny ccu|t w|tncut exp|e::|ng
tne|e|n c|ec||y cnc c|:t|nct|y tne |cct: cnc tne |cw cn wn|cn |t |: -c:ec.
c pet|t|cn |c| |ev|ew c| nct|cn |c| |eccn:|ce|ct|cn c| c cec|:|cn c| tne
ccu|t :nc|| -e |e|u:ec cue ccu|:e c| cen|ec w|tncut :tct|ng tne |egc| -c:|:
Lcck cI FcngcniLcn. Mcc nc :iyc cng gwcpc. Jcurnc|i:I mcn guc :iyc.
8c:icc||y IhcI :hcu|c Le Ihe cuI|ine ccnIemp|cIec here.
Ihe fir:I pcrcgrcph, Ihe :uLjecI i: c ceci:icn. ln c ceci:icn cf Ihe ccurI, Ihe
fccI: cnc Ihe |cw mu:I Le expre::ec c|ecr|y cnc ci:IincI|y.
Ihe 2
pcr, Ihe :uLjecI i: c re:c|uIicn fcr c peIiIicn fcr review. NcI c
ceci:icn. l: Ihere c reuiremenI IhcI Ihe fccI: cnc Ihe |cw mu:I Le
:IcIec Nc. Ihe reuiremenI i: cn|y fcr Ihe ccurI Ic :IcIe Ihe |egc| Lc:i: fcr
Ihe grcnI cf Ihe mcIicn cr Ihe cenic| Iherecf.
Now we go to the cases. But before that,
what's the relevance for requiring the court in its decisions of a case, or
on its decision to express clearly the facts of the case and upon the law
in which its decisions are based? What's the reason for that?

(1) That is to inform the parties the grounds for the decision so that the parties
can properly appeal the decisions. Kung muingon lang ka sa imong decision Ok
the court is convinced that the plaintiff's contention is more meritorious than that
of the defendant, therefore the plaintiffs prayer is hereby granted" asa man didto
ang meritorious? Asa man didto ang dili? That's why the decision must state the
facts and must also state the law upon which the decision is based. Because if
!'m a party, ! would like to go on appeal, ! could point out the facts that to me is
not correct or if the facts are not disputed but there is a problem in the
application of the law, then ! can also say in my appeal, ! could point out the
defects. Ok?

(2) You have in your appeal assignment of errors, now how could you assign
errors to the court if the court does not state in its decisions the facts and the
laws? Asa man didto? Decision man diretcho? That is one of the functions, or the
reasons why there is such a requirement. !t's an assurance to the parties in the
case that the decision was arrived at after a process of legal reasoning applied
by the court. !yaha jung gitimbang timbang ba! You can really see it in the

(3) !n relation to that, this may also convince the losing party not to appeal
anymore. Because if you are losing the case, and you see in the decisions that
indeed you've lost, it was properly explained by the court, then youd say Hey
pildi jud diay ko! Whats the point of appealing? Naau na kaau pag plastar, !
would just lose also in the appeal. Night as well abide by the judgement."

(4) And the decision would also serve as part of the body of case law. !t could
also be a reference for future similar cases. This case is in all fours with this
case. Now how can you say that, if it does not state the facts in its decision and
the law also which is the basis also?
So those are the 4 reasons why the constitution requires that the facts and the
law has to be stated in the decision. Ok.

PEOPLE vS BUCAR!N: 2 paged decision. The witness is credible. Ok. The court
said: !s the rape victim credible in her story of how she was raped?" The answer
of this court is definite Yes. Tuo xa sa victim. What are the facts? Why? Which
fact or circumstances led you to believe victim more that the accused? So the
court doesn't point out. The court said the decision violates Article 8 section 14.

Now, note that the section requires that the decision must express distinctly the
facts and the law on which the decision is based. !s it required that all the facts
of the case has to be stated in the decision? Both as presented by the plaintiff
and the defendant? or by the complainant and the accused? The answer is no.
The constitution is very clear: The facts only upon which the decision is based.
There is an issue in the case of HERNANDEZ vS CA. Usually pag hapit na gani
mag decide ang court you will be required to submit a memorandum, that would
be part of your board exams, memorandum writing or brief. Basically you would
argue your case, ok these are the facts according to me. Ah palamian jud nmo!
Pang taguon nimo tung uban facts para favorable sa imo. The other party would
also do that. These are the facts. These are the issues. These are the
jurisprudence. So you would argue that in your memorandum or brief. Submit
that to the court, and the court would say Ok all in! mura sad nig poker! All in!
Open cards! Submit for decision." Now question, is it required that the court in
its decision would quote every one of you? The answer is no. pillion lang pud
niya kung asa didto ang mufit sa iyang decision. !n this case, the court quoted
the brief of the solicitor general but not mentioning the brief of the other party.
The other party complained. The decision is not in accordance with the decision!
Because it must state the facts! The court said: the facts upon which the decision
is made. The court need not state all facts, only those relevant facts, relevant to
its decision. !f you listening to the decision, ah muana kag: ah mudaog ning isa
oh!" diba? Do you observe that? Nya mubalhin napud ang hangin, ayay ka!
Basig mapildi ni!" torture kaau sa accused ba. Ayay ka! Balhin balhin ba! There
are judges like that ba mag torture pud sa decision! Ok correct ni! Ok correct ni!
Kada page lahi ang mudaog ba! Ah daog na ang accused! Daog na! convicted

SABALLA vS NLRC: The requirement also applies to the NLRC, yes, judges and
arbiters would draw their decisions. !t is party of the requirement of due process.
The court in this case said.

How about NENORANDUN DEC!S!ONS? What is a memorandum decision?
Usually this would happen on appeal, on an appealed case. There's already a
decision. For example, in an eviction case, eviction case is under the jurisdiction
of the NTC. Now if you appeal the decision, it would be with the RTC. What if
the RTC agrees to the decision, with the findings of facts and the conclusions of
law drawn by the NTC? So if you are the judge, unsa kupyahon nimo? Diba you'll
be repeating the words of the NTC judge? Are you allowed to make a
memorandum decision? ! will just refer to the decision, ! find no reversible error
in the decision of the lower court, therefore the decision is sustained." Can you
do that? That is the issue in the case of FRANC!SCO vS PERNSKUL. !s it not
violative of the requirement in section 14: That the decision must state the facts
and the law upon which it is based? The court says that is allowed. The court
here provided for the requirements when you could make a memorandum
decision. !t is rendered by an appellate court and it incorporates by
reference the findings of facts and conclusions of law contained in the
decision, order, or ruling under review. So you must refer to the decision,
but when you refer, such reference must not be a remote reference. The SC
said that the reference, you must make readily available the order that is your
basis for saying that ! find no reversible error in this order. So what should you
do? So in this case the court said that there has to be a direct access to the
facts and the law. And how are you going to do that? The facts and the law
must be contained in a statement attached to the decision, its like an
annex to the decision. !t should be made anindispensable part of the
decision. The further requirement is that, you can only do this if the facts are
accepted by both parties, usually the facts are not disputed, and there are no
doctrinal complications involved in the case, usual easy questions about
whether or not wala siya kabayad, debtor, creditor, wala jud ka kabayad, bayad
ka. Klaro kayo ang ibidensia, delaying tactic lang na dili mubayad. So the court
said, you can do that memorandum decisions. This is an adoption by reference
of those which are already set for in the decision order or resolution.

O!L NATURAL CAS vS CA: this involves a more international law question so
might as well discuss this in your study on international law. The LEX FOR!
DOCTR!NE (ambot kung tama spelling) - decisions in other countries would be
afforded the same effect here. There are principles involved here.

How about the ADN!N!STRAT!vE BOD!ES? !s the requirement under section
14 also applies to administrative bodies such as this CSC? The answer is no. they
are not required to state the facts and the law for administrative bodies. Example
here is the case of DADUBO vS CSC and the case of PADUA vS RANADA.

PADUA vS RANADA: This case, the resolution of the Toll Regulatory Board was
questioned (Toll Regulatory Board kanang tig set sa bayad sa pamasahe sa NRT
ug sa LRT), questioning that the resolution did not state the facts and the law.
The SC said, the requirement does not apply to administrative agencies or
administrative bodies. Look at the provisions, it's very clear. No decision shall be
rendered by any COURT", it does not include therefore administrative bodies as
ruled in the case of DADUBO and PADUA.

How about if the decision or the matter involves a DEN!AL OF A PET!T!ON
paragraph would be controlling. There is no need anymore to state the facts or
the law.

CERNAN vs ENDAYA: To appreciate the case ! would just outline to you the
procedure. (sir nagdrawing sa board) !f you're an employee for example and you
are terminated, you felt aggrieved. Ah unsa ni siya, illegal termination!" so
where would you go? To the court? No. Under the Labor code, you have to go to
NLRC (National Labor Relations Commission) Regional Arbitration Board. (nya
naghatag si sir ug directions paadtog NLRC) Nganong dili ni siya court? This is
actually not a court held trial, ordinary lang ka empleyado, you go there you
complain, the employer will be called, you talk, and if you could not agree, then
you submit position papers and the labor arbiter will decide whether you are
terminated illegally or not. !f terminated illegally then you are ordered reinstated
just like that. After that, somebody is not pleased with the decision, it would be
appealed to the NLRC. After the NLRC, where would you go if you still lost in
your case? You have to go now to the Court of Appeals. This is not provided in
the Rules of Court, but the court said your remedy here is not appeal but it is
petition for review on certiorari, grave abuse of discretion. You cannot question
the decision that it is a wrong application of the law but rather you question it on
certiorari. Case of ST. N!CHAEL'S FUNERAL HONES vs NLRC.
Now, why am ! pointing this out, Rule 6S? because a petition for
certiorari can be dismissed outright. Upon receipt of the petition, when the CA
finds no basis, dismiss, can he do that? Yes. !f it is an ordinary appeal, the
court has to consider it, appeal man na siya, iforward ra man nang record, but
on certiorari, you have to prepare a petition where you take out some errors in
the decision of the NLRC and say that NLRC gravely abused its discretion in
arriving to its decision. So that petition can be dismissed outright. Now question,
this is what happened here in the case of CERNAN vs ENDAYA. Can it be done
in a minute resolution? Can it just say: Ok resolved! Dismissed because we find
no reversible error in the petition!" can the CA do that without stating their facts
and the law? Lisod maghimo ug petition for review on certiorari unya idismiss
lang ug 1 page sa CA without even stating the facts and the law? For all you
know ang nag prepare lang ana didto bagong abogado lang, suko kayo ka,
sakitan kayo ka. but the thing is, is it allowed? The answer is yes. The petition
here is dismissed in a brief resolution that it is denied due course, outright
dismissal of the petition. Was there sufficient compliance of the constitutional
requirement? Yes. Note that here it just states that the questions raised are to
unsubstantial to require consideration." Nabastos ka? nabastos jud.

Now, it could be a different story if, say the petition for certiorari is given due
course. Let's say you petition order: ok you comment, the other party, you
comment. Then after that We are giving due course to the petition. You are
hereby required to submit your memorandum or brief". After you submit your
brief, given due course, the matter or the case is submitted for resolution or
decision. Now, in that case the CA cannot resolve that in a minute resolution
because that would now be a decision of the case, the CA must follow the 1st
paragraph of section 14 that is to express the facts and the law upon which the
decision is based. Take note of the difference. Here in this case, upon filing,
initiation, it was dismissed outright by a minute resolution and the court says it is
OK because that would be compliant with the 2nd paragraph of section 14.

So take note, you have to determine what is being resolve here, is it a petition
for review let's say upon receipt of the petition or a motion for
reconsideration, because if that is the case you have to comply with the 2nd
paragraph of section 14. No requirement to state the facts and the law only the
legal basis. Legal basis could be like: we find no cogent reason to reverse the
decision", that's already a legal basis. We find no reversible error in our previous
decision", because if there is a motion for reconsideration, then you just say that
there is no reversible error.

!t's very difficult really to reverse the mind of the judge, because in the first
place, he's the one who decided the case, decision which states the fact and the
law, and yet you file a motion for reconsideration, basically you're telling him
that ]udge you are wrong! You have to change your mind!" now if he would
change his mind, it would be like saying that !ndeed ! am wrong!" why would
he do that? Nore often the judge would just issue a resolution, a very short
resolution: The court finds no reversible error in its decision. So ordered." Now
you go on appeal, you appeal the decision. Take note also of PROTAC!O vS


Section 1S. (1) All cases or matters filed after the effectivity of this Constitution
must be decided or resolved within twentyfour months from date of submission
for the Supreme Court, and, unless reduced by the Supreme Court, twelve
months for all lower collegiate courts, and three months for all other lower
(2) A case or matter shall be deemed submitted for decision or resolution upon
the filing of the last pleading, brief, or memorandum required by the Rules of
Court or by the court itself.
(3) Upon the expiration of the corresponding period, a certification to this effect
signed by the Chief ]ustice or the presiding judge shall forthwith be issued and a
copy thereof attached to the record of the case or matter, and served upon the
parties. The certification shall state why a decision or resolution has not been
rendered or issued within said period.
(4) Despite the expiration of the applicable mandatory period, the court, without
prejudice to such responsibility as may have been incurred in consequence
thereof, shall decide or resolve the case or matter submitted thereto for
determination, without further delay.

Take note here you must also make a distinction between cases and matters,
because for cases or matters they must be resolved according to the period as
prescribed by the constitution. !n other words, if it is a matter that has been
pending for so many months already, then you could also invoke this provision of
the constitution. This provision doesn't only apply to cases but also on matters
pending in the case. Ok? So what are covered here are also decisions therefore
and also orders of the court. You must know already know the distinction ok?
Casedecision, matterresolution. Now this provision are applicable to both.

Supreme Court 24 months from submission of the case for decision or the
matter for resolution.
Lower Collegiate Courts - 12 months (for example the CA)
Lower Courts - 3 months

Sandiganbayan how about sandiganbayan? L!CAROS and PROBLENS OF
DELAYS. There is a law creates the Sandiganbayan, PD 1606 (tama ba? Haha!).
Sandiganbayan must resolvetheir cases from submission for a period of 3

!mportant here is the case of L!CAROS vS SAND!CANBAYAN. Note that if the
requirement of consultation among justices, lack of certification of consultation
will not nullify the judgment. Here, in the case of L!CAROS howerver, although
there is no absence of the certification here of the fact of delay, the facts of the
case are such that there was no decision rendered by the Sandiganbayan for a
period of more than 14 years. For 14 years the case was not decided by the
Sandiganbayan. !n 2000, Nr. L!CAROS filed a motion to dismiss the case on the
ground of violation of his right to speedy disposition of cases. The court said it
was not his fault that the case was not decided, in fact way back in August 1336
he already submitted the case for decision after he had presented his evidence.

The case of RE: ]UD!C!AL AUD!T concerning ]udge (who?) Layagi (? Haha) of
Davao he was fined P2S,000 for the delay also in the decision of 67 cases
pending in his sala, and also the delay in the resolution, that involves motions, of
46 cases also in his sala.

Take note of item number 2 in section 1S.When is the case deemed submitted
for decision and the effects? One effect could be the dismissal, if a right of a
person, constitutional right in the case of L!CAROS, was violated. !t could also
mean that the judge concerned could be administratively liable if the
constitutional requirement of periods for decisions is not complied with.

