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Prophet Muhammad SAW

Prophet Muhammad SAW, also known as Rasulullah, is a spiritual leader in the

Islamic religion. Born in the city of Mecca in 570 AD, he is one of the last prophets
in the Islamic tradition. The following is a summary of the life history of the
Prophet Muhammad SAW:
1. Birth:
The Prophet Muhammad was born in Mecca in 570 AD. His father, Abdullah,
died before his birth, and his mother, Aminah, died when he was still small. He
was then raised by his grandfather, Abdul Muttalib, and after that by his uncle,
Abu Talib.
2. Early Life:
Muhammad grew up as a trader and shepherd. Even though he was born into a
noble family, he lived a simple life.
3. Prophetic Mission:
At the age of 40, the Prophet Muhammad received his first revelation from
Allah (God in the Islamic religion) through the angel Gabriel (Gabriel). These
revelations were later recorded in the Koran, Islam's holy book.
4. Da'wah and Resistance:
The Prophet Muhammad began to convey Islamic teachings to the people of
Mecca. His preaching was often met with resistance and oppression, especially
by the Quraysh who ruled Mecca.
5. Migrate:
In 622 AD, the Prophet Muhammad and his followers made the hijrah
(migration) from Mecca to Medina, an event that became the starting point in
the Islamic calendar.
6. Formation of the Islamic State:
In Medina, the Prophet Muhammad served as a political and religious leader.
He formed the concept of an Islamic state that involved Muslim society.
7. War and Peace:
During the Medina period, there were several battles between Muslims and
Meccans. Several years later, Mecca was conquered peacefully by Muslim
8. Hajj Wada (Farewell Hajj):
In 630 AD, the Prophet Muhammad performed the Haji Wada, or Farewell Hajj,
which became an important event in Islamic history.
9. Died:
The Prophet Muhammad SAW died in 632 AD in Medina, after giving his last
The teachings and examples of the life of the Prophet Muhammad became the
foundation for Islamic teachings. His Sunnah (tradition), recorded in the Hadith,
together with the Qur'an, guides Muslim life.
The Prophet Muhammad is recognized as a good example of behavior, morality,
and justice. His followers call themselves Muslims, and his teachings continue
to influence the lives of millions of people around the world.


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