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2nd Weekly Test – Essay


Presented by:

Ika Prastia Lutfianti


Business Communication Management

Blended Learning Postgraduate Programe - Batch 20

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for the Magister Ilmu Komunikasi Degree


MARCH 2024

• Looking at research (could be an article in a journal or S2 thesis or S3 Dissertation the
example for each paradigm given on the slide (classic paradigm, constructivist, &

• Explain what makes them look different? Based on quality / criteria of research on the
three paradigms above on the slide!

Note: When you submit your paperwork, please also attach the file (article in journal or thesis)
on LMS.

A. Research study in communication that could be considered to follow a classic paradigm:

Title: “An analysis of the relationships among face concerns and facework behaviors in

perceived conflict situations; A four-culture investigation”.


This journal grounded in the classic paradigm of communication research, which emphasizes the

character of causal effects. This research is aiming to analyze and investigate the effects of

conflict that was happened before, the rearcher wants to learn how the relationships among self-,

other-, and mutual-face concern and 11 facework strategies within Chinese, Japanese, German,

and USA national cultures in recalled conflict situations.


The research was conducted by administering a survey to 768 participants from China, Japan,

Germany, and the USA who recalled a conflict situation. There was a self-report questionnaire

about their attitudes and conflict behaviors during a recalled conflict, it was objective enough.

Regression analysis and comparisons of correlations were utilized to examine relationships


between face concerns and facework across the four cultures.


There are many differences of how people behave over some condition, as well as the possible

facework behaviors during conflict. The simplest conceptualization uses a three-category model

of integrating, avoiding, and dominating as the underlying factors of a variety of behaviors (Kim

et al., 2004; Putnam and Wilson, 1983; Sillars et al., 1982).


The major findings of the research are other-face is associated with remain calm, apologize,

private discussion, giving in and pretend positively and express emotion negatively; self-face is

associated with defend positively; mutual-face is associated with aggression negatively;

associations among face concern and facework strategies have some cultural differences, but are

largely consistent for the pan-cultural relationships among face and facework.


The study has implications for the further research to be advance in understanding of face and

facework toward improvement of intercultural relations and communication, durin conflict

period or not. The current study provides a next step in understanding the complex relationships

among face concerns and facework strategies in four national cultures. The findings help to

demonstrate the validity of the instruments and the theoretical link between face and facework

articulated in face-negotiation theory. Additionally, it demonstrates that the face

concern/facework linkages have some consistency and discrepancies across cultures.


Explaination what makes the first research look like using Critical Paradigm based on quality

/ criteria of research:

Classic Paradigm

The characteristic of the classical paradigm is clausal effect which causes an event to

occur as a result of a previous event. The research above is containing how impactful coflict is

toward improvement of intercultural relations and communication. It all makes sense if society

or communities are reactive to certain conditions, as a form of adaptation and self-preservation

during conflict or post-conflict.

Meanwhile, objectivity, which is another characteristic of the classical paradigm, states

that there is a common understanding, both by everyone and the majority of society. The results

of this research were obtained from quantitative methods, by conducting a survey of 768

participants from China, Japan, Germany and the United States who recalled conflict situations.

This is quite representative, and shows that the laws of nature are true, that humans will always

position themselves with their own character and interests according to the circumstances with

the instinct to survive.


B. Research study in communication that could be considered to follow a constructivist


Title: “China’s Family Planning Policies: Recent Reforms and Future Prospects”.


This study is grounded in the constructivist paradigm of communication research, which

emphasizes the subjective and interpretive nature of some context. This research exploring the

context of the China reforms in 2013, including the economic, demographic and political

motivations behind the reforms, and speculating on their possible impact. Given that the reform's

impact on China's long-term demographic future may be relatively small, researchers consider

why more radical reforms may be difficult to implement.

The research aims to offers observations regarding the possible future direction of family

planning policy in China and explores the idea of “local pronatalism within nationally

determined antinatalist boundaries” and how this suggests that an ideological shift in China's

family planning system may make sense.


The study employs a qualitative research approach, using in-depth observation and lot of

references of research studies. Looking back to how the 2013 reform of China’s family planning

restrictions declared due to overpopulation in the region.


The data is analyzed thematically, identifying common patterns and themes in the region’s,

related to policy construction. The study also considers the role of context and social interactions

in shaping nation’s policy.


The researcher suggest that, even if the official estimates of an “extra million births a year” as a

result of the reforms prove to be accurate, this increase will have only a minimal impact on the

demographic problems cited as a reason for the changes—namely an aging population and a

declining labor force—particularly given the evidence on fertility preferences and on the

likelihood of these births actually materializing. Yet, while the demographic impact of the 2013

reforms might be small in scope, one should not underestimate the significance of the changes

themselves on both the macro- and micro-levels.