Ironscr|bed Const| Lecture [1st 30 m|ns.}10-13-2011
8y Jcme| Mccccuc in 1 Scnchez Fcmcn 2011 EciI Dcc De|eIe
/rIic|e 17 cf Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn, /mencmenI: cnc Fevi:icn. WhcI i:
ccn:IiIuIicn cf ScvereignIy, if ycu cre Ic Le c:kec IhcI, Ihi: i: Ihe cn:wer.
Ihe prcvi:icn: cf Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn which prcvice: fcr Ihe prcce:: Ic mcke
cmencmenI: cr revi:icn: IhereIc, IhcI i: Ihe ccn:IiIuIicn cf :cvereignIy.
Ihrcugh Ihe pecp|e: wi||, Ihe ccn:IiIuIicn ccn Le cmencec cr revi:ec. ln
fccI Ihe 187 Ccn:IiIuIicn, in reccgniIicn cf Ihe pcwer cf Ihe pecp|e Ic
cirecI|y ccI Ic mcke chcnge: in Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn prcvicec SecIicn 2, IhcI
i: ncI Ihe :cme in Ihe previcu: Ccn:IiIuIicn. Const|tut|on o| Government
re|ers to those prov|s|ons deo| w|th the system o| government. Const|tut|on
o| L|berty prov|des |or the re|ot|onsh|p o| the peop|e v|z o v|s the stote.
Ycuve gcI Ic Le fcmi|icr wiIh IhcI. Ccn:IiIuIicn cf gcvernmenI,
ccn:IiIuIicn cf |iLerIy, ccn:IiIuIicn cf :cvereignIy. Sect|on 1 ony
omendment to or rev|s|on o| th|s const|tut|on moy be proposed by
Congress, Const|tut|ono| Convent|on or d|rect|y by the peop|e under
Sect|on 2. Ioke note thot the rev|s|on or omendment process o| the
const|tut|on hos two steps. F|rst there |s the proposo| second port |s the
rot|||cot|on ond thot |s prov|ded under Sect|on 4 o| Art|c|e 17. Ihere i: c
nece::iIy Ic ci:Iingui:h LeIween cmencmenI cnc revi:icn when iI ccme:
Ic chcnge: Ic Ihe ccn:IiIuIicn IhcI cre iniIicIec Ly Ihe pecp|e cirecI|y
prcpc:ec Ly Ihe Fecp|e. 8eccu:e uncer :ecIicn 2 cirecI prcpc:c| Ly Ihe
pecp|e Ic chcnge Ihe ccn:IiIuIicn ccn cn|y Le pc::iL|e if iI ccncern: cn
cmencmenI Ic Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn cnc ncI c revi:icn cf Ihe ccn:IiIuIicn. IhcI
i: why ycu mu:I Le cL|e Ic ci:Iingui:h cmencmenI frcm revi:icn cnc Ihere
i: c very exhcu:Iive ci:cu::icn cn IhcI in Ihe cc:e cf LcmLinc. Sc gcing
Lcck Ic Ihe prccecure, iI cce:nI mcIIer hcwever wheIher Ihe chcnge
prcpc:ec i: cne IhcI cmenc: Ihe ccn:IiIuIicn cr revi:e enIire|y Ihe
ccn:IiIuIicn if iI i: Ly cirecI ccI cf Ccngre:: Ihrcugh c Ccn:IiIuenI
/::emL|y cr Ihrcugh c Ccn:IiIuIicnc| CcnvenIicn. Sc, c Ccn:IiIuenI
/::emL|y cnc Ccn:IiIuIicnc| CcnvenIicn mcy prcpc:e cmencmenI: Ic cr
revi:icn cf Ccn:IiIuIicn. Icke ncIe cf Ihe prccecure, ycu hcve Ihe
prcpc:c| pcrI cnc Ihe,
Sc fcr prcpc:c|, Ihi: i: Ic cmenc cr Ic revi:e Ihe ccn:IiIuIicn. Cne, Ly
Ccngre::, IhcI i: uncer SecIicn 1 Ccngre:: upcn c vcIe cf Ihree fcurIh: cf
c|| iI: memLer:. /cccrcing Ic Ihe reccrc: cf Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicnc| CcnvenIicn
Ihi: i: vcIing :epcrcIe|y. Ccngre:: wcu|c ccI c: c Ccn:IiIuIicnc| /::emL|y.
Sc Ccngre:: wcu|c mcke prcpc:c|: Ic cmenc cerIcin prcvi:icn: mcyLe cf
Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn cr Ic chcnge enIire|y Ihe ncIure cf Ihe gcvernmenI in
which cc:e iI i: c revi:icn cf Ihe ccn:IiIuIicn cnc Ly vcIe Ihree fcurIh:
:uLmiI iI fcr rcIificcIicn Ly Ihe pecp|e cr Ccngre:: mcy ccnvene c
Ccn:IiIuIicnc| CcnvenIicn. Ihe prcpc:c| :hc|| Le mcce Ly Ic c
Ccn:IiIuIicnc|. Ihe cc||ing cf Ihe CcnvenIicn :hc|| Le ccne Ly Ccngre::
vcIing Iwc Ihirc: IhcI i: Ic cc|| c Ccn:IiIuIicnc| CcnvenIicn cr Ly
:uLmiIIing iI Ic c p|eLi:ciIe. Ccngre:: wcu|c |eI Ihe pecp|e cecice
wheIher cr ncI Ic ccnvene cr Ic cc|| fcr c ccn:IiIuIicnc| CcnvenIicn. Ncw
cfIer Ihe ccn:IiIuIicnc| ccnvenIicn i: ccnvenec, Ihere i: nc reuiremenI
here Ccn:IiIuIicnc| reuiremenI c: Ic hcw cre we gcing Ic cpprcve c
prcpc:ec cmencmenI c revi:icn cf Ihe ccn:IiIuIicn. 18 Ihere wc: c
Ccn:IiIuIicnc| CcnvenIicn, 171 ccn:IiIuIicnc| ccnvenIicn. Sc Ihere i:
uncer SecIicn 3, here ccn:IiIuIicnc| ccnvenIicn, Ccngre:: mcy, Ly c vcIe
cf Iwc Ihirc: cf c|| iI: memLer:, cc|| c Ccn:IiIuIicnc| CcnvenIicn cr Ly Ihe
mcjcriIy vcIe cf c|| iI: memLer: :uLmiI iI Ic Ihe e|ecIcrcIe Ihe ue:Iicn cf
wheIher cr ncI Ic cc|| fcr c Ccn:IiIuIicnc| CcnvenIicn, ncimcgine ninyc
/::uming, Ihere i: c c|cmcr fcr chcnge Ic cmenc Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn, we
ccnI wcnI Ccngre:: Ic cc IhcI fcr u:, ccn Ccngre:: cc iI fcr u:, Ye:, Ihey
wcu|c ccme up wiIh Ihe prcpc:ec cmencmenI: cr revi:icn: cf Ihe
ccn:IiIuIicn cnc Ihen Ly c vcIe cf Iwc Ihirc:, :uch cmencmenI: prcpc:ec
cmencmenI: cr revi:icn: :hc|| Le ccn:icerec c: cpprcvec Ly Ihem cnc
Ihen Ic Le :uLmiIIec Ic Ihe generc| e|ecIcrcIe fcr rcIificcIicn. IhcI i:
uncer :ecIicn 4. Ncw, Ihi: i: very cifficu|I Ic ccme up wiIh, Ihree fcurIh:, :c
if Ihey hcve Iwc Ihirc: in Ccngre::, Ihc:e whc cre wi||ing Ic mcke
cmencmenI: Ic Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn, Ihey mcy cecice Ly c vcIe cf Iwc Ihirc:
Ic cc|| c Ccn:IiIuIicnc| ccnvenIicn. /::uming Ihey ccu|c ncI ccme up
wiIh Ihe numLer cf vcIe:, cn|y c mcjcriIy wcnI: cmencmenI: cr revi:icn:
cf Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn, Ihen ccn iI :Ii|| Le ccne Ihe cn:wer i: YES. Ihey wcu|c
vcIe Ic :uLmiI Ihe mcIIer, Ihe ue:Iicn cn wheIher cr ncI Ihey :hcu|c
ccnvene c Ccn:IiIuIicnc| ccnvenIicn Ic Ihe e|ecIcrcIe. Gu:Ic Lc kc nc
mcgIcwcg Icg Ccn:IiIuIicnc| CcnvenIicn YES cr NC. Ye:. Mucccg nc
:yc ciri, Ihen Ihere wi|| Le c Ccn:IiIuIicnc| CcnvenIicn. Ihi: Ccn:IiIuIicnc|
CcnvenIicn wi|| ccme up ncw wiIh Ihe prcpc:ec cmencmenI:. Di:cu::
ni|c, nccy ccmmiIIee, wheIher ycu wcu|c cpprcve Ihe prcpc:c|: Lc:ec
cn Ihe mcjcriIy vcIe: cmcng Ihe ccmmiIIee memLer:. /fIer IhcI Ihey
wcu|c mcke c repcrI, cpprcvec Ly everycne, memLer: cf Ihe CcnCcn
cnc Ihen wcu|c Le :uLmiIIec fcr rcIificcIicn. Sc if Ihrcugh Ihi: prcce::,
Ihere wi|| Le Iwc p|eLi:ciIe: IhcI wi|| hcppen righI, fir:I Ccngre:: wcu|c
ceIermine wheIher cr ncI Ic cc|| c CcnCcn kung wc|c :i|cy Iwc Ihirc:
Ihen we wcu|c :uLmiI iI Ic Ihe pecp|e fcr Ihem Ic cecice :c Ihe pecp|e
Ihey wi|| hcve p|eLi:ciIe cn Ihe mcIIer wheIher cr ncI Ic cc|| c
Ccn:IiIuIicnc| CcnvenIicn cfIer IhcI if Ihe mcjcriIy cf Ihe e|ecIcrcIe wcu|c
:cy ye: Ihe CcnCcn :hcu|c Le ccnvenec Ihen Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicnc|
CcnvenIicn wcu|c Le ccnvenec cfIer Ihe prcpc:c|: cre ccmp|eIec cnc
cpprcvec Ly Ihe CcnCcn Ihen cncIher p|eLi:ciIe wcu|c Le ccncucIec
fcr Ihe rcIificcIicn cf Ihe prcpc:ec cmencmenI: ccming frcm Ihe
CcnCcn. 8uI if Ihrcugh Ihi: prcce::, Ihere i: cn|y cne p|eLi:ciIe cn|y
rcIificcIicn Leccu:e Ihe cc||ing cf Ihe ccnvenIicn i: ccne Ly Ccngre::
when Ihe reuirec numLer cf vcIe: i: Iwc Ihirc:. Depence nc, if ycu cre
Ihe pre:icenI ycu cre p|cnning Ic mcke cmencmenI: Ic Ihe ccn:IiIuIicn,
:c ycu LeIIer hcve cI|ec:I mcyLe 70 percenI cf Ihe memLer: cf Ihe
Ccngre:: fcr LcIh hcu:e: IhcI i: Ihe :encIe cnc Ihe hcu:e cf
repre:enIcIive:. IhcI i: why mcyLe curing Ihe Iime cf /rrcyc cnc Fcmc:,
ci|i juc ni :yc mckuhc ni|c Leccu:e whi|e Ihe pre:icenI mcy hcve Ihe
numLer: in Ihe hcu:e cf repre:enIcIive: LuI :he cic ncI hcve Ihe reuirec
numLer in Ihe :encIe, IhcI i: Ihe prcL|em c|:c. Ycu ncIicec Ihe prcpc:ec
cmencmenI: cf LcmLinc, Ihe LcmLinc Grcup if ycu cre reccing Ihe cc:e.
Ycu ccu|c :ee IhcI iI wc: :cmehcw cevi:ec Ly :cme pecp|e in Ihe |cwer
hcu:e, e:pecic||y cn Ihe prcpc:ec cmencmenI cn Ihe Ierm: cf cffice fcr
Ihe :encIcr: Ic expire cn c cerIcin ccIe IhcI i: June 30, 2010 cnc Ihere
wc: nc prcvi:icn when iI ccme: Ic Ihe Ccngre::men, we wi|| ccme Ic IhcI
|cIer ck. Sc Ccngre::, Ihe Iwc Ihirc: vcIe i: cn Ihe cpprcvc| cf Ihe
prcpc:ec cmencmenI: cnc Ihi: i: ncI Ihe ccnvening cf Ihe Ccngre:: Ic
Leccme c Ccn:IiIuenI /::emL|y nc, Ihi: i: Ihe reuirec vcIe fcr Ihe
cpprcvc| cf Ihe prcpc:ec cmencmenI: Ic Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn cr prcvi:icn: cr
revi:icn cf Ihe ccn:IiIuIicn. Here, Ihe:e cre vcIe: reuirec Ic ccnvene c
Ccn:IiIuIicnc| CcnvenIicn cr Ic cc|| c p|eLi:ciIe cn Ihe ccnvening cf Ihe
Ccn:IiIuIicnc| CcnvenIicn. Ncw cLcuI Ihe pecp|e cirecI|y, cn|y fcr
cmencmenI: IhcI i: c: l hcve :cic. /mencmenI: cn|y. Frcpc:c|: wi|| ccme
frcm cnyLccy Ic cmenc, LuI Ihere i: c reuiremenI uncer Ihe
Ccn:IiIuIicn, Sect|on 2 Amendments to th|s Const|tut|on moy ||kew|se be
d|rect|y proposed by the peop|e through |n|t|ot|ve upon pet|t|on o| ot|eost
12 per centum o| the toto| number o| the reg|stered voters, o| wh|ch every
|eg|s|ot|ve d|str|ct must be represented by ot|eost 3 per centum o| the
reg|stered voters there|n. No omendment under th|s Sect|on sho|| be
outhor|zed w|th|n ||ve yeors |o||ow|ng the rot|||cot|on o| th|s Const|tut|on not
o|tener thon once every ||ve yeors thereo|ter. Icke ncIe cf Ihe |imiI: c|:c.
Why /cccrcing Ic 8ernc: Ihi: i: cn exIrc crcincry cnc cumLer:cme
prcce:: IhcI i: why Ihere i: c |imiI Ic Ihi: IhcI ycu ccu|c cn|y cc Ihi: cnce
every five yecr:. Whot |s omendment? It contemp|otes on o|terot|on o| one
or o |ew spec|||c ond seporob|e prov|s|ons o| the Const|tut|on. Ihe
|ntent|on o| omendment |s to |mprove spec|||c ports or to odd new
prov|s|ons deemed necessory to meet new cond|t|ons or to suppress
spec|||c port|ons thot moy hove become obso|ete. Femcve Ihc:e
cL:c|eIe prcvi:icn:, imprcve cr ccc new prcvi:icn: IhcI wcu|c meeI Ihe
currenI ccnciIicn: cf Ihe ccunIry cnc cf Ihe pecp|e cnc mcyLe c|:c Ic
imprcve :pecific prcvi:icn: cr pcrI: cf Ihe ccn:IiIuIicn. Sc Ihi: enIci|: cn|y
cn i:c|cIec cr piecemec| chcnge in Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn. Ncw o rev|s|on on
the other hond |s o reexom|not|on o| the ent|re document or |t moy
|nc|ude certo|n prov|s|ons on|y but wou|d hove on overo|| |mp||cot|on |or
the ent|re document. / chcnge cf :y:Iem cf gcvernmenI mcyLe frcm
pre:icenIic| Ic pcr|icmenIcry i: c revi:icn Leccu:e even if iI invc|ve: cn|y
few prcvi:icn: cf Ihe ccn:IiIuIicn, Ihe cverc|| impccI cn Ihe enIire
:IrucIure cf gcvernmenI i: Ihere. lI chcnge: Ihe gcvernmenI frcm
Liccmerc| pre:icenIic| :y:Iem Ic uni|cIerc| pcr|icmenIcry :y:Iem. IhcI i: c
revi:icn. Ihere were cc:e: here cecicec Ly Ihe Supreme CcurI uncer Ihe
135 cnc 172 Ccn:IiIuIicn. Cne cf Ihe i::ue: here i: IhcI cre Ihe ccI: cf
ccn:IiIuenI c::emL|y cnc cf Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicnc| CcnvenIicn ju:IicicL|e cr
pc|iIicc| ue:Iicn:. Sc Ihc:e cre Ihe i::ue: in Ihe:e cc:e:. Ncw, :ince
10: hcwever, Ihere were mcve: Ly mcny :ecIcr: Ic mcke
cmencmenI: cr revi:e Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn vic pecp|e: iniIicIive. Very pcpu|cr
curing Ihe Iime cf Fre:icenI Fcmc: wc: FlFM/ {Fecp|e: lniIicIive fcr
Fefcrm, MccernizcIicn cnc /cIicn) Ic |ecve Ihe Ierm |imiI: cf puL|ic
e|ecIive cfficic|: Lc:icc||y IhcI wc: Ihe mcin cLjecIive cf Ihe prcpcnenI:
fcr Ccn:IiIuIicnc| Chcnge curing Ihe Iime cf Fre:icenI Fcmc:. Sc c|:c
curing Ihe Iime cf Fre:icenI /rrcyc NlD crcunc 2005 very ccIive 200
curing Ihc:e Iime: cnc evenIuc||y Ihe i::ue: were ceIerminec Ly Ihe
Supreme CcurI curing Ihe Iime cf Fcmc: i: Ihe |cncmcrk cc:e cf ScnIicgc
v Ccme|ec cnc recenI|y Ihe cc:e cf /|evont under Sect|on
2 |s the second porogroph thot soys the Congress sho|| prov|de |or the
|mp|ementot|on o| the exerc|se o| th|s r|ght. In other words the const|tut|on
|tse|| prov|des thot th|s port|cu|or prov|s|on on peop|es |n|t|ot|ve to omend
the Const|tut|on |s not se||-executory. Ihere i: c reuiremenI IhcI Ihere hc:
Ic Le cn enccIing |egi:|cIicn fcr Ihi: prcvi:icn Ic Leccme effecIive. l:
Ihere c |cw cn Ihi: Ihe cn:wer i: YES. IcgeIher wiIh Ihe iniIicIive cnc
referencum pcwer: cf Ihe pecp|e c|:c Ic mcke |cw: cirecI|y IhcI i: uncer
FepuL|ic /cI 735 we hcve ci:cu::ec Ihi: c|reccy righI. Ncw in re|cIicn Ic
ccn:IiIuIicnc| cmencmenI:, whcI i: Ihe ru|ing cf Ihe ccurI in Ihi: cc:e cf
ScnIicgc v Ccme|ec Ihe ccn:IiIuIicn wc: re|cIive|y new Ihen, mere|y c
ceccce :ince 187. Sc Ihere wc: c ue:Iicn c: Ic hcw cre ycu gcing Ic
prcceec wiIh Ihe peIiIicn Ic cmenc Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn. Wcu|c iI Le Ihe
Ccme|ec IhcI wcu|c cc|| fcr Ihe e|ecIcrcIe Ic :ign Ihe peIiIicn cr wcu|c iI
Le Ihe pecp|e Ihem:e|ve: Ic peIiIicn cr prcpc:e cr mcke prcpc:c| Ic
cmenc Ihe ccn:IiIuIicn Ic gcIher Ihe :igncIure: Ihem:e|ve:. 8c:icc||y IhcI
wc: Ihe ccIicn cf /IIy. De|fin in Ihe cc:e cf ScnIicgc. He wcnI: Ic ccmpe|
Ihe Ccme|ec Ic :checu|e ncw Ihe ccIe fcr :igncIure cn hi: prcpc:ec
cmencmenI: Ic Ihe ccn:IiIuIicn. ln Ihe cc:e cf ScnIicgc which i: ccIuc||y
c very c|c:e ceci:icn if ycu cre reccing Ihe cc:e, Ihe ccurI :cic IhcI Ihe
prcpc:c| Ic cmenc Ihe ccn:IiIuIicn uncer SecIicn 2 mu:I c|reccy ccnIcin
Ihe :igncIure: cf Ihe pecp|e. Sc ycu ccnncI ccmpe| Ccme|ec Ic cc iI fcr
ycu. Ihe reuiremenI cf 12 per cenIum cnc 3 per cenIum per ci:IricI fcr
Ihe Ccme|ec Ic give cue ccur:e Ic ycur peIiIicn mu:I c|reccy Le
ccnIcinec in Ihe peIiIicn iI:e|f. Sc |cIer wiIh IhcI prcncuncemenI ccIuc||y,
/IIy. De|fin :uLmiIIec c new peIiIicn inccrpcrcIing Iherein Ihe :igncIure:
cf crcunc 5 mi||icn vcIer: IhrcughcuI Ihe ccunIry. 8uI Ihen, ccccrcing Ic
Ihe cc:e cf ScnIicgc Leccu:e Miricm ScnIicgc cppc:ec Ihe peIiIicn cf
/IIy. De|fin in Ihi: cc:e cne cf Ihe grcunc: Leing Ihere i: nc enccIing
|egi:|cIicn yeI cn Ihe mcIIer cf Ihe cmencmenI: Ic Ihe ccn:IiIuIicn. /nc
whcI wc: Ihe ru|ing cf Ihe ccurI in Ihe cc:e cf ScnIicgc v Ccme|ec
lnceec, Ihe |cw i: |ccking in c: fcr c: cmencmenI: Ic Ihe ccn:IiIuIicn cre
ccncernec. We hcve ci:cu::ec Ihi: cc:e c|reccy, righI Whi|e iI menIicn:
cLcuI ccn:IiIuIicnc| cmencmenI: LuI if ycu |cck cI Ihe |cw iI:e|f, Ihe
ceIci|: Ihe prcvi:icn: cf Ihe |cw we ccnncI finc cnyIhing Ihere IhcI
ccncern: Ihe prcce:: Ic cmenc Ihe ccn:IiIuIicn cnc Ihe prcvi:icn Leing
cne IhcI reuire: cn ccI cf Ccngre:: Ic Leccme effecIive, Ihen wiIh Ihi:
ceficiency in Ihe |cw iI: c: if IhcI Ihere i: nc |cw yeI IhcI wcu|c gcvern
Ihe prcce:: c: Ic hcw iI :hcu|c Le ccne. /nc :c c|:c Fe:c|uIicn Nc. 2300
cf Ihe CCMELEC cn prcvicing fcr Ihe ceIci|: c: Ic hcw Ihe cmencmenI:
Ic Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn Le prcpc:ec Ly Ihe pecp|e, Ihe prcce::. lf Ihere i: c
|cw IhcI wcu|c :erve c: c Lc:i: fcr Ihe imp|emenIing ru|e: cnc regu|cIicn:
Ihen Ihe lFF i: c|:c vcic, righI.

October 13, 2011 Ironscr|pt|on [Fort 2}
8y /zircphc|e Zheng in 1 Scnchez Fcmcn 2011 EciI Dcc De|eIe
|c:I 30 minuIe: ng |c:I c|c:: wiIh Sir /ngc:.

Sir /ngc:: Upcn mcIicn fcr reccn:icercIicn here, Ihe vcIe wc: ccIuc||y c
Iie, -, iniIic||y, Ihe vcIe wc: 8-5 in fcvcr cf Ihe peIiIicner: here {ScnIicgc).
/nc Ihen, upcn mcIicn fcr reccn:icercIicn, Ihe vcIe wc: -. Sc, Ihe
ceci:icn :Icy:, IhcI i:, IhcI F/ 735 i: |ccking in c: fcr c: Ihe mcnner c: Ic
hcw Ic prcceec wiIh Ihe iniIicIive cn reference Ic Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn. Fc:I
fcrwcrc 200, everycne wc: empcwerec. Empcwer :eemec Ic wcnI Ic,
ycu kncw {W/L/ Ml K/8/LC SlF) mcke :cme chcnge:, pcrIicu|cr|y cn Ihe
Ierm: cf cffice, Leccu:e, we hcve Ierm |imiI: ncw, uncer Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn.
Sc here ccme: cncIher grcup, Ihe LcmLinc Grcup.

8eccu:e iI wc: c|reccy e:IcL|i:hec in Ihe ScnIicgc-CCMELEC ru|ing IhcI c
peIiIicn mu:I c|reccy Le :ignec Ly Ihe pecp|e, here, upcn :uLmi::icn cf
Ihe peIiIicn, Ihere were c|reccy :igncIure: cf mcre Ihcn mi||icn
regi:Ierec vcIer:. 12 per cenIum cuI cf Ihe IcIc| numLer cf regi:Ierec
vcIer: cnc 3 percenI per |egi:|cIive ci:IricI: {:|c}. Sigurccc nc :cc ni,
ciLc Fi|ec Ihe peIiIicn wiIh Ihe CCMELEC, CCMELEC :cic We ccnI ccI
cn iI."


Ccngre:: hc: ncI yeI pc::ec Ihe |cw. SIi||, Ihe gcverning |cw cn Ihe
mcIIer i:, 735, cnc Ihe Supreme CcurI in Ihe cc:e cf ScnIicgc :cic IhcI iI
i: |ccking in c: fcr c: iniIicIive Ic cmenc Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn vic pecp|e:
iniIicIive i: ccncernec. Sc we ccnncI ccI cn iI. LcmLinc wenI Ic Ihe
Supreme CcurI, ck.NumLer M:. FcLicn.

M:. FcLicn: 5 Sir.

Sir /ngc:: Hcw cic Ihe Supreme CcurI re:c|ve cn Ihe i::ue cf wheIher cr
ncI Ihe CCMELEC ccnncI ccI cn Ihe peIiIicn Lc:ec cn F/ 735

Mr. Sin:cnc: Ihe Supreme CcurI :cic IhcI Ihey cic ncI neec Ic revi:iI Ihe
ru|ing in ScnIicgc Leccu:e Ihe LcmLinc grcup cic ncI ccmp|y wiIh
reui:iIe: fcr Ihe cc||ecIing cf Ihe :igncIure: Sir. Ihey cic ncI inc|uce Ihe
peIiIicn when Ihey gcrnerec Ihe vcIe: fcr Iheir prcpc:ec cmencmenI:.

Sir /ngc:: Feui:iIe: prcvicec Ly whcI 8y 735

Mr. Sin:cnc: 8y Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn Sir.

Sir /ngc:: 8y Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn. Ihcnk ycu. ln Ihe cc:e cf LcmLinc, Ihe
Supreme CcurI cic ncI revi:iI iI: pricr cec|crcIicn IhcI Ihe |cw i:
inccmp|eIe cr in:ufficienI, 735. Ihe CcurI re:c|vec Ihe mcIIer cf
:ufficiency cf Ihe peIiIicn Lc:ec cn Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn iI:e|f. Ihe CcurI :cic
we cc ncI even neec Ic revi:iI cur ceci:icn in Ihe cc:e cf ScnIicgc
Leccu:e we ccn ci:mi:: Ihe peIiIicn fcr iI: ncnccmp|icnce wiIh Ihe
Ccn:IiIuIicnc| reuiremenI iI:e|f." /nc IhcI i: whcI 12 percenI eIc. WhcI
pcrI rec||y, mcke: Ihe Supreme CcurI :cy IhcI Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn wc: ncI
ccmp|iec wiIh Ihere wc: 127, .3 mi||icn. lf ycu ccmpuIe IhcI vi:-c-vi: Ihe
enIire regi:Ierec vcIer:, IhcI: 127, Ihere wc: prccf IhcI inceec Lc:ec cn
:igncIure: :uLmiIIec, Ihe fcrm, IhcI wcu|c :hcw IhcI 37 cf Ihe e|ecIcrcIe
were |egi:|cIive ci:IricI:, ccIuc||y c|:c :ignec Ihe peIiIicn. 8uI whcI c:pecI
in Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicnc| reuiremenI WhcI fccI ccncern: Ihe reuiremenI,
IhcI mcce Ihe Supreme CcurI :cy IhcI Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn wc: ncI ccmp|iec
wiIh NumLer Mr. Sin:cnc

Mr. Sin:cnc: 2 :ir.

Sir /ngc:: Mr. Scgcrinc. Ncw, Ihe peIiIicn wc: :uLmiIIec, Ihere were
:igncIure: ccmpri:ing 127 cnc 37, LuI why i: iI IhcI Ihe CcurI :cic Ihe
Ccn:IiIuIicn wc: :Ii|| ncI cu|y ccmp|iec wiIh

Mr. Scgcrinc: ln Ihe cc:e cf LcmLinc, Ihe CcurI :cic IhcI Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn
wc: ncI cu|y ccmp|iec wiIh Leccu:e Ihe reuiremenI: cf Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn
IhcI Ihere mu:I Le cn cIIcchec ccpy cf Ihe prcpc:ec cmencmenI:
Lefcre Ihe pecp|e whc wi|| cecice cn wheIher Ihey {ci|i nckc

Sir /ngc:: Wc: Ihe prcpc:ec Ihe prcpc:ec cmencmenI wc: cIIcchec
Ic Ihe peIiIicn :uLmiIIec Ic Ihe CCMELEC. CLvicu:|y, in fccI iI wc:
ucIec in Ihe cc:e iI:e|f. 8uI why

Mr. Scgcrinc: Ihe cIIcchmenI cf Ihe ccpy cf Ihe prcpc:ec cmencmenI:
wc: ncI pre:enIec Ic Ihe pecp|e whc :ignec Lefcre Ihey :ignec.

Sir /ngc:: Ck. Ihcnk ycu. ln cIher wcrc:, Ihe pecp|e Ihem:e|ve: mu:I
mcke Ihe prcpc:c| :c IhcI Ihey mu:I kncw whcI Ihey cre :igning. ln
effecI, Ihe prcvi:icn IhcI :cy: IhcI Ihe _____ prcpc:ec Ly Ihe pecp|e
Ihrcugh iniIicIive upcn c peIiIicn mecn: IhcI Ihe peIiIicn mu:I ccnIcin Ihe
fu|| IexI cf Ihe prcpc:ec cmencmenI:. Sc, if ycu cre p|cnning Ic mcke c
prcpc:c| Ic cmenc Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn, ycu mcke Ihe peIiIicn, IcgeIher cr
inccrpcrcIing Iherein c|reccy Ihe prcpc:ec cmencmenI:, cr cIIcching
IhereIc, Ihe prcvi:icn: ycu cre prcpc:ing Ic Le cmencec. Ihe pecp|e
mu:I :ign cn Ihe peIiIicn. ln cIher wcrc:, Ihe 127 mu:I Le Ihe peIiIicner:
Ihem:e|ve:. lf ycu cre fi|ing c peIiIicn, Ihe peIiIicn mu:I Le ccmp|eIe
righI /nc IhcI inc|uce: Ihe prcvi:icn:, Ihe cne whc cre peIiIicning, cre
Ihe 127 cI |ec:I. IhcI i: Ihe reuiremenI IhcI wc: ncI :cIi:fiec Ly /IIy.

ln fccI, in Ihi: cc:e, Ihe CcurI wc: ccing Ihe mcIh ju:I Ic finc cuI if Ihc:e
whc :ignec rec||y knew whcI Ihey were :igning. /nc Ihe Supreme CcurI
wc: ncI ccnvincec. ln cIher wcrc:, in ccciIicn Ic Ihe reuiremenI: in Ihe
cc:e cf ScnIicgc, IhcI Ihe pecp|e mu:I :ign Ihem:e|ve: Ic Ihe peIiIicn, iI i:
c|:c impcrIcnI IhcI Ihe peIiIicn iI:e|f mu:I c|:c ccnIcin Ihe fu|| IexI cf Ihe
prcpc:ec cmencmenI. /ncIher rec:cn given Ly Ihe Supreme CcurI i:
IhcI, Ihi: i: ncI cn cmencmenI ccIuc||y. lI c|:c vic|cIe: Sec. 2. ln IhcI
:en:e, iI i: c|reccy ci:mi::iL|e c|:c, Leccu:e Ihe pecp|e Ihrcugh iniIicIive
ccn cn|y prcpc:e cmencmenI: :c if whcI ycu cre prcpc:ing i: ccIuc||y c
revi:icn cf Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn Ihen IhcI wcu|c Le ci:mi::ec Leccu:e in iI:e|f,
IhcI i: c|reccy ncI c||cwec Ly Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn. Even wiIhcuI kncwing
cLcuI Ihe prcce::. Sc regcrc|e:: cf wheIher Ihere i: c prcce:: cr ncI
prcvicec Ly 735 Ihe CcurI :cic, We ccn ci:mi:: Ihi: c|reccy Leccu:e in
Ihe fir:I p|cce, Ihi: i: ncI c prcpc:c| Ic cmenc Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn, Ihi: i: c
prcpc:c| Ic revi:e Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn. Ncw ycu ccc Ic IhcI Ihe fccI IhcI Ihe
peIiIicner: cc ncI even kncw whcI Ihey cre peIiIicning cLcuI, cn Ihc:e
Iwc grcunc:, Ihe CcurI :cic we wi|| ci:mi:: Ihe peIiIicn. /nc Ihe CcurI
gce: furIher Ic exp|cin Ihe ci:IincIicn LeIween revi:icn cnc cmencmenI.
Sc, Icke ncIe c|:c cf Ihe prcncuncemenI cf Ihe Supreme CcurI in Ihi:
cc:e. Ihe CcurI :cic IhcI Ihe peIiIicn cf Ihe pecp|e uncer Sec. 2, Ic Le
vc|ic mu:I fir:I ccmp|y wiIh Ihe reuiremenI: cf Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn uncer Sec.
2 Lefcre we wcu|c even :IcrI Ic cpp|y F/ 735 c::uming IhcI iI i: vc|ic cr
cny |egi:|cIive ccI cn Ihe mcIIer cf prcvicing fcr Ihe prcce:: cn hcw Ic
prcceec wiIh Ihe iniIicIive, pecp|e: iniIicIive. Sc iniIic||y, Ihe peIiIicn mu:I
:cIi:fy Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicnc| reuiremenI uncer Sec. 2 cnc Ihen ycu cpp|y Ihe
|cw. 8c:icc||y IhcI i: whcI i: Leing ru|ec Ly Ihe Supreme CcurI in Ihe cc:e
cf LcmLinc. Sc in cIher wcrc:, Ihe :eccnc pcrcgrcph uncer Sec.2
ccIuc||y ccmp|imenI:, cr in ccciIicn Ic Ihe reuiremenI cf Ihe fir:I
pcrcgrcph. Ycu :cIi:fy Ihe reuiremenI cf Ihe fir:I pcrcgrcph, cfIer IhcI,
hcw cc ycu prcceec wiIh Ihe enIire prcce:: Ck, IhcI: Ihe prcL|em cf
Ccngre::. Ihere hc: Ic Le c prcce:: fcr IhcI. UnIi| ncw Ihe ScnIicgc ru|ing
:Ii|| cpp|ie:. Sc fir:I ycu hurc|e Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicnc| reuiremenI:, cfIer IhcI
ycu fc||cw Ihe prccecure. ln effecI, even if mckc|u:cI :i LcmLinc :c fir:I
reuiremenI uncer Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn, :Ii||, LuI Ihen Ihe CcurI mcy chcnge
iI: minc cnc :cy IhcI inceec 735 i: ccmp|eIe c|reccy, Leccu:e if ycu
|cck cI Ihe vcIing, in Ihe cc:e cf ScnIicgc iI wc: 8-5 cnc Ihen cn
reccn:icercIicn iI wc: -. Sc Ihere i: c chcnce. ln fccI mcny cf Ihe
ju:Iice: :cy IhcI Ihe |cw i: ccmp|eIe c|reccy. Ihere i: c very very |cng
ci:cu::icn in Ihe ci::enIing cpinicn in Ihe cc:e cf LcmLinc Ly Ju:Iice Func
where he :cic IhcI Ihe |cw i: c|reccy ccmp|eIe. IicIc |cng Ic nccccI :c
cmencmenI: |cgeh, IhcI wc: Ihe :Ircnge:I ycu kncw, Lc:i:. 8eccu:e
whcI wc: Leing prcpc:ec Ly Ihe LcmLinc Grcup wc: ccIuc||y, c|ecr|y, c
revi:icn cf Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn. lI chcnge: Ihe :IrucIure cf Ihe gcvernmenI
frcm 8i|cIerc| Fre:icenIic| Ic c Uni|cIerc| Fcr|icmenIcry. Dcghcn kcyc :i|c
gipcng:uk:ck. Icke ncIe, IhcI i: |cg-rc||ing when iI ccme: Ic prcpc:c| Ic
cmenc. Lcg-rc||ing, pcng :ingiIcn ni|c IicIc ccghcn. Ihe inIenIicn i: uiIe
c|ecr. /cccrcing Ic Ihe Supreme CcurI, whc cre ycu kiccing here, whc
cre ycu fcc|ing here ShcrI cf :cying IhcI. Mccyc |cng kcyc nc :i Ju:Iice
Ccrpic mcgpchi|unc :c iychcng wcrc:. 8uI :Ii||, Ihi: i: ccIuc||y c very c|c:e
ceci:icn, vcIing Ly Ihe Supreme CcurI. /cIuc||y, Ihi: i: ncI Ihe enc cf Ihe
i::ue. Ihi: i: very ccIive in Ihe |ighI cf Ihe prcvi:icn cf cur Ccn:IiIuIicn,
currenI|y, e:pecic||y IhcI cur Ccn:IiIuIicn i: re|cIive|y c|c in Ierm: cf iI
Leing ncI Leing Icuchec in Ihe |c:I mcre Ihcn 20 yecr: c|reccy. lI hc:
never Leen cmencec :ince iI wc: recIifiec in Jcnucry cf 187. Ihe :cme
Ccn:IiIuIicn cnc |ike cny cIher Ccn:IiIuIicn:, iI i: ncI perfecI, righI lI give:
|cI: Ic Le cecicec e:pecic||y cn eccncmic prcvi:icn:. Mining. Un:ccn
nimu pcgkiIc kung :mc|| :cc|e Sige |cng gihcpcn Icg Ii|Ii|. Hcw mcny
Icn: wi|| ycu prccuce in cne ccy u:ing cncienI meIhcc: cf mining {cnc
he gce: cn ci:cu::ing cLcuI mining meIhcc: nc wc|c kc kc:cLcI)