This study highlights the complexity of policy construction. It contributes to the constructivist

approach in communication research by providing insight into the subjective experiences of a

group or country within the demographic sphere.


Explaination what makes the first research look like using Constructivism or Interpretive

Paradigm based on quality / criteria of research:

Constructivism or Interpretive Paradigm

The character of constructivism paradigm lies in the very subjective meaning, depends on

a group or even a particular individual. Where a phenomenon can be constructed by a particular

society and only applies to certain societal groups. This type of paradigm also implies that

society needs a mechanism to understand the social world that occurs around it.

Meanwhile, maintain the social world, which is another characteristic of the

constructivism paradigm, shows in the conclution of the study. That while the demographic

impact of the 2013 reforms might be small in scope, one should not underestimate the

significance of the changes themselves on both the macro- and micro-levels. First, the changes

indicate a recognition of the macro-level demographic situation in China and the need to “reform

and improve” the present family planning policy. Second, the reforms will undoubtedly have a

substantial micro-level impact on those couples who wish to have a second child but were

previously barred from doing so.


C. Research study in communication that could be considered to follow a critical theories


Title: “Breaking into Transgender Life: Transgender Audiences’ Experiences With “First of Its

Kind” Visibility in Popular Media”.


The aim of the journal "Communication, Culture & Critique" is as a platform for scientific

researchers and critical analysis in the field of communication studies. It aims to explore the

intersections between communication, culture, and society, providing insight into how media and

communication technologies shape and reflect cultural practices, identities, and power dynamics.

This journal encourages discussion regarding media representation, audience reception, and the

broader implications of communication processes in contemporary society.


The study employs a critical discourse analysis approach, it encourages researchers to employ

interdisciplinary perspectives, drawing from fields such as sociology, cultural studies, media

studies, and anthropology to enrich their methodological framework. Yet stimulates

methodological rigor, reflexivity, and innovation in communication research to advance scientific

understanding of the dynamic relationships between communication, culture, and society.


The journal's focus on culture and criticism underscores a commitment to questioning dominant

discourse, challenging stereotypes, and exploring marginalized voices in media and

communication studies. The analysis presented in this journal contributes to ongoing

conversations about representation, identity, and power in the field of communication, offering

valuable insights for scholars, practitioners, and students interested in understanding the diverse

nature of communication in a globalized world.


Some key findings from the articles published in this journal may include:

1. Audience Engagement

2. Cultural Interpretation

3. Queer Identity Work

4. Methodological Frameworks

5. Dynamic Nature of Breakout Texts

Overall, the findings presented in the journal contribute to a deeper understanding of the complex relationships

between communication, culture, and society, offering valuable insights into the ways in which media shapes

perceptions, identities, and social dynamics in contemporary contexts.


The journal promotes critical engagement with media texts, cultural practices, and power

dynamics, encouraging scholars to challenge dominant discourses, interrogate stereotypes, and

amplify marginalized voices in the field of communication studies. This critical perspective can

inform broader discussions about representation, identity, and social justice in media and society.

Explaination what makes the first research look like using Critical Theories Paradigm based on

quality / criteria of research:

Critical Theories Paradigm

The character of constructivism paradigm lies in the reveal the real structure, by providing

the analysis of queer identity work demonstrates how breakout texts can serve as catalysts for

individuals to explore, negotiate, and affirm their own identities within the broader cultural

landscape, challenging stereotypes and fostering a sense of community among marginalized


The enlightenment, which is another characteristic of the critial theories paradigm, shows

in the conclution of the study. The evolving nature of breakout texts and audience engagements is

highlighted, underscoring the need for ongoing analysis of how media representations, cultural

practices, and audience responses intersect and evolve over time.


I certify that the attached assignment is my own work and that any material obtained from

other sources has been acknowledged following the latest version of APA style. I declare that

I know what plagiarism is and I confirm I have not plagiarized any part of this assignment. I

grant permission to the London School of Public Relations to make copies of assignments for

assessment, review and/or record keeping purposes. I note that the London School of Public

Relations reserves the right to check my assignment for plagiarism anytime even on mid

and/or the final exam. I am ready to bear any consequences including a failure grade in the

subject, ineligibility to proceed to thesis defense, and/or graduate in the given year without

any complaint or dispute.

Jakarta, March 2024

Ika Prastia Lufianti

Business Communication Management

PGP Blended Learning Batch 20

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