8uI u|IimcIe|y, iI: Ihe pecp|e whc wi|| cecice. Ccn:IiIuIicn cf ScvereignIy.
ln Ierm: cf chcnging Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn, iI i: Ihe pecp|e whc wi|| cecice.
Which Lring: u: Lcck Ic my ue:Iicn. Ihe ccI: cf Ccn:IiIuIicnc|
CcnvenIicn cnc Ccn:IiIuenI /::emL|y, i: iI c ju:IicicL|e ue:Iicn cr i: iI c
pc|iIicc| ue:Iicn l: iI Ihe ccI cf Ihe pecp|e Ihem:e|ve: in Ihe exerci:e cf
Iheir :cvereign pcwer :c IhcI iI i: Leycnc Ihe review pcwer: cf Ihe CcurI
lf ycu cre reccing ycur cnncIcIec wcrk, Ihe cn:wer i: iI i: c ju:IicicL|e
ue:Iicn Leccu:e Ihere i: c|reccy c Ccn:IiIuIicnc| prcvi:icn IhcI prcvice:
fcr Ihe prcce:: c: Ic hcw Ihe cmencmenI: cr revi:icn cf Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicn
Le ccne Ly Ccngre:: cr Ihe Ccn:IiIuIicnc| CcnvenIicn, un|e:: iI i: cn ccI
cirecI|y Ly Ihe pecp|e Ic exIrc-ccn:IiIuIicnc| mecn:, Ihen iI wcu|c Le
Leycnc Ihe cmLiI cf jucicic| review, Ly revc|uIicn IhcI i:. l: revc|uIicn cn
unccn:IiIuIicnc| wcy Ihe cn:wer i: nc, iI i: cn exIrc-ccn:IiIuIicnc|, Ihe
pecp|e Ihem:e|ve:. Fcpu|cr :cvereignIy i: |crger Ihcn Ccn:IiIuIicnc||y-
cefinec :cvereignIy.

/rI.17 {murcg Sec.17 cIc gincmecn ni Sir ciri) i: c Ccn:IiIuIicnc|-cefinec
:cvereignIy. Dce: iI mecn IhcI we cre pcwer|e:: DirecI|y, Ic chcnge Ihe
Ccn:IiIuIicn, ccn we cc IhcI IhcI wc: whcI hcppenec in Ihe 18.
Fcpu|cr :cvereignIy i: |crger Ihcn Ccn:IiIuIicnc||y-cefinec :cvereignIy.
IhcI: why, Ihe ccI: cf Ihe pecp|e, Ihe ccI: cf Ccngre::, Ihe ccI: cf Ihe
Ccn:IiIuIicnc| CcnvenIicn:, i: :Ii|| :uLjecI Ic jucicic| review Leccu:e Ihe
Ccn:IiIuIicn iI:e|f cuI|ine: Ihe prcce::, cnc if ycu cc ncI ccmp|y cr cLice
Ly Ihe prcce::, IhcI i: cpen Ic ue:Iicn IhcI ccn Le re:c|ve Ly Ihe CcurI.
8uI, if cne ccy, we cecice ncI Ic cc iI Ihrcugh Sec. 17, cnc cirecI|y
chcnging Ihe enIire :y:Iem cf Ihe GcvernmenI, ccn we cc IhcI YES.
EM/N/IES FFCM IHEM. IhcI i: Ihe rec|iIy.

Fcur yecr: frcm ncw, ycu mcy Icke Ihe Lcr wiIh cn enIire|y cifferenI
Ccn:IiIuIicn. IhcI i: c pc::iLi|iIy. WiIh cn enIire|y cifferenI :eI cf ru|e: cnc
princip|e:. lI mcy even Le cL:c|eIe c|reccy.

Ncgprecch nc :i Sir ciri nc pcrI. Di|i nc re|cIec :c Icpic. :D

Ironscr|pt|on Const|: October 5 Lecture
8y Emmc Lcu DeFerc|Ic KinIcncr in 1 SF C/SE DlGESI FCCL EciI
Dcc De|eIe
Ironscr|pt|on Const|: October 5 Lecture
Actuo| cose or controversy invc|ve: cny cc:e cr ccnIrcver:y LrcughI Ly c
privcIe :uiI cnc c puL|ic :uiI. Ihe phrc:e which prcvice: fcr Ihe pcwer cf
Ihe ccurI Ic ceIermine wheIher Ihere i: grecI cLu:e cf ci:creIicn
cmcunIing Ic IhcI cf |cck cr exce:: cf juri:cicIicn i: SecIicn 1 cf /rIic|e Vlll.
lI: IhcI pcrIicn IhcI expcncec Ihe cefiniIicn cf jucicic| pcwer. lI i: ncI
cvci|cL|e previcu:|y LuI in Ihe 187 ccn:IiIuIicn jucicic| pcwer i:
expcncec :c IhcI Ihe ccurI wi|| |cck inIc mcIIer: even Ihc:e which cre
:eeming|y cc ncI hcve ccIuc| cc:e cf ccnIrcver:y cnc IhcI wcu|c Le c
:iIucIicn where Ihere i: grcve cLu:e cf ci:creIicn ccne Ly Ihe execuIive
cepcrImenI cr mcyLe even Ly Ihe |egi:|cIive cepcrImenI, cr cny cgency
cr in:IrumenIc|iIy cf Ihe gcvernmenI.
Ncw, Ihe ci:cu::icn cn jucicic| review refer: Ic SecIicn 5, 2nc pcr., {c),
IhcI i: Ihe pcwer cf Ihe ccurI Ic review, revi:e, rever:e, mccify, cffirm cn
cppec| cr cerIicrcri c: Ihe |cw cr ru|e: cf ccurI mcy prcvice, Ly c
jucgmenI cr crcer cf Ihe |cwer ccurI: in c|| cc:e: in which Ihe
ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy cr vc|iciIy cf c IrecIy eiIher cf ncIicnc| :ecuriIy, |cw, eIc..
ln cIher wcrc:, fcr Ihe pcwer cf jucicic| review Ic Le vc|ic|y exerci:ec Ly
Ihe ccurI Ihere hc: Ic Le c ccn:IiIuIicnc| i::ue. lI: Ihe ue:Iicn cf
ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy cf cny IrecIy, |cw, execuIive cgreemenI, eIc. Sc, if Ihere
i: c ccn:IiIuIicnc| i::ue cce: iI mecn IhcI immecicIe|y Ihe ccurI wcu|c
cecice cn IhcI pcrIicu|cr i::ue Ihe cn:wer i: nc. Ihe reui:iIe: Ic exerci:e
:uch pcwer mu:I Le c|| pre:enI Lefcre Ihe ccurI ccu|c ru|e cn Ihe
ccn:IiIuIicnc| i::ue in Ihe cc:e. ln fccI, mcre cfIen, Ihe ccurI wcu|c :hy
cwcy frcm Icck|ing ccn:IiIuIicnc| i::ue: if Ihere i: cIher mecn: upcn which
Ihe ccurI ccu|c cecice cn cn i::ue, cIher Ihcn ru|ing cn Ihe
ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy cf :uch |cw cr crcincnce: cr IrecIy cn IhcI mcIIer. lI wi||
ncI cc :c. ln cIher wcrc: iI wi|| ncI ru|e cn ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy i::ue if Ihe i::ue
ccn Le :c|ve in :cme cIher mecn cIher Ihcn :cying Ihi: |cw i:
ccn:IiIuIicnc| cr ncI. Cn|y when Ihe i::ue i: Ihe |i: mcIc cr Ihe very ccu:e
upcn which Ihe cc:e i: fi|ec cnc wiIhcuI ru|ing cn iI Ihe cc:e wcu|c ncI
Le re:c|vec. Sc, if Ihere i: nc cIher chcice in c: fcr c: Ihe ccurI i: ccncern
LuI Ic ru|e cn Ihe ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy i::ue. lI i: Ihe :uLjecI mcIIer cf jucicic|
review. Sc, Ihere: c ccn:IiIuIicnc| i::ue, ncw whcI Ihen cre Ihe reui:iIe:
fcr Ihe ccurI Ic cecice
Fir:I, Ihere mu:I Le cn ccIuc| cc:e cr ccnIrcver:y. We ccu|c ci:cu:: whc|e
ccy cn Ihe c|ciming IhcI Ihi: |cw i: unccn:IiIuIicnc|. /nIi :piIIing |cw, ycu
cre ncI c||cwec Ic :piI, IhcI vic|cIe: ycur righI Ic :piI. FighI Ic pur:uiI
hcppine:: Leccu:e when ycu :piI ycu fee| hcppy. Ju:I |ike puffing c cigcr,
LuI Ihen, ccn ycu gc Ic ccurI cnc ue:Iicn Ihe ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy cf Ihe
|cw NcI unIi| Ihere i: c cirecI cr IhrecIenec injury cn ycur pcrI. Cn|y Ihen
Ihere ccn Le cn ccIuc| cc:e cf ccnIrcver:y. Ihe ccurI wcu|c ncI
enIerIcin ccccemic ci:cu::icn: Ic :cIi:fy ycur ccuLI cr Ihecry. Ycu mu:I
Le crre:Iec fir:I fcr :piIIing cnc :uL:euenI|y c cc:e i: fi|ec cgcin:I ycu.
Smcking, ycu ccnncI ue:Iicn iI wiIhcuI cn ccIuc| cc:e cf ccnIrcver:y.
Ycu wcu|c :cy IhcI lm fi|ing Ihi: fcr c|| Ihc:e whc cre :mcking. /re ycu Ihe
prcper pcrIy Dc ycu :uffer ccIuc| injury Mcre cfIen, when c per:cn i:
crre:Iec fcr :mcking, in:Iecc cf ue:Iicning Ihe ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy cf ccur:e
Leccu:e Ihe penc|Iy i: very neg|igiL|e he wcu|c ju:I p|ec c p|ec cf gui|Iy.
/cvi:cry cpinicn:, hypcIheIicc| ue:Iicn:, frienc|y :uiI: {mcg:cLcI mc Lch
pcrc mc :cIi:fy cng injury inIere:I), IhcI i: ncI cn ccIuc| cc:e cf
ccnIrcver:y. ln cIher wcrc:, Ihe ccn:IiIuIicnc| ue:Iicn Lefcre Ihe ccurI
mu:I Le ripe fcr ccjuciccIicn. lf Ihe ccurI wi|| ncI ru|e cn Ihe
ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy cf Ihe |cw, l ccu|c Le ccnvicIec cf :piIIing Leccu:e l wc:
ccughI cn Ihe ccI. lf ycu recc Ihe |cw, l hcve inceec vic|cIec Ihe |cw
IhcI i: why l cm ue:Iicning Ihe |cw fcr Leing unccn:IiIuIicnc| cnc if lm
rci:ing Ihe ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy cf Ihe |cw iI Leccme: ripe fcr ccjuciccIicn.
WiIhcuI ru|ing cn Ihe ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy l ccu|c Le ccnvicIec cf IhcI |cw. ln
Ihe cc:e cf Dum|cc v. CCMELEC Ihe peIiIicner i: ncI ue:Iicning Ihe fccI:
cLcuI Dum|cc, IhcI he i: c|c , reIirec cnc he c|reccy receivec Ihe
LenefiI:. He i: ue:Iicning Ihe |cw ju:I |ike C:menc cnc Gcrcic. C:menc
run fcr pre:icenI cnc Gcrcic run fcr Ihe cffice cf gcverncr in Ihe prcvince
cf CeLu. During IhcI Iime, mcLc|i Lc|i mcn ni :iyc, :cmeIime: Ihe ccurI
wcu|c :cy ck, Ihen |cIer iI: ncI ck, Ihe |cIe:I ck nc. Dccng McIuwic ,
wiIhcuI IhcI Lefcre Ihere i: ncne cn IV cnc rccic. l Ihink much LeIIer,
:cmck kccyc, gincgcmiI :c mgc kcnciccIc. 8uI Ihe ccurI ju:I ru|ec
c|reccy cn IhcI i::ue. lI i: ck. lI wc: ue:Iicnec Ly 8crrerc LuI Lefcre IhcI
in 18 Ihere wc: cncIher cne cn pc|iIicc| ccverIi:emenI:. IhcI: Ihe cc:e
cf C:menc v. CCMELEC. Nc :Icncing. Ihey cc ncI impcir cf cny hcrm c:
c re:u|I cf Ihe |cw. IhcI wcu|c Le mcre cn |ccu: :Icnci righI We cre :Ii|| in
ccIuc| cc:e cr ccnIrcver:y. Guingcnc v. C/, Ihe cc:e i: cLcuI
imp|emenIcIicn cf wiIne:: prcIecIicn prcgrcm. Ihe ccmi::icn cf c wiIne::
Ic Ihe prcgrcm wc: ue:Iicnec. SC ru|ec IhcI fcr c wiIne:: Ic Le vc|ic|y
cccepIec Ic Ihe prcgrcm Ihere hc: Ic Le ccrrcLcrcIicn. Hi: :IcIemenI
mu:I Le ccrrcLcrcIec Ly :cmeLccy e|:e, cIherwi:e he ccu|c ncI Le
uc|ifiec inIc Ihe prcgrcm. IhcI i: Ihe ru|e. /nc Ihe SC ru|ec cn :cying IhcI
in Ihi: cc:e, Ihe Ie:Iimcny cf Ihe wiIne:: i: prcper|y ccrrcLcrcIec. Ihere i:
c|reccy :uL:IcnIic| ccrrcLcrcIicn, Iherefcre he ccn Le c||cwec inIc Ihe
prcgrcm. ln cIher wcrc: Ihe DCJ wcn c|reccy in Ihi: cc:e cnc yeI
Leccu:e cf Ihe cpinicn given Ly Ihe ccurI IhcI in Ihe imp|emenIcIicn cf
Ihe prcgrcm, c wiIne:: wcu|c cn|y uc|ify if hi: :IcIemenI i: cu|y
ccrrcLcrcIec. Ihere i: c ccnciIicn prececenI Lefcre c wiIne:: ccu|c Le
ccmiIIec Ic Ihe prcgrcm. Guingcnc c|cimec IhcI Leccu:e cf Ihi: iI wi|| Le
hcrc fcr Ihem in Ihe fuIure Ic |cck fcr c wiIne:: if he ccnncI Le ccmiIIec
Ic Ihe prcgrcm if hi: :IcIemenI i: ncI ccrrcLcrcIec. Sc IhcI Guingcnc
wenI Ic SC. Ihe ccurI ru|ec IhcI Ihere i: nc mcre ccnIrcver:y here
Leccu:e Ihe ccnIrcver:y hc: c|reccy Leen :eII|ec. Ihere i: even nc
ccn:IiIuIicnc| i::ue here. Ihe i::ue i: WCN Ihe wiIne:: i: uc|ifiec cnc Ihe
ccurI c|reccy :cic ye: he i: uc|ifiec Leccu:e Ihere i: :uL:IcnIic|
ccrrcLcrcIicn. /nc Ihen Ihe SC ru|e: cn Ic :cy IhcI ccrrcLcrcIicn i:
nece::cry, iI i: c ccnciIicn prececenI. IhcI i: whcI Ihey ccnI wcnI Ihe
ccciIicnc| cpinicn cf Ihe ccurI. /nc Ihere i: nc ccIuc| ccnIrcver:y c: fcr
c: IhcI i: ccncern. Ihey neec Ic hcve c wiIne:: fir:I IhcI hi: :IcIemenI
ccnncI Le ccrrcLcrcIec cnc Ihen Ihe wi|| ccmiI him Ic Ihe prcgrcm, Ihen
Ihere wi|| Le c ue:Iicn, Ihen IhcI wcu|c Le Ihe Iime IhcI Ihere wi|| Le cn
ccIuc| cc:e cf ccnIrcver:y. WiIhcuI IhcI Ihe ccurI wcu|c ncI ru|e cn Ihe
i::ue. Icn v. Fecp|e, Ihey were ccughI in Ihe ccI. Ihere cefen:e wc: iI i:
unccn:IiIuIicnc| Leccu:e mere pc::e::icn cf hcney, grc:: cnc :hruL: we
ccu|c Le vic|cIicn c |cw. Ihe ccurI :cic ycu cre Leing chcrge cf
pc::e::icn cf |umLer ncI grc:: cr hcney. /: fcr c: ycu cre ccncern Ihere i:
nc ccIuc| cc:e cr ccnIrcver:y. Cn Ihc:e cIher mcIIer: IhcI ycu cre rci:ing
IhcI wcu|c mcke Ihe |cw unccn:IiIuIicnc|.
/cIuc| cc:e cr ccnIrcver:y, Ihe pcrIy rci:ing c cc:e cr ccnIrcver:y mu:I
hcve |ccu: :Icnci. Ihey mu:I hcve Ihe prcper :Icncing Ic Ihe i::ue rci:e.
Icke ncI cf Ihe cc:e cf FcrmeIerc v. E:Irccc if ycu wcu|c cgree Ic IhcI.
Ihe ccurI :cic Ihere i: nc ccnIrcver:y LuI ycu neec Ic wciI Lefcre E:Irccc
wi|| Le re-e|ecIec. Cn|y Ihen Ihere ccn Le c ccnIrcver:y, Ihi: cc|| fcr Ihe
inIerpreIcIicn cf prchiLiIicn cf uncer /rIic|e 7, SecIicn 4. Ihe Fre:icenI i:
ncI e|igiL|e fcr re-e|ecIicn". Ihe ccurI :cic Ihe Fre:icenI Le re-e|ecIec
refer: Ic Ihe :eccnc Iime IhcI Ihe per:cn Leccme: pre:icenI Lefcre IhcI
Ihere ccn Le nc rec| cr :uL:IcnIic| ccnIrcver:y. Ju:I Icke ncI cf Ihe cc:e.
IhcI wi|| ncI Le Ihe |c:I Iime iI wi|| Le cn i::ue.
ln re|cIicn Ic ccIuc| cc:e cr ccnIrcver:y Ihe per:cn c: l hcve :cic mu:I
hcve Ihe :Icncing. Ihe person ro|s|ng |t must hove o persono| ond
substont|o| |nterest on the cose. Sc much :c IhcI he wi|| :u:Icin cr he wi||
:u:Icin cirecI injury c: c re:u|I cf Ihe enfcrcemenI. Ncw, Ihi: i: very ec:y Ic
ceIermine if Ihe i::ue: ccncern: cr Ihe cc:e ccncern: c privcIe righI. ln
re|cIicn Ic Ihe jucicic| pcwer review, jucicic| review invc|ve: ccn:IiIuIicnc|
ue:Iicn cr Ihe ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy cf cerIcin ccI: cr |cw. Ncw if ycu re|cIe
Ihi: wiIh |ccu: :Icnci Ic privcIe :uiI iI i: very ec:y Ic :ee. Ihe cn|y ue:Iicn
i: cc ycu hcve Ihe righI Wc: Ihe righI vic|cIec IhcI i: why ycu cre fi|ing
Ihe cc:e Ic fi|e remecy cr recre:: IhcI vic|cIicn l hcc menIicn Ihi: Ic ycu
Lefcre, Ihe ru|e: cf ccurI, Fu|e 3, every ccIicn, IhcI i: c privcIe :uiI, civi|
ccIicn, mu:I Le prc:ecuIec cr cefenc in Ihe ncme cf Ihe rec| pcrIy cf
inIere:I. Ihe rec| pcrIy cf inIere:I i: Ihe per:cn whc :Icnc: Ic Le LenefiIIec
cr Ic Le injurec Ly Ihe jucgmenI. 8uI when ycu Ic|k cLcuI ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy
cf Ihe |cw iI i: very cifficu|I Ic :ee. 8uI generc||y, c: l hcve :cic Ihe ru|e i:
IhcI, Ic hcve :Icncing in c ccn:IiIuIicnc| ue:Iicn invc|ving Ihe vc|iciIy cf
Ihe |cw Ihere hc: Ic Le c cirecI injury IhcI wi|| Le :u:Icinec Ly Ihe per:cn
Lringing Ihe :uiI. ScmeIime:, Ihi: i: ncI c cifficu|I ue:Iicn Leccu:e
:cmeIime: ycu ju:I hcve Ic |cck cI iI if Ihe per:cn wcu|c :uffer cr ncI. ln
cur excmp|e iI i: ec:y, Ihe ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy cf cnIi-:mcking cnc cnIi-
:piIIing. Hcw cLcuI in :cme cIher cc:e: |ike Ihc:e c::ign Ic ycu
A. D|rect |njury test
Ihe /gcn v. FE/ICC cc:e, ccncern: cgreemenI LeIween Ihe
gcvernmenI cnc FE/ICC. Cne cf Ihe Ierm: cf cgreemenI wc: IhcI
FE/ICC Ic Le c||cwec Ic cpercIe inIerncIicnc| Ierminc| in N/l/ 3 cnc :c
IhcI Ihe inIerncIicnc| Ierminc| in N/l/ 1 cnc 2 wcu|c Le c|c:ec cnc Ihere
:hcu|c Le cn|y cne inIerncIicnc| Ierminc| Ic Le run Ly FE/ICC. /mcng
cIher i::ue: IhcI i: cne. Emp|cyee: cf Service Frcvicer: ue:Iicnec Ihi:
cgreemenI. Cue:Iicn, cc Ihey hcve :Icncing cn Ihe :uiI Sc ycu hcve Ic
u:e Ihe cirecI injury Ie:I. /re Ihey cffecIec Ly Ihi: ccnIrccI enIerec inIc
Ly Ihe gcvernmenI, Leccu:e if Ihey cre cffecIec cirecI|y Ihen Ihey hcve
|ccu: :Icnci. Ihi: ccu|c |c:e Iheir mecn: cf |ive|ihccc. Ihey hcve exi:Iing
ccnIrccI wiIh Ml/, F/L Ierminc|. Ihey wcu|c cirecI|y :uffer fincncic|
prejucice LrcughI cLcuI Ly Ihe FE/ICC ccnIrccI: cnc IhcI i: :ufficienI Ic
:cIi:fy Ihe reuiremenI cf |ccu: :Icnci.
F|cnIer: v. FEFIlFHlL, Icke ncIe cf Ihi: cc:e. During Ihe Iime cf Mcrcc:, if
ycu cre hi: crcny ycur prcfiI wi|| Le gucrcnIeec. lI: Ihe LCl i::uec Ly
Mcrcc: IhcI Ihere hc: Ic cc||ecIec c ccpiIc| reccvery ccmpcnenI Ic
gucrcnIee Ihe prcfiI cf Ihe F|cnIer: FrccucI lnc. Ihere wc: c ccn:IiIuIicnc|
i::ue here. Ihey cre ue:Iicning Ihe ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy cf Ihe LCl. l: FEFIlFHlL
c prcper pcrIy Dce: iI hcve |ccu: :Icnci in Ihe cc:e lI :ufferec cirecI|y
curing IhcI Iime. Even if Ihe ccmpcny wcu|c hcve pc:: Ihe Lurcen Ic hi:
cu:Icmer:, LuI iI i: Ihe cne |icL|e Ic pcy. Ycu cre Ihe cne Leing chcrgec
wiIh Ihe cL|igcIicn Ic Le u|IimcIe|y |icL|e, c: in fccI in c vcgue in Ihi:
cc:e. IhcI i: why iI i: c cc:e fcr cc||ecIicn cf mcney. C:menc v.
CCMELEC, cc Ihey hcve |ccu: :Icnci Nc, Ihey cre ncI pccr cnc yeI Ihey
cre Lringing Ihi: i::ue fcr Ihe pccr. Ju:I |ike Ihe ccurI i: :cying, |eI Ihe pccr
fi|e Ihe cc:e. NcI ycu. lI i: :cying IhcI iI i: unfcir Ic Ihe pccr cne: cnc iI i:
ncI effecIive. ln effecI Ihere i: c|:c nc ccIuc| cc:e cr ccnIrcver:y here.
Ihe pcrIie: Lringing Ihe :uiI cc ncI hcve :Icncing Leccu:e Ihey cc ncI
:uffer cirecI injury c: c re:u|I cf Ihe effecIiviIy cf Ihe |cw. /re Ihere
excepIicn: U:uc||y, generc||y, Ihe ccmmcn per:cn i: pc::ive cn cerIcin
i::ue. /|mc:I c|wcy: in Ihe cc:e IhcI ycu cre reccing Ihe fir:I ue:Iicn IhcI
hc: Ic Le re:c|vec Ly Ihe ccurI i: WCN ycu hcve prcper :Icncing.
8eccu:e Ihe fir:I Ihing Ic cpp|y i:, i: Ihere c cc:e cf ccIuc| ccnIrcver:y.
NexI, cc ycu :uffer injury lf NcI. Dc ycu fc|| uncer excepIicn: WhcI cre
Ihe excepIicn:
8. Iox poyer's su|t
NcmLc v. Lcrc, pcrIy here i: Ihe Icx pcyer ue:Iicning Ihe ccnIrccI cnc i:
ncI c pcrIy Ic Ihe ccnIrccI. Hcwever, he i: c|ciming cf prejucicec c: c Icx
pcyer. When Ihe gcvernmenI re|ec:e: iI: mcney c|| cf u: Icxpcyer: cre
prejucice if iI i: ncI c ccn:IiIuIicnc| ccI. We cre pcying Icxe: cnc Ihe
mcney ccme: frcm u: cre Ihe cne :penI Ly Ihe gcvernmenI. Sc cny
expenciIure IhcI i: :uppc:ec ncI prcper cnc IhcI i: ncI in ccccrccnce
wiIh |cw cr wiIh Ihe ccn:IiIuIicn, ycu cre c pcrIy cf inIere:I. / Icx pcyer
hc: cn inIere:I. Icx pcyer i: c||cwec Ic :ue where Ihere i: c c|cim IhcI Ihe
puL|ic func: cre ci:Lur:e cr IhcI puL|ic mcney i: Leing ref|ecIec cn cny
imprcper purpc:e ncI c||cwec Ly |cw cr ccn:IiIuIicn cr when Ihere i:
wc:Icge cf puL|ic func.
C. Voter's su|t
Ccn ycu fi|e c: c vcIer ln Ihe cc:e cf CuinIc v. CCMELEC, Ihe ccurI :cic
ye:. NcIe here in Ihi: cc:e IhcI whcI wc: Leing ue:Iicnec i: Ihe
uc|ificcIicn cf c ccnciccIe fcr puL|ic cffice. Ihe cne fi|ing Ihe cc:e i: ncI
even c ccnciccIe. He i: c vcIer ue:Iicning Ihe ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy cn Ihe
uc|ificcIicn: fcr ccnciccIe:. VcIer hc: :Icncing. Whi|e peIiIicner: cre ncI
yeI cr i: ncI yeI ccnciccIe ycu ccn ue:Iicn Ihe :uLjecI |cw c: uc|ifiec
vcIer. Why WhcI wc: Ihe rcIicnc|e given Ly Ihe ccurI Ihe re:IricIicn cn
ccncicccy ccccrcing Ic Ihe ccurI cffecI: Ihe righI: cf vcIer: Ic chcc:e
Iheir puL|ic cfficic|:. Sc cirecI|y c vcIer: righI i: cffecIec Ly Ihe
reuiremenI: cf uc|ificcIicn: fcr Ihc:e whcm Ihey wi|| Le chcc:ing. Ihe
ccurI :cic IhcI |cw: IhcI cffecI Ihe ccncicccy c|wcy: hcve :cme
IhecreIicc| ccrre|cIive effecI cn vcIer:.
D. LGb su|t
Hcw cLcuI |ccc| gcvernmenI uniI: Dc Ihey hcve :Icncing Ic ue:Iicn
Ihe |cw Frcvince cf 8cIcngc: v. Fcmu|c, ncIe IhcI here iI i: ncI cn|y Ihe
Frcvince cf 8cIcngc: IhcI i: cffecIec. 8c:icc||y Ihe prcvince ue:Iicn: Ihe
prcvince in Ihe G//S fcr :everc| yecr: wherein Ihere i: :everc| ccnciIicn:
fcr Ihe re|ec:e cf Ihe lnIernc| Fevenue /||cImenI fcr Ihe |ccc| gcvernmenI
uniI:. Ihe ccurI :cic in Ihi: cc:e iI hc: :Icncing ncI cn|y fcr iI:e|f LuI c|:c fcr
cIher |ccc| gcvernmenI uniI:.
E. Congress ond member thereo|
Hcw cLcuI memLer cf ccngre:: lf Ihe righI: cnc prercgcIive: cf Ihe
Ccngre:: c: c Lccy : cffecIec Ihen c memLer cf ccngre:: ccn hcve
|ccu: :Icnci in ccn:IiIuIicnc| i::ue. lI cepenc: cn whcI pcrIicu|cr righI fcr
c: |cng c: Ihere i: c cerIcin righI cr pcwer cf ccngre:: IhcI i: Ic
Ircn:gre::ec cn cffecIec Ly c cerIcin ccI Ihen c memLer cf ccngre::
ccu|c vc|ic|y Le c pcrIy Ic Ihe cc:e. SencIe v. ErmiIc, Cp|e v. Icrre:. ln
Cp|e v. Icrre:, Ihe ccurI :cic Ihe /cmini:IrcIive Crcer 308 i: c u:urpcIicn
cf |egi:|cIive pcwer. lI i: cn|y Ihe ccngre:: IhcI ccu|c reuire u: Ic hcve cn
lD. Ihe ccmini:IrcIive crcer infringe: Ihe prercgcIive cf Ihe |cw mcker:.
IhcI i: why in Ihi: cc:e Cp|e wc: ru|ec Ic hcve :Icncing ue:Iicning Ihe
ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy cf Ihe ccI cf Fre:icenI Fcmc:. Legi:|cIive: hc: :Icncing Ic
mcinIcin in fi|ing Ihe prercgcIive pcwer: cnc privi|ege: ve:Iec in Iheir
cffice cnc Ihey cre c||cwec Ic :ue Ic ue:Iicn cny vc|iciIy cf cn ccIicn if
Ihey c|cim infringe: in Ihe prercgcIive cf |egi:|cIure:. S/NL/K/S v.
ExecuIive SecreIcry. Ihere cre mcny peIiIicner: in Ihi: cc:e, ue:Iicning
Ihe EC 427. Ihe ccurI :cic Ihc:e memLer: cf ccngre:: hcve prcper
:Icncing Leccu:e Ihey cre ue:Iicning WCN Ihe cec|crcIicn Ly c
pre:icenI cf emergency pcwer impcir: Ihe |egi:|cIive pcwer: cf Ihe |cw
mcker:. Icke ncIe cf Ihe cc:e cf FimenIe| v. ErmiIc, ju:I Leccu:e ycu cre
memLer cf Ihe ccngre:: ycu ccn immecicIe|y, when cn i::ue invc|ve:
pcwer cf ccngre:: ycu ccn Le c prcper pcrIy cf Ihe cc:e. Ihe cn:wer i:
nc. Icke ncIe here, ycu mu:I recc|| cur ci:cu::icn cn CC/ IhcI i: :epcrcIe
cnc incepencenI ccmmi::icn frcm ccngre:: c|Ihcugh Ihe memLer cf Ihe
ccmmi::icn cre :encIcr: cnc ccngre::mcn cnc yeI iI i: c :epcrcIe
ccmmi::icn incepencenI frcm ccngre::. FeIiIicner: cf memLer cf
ccngre:: in Ihi: cc:e ccccrcing Ic Ihe ccurI cce: ncI hcve :Icncing,
Ihc:e hcwever memLer: cf Ihe ccmmi::icn hcve :Icncing Leccu:e Ihe
ue:Iicn here i: cn ccI IhcI ccu|c infringe cn Ihe pcwer: cf Ihe
ccn:IiIuIicnc| ccmmi::icn ncI cf ccngre::.
F. C|t|zen su|t
CiIizen:, ccn fi|e c cc:e cnc :cy IhcI Ihi: i: c ciIizen :uiI l cm repre:enIing
everycne c: l my:e|f c|:c c ciIizen lI cepenc: upcn Ihe i::ue. lf Ihe i::ue
cf Ihe cc:e invc|ve: c puL|ic righI cnc Ihe cLjecI cf Ihe :uiI i: Ic cLIcin
enfcrcemenI cf Ihe puL|ic cuIy, Ihere c ciIizen ccn hcve |egc| :Icncing
Ic ue:Iicn cn ccI. Chcvez v. FCGG, Ihe gcvernmenI Ihrcugh FCGG
enIerec inIc ccmprcmi:e cgreemenI Ic Ihe heir: cf Mcrcc:, :ecreI, ncI
cpen Ic Ihe puL|ic. Chcvez fi|ec c peIiIicn. Ihe crgumenI cf Ihe
gcvernmenI wc: IhcI, Ihere i: nc :Icncing in Ihi: cc:e Leccu:e Ihere wc:
nc expenciIure cf func:, in fccI Ihe gcvernmenI wcu|c ecrn cuI cf Ihe
cgreemenI. Ihey :cic Ihe reccvery cf Ihe i||-gcIIen wec|Ih cnc Ihe
peIiIicner hc: nc ccIuc| inIere:I in iI. Hcwever, Ihe ccurI :cic Ihe i::ue
invc|ve: c puL|ic righI cnc Ihe cLjecI cf Ihe :uiI i: Ic cLIcin enfcrcemenI
cf c puL|ic cuIy. U|IimcIe|y in Ihi: cc:e Ihe pecp|e cre Ihe rec| pcrIy cf
inIere:I. Ihey cre Ihe cwner cf i||-gcIIen wec|Ih Iherefcre iI i: :ufficienI IhcI
Ihe peIiIicner i: c ciIizen cnc he i: inIere:Iec in Ihe execuIicn cf Ihe |cw:.
/cccrcing Ic Ihe ccurI, Ic which Ihe ccn:IiIuIicnc| righI: Ihe peIiIicn i:
cnchcrec in Ihi: cc:e. lf ycu cre :cying IhcI c ciIizen hc: :Icncing in Ihi:
cc:e which righI cr righI cf Ihe ciIizen: wi|| Le Ihe Lc:e fcr Ihem Ic hcve
:Icncing in Ihi: :uiI IhcI i: Ihe ccn:IiIuIicnc| righI Ic infcrmcIicn cnc
ccce:: Ic puL|ic reccrc:. Ycu cre c ciIizen cnc ycu hcve Ihi:
ccn:IiIuIicnc| righI, Iherefcre ycu hcve :Icncing. /K8/Y/N v. /uinc, i:
Ihere c puL|ic righI invc|ve: here /cccrcing Ic Ihe ccurI Ihe peIiIicn i:
cnchcrec upcn Ihe righI cf Ihe pecp|e Ic puL|ic infcrmcIicn cn mcIIer cf
puL|ic ccncern. lI: Ihe Jcpcn Eccncmic /greemenI cnc /K8/Y/N wcnI:
Ic kncw cLcuI iI. /K8/Y/N hc: Ihe righI IhcI i: Ihe righI Ic infcrmcIicn cn
puL|ic mcIIer:. ln Ihi: cc:e Ihe ccurI :cic IhcI Ihe peIiIicner i: ncI reuirec
Ic :hcw IhcI Ihey hcve cny |egc| cr :pecic| inIere:I in Ihe re:u|I cf Ihe
cgreemenI. WhcI i: impcrIcnI i: Ihe reccgniIicn cf Iheir righI Ic Le
infcrmec. Chcvez v. FuL|ic E:IcIe /uIhcriIy, :cme. ln Ihe:e cc:e:, Ihere
cre cgreemenI ncI puL|ic|y cevc|ve, :cmeLccy wcu|c fi|e c cc:e c:king
fcr infcrmcIicn in c: fcr c: Ihc:e ccnIrccI: cnc cgreemenI: cre ccncern.
U:uc||y Ihe Lc:i: wcu|c fi|e c cc:e c:king fcr infcrmcIicn. IhcI i: c puL|ic
righI which every ciIizen enjcy:.
G. Coses o| tronscendento| |mportonce
Ncw, whcI if Ihere: nc cirecI injury in ycur pcrI, iI: ncI c Icx pcyer :uiI, iI
cce: ncI inc|uce ci:Lur:emenI cf func:, iI cce: ncI ccncern c righI cf c
vcIer in re|cIicn Ic c reuiremenI in cn e|ecIicn |cw, iI cce: ncI ccncern c
mcIIer invc|ving c |ccc| gcvernmenI uniI, iI cce: ncI infringe Ihe righI:
cnc prercgcIive: cf ccngre:: cnc c memLer Ihere cf cnc iI cce: ncI
inc|uce c puL|ic righI. Ccn Ihe ccurI :Ii|| ccn:icer Ihe peIiIicner: :Ii|| hcve
|egc| :Icncing cr ccu|c Ihe ccurI :Ii|| ru|e cn Ihe ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy i::ue
Lefcre Ihem Ccn Ihey exerci:e jucicic| pcwer cver ccn:IiIuIicnc| i::ue
even Ihere i: nc |ccu: :Icnci Ly Ihe pcrIy c|ciming iI Ccn iI Le wcive c: c
reui:iIe Ic exerci:e fcr jucicic| review Ccn Ihey cc IhcI Ye:, in cc:e: cf
Ircn:cencenIc| impcrIcnce, :uch c: Ihc:e cc:e: IhcI ccu|c hcve fcr
recching imp|iccIicn:. Chcvez v. FuL|ic E:IcIe, even if Ihe puL|ic cce: ncI
hcve :Icncing :Ii|| Ihe cc:e wcu|c hcve fcr recching imp|iccIicn:. Ihe
MC/ prcperIy i: c rec|cimec prcperIy. lI wc: Ircn:ferrec Ic FuL|ic E:IcIe
/uIhcriIy curing Ihe Iime cf Fcmc:. Ihe 8/LlK/I/N i::ue, ccccrcing Ic Ihe
ccurI Ihere i: nc Icx i::ue here Leccu:e iI cce: ncI invc|ve Icxing cr
:pencing pcwer: LuI iI i: c mcIIer cf Ircn:cencenIc| impcrIcnce c|:c.
IcIcc v. SecreIcry, Icke ncIe cf Ihe ue:Iicn cf Ihe Ci| Deregu|cIicn Lcw.
Ihe excepIicn: were menIicnec Ly Ihe ccurI, Ihe wciver cf |ccu: :Icnci. lf
ycu cre reccing Ihe cc:e cf Dcvi: v. Mcccpcgc|, Ihere were mcny
peIiIicner: ue:Iicning Ihe vc|iciIy cf Fre:icenIic| Frcc|cmcIicn 1070 cnc
Ihe ccurI cecicec cn Ihe i::ue cf :Icncing fcr every peIiIicner. Hcw cLcuI
Dcvic He hcc :ufferec cirecI injury Leccu:e Ic him he wc: i||egc||y
crre:Iec. Ihe ccngre::mcn c: cn excepIicn hcc :Icncing Leccu:e cf
prercgcIive cf ccngre::. KMU c|:c hcc :Icncing. SC :cic: crgcnizcIicn:
hcve Ihe righI Ic c::erI Ihe righI: cf iI: memLer:. FD 1070 cnc GC 5
vic|cIec Iheir righI Ic peccefu| c::emL|y. Fre:icenI cf Ihe l8F cr Ihe l8F,
Ihe ccurI :cic c: cn in:IiIuIicn, nc, iI cce: ncI :uffer cny cirecI injury. lI
cce: ncI fc|| in cny cf Ihe excepIicn: LuI Leccu:e Ihe i::ue here invc|ve:
i: cf Ircn:cencenIc| impcrIcnce Ihen we c||cw l8F. lI hc: :Icncing. Lcren
Legcrcc c: c Icx pcyer i: ncI uc|ifiec. /: c mecic per:cnc|iIy, ncI
cffecIec Ly Ihe ccI, c: c per:cn cf Ihe e|ecIcrc| prcIe:I cIIencing Ihe
pre:icenIic| IriLunc|, :he i: c|:c ncI cffecIec Ly Ihe FD cnc GC LuI
Leccu:e cf Ihe Ircn:cencenIc| impcrIcnce i::ue cf Ihi: cc:e :he hc: c
:Icncing. Ihe ccurI wcu|c :Ii|| exerci:e iI: jucicic| review pcwer if iI rec||y
wcnI: Ic Leccu:e WCN Ihe i::ue i: cf Ircn:cencenIc| impcrIcnce i: c
mcIIer wiIhin Ihe cigre::icn cf Ihe ccurI.
H. Ih|rd porty stond|ng
Ihe Ihirc pcrIy hc: c righI :c much :c IhcI pcrIicu|cr per:cn hcc :ufferec
cr wi|| :uffer cirecI injury c: c re:u|I cf cn ccI LuI IhcI per:cn cce: ncI
ue:Iicn Ihe ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy cf Ihe ccI. Ccn ycu cc iI fcr him Ye:,
prcvicec IhcI ycu ycur:e|f wcu|c c|:c :uffer cn injury cf fccI. Cc:e cf
WhiIe |ighI v. CiIy cf Mcni|c, :hcrI Iime wc: prchiLiIec. Crcincnce 774
enIiI|ec /n Crcincnce FrchiLiIing ShcrI Iime /cmi::icn. ShcrI Iime
ccmi::icn rcIe: in mcIe|:, inn, |ccging hcu:e:, pen:icn hcu:e: cnc :imi|cr
e:IcL|i:hmenI cf ciIy cf Mcni|c. Ihe rcIicnc| fcr Ihe |cw i: IhcI Ihi: i: Ihe
venue fcr immcrc| ccI. FeIiIicner i: cn cpercIcr cf hcIe|: cnc mcIe|: in
Mcni|c. He i: c|ciming inIerference in hi: Lu:ine:: which i: ck Leccu:e he i:
cirecI|y cffecIec Ly Ihe crcincnce cnc 2nc he i: c||eging IhcI Ihe euc|
prcIecIicn righI cf hi: c|ienI: cre ccIuc||y Leing vic|cIec Ly Ihe crcincnce.
LiIigcnI: hcve c righI Ic Lring in Lehc|f cf 3rc per:cn prcvicec IhcI Ihe
criIeric cre :cIi:fiec. Ihe |iIigcnI iI:e|f mu:I hcve :ufferec cn injury in fccI.
IhcI he mcy hcve c :ufficienI|y ccmp|eIe inIere:I in Ihe cuIccme cf Ihe
i::ue. Ihe |iIigcnI mu:I hcve c c|c:e re|cIicn:hip Ic Ihe Ihirc pcrIy {cwner -
c|ienI re|cIicn:hip). Ihere i: c c|c:e re|cIicn LeIween Ihe 3rc per:cn cnc
Ihe |iIigcnI cnc Ihere mu:I exi:I :cme hincrcnce Ic Ihe 3rc pcrIy IhcI iI
ccnncI prcIecI hi: cwn inIere:I. WhcI i: Ihe hincrcnce in Ihi: cc:e Ycu
recc Ihe cc:e.
WhiIe LighI v. CiIy cf Mcni|c viz: {Ihi: mighI he|p)
n Fcwe|: v. Cn|c.32 tne Un|tec Stcte: Sup|ene Ccu|t w|cte tnct. "We
ncve |eccgn|zec tne ||gnt c| ||t|gcnt: tc -||ng cct|cn: cn -enc|| c| tn||c
pc|t|e:. p|cv|cec tn|ee |npc|tcnt c||te||c c|e :ct|:||ec. tne ||t|gcnt nu:t
ncve :u||e|ec cn '|nu|y-|n-|cct.' tnu: g|v|ng n|n c| ne| c ":u|||c|ent|y
ccnc|ete |nte|e:t" |n tne cutccne c| tne |::ue |n c|:pute. tne ||t|gcnt nu:t
ncve c c|c:e |e|ct|cn tc tne tn||c pc|ty. cnc tne|e nu:t ex|:t :cne
n|nc|cnce tc tne tn||c pc|ty': c-|||ty tc p|ctect n|: c| ne| cwn |nte|e:t:."33
He|e|n. |t |: c|ec| tnct tne -u:|ne:: |nte|e:t: c| tne pet|t|cne|: c|e ||kew|:e
|nu|ec -y tne C|c|ncnce. ney |e|y cn tne pct|cncge c| tne|| cu:tcne|:
|c| tne|| ccnt|nuec v|c-|||ty wn|cn cppec|: tc -e tn|ectenec -y tne
en|c|cenent c| tne C|c|ncnce. ne |e|ct|ve :||ence |n ccn:t|tut|cnc|
||t|gct|cn c| :ucn :pec|c| |nte|e:t g|cup: |n cu| nct|cn :ucn c: tne
Ane||ccn C|v|| L|-e|t|e: Un|cn |n tne Un|tec Stcte: ncy c|:c -e ccn:t|uec
c: c n|nc|cnce |c| cu:tcne|: tc -||ng :u|t.
I. Over breodth doctr|ne
/ncIher cne cec|crec Ly Ihe ccurI in Ihi: cc:e i: Ihe cver LreccIh
cccIrine. / per:cn mcy ue:Iicn c |cw if iI i: cver|y Lrccc :c IhcI in Ihe
guice: cf prcIecIing mcrc|iIy iI wcu|c Ircn:gre::ec even Ihc:e |egiIimcIe
Lu:ine::e:. lI: inIenIicn i: Ic prchiLiI cn|y Ihc:e immcrc| ccI: LuI in Ihe
prcce:: iI wcu|c cffecI even Ihc:e |egiIimcIe Lu:ine::e:. Ihi: i: c cccIrine
in /mericcn juri:prucence in re|cIicn Ic Ihe righI Ic free :peech. lf ycu
regu|cIe, Leccu:e Ihere cre cerIcin :peech which cre ncI prcIecIec,
cL:cene :peech, if ycu wcu|c pc:: c |cw IhcI wcu|c puni:h cr prchiLiI Ihi:
kinc cf unprcIecIec :peech LuI Ihe |cw i: cver|y Lrccc IhcI in effecI iI
wcu|c c|:c puni:h prcIecIec :peech Ihen Ihe |cw i: cpen Ic ue:Iicn
uncer Ihe cccIrine cf cver LreccIh. Icke ncI cf Ihe cc:e: in ycu cuI |ine
where Ihe ccurI ru|ec Ihe peIiIicner cce: ncI hcve |egc| :Icncing.
III. Quest|on o| const|tut|ono||ty must be ro|sed |n the eor||est opportun|ty.
Ihe :Icncing ru|e cn Ihi: i: IhcI Ihe ccn:IiIuIicnc| i::ue mu:I Le rci:ec in
Ihe p|eccing: Lefcre ccmpeIenI ccurI IhcI ccn re:c|ve Ihe i::ue. lf ycu
cre fi|ing c cc:e in Ihe FIC ycu mu:I rci:e iI Lefcre Ihe FIC. lf ycu |c:I in
FIC Ihen ycu cppec|ec in C/ cnc ycu cc ncI Ic|k cLcuI Ihe
ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy cf Ihe |cw cnc ycu |c:I in Ihe cc:e cnc Ihe cppec| in SC
Ihen ycu cIIcck Ihe ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy cf Ihe |cw fcr Ihe fir:I Iime. Ihe CcurI
wi|| nc |cnger ru|e cn iI Leccu:e Ihe i::ue mu:I Le rci:ec in Ihe ecr|ie:I
cppcrIuniIy. E:Icrijc v. Fcnccc, he wc: ncI cL|e Ic rci:e iI in cmLuc:mcn,
Ihe ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy cf Ihe cmLuc:mcn |cw. He rci:ec iI in hi: mcIicn fcr
reccn:icercIicn cnc |cIer cn cppec|. Ihe ccurI :cic iI wc: rci:ec cn Iime
Leccu:e cmLuc:mcn hc: nc juri:cicIicn Ic enIerIcin ue:Iicn cn
ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy cf Ihe |cw. SIc. Fc:c v. /Lcc, Ihe i::ue cn ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy
wc: ncI rci:ec Lefcre Ihe D/F cnc c|:c in C/. lI wc: cn|y rci:ec in SC. Ihe
ccurI :cic we ccnncI ru|e cn Ihe i::ue cf ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy Leccu:e iI ccu|c
hcve Leen rci:ec Ic Ihe D/F. Ihe ccurI :cic Ihe C/FF fc||: uncer Ihe
juri:cicIicn cf D/F even Ihcugh Ihey rci:e Ihe i::ue cf |egc| cr
ccn:IiIuIicnc|. /|| ycu hcve Ic rememLer i: IhcI which ccurI ccn re:c|ve
Ihe i::ue cnc mu:I Le rci:ec in Ihe ecr|ie:I cppcrIuniIy. ln cIher wcrc: if
MIC ccn re:c|ve Ihe i::ue cf ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy Ihe i::ue mu:I Le rci:ec
Lefcre Ihe MIC. Whc hc: juri:cicIicn cver cnIi-:mcking crcincnce lI i: Ihe
MIC, :c if ycu cre Leing chcrgec Lefcre Ihe MIC fcr vic|cIicn cf cnIi-
:mcking crcincnce cnc ycu wcnI Ic ue:Iicn Ihe ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy cf
crcincnce: ycu mu:I rci:e iI c: cne cf ycur cefen:e: Lefcre Ihe MIC. lf
ycu fci| Ic cc :c cnc ycu|| rci:e iI fcr Ihe fir:I Iime cn cppec| Ic Ihe FIC cr
C/, iI mighI ncI Le enIerIcin cny mcre Leccu:e ycu hcve Ic rci:e iI cI Ihe
ecr|ie:I cppcrIuniIy.
IV. Ihe reso|ut|on o| the quest|on must be necessory to the determ|not|on
o| the cose |tse||.
Li: mcIc |iIerc||y mecn: Ihe ccu:e cf Ihe :uiI cr ccIicn. WiIhcuI iI Ihere ccn
Le nc cc:e cr Ihe cc:e ccn cn|y Le re:c|ve cn Ihe i::ue cf
ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy. lf Ihere cre cIher wcy: Ic re:c|ve Ihe i::ue Ihe ccurI
wcu|c ncI re:c|ve Ihe i::ue cn ccn:IiIuIicnc|iIy grcunc. Ihi: i: in re|cIicn Ic
jucicic| pcwer, expcncec jucicic| pcwer, cnc jucicic| review cnc
cppe||cIe juri:cicIicn cf Ihe Supreme CcurI.

NOV 14
Ycu mcy fi|e c cc:e cgcin:I c gcvernmenI cfficer cemcncing fcr Ihe
pcymenI cf c cerIcin cmcunI LuI Ihe mcney i: c|reccy cpprcpricIec. ln
IhcI cc:e, if. in IhcI :iIucIicn, if Ihe cc:e i: :uch IhcI Ihe re|ief cemcncec
i: mere|y fcr Ihe re|ec:e cf c fine IhcI i: c|reccy cpprcpricIec, IhcI i: ncI
cnymcre c cc:e cgcin:I Ihe :IcIe cr iI i: c cc:e cgcin:I c gcvernmenI
cfficer where Ihe re|ief cemcncec i: mere|y in Ihe perfcrmcnce cf cn ccI.
Fcr excmp|e c gcvernmenI cfficer i: i||egc||y cccupying ycur prcperIy cnc
ycure fi|ing c cc:e cgcin:I him fcr evicIicn frcm ycu prcperIy wcu|c iI Le
c cc:e cgcin:I Ihe :IcIe Nc, Leccu:e even if IhcI i: cgcin:I cn cfficic|
ccunIing cn hi: cfficic| ccpcciIy LuI iI cce: ncI cemcnc cny fincncic|
|icLi|iIy frcm Ihe gcvernmenI. Ihen, iI i: ncI c :uiI cgcin:I Ihe :IcIe.
/ncIher i: when Ihe puL|ic cfficic| i: chcrgec in hi: cfficic| ccpcciIy fcr
ccI: which cre uncuIhcrizec cr un|cwfu|. lf IhcI i: Ihe Lc:i: fcr c cc:e
cgcin:I c gcvernmenI cfficer, iI cce: ncI mcke c cc:e cne cf Ihe cc:e
cgcin:I Ihe :IcIe. /ncIher cne i: IhcI even if ycure :uing c puL|ic cfficic|
cr cfficer LuI :uch cfficer i: Leing :uec in hi: per:cnc| ccpcciIy ncI cn hi:
cfficic| ccpcciIy Ihen iI i: ncI c :uiI cgcin:I Ihe :IcIe. Sc Icke ncIe, c :uiI
cgcin:I c gcvernmenI cfficer ccn cn|y Le c :uiI cgcin:I Ihe :IcIe if :uch
cfficer wc: :uec cgcin:I hi: cfficic| ccpcciIy cnc Ihe re|ief Leing
cemcncec i: :uch IhcI reuire: fincncic| |icLi|iIy cgcin:I Ihe gcvernmenI.
Scy fcr excmp|e, Ihe gcvernmenI cfficer Le|ieving in gccc fciIh IhcI Ihi:
pcrIicu|cr prcperIy i: cwnec Ly Ihe gcvernmenI enIerec inIc ycur
prcperIy. Ferfcrming cn cfficic| ccI, Le|ieving in gccc fciIh IhcI Ihi: i: c
prcperIy cf Ihe gcvernmenI enIerec inIc iI wiIhcuI ycur ccn:enI, ycu fi|e c
cc:e fcr evicIicn cgcin:I Ihe puL|ic cfficer cn hi: cfficic| ccpcciIy. Wcu|c
iI Le ccn:icer c :uiI cgcin:I Ihe :IcIe Ihe cn:wer i: nc, why 8eccu:e iI
cce: ncI cemcnc pcymenI cnc iI cce: ncI reuire fincncic| |icLi|iIy cn
Ihe pcrI cf Ihe gcvernmenI. lI cce: ncI reuire fincncic| |icLi|iIy cn Ihe
pcrI cf Ihe gcvernmenI which if ycure fi|ing c cc:e cgcin:I evicIicn cnc
ccmcge: cgcin:I Ihe cfficer Ihen in IhcI cc:e iI Leccme: ncw c :uiI
cgcin:I Ihe :IcIe. Ycu :uing Ihe per:cn whc exerci:e: hi: cfficic| funcIicn:
in gccc fciIh Ihinking IhcI Ihi: prcperIy Le|cng: Ic Ihe gcvernmenI cnc
ycur funcIicn: enIci| IhcI u|IimcIe|y cr ccu|c Le fincncic||y |icL|e Ic ycu: iI
mcke: ncw Ihe :uiI c :uiI cgcin:I Ihe :IcIe. ln which cc:e Ihe gcvernmenI
ccu|c Ihrcw Ihe puL|ic cfficer invckec immuniIy funcIicn. Gcing Lcck Ic
Ihe cc:e cf DCH v:. FHlL FH/FM/WE/LIH lNC., c: fcr c: DCH i: ccncern
Ihe SC :cic IhcI Ihi: i: ncI c :uiI cgcin:I Ihe :IcIe. Why /|Ihcugh iI:
cgcin:I Ihe DCH LuI Ihe re|ief cemcncec cce: ncI reuirec cny fincncic|
|icLi|iIy cn Ihe pcrI cf Ihe gcvernmenI. Hcw cLcuI Ihe puL|ic cfficer:
Leing :uec Dcmcge: were Leing cemcncec Ly Ihe FHlL FH/FM/
cgcin:I Ihem. Ihe ccurI :cic Ihi: ccnncI c|:c Le c :uiI cgcin:I Ihe :IcIe.
Why fcr Ihey cre Leing :uec in Iheir per:cnc| ccpcciIy, c||eging IhcI Ihey
hcve perfcrmec un|cwfu|, uncuIhcrizec ccI: which cre injuricu: Ic Ihe
inIere:I cf Ihe FHlL FH/FM/ cnc IhcI wcu|c ncI mcke Ihe cc:e c :uiI
cgcin:I Ihe :IcIe. Icke ncIe cf Ihc:e excepIicn:. / cc:e mcy Le c :uiI
cgcin:I Ihe :IcIe if iI i: cgcin:I Ihe FepuL|ic cf Ihe Fhi|., if iI i: cgcin:I
gcvernmenI in:IrumenIc|iIie:, cr if iI i: cgcin:I puL|ic cr gcvernmenI
cfficer: LuI ycu hcve Ic |cck inIc Ihe fccI: cf Ihe cc:e, cpp|y Ihe generc|
Ie:I. ln Ihe cc:e cf C/LU8 fcr excmp|e, in Ihi: cc:e Ihe ccurI :cic iI i: c :uiI
cgcin:I Ihe :IcIe. Cfficer: cf Ihe DENF were :uec in Ihi: cc:e. Ihe ccurI
:cic IhcI Ihe puL|ic cfficer: ccIec wiIhin Ihe :ccpe cf Iheir cuIhcriIy cnc
ccne in gccc fciIh. Iherefcre, Ihe cc:e ccnncI prc:per wiIhcuI Ihe :IcIe:
ccn:enI. Icke ncIe IhcI gcvernmenI cfficer: cnc emp|cyee: cre cgenI:
cf Ihe gcvernmenI. Ihey cre perfcrming gcvernmenIc| funcIicn:, if ycu fi|e
c cc:e cgcin:I Ihe cgenI u|IimcIe|y whc wi|| Le |icL|e fcr IhcI lI i: Ihe
principc|. Ihe ccI: cf Ihe cgenI Linc Ihe principc| which Ihe ccI: cre
wiIhin Ihe :ccpe cf Iheir cuIhcriIy cnc ccne in gccc fciIh. lf IhcI: Ihe
cc:e, Ihen iI wcu|c Le c :uiI cgcin:I Ihe :IcIe. ln Ihe cc:e cf FHlL /GUlLL/
S/IELLlIE, Ihe ccIicn here i: fcr Ihe nu||ificcIicn cf Ihe revcccIicn cf
ncminee: cnc Ihe nu||ificcIicn cf cwcrc Ic cncIher enIiIy cIher Ihcn Ihe
FHlL /GUlLL/ S/IELLlIE IhcI mcke: iI c :uiI IhcI i: ncI cgcin:I Ihe :IcIe. Ihe
:IcIe immuniIy invckec fcr Ihe rec:cn IhcI Ihere i: nc cemcnc fcr cny
mcneIcry |icLi|iIy cn Ihe pcrI cn Ihe gcvernmenI. Ccn Ihere Le c cc:e
where Ihe gcvernmenI perfcrm: c gcvernmenIc| ccI cnc Ihen cemcnc
fcr pcymenI cf cn cmcunI which i: mcce Ly Ihe p|cinIiff cnc yeI
Iechnicc||y iI wcu|c Le c :uiI cgcin:I Ihe :IcIe LuI IhcI wcnI Le c||cwec
Ihe cn:wer i: ye: IhcI i: cn excepIicn in cc:e: cf exprcpricIicn. lf Ihere i: c
vc|ic exprcpricIicn prcceecing ccne Ly Ihe gcvernmenI, ycu cemcnc
pcymenI fcr Ihe gcvernmenI cnc IhcI i: c||cwec. Icke ncIe IhcI Ihe ru|e
i: IhcI Ihe :IcIe i: immune frcm :uiI. Lcck cI Ihe prcvi:icn Ihe :IcIe mcy
ncI Le :uec wiIhcuI iI: ccn:enI". WhcI cre Ihe in:Icnce: where ycu ccn
:cy IhcI Ihere i: ccn:enI given Ly Ihe :IcIe Ccn:enI mcy Le expre:: cr
imp|iec. Expre:: ccn:enI which i: c |cw wi|| Le pc::ec cuIhcrizing ycu fcr
excmp|e Ic fi|e c cc:e cgcin:I Ihe :IcIe. Ju:I |ike whcI hcppenec Ic
MEFFlI v. GCV"I CF IHE FHlL- ncLcnggccn iycng mcIcr cg cmLu|cnce"
he fi|ec c cc:e cgcin:I Ihe gcvernmenI Ly virIue cf Ihe |cw IhcI Ihe
Fhi|ippine |egi:|cIure curing Ihe Iime enccIec c :pecic| |cw cuIhcrizing
him Ic Ihe Fhi|ippine GcvernmenI. 8uI Ihi: i: cn excmp|e cf expre::
ccn:enI. Specic| |cw wcu|c wcive Ihe immuniIy. l: Ihere c generc| |cw
giving wciver cf Ihe immuniIy Ihe cn:wer i: ye:, /cI 3038 which
cuIhcrize: cny per:cn Ic :ue Ihe gcvernmenI in ccccrccnce wiIh Ihe
prccecure: Ie:Iifiec Ly |cw. Ihi: invc|ve: |icLi|iIy cri:ing frcm c ccnIrccI,
expre:: cr imp|iec which wi|| :ervec c: Lc:i: fcr civi| ccIicn LeIween
privcIe pcrIie:. Sc if Ihe ncIure cf ycur ccnIrccI wiIh Ihe gcvernmenI i:
:uch IhcI if ycu cre cec|ing wiIh c privcIe per:cn ycu ccu|c fi|e c civi|
cc:e cgcin:I IhcI per:cn Ihen Ihe |cw prcvice: IhcI Ihe gcvernmenI hc:
c|reccy give: iI: ccn:enI Ic Le :uec. Icke ncIe c|:c cf Ihe
ccmmcnwec|Ih ccI nc. 327 c: cmencec :ecI. 2 cf F.D. nc. 1445. lf ycu
hcve c mcneIcry ccmp|cinI cgcin:I Ihe gcvernmenI ycu mu:I fi|e iI fir:I
Lefcre Ihe Ccmmi::icn cn /uciI. C/ 327 prcvice: Ihe prccecure fcr
mcney c|cim: cgcin:I Ihe gcvernmenI. Ycu hcve Ic fi|e Ihe cc:e Lefcre
Ihe CC/ cnc if ycur c|cim i: rejecIec, ycu ccn e|evcIe iI Ic Ihe Supreme
CcurI fcr cerIicrcri. Sc Ihe:e cre excmp|e cf expre:: ccn:enI. Icke ncIe
IhcI expre:: ccn:enI mcy Le Ly :pecic| |cw, wciving immuniIy cr Ihrcugh
c generc| ru|e IhcI wherein Ihe gcvernmenI wcive: iI: ccmmuniIy frcm
:uec. WhcI cre Ihe in:Icnce: IhcI ycu ccn :cy IhcI Ihe :IcIe ccn:enIec
Ic Le :uec Ihe cn:wer i: when Ihe :IcIe ccmmence: fcr |iIigcIicn. lI
cpen: up iI:e|f fcr chcnge:. Icke ncIe cf Ihe cc:e FEF. v.
S/NDlG/N8/Y/N, Ihi: i: cn ccIicn fcr reccnveycnce cf :hcre: cf Ihe
Negrc: CccicenIc| gc|f cnc ccunIry c|uL. Hi: :hcre: were ccIuc||y :c|c in
puL|ic cucIicn fcr ncn-pcymenI cf cue:. Ncw |cIer, Ihey enIerec inIc c
ccmprcmi:e cgreemenI wiIh 8enecicIc :cying IhcI Ihe:e :hcre: were ncI
ccIuc||y i||-gcIIen we||. Sc Ihey mu:I reIurn iI LuI Ihey ccnncI reIurn iI
cnymcre Leccu:e in Ihe mecnIime Ihc:e :hcre: where ncIurc||y
cucIicnec Ly Ihe gc|f c|uL fcr ncn-pcymenI cf memLer:hip cue:. Ihi:
Iime Ihe :IcIe :cic ycu ccu|c ncI cemcnc fcr u: Ic reIurn iI Leccu:e iI
wcu|c Le c :uiI cgcin:I Ihe :IcIe". Ihe SC :cic nc, Leccu:e Ihey cre Ihe
cne whc: fi|ing Ihe cc:e cnc Ihey enIerec inIc c ccmprcmi:e
cgreemenI. Ihey cre ce:cencing Ic Ihe |eve| cf c privcIe pcrIy. Iwc
princip|e: were u:ec Ly Ihe SC here. lmp|iec ccn:enI, cne i: when c
gcvernmenI enIer: inIc c ccnIrccI, in which cc:e, iI ncw gce: ccwn Ic
Ihe |eve| cf c privcIe pcrIy which i: IcnIcmcunI Ic c wciver cr cn imp|iec
ccn:enI Ic Le :uec. Seccnc i: when iI ccmmence: fcr |iIigcIicn. Icke
ncIe here IhcI Ihe FepuL|ic i: Ihe p|cinIiff in Ihe ccIicn fcr reccnveycnce.
lI i: cpening iI:e|f fcr ccunIer chcrge:. DepEc v. CncIe, Ly enIering inIc c
ccnIrccI Ihe gcvernmenI c|:c cpen up iI:e|f fcr cny cc:e: IhcI mcy Le
fi|ec in re|cIicn Ic IhcI ccnIrccI. Icke ncIe wiIh Ihi: cc:e IhcI Ihe
ccmp|cincnI: cre ncI ncIurc||y whcI we cc||ec ccnIrccIing pcrIie:. Ihe
ccnIrccI i: c ceec cf ccncIicn wiIh Ihe Municipc|iIy cf Dcrcgc: c: Ihe
ccncr cf Ihe prcperIy ccncIec Ic DepEc. Ihe ccnee hc: Ic ccn:enI in
Ihe ccncIicn. / ccncIicn ccu|c ncI Le effecIive wiIhcuI Ihe ccn:enI cf
Ihe ccne. Sc Ihe ccnIrccI i: LeIween Ihe ccnee cnc Ihe ccncr. lI Iurnec
cuI IhcI Ihe prcperIy ccncIec i: ncI cwnec Ly Ihe Municipc|iIy LuI Ly
:cmeLccy e|:e. Ihe SC :cic IhcI cny ci:puIe IhcI mcy cri:e frcm IhcI
ccnIrccI ccu|c nece::cri|y Lring Ihe DepEc ccwn Ic Ihe |eve| cf cn
crcincry ciIizen cf Ihe :IcIe. lI cpen: up iI:e|f fcr |iIigcIicn. Ccn Ihe jucge
i::ue c wriI cf execuIicn cgcin:I Ihe prcperIie: cf Ihe gcvernmenI Ihe
cn:wer i: nc. Where Ihe :IcIe give: iI: ccn:enI Ic Le :uec Ly privcIe
pcrIie: eiIher cn c generc| cr :pecic| |cw, Ihe c|cimcnI: i: cn|y |imiIec up
Ic Ihe ccmp|eIicn cf Ihe prcceecing: cnc Ienure Ic Ihe :Icge cf
execuIicn. Ihe cc:e wi|| prcceec cn|y up Ic Ihe Iime cf jucgemenI where
jucgemenI Leccme: finc| cnc execuIcry. Ccn ycu execuIe Ycu ccnncI
immecicIe|y execuIe. Ycu mu:I fc||cw Ihe prccecure. IhcI wcu|c Le ncw
c mcneIcry c|cim cgcin:I Ihe gcvernmenI. WhcI i: Ihe prccecure C/
327 prcvice: Ihe prccecure. lf Ihere i: jucgemenI, fcr excmp|e Ihe ccurI
ru|ec IhcI inceec Ihe gcvernmenI mu:I pcy ycu Ihi: much, ju:I |ike whcI
hcppenec Ic Ihe cc:e cf HElF CF FlD/C/N v. /IC. Gccc here fcr Ihe
Ficcccn: Ihere i: c|reccy cn cpprcpricIicn, :c IhcI Ihe ccurI :cic we ccn
ncw i::ue Ihe wriI cf execuIicn Leccu:e iI: ju:I c mcIIer cf re|ec:ing Ihe
func: Ihi: Iime. WhcI if Ihere i: nc cpprcpricIicn yeI Ycu mu:I fc||cw Ihe
prccecure |cic ccwn Ly C/ 327. IhcI i: whcI Ic fi|e ycur c|cim wiIh Ihe
CC/, Ihe CC/ wcu|c cccrcincIe wiIh Ihe D8M IhcI wcu|c Le inc|ucec in
Ihe LucgeI fcr Ihe cgency ccncern. Kung cin c :icy kucncn :c
ccngre::," ycu hcve ncw Ihe mcneIcry jucgemenI LuI Ihe Ihing i: ycu
ccu|c ncI geI iI. Ihi: i: Lc:ec cn cLvicu: ccn:icercIicn: cf puL|ic pc|icy.
Di:Lur:emenI: cf puL|ic func: mu:I Le ccverec. Why Fcr Ihe
ccrre:pcncing cpprcpricIicn: c: reuirec Ly |cw. Ihe funcIicn: cf puL|ic
:ervice: rencerec Ly Ihe :IcIe ccnncI Le c||cwec Ic Le pcrc|yzec cr
ci:rupIec Ly Ihe civer:icn cf puL|ic func: fcr furIher |egiIimcIe cnc
:pecific cLjecI: prcvicec Ly |cw. ci kc pwece mcnguhc |cng cihc
mi:kcn c:c" ju:I |ike when Ihe wriI cf execuIicn wc: i::uec Ly Jucge
FuenIe: Ic :cIi:fy Ihe jucgemenI cf Ihe :ucIIer: invc|vec in Ihe Lui|cing
cf Ihe f|ycver in Dcvcc. IhcI i: why he wc: chcrgec ccmini:IrcIive|y
Lefcre Ihe cmLuc:mcn. Ihe SC :cic IhcI Ihe cmLuc:mcn hc: nc
juri:cicIicn, righI in re|cIicn Ic Ihe :upervi:icn cver jucge: uncer crIic|e 8.
8uI Le ccrefu| here ycu mu:I ci:Iingui:h LeIween Ihe :IcIe cnc iI:
unccrpcrcIec in:IrumenIc|iIie: frcm Ihe inccrpcrcIec gcvernmenI
cgencie: cgencie: cnc in:IrumenIc|iIie:. Icke ncIe cf Ihe cc:e NH/ v.
HElFS CF GUlVELCNDC, if Ihe cefenccnI in Ihe cc:e i: cn inccrpcrcIec
gcvernmenI in:IrumenIc|iIy cnc ycu cre cL|e Ic geI Ihe fcvcrcL|e
jucgemenI. Sc Ihi: i: :Ii|| pcrI cf Ihe gcvernmenI righI Ccn Ihey execuIe
c jucgemenI Wcu|c Le Ihe GCCC Le |icL|e Ihe cn:wer Ic IhcI i: ye:. lf
Ihe func: Le|cng Ic c puL|ic ccrpcrcIicn cr c gcvernmenI cwnec cr
ccnIrc||ec ccrpcrcIicn which ju:I c|cIhec wiIh c per:cnc|iIy cf iI: cwn,
:epcrcIe cnc ci:IincI frcm Ihe gcvernmenI, iI: func: cre ncI exempI frcm
gcrni:hmenI. Ihi: i: :c Leccu:e Ihe gcvernmenI enIer: Ic c ccmmercic|
Lu:ine::: iI cLcnccnec iI: :cvereign ccpcciIy cnc i: IrecIec |ike cn
crcincry ccrpcrcIicn. Hence Ihe func: cf iI cre ncI exempI frcm
gcrni:hmenI cr execuIicn. Icke ncIe cf IhcI cc:e. DepcrImenI cf
/gricu|Iure, Ihere i: c mcneIcry cwcrc here. l: Ihe D/ immune frcm :uiI
IhcI i: cne cf Ihe i::ue: here. Ihe cn:wer i: ye:. Why Ihe hiring cf gucrc:
i: ccIuc||y c nece::cry gcvernmenIc| funcIicn fcr Ihe D/. kinchcng|cn
ncy gwcrcyc :c i|cng cffice" IhcI i: ncI righI Ic :cy IhcI ju:I Leccu:e D/
hire: gucrc:, iI i: cpening iI:e|f Ic :uiI. Ju:I |ike Ihe cc:e cf IESD/, Ihe
purchc:e cf Ihe FVC i: ccIuc||y ccccrcing Ic Ihe ccurI in re|cIicn Ic iI:
funcIicn:, iI cce: ncI enIer inIc c privcIe Lu:ine:: Ircn:ccIicn cnc :c c|:c
i: Ihe ccnIrccI cf gucrc:. Hcwever, in Ihi: cc:e Ihe ccurI :cic Ihere Leing
c jucgemenI where ycu gcing Ic c|cim :uch cn cmcunI. Ihe c|cim:
cgcin:I Ihe gcvernmenI vic C/ repre:enI Ihrcugh Ihe CC/. Hcw cLcuI
LGU /re Ihey immune frcm :uiI F|ec:e refer Ic Ihe cc:e cf J/YME v.
/FCSICL fcr Ihe fccI:. Ihe LGU i: immune frcm :uiI. Icke ncIe cf IhcI
We jump Ic Ihe :IcIe :cvereignIy immuniIy. SecIicn 3 Ihe :IcIe ccnncI Le
:uec wiIhcuI iI: ccn:enI. Ycu wi|| Le c:king whcI i: Ihe rcyc| prercgcIive cf
ci:|cyc|Iy Ihi: i: Ihe cn:wer SecIicn 3 crIic|e XVl, ycu ccn cn|y :ue Ihe
:IcIe if iI give ccn:enI, ncw c ceeper excmincIicn hcwever cf :cvereignIy
immuniIy revec| IhcI yhi: ccn Le cn|y cpp|iccL|e in very few in:Icnce: in
fccI exempIicn: cre much much much mcre Ihcn Ihe in:Icnce: when Ihe
|cw ccu|c Le cpp|iccL|e why i: Ihe cc|| cf ncIicn cf Ihi: Lcck :IcIec here.
Ihi: reccgnize: Ihe chcrccIer cf Ihe :IcIe c: :cvereignIy cnc Ihi: i: c|:c c
prcc|cmcIicn cf Ihe ru|e effecIive|y in:u|cIe Ihe :IcIe frcm juri:cicIicn cf
Ihe ccurI, :c ycu ccnncI fi|e c cc:e cgcin:I Ihe repuL|ic cf Ihe Fhi|ippine:
Ic c|cim fcr ccmcge: if iI cic ncI c||cw, ycu ccn cn|y cc :c if iI c||cw ycu
LuI generc||y ycu ccnncI fi|e c cc:e cgcin:I iI, fcr excmp|e, ju:I |ike in Ihe
cc:e cf meriI v:. gcvernmenI 11, :cy fcr excmp|e ncLcngccn kc cg
cmLu|cnce cf Ihe DCH whi|e crc::ing Ihe :IreeI cI Lcjccc necr Ihe
hc:piIc|. Ihe cmLu|cnce wc: ru:hing, ycur Ihinking cLcuI ycur excm,
crc:: Ihe :IreeI wiIhcuI Leing ccrefu| cnc Ihen ycur Leing hiI Ly Ihe
ru:hing cmLu|cnce." Ycu :uffer injurie: cnc ccmcge: in Ihe prcce::.
Cue:Iicn, ccn ycu fi|e c cc:e cgcin:I Ihe DCH c|ciming fcr Ihe ccmcge:
ycu :uffer Cr fi|e c cc:e fcr reck|e:: imprucence re:u|Iing Ic :ericu:
phy:icc| injury mcyLe. ci|i nckc kc|ckcw" Ihe ue:Iicn i: ccn ycu mcke
Ihe gcvernmenI cf Ihe repuL|ic Ic Le |icL|e fcr Ihe ccmcge: ycu :uffer c:
c emp|cyer cf Ihe cmLu|cnce criver. ln Ic c: ycu wi|| kncw |cIIer c: ycu
:Iucy Civi| Lcw, ycu wi|| kncw Ihe emp|cyer i: :c|iccri|y |icL|e fcr Ihe
emp|cyee in cc:e cf neg|igence ccmmiIIec Ly Ihe emp|cyee. Driver
wc|c mcn gcni ncy Lc|cy gcin, ciLc lf ycu fi|e c cc:e: ccmcge: cgcin:I
Ihe criver whcI ccn ycu reccver Ycu cre hc:piIc|izec fcr cn cmcunI cf
200,000 pe:c:, |cck Ihe Le:I Ihing Ic cc i: Ic fi|e c cc:e in Ihe gcvernmenI
Leccu:e Ihe gcvernmenI cwn: Ihe cmLu|cnce. Ccn ycu cc iI Icke ncIe
IhcI Ihe cpercIicn cf Ihe cmLu|cnce Ly Ihe DCH i: c gcvernmenIc|
funcIicn Ic prcvice :ervice: fcr Ihe pecp|e. Ihe gcvernmenI exerci:e
gcvernmenIc| funcIicn when iI cpercIe: Ihe cmLu|cnce in Ihe prcce:: iI
cc:I ccmcge: Ic ycu. Ccn ycu fi|e c cc:e cgcin:I iI Ycu ccn if Ihe
gcvernmenI c||cw ycu Ic cc :c. Generc||y :pecking hcwever, ycu
ccnncI. Ihe gcvernmenI hc: Ihe prercgcIive fcr ci:|cyc|Iy in IhcI cc:e Ihe
:IcIe mcy ncI Le :uec wiIhcuI iI: ccn:enI. /:c mcn kc mc ccIcwc|c
/cIuc||y in IhcI :en:e kung cng criver pcLre pc :cw c|c juc cf ccur:e he
ccnncI pcy even he wi|| Le fcunc neg|igenI cnc |icL|e. WhcI ccu|c he
cc He mcy |icL|e criminc||y Ihere mcyLe c jucgmenI cgcin:I Ihe criver
fcr ccmcge: LuI ycu ccnncI reccver frcm him Leccu:e he hc: nc
prcperIy c|:c. lf Ihe cwner cf Ihe cmLu|cnce i: c privcIe per:cn cr
ccrpcrcIicn iI i: very ec:y Leccu:e ycu ccu|c Ihrcw cgcin:I Ihe privcIe
incivicuc| cr juricicc| per:cn in IhcI cc:e cnc execuIec jucgmenI
Leccu:e Ihe |icLi|iIy cf Ihe criver i: :c|iccri|y c|:c Ic Ihe cwner cf Ihe
cmLu|cnce. ln Ihi: cc:e ycu ccnncI, ycu ccnncI even :ue Ihe
gcvernmenI, ncI in Ihe execuIicn fi|e LuI even in Ihe cc:e iI:e|f. WhcI i:
Ihe Lc:i: cf Ihi: l: iI ncI unfcir Ic ycuciLc Ihe ccurI :cic IhcI Ihi: i:
Lc:ec cn Ihe |cgicc| cn prccIicc| grcunc IhcI Ihere ccn Le nc |egc| righI
c: cgcin:I Ihe cuIhcriIy IhcI mcke: Ihe |cw cn which Ihe righI cepenc:
Ihi: Leen cIIcck mcny mcny mcny Iime:, unfcir kcyc ni :iyc, cLc IhcI:
why Ihi: cc||ec Ihe rcyc| prercgcIive cf ci:hcne:Iy, gcvernmenI wi|| ju:I
ec:i|y cvcic |icLi|iIy Ly c|ciming immuniIy frcm :ue cnc yeI Ihe ccurI :cic
Ihi: i: nece::cry. Why Ihe |cw: cf gcvernmenI efficienI cnc Ihe hcu:e cf
perfcrmcnce cf mu|Iifcricu: funcIicn: wcu|c Le fcr grecIer :cvereignIy
IhcI Ihe inccnvenience IhcI in ccu:e Ly privcIe pcrIy, :c ccIuc||y if iI
c||cw IhcI privcIe pcrIie: cr incivicuc| fi|e cc:e: cgcin:I Ihe gcvernmenI
fcr ccmcge: in re|cIicn Ic Ihe exerci:e cf Ihe gcvernmenI cnc iI:
funcIicn, Ihen Ihe gcvernmenI wi|| fcce mcny cc:e: IhcI iI: Iime wi|| Le
cevcIec mcre cn Ihi: cc:e: in:Iecc cf ce|ivering Lc:ic :ervice. lI hc:
mu|Iip|e funcIicn: IhcI reuire Iime cnc re:curce: LuI if ycu ccmpcre Ihi:
Ic IrcuL|e cr inccnvenience IhcI Ihe privcIe per:cn mcy :uffer c: c re:u|I
cf gcvernmenIc| ccI, Ihe ccurI :cic. We ccnncI cLcnccn Ihe princip|e.
When ccn gcvernmenI invcke Ihi: immuniIy l: iI cvci|cL|e Ly Ihe
gcvernmenI every Iime in every cc:e fi|ec cgcin:I him Ihe cn:wer i: nc.
immuniIy frcm :ue ccn cn|y Le invcke if Ihe :ue i: cgcin:I Ihe :IcIe. When
ccn ycu :cy IhcI Ihe :ueI i: cgcin:I Ihe :IcIe IhcI Ihe nexI ue:Iicn. Ihe
princip|e IhcI Ihe :IcIe ccnncI Le :ue wiIhcuI iI: ccn:enI. lf ycu fi|e c cc:e
cgcin:I Ihe :IcIe Ihen :IcIe immuniIy ccn Le invcke. When ccn yc :cy
IhcI Ihi: pcrIicu|cr cc:e i: c cc:e cgcin:I Ihe :IcIe When Ihe :ue i:
cgcin:I Ihe repuL|ic cf Ihe Fhi|ippine: cLvicu:|y excmp|e. 8ernc| v:
repuL|ic cf Ihe Fhi|ippine: Ihen iI mu:I Le c :ue cgcin:I Ihe :IcIe. lI mu:I
Le, LuI ycu hcve Ic |cck Ihe ccmp|cin IhcI Ihey cemcncec. Ju:I
Leccu:e Ihe IiI|e cefenccnI cf Ihe cc:e i: Ihe repuL|ic cf Ihe Fhi|ippine:
cce: ncI mecn IhcI Ihe repuL|ic ccn invcke immuniIy frcm :ue
immecicIe|y. Ihere i: c generc| ci:creIe. Ihe immuniIy ccn Le invcke
when Ihe ci:Lur:emenI cf Ihe ceci:icn cf Ihe cc:e wi|| reuire cn
cffirmcIive ccI :uch c: cpprcpricIicn cf cny cmcunI Ic :cIi:fy Ihe
jucgmenI in cIher wcrc: if u|IimcIe|y in Ihe cc:e IhcI Ihe :IcIe wi|| Le
rencerec |icL|e Ic pcy. Ihen iI i: c :ue cgcin:I Ihe :IcIe. Gcing Lcck Ic
cur excmp|e Ihe cmLu|cnce ccu:e ccmcge: Ic ycu, ycu fi|e c cc:e fcr
ccmcge: cgcin:I Ihe DCH, IhcI c :ue cgcin:I Ihe :IcIe Leccu:e ycur
cemcncing fcr mcneIcry rewcrc Ic pcy fcr Ihe ccmcge: ycu :uffer.
U|IimcIe|y Ihe ceci:icn enfcrce Ly reuiring Ihe gcvernmenI Ic |ivic func
in ycur fcvcr. lI i: c :ue cgcin:I Ihe :IcIe/repuL|ic cf Ihe Fhi|ippine:.

